Masters of the Universe: Retribution
Justin Groats for Spikor: Black-hearted Blacksmith

Another of Skeletors faithful followers to escape the Horde and Snakemen, Spikor is often paired with Trapjaw due to his constructive capabilities. Formally a talented blacksmith, Spikor was fused to an impenetrable spike-covered armor and built himself a powerful trident equipt to extend into a close combat weapon or reduce into an assault weapon able to blast concentrated electric bolts. Recruited by Skeletor, Spikor places his skills to work in his forge and out on the battlefield, swinging his powerful mace at the masters. Cold, ruthless, and intelligent, Spikor is a formidable and nearly indestructible foe.
- male adult
¨To master Technology is to masters ones enemies. Lets see how those so called Masters of the Universe fair against steel and Iron! After all, you cant kill that which cannot die!¨

Ooooh! I like that! I like that alot!