Lie Within The Cosmos: Refraction - ARPG

Lie Within The Cosmos: Refraction - ARPG

Project Overview


Lie Within The Cosmos: Refraction is a stylised ARPG developed in Unreal Engine that has been in development for over a year now. You can play as one of eight protagonists or recruit them to join your party. You play as practitioners that resist the precedent of The Constellations, that mankind was not to practice the arcane arts.

Hello!  I am looking to bring on more voices to fill the world of Nim in 2024. This project is being independently developed on my own in Unreal Engine 5, and is completely self-funded in so far. 6 out of 8 protagonists have been cast, which you can Find cast and crew details here on IMDB.


  • Non Union, Contract, Remote: Correspondence and or delivery of content can be over e-mail/cloud storage, Zoom, Skype, or Discord. 

  • Payment: 480 USD per hour of work completed, with payment made through PayPal or Wise. Alternative methods of payment be used as long as the service provider can be accessed in Australia. 

  • Scripts: Can either be received as a complete all in one script or broken down to receive in parts, sent as either a Google Doc or attached as a docx file.  Payment can be made after recording each script, or after recording a set batch of scripts. Please inform me of your preferences during correspondence. 

  • Voice Direction: Optional. Sessions can be held over Zoom, Skype, or Discord if you would like. 

  • Language: Casting Calls are in English at this time. 


  • This casting call will end on the 1st of March 2024, and voice actors who were cast will be notified around the 2nd. 
    When you audition please include your preferred method of communication (E-Mail, Zoom, Skype, or Discord).

  • Envisioned Voices have been added as suggestions for the character, however you are more than welcome to deviate if you have a different voice for the character in mind. 

  • Preferred format for the audio  is AAA BBB CCC as a WAV.

  • Please deliver clean audio with no effects added. 


If you have been cast, you will be notified on your preferred method of correspondence. Before any work commences, I will ask you for your preferences and to review the Voice Over Agreement contract. If you are content with the clauses of the contract, both parties will sign the contract and either the all in one script or first of the smaller scripts will be issued on the 31st of March.


Lastly, have fun! 🙂

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Latest Updates

  • Update June 2024

    Hello! I just wanted to keep everyone here up to date, I have sent out emails and also kept auditions aside for future characters down the line. I fell quite behind with going through auditions so I do apologize, as I did not expect 600+ of them and offline matters threw me off schedule the last few months but thank you to everyone who did audition! There will be more roles put up later down the line, and I will keep you all informed here or on Discord.

  • Update - reviewing auditions for Tauri, Honu and Castor now. They have not been cast as of yet!

    Apologies for the lengthy title, to clarify further I closed the roles on the 2nd of March (AEST) so I can start reviewing auditions now but it has been mentioned that it says the roles have been cast off site. This is not the case, and I have not cast anyone as of yet as I am still going through every aaudition. I apologise also for this mixup as I have not used this site extensively before. I will try to update the roles accordingly to reflect the stage I am at.

  • Last two roles added with separate deadline

    Hello! I have added two more roles for the project that have their own deadline: May 1st. 🙂 For clarity: The previous roles (Tauri, Honu, Castor) still have a deadline of March 1st, but as March is just around the corner now I wanted to make sure I gave the new roles (Rangi and Gwyneth) a similar audition timeframe (two months).

    I will still be following the schedule for the previous roles (Tauri, Honu, Castor)! If you have any questions, feel free to message me here or on Discord.

  • More roles added

    Two more roles have been added. All aforementioned details about auditioning, deadlines, schedules, pay, etc apply to these as well.

  • The 8th Protagonist Details

    I will also publishing a casting call for the final protagonist, who is a male in his mid 20s, when he is more fully realized. At the moment scripts are still in early production for this character, with details of his character also subject to change.

    Edit: There is now a Discord to stay up to date with what's going on with the project and upcoming roles

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tauri B - Deadline: March 1st
Paid: Hourly 480 USD
Role assigned to: Vera Tan

Tauri is the Director of The Enclave, an organization created to monitor mankind and enforce a precedent - mankind may not practice the arts. This organization was created by The Constellations, formations of the most respected star spirits, and Tauri is one of them. Tauri B, but prefers Tauri, and has taken the form of a woman in her early twenties. 

  • Tauri is pronounced as "Taur-eye"

  • Tauri is one of the playable characters, with commentary on characters, locations and story progression. 

  • She is quite friendly, with a warm tone of voice. Envisioned Voice: Ciri from Witcher 3.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Tone: Confident) Thank you all for answering my summons. I am the newly appointed Director of The Enclave, Tauri B of the Taurus Constellation. However, you are welcome to refer to me as simply "Tauri".

  • (Tone: Apologetic) Star Spirits often take the form of those they want to engage with to be more ... approachable. However, we take the form of the deceased who can no longer be identified.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Castor - Deadline: March 1st
Paid: Hourly 480 USD
Role assigned to: Bradley Gareth

A man in his early thirties and the elder brother to one of the protagonists, Kaidan (CV: Henry Shrader).Castor and Kaidan were one of the many who lost their loved ones when the realm was devasted, and it forced to Castor to not only take on a parental role caring for his brother but also learn the arcane arts to protect them. His skill and prowess as a practitioner did not go unnoticed and before long he was known as one of the Three Archmagi. When the Archmagi challenged the stars, he was the only one who did not give in to their demands - and it did not go without consequence which forced Kaidan to resent him later in life. 

Envisioned Voice: Adult Noctis (This content contains spoilers for FFXV).

  • (Tone/Context: Explaining the concept to another character who is incessantly asking him questions, and it's getting a little tired and annoyed having to explain )The theories were later known as the arcane arts, but they are theories, and if you were to continuously alter them will they still be those theories?

  • (Tone/Context: Begging for another character to help brother who is succumbing to a spell) Then is there anything you can do to help him?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Honu - Deadline: March 1st
Paid: Hourly 480 USD
Role assigned to: Vikram Rajan

A young man in his mid twenties and ambassador  for his island. He is the younger brother of the island's matriarch, and travels a fair bit as part of his responsibility. The narrative begins following the burial of his late brother in law, who has left behind an assignment for him  - to find his younger sibling before The Enclave. His search leads him to "join" The Enclave, to try and see if they have any leads. 

  • Pronounciation:

  • He is soft spoken, calm and friendly. Note: Honu is indigenous to his island which is based on New Zealand. Despite taking place in a fictional setting, I would like to cast authentically for this role.

  • (Tone/Context: Concern) Are you feeling well?

  • (Tone/Context: Thinking of a strategy to bypass something blocking the protagonists) We may be able to get in using the Theory of Projection.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rangi - Deadline: May 1st
Paid: Hourly 480 USD
cast offsite

Rangi was the Tohunga kōkōrangi (Astronomer) on his island, and later one of the Archmagi when he came to Nim. He is well educated and confident in himself. He was betrothed to Honu's sibling, but left to research The Arcanum in Nim after hearing about it from Tohora, believing the knowledge from it can be shared with his island. When he came to Nim, he quickly befriended the other Archmagi and his prowess earned him the title as well. 

He is a man in his late thirties. 

  • Pronunciation:

  • No particular voice in mind.

  • Note: Rangi  is indigenous to his island which is based on New Zealand. Despite taking place in a fictional setting, I would like to cast authentically for this role.

  • (Tone/Context: Whispering to himself, as he studies the ruins in awe) Is this The Arcanum you spoke of, Tohora? (Pronunciation:

  • (Tone/Context: Curious, trying to think of alternatives) Perhaps there may be another solution than to use stardust.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gwyneth - Deadline: May 1st
Paid: Hourly 480 USD
cast offsite

Gwyneth, one of the elves from the Poppy Court and one of the Archmagi of Nim. She came to Nim in search of the sorceress, but would often stop along the way in her travels to help others. She would soon become known as one of the archmagi, and when she learned of the other two she wondered if the sorceress was one of them. Even though it was not the case, a friendship developed between her, Castor and Rangi when she realized they had similar morals and interests. 

She is very considerate of others, can be soft spoken to be more approachable but can quickly become a little intimidating when she speaks more confidently. 

  • (Tone/Context: Curious, meeting the other Archmagi for the first time) Are you the Archmagi?

  • (Tone/Context: Friendly) I am not quite familiar with the customs here in Nim, or what it means to be an "Archmagi" but you are welcome to refer to me as Gwyneth.


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