Roy Kaplan

Roy Kaplan

Project Overview

Roy Kaplan is a paranormal cyberpunk detective audio drama, featuring the titular Roy Kaplan--private investigator, ex-burglar, and psychic. Armed with the ability to speak to ghosts and bypass any lock, he and his ghost roommate Wes solve all sorts of different crimes across the city.

Roy Kaplan is an episodic form audio drama, with 12 episodes in the first season, Out of Sight, with about 35-40 minutes per episode. It is written much in the style of old-time radio dramas such as Richard Diamond--each episode more or less can be listened to without context from previous episodes. As such, most of the cast changes with each episode, with many characters only appearing for one or two scenes.

This (barring unforeseen circumstances) will be the last casting call for this season, filling out the last of the minor characters and recasting a few major characters which we have lost the original voice files for and I was unable to recover.

Roles are paid 0.10 USD per word, or 10 dollars, whichever is higher. Payment is given through PayPal, paid upon all lines being turned in and reviewed for completion and quality.

The casting deadline is Friday, September 20, 11PM PST (for some reason CCC keeps fudging the date and I can't fix it). Casting decisions are expected to be made and scripts distributed by September 30, and voice files are expected to be turned in by October 31. If casting decisions are delayed, voice actors will have four weeks for turnaround.

For more specific audition instructions and context on lines, please refer to the casting call document found here. It is highly recommended that you read this document, especially if you intend to audition for Fletcher, the Mysterious Psychic, or Wes as there are additional line reads listed there.

I'm a different person from the one who was previously managing auditions and casting for Roy Kaplan (I am the writer and editor), and as such I don't have the contact information for the voice actors who worked on this project (I have the list of names but not much else). If you have previously gotten a role in Roy Kaplan, please contact me with the character you voiced (so I can verify you're the correct person) and let me know how you would like to be credited, e.g., name, correct pronunciation, social links or websites.

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Latest Updates

  • New role added (again)

    I have added one more character to the casting call--Oskar Creek, a cybernetics engineer and a major character in one episode. Please check the casting document for this character, as I am looking for very specific emotional hits.

    This should be the last character added to the casting call.

  • File Naming

    If you are auditioning here on CCC, please put your display name into the file name. This is for you, not me--I download all the audition files so I can review them at the same time as the emailed auditions and more easily sort them, and I don't review any auditions until the audition deadline passes. If I select your audition for casting and then can't find your account to contact you, the character will end up going to someone else.

  • New role added

    Due to the previous actor for Wes being unable to complete the project, Wes has now been added to the casting call. Wes is the second most prominent character in the series and appears in all twelve episodes. Please view the casting document for the full line reads required.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

A bookie in a betting shop. Friendly, but also a little shifty. One episode, one scene.

  • english
  • Kaplan, fancy seeing you here. Feeling lucky? I thought you swore off gambling.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

The doorman to a host club. Professional, perhaps a little sophisticated. One episode, one scene.

  • english
  • Hello, sir. Welcome to the Enchanted Mirror. Do you have a reservation today?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Camila Reyes, Racing Pilot
Paid: Flat Rate 57 USD

An ace racing pilot. Confident and willing to do what's necessary to get what she wants. One episode, three scenes. The main character of her episode.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Worried) I think that a terrible thing might have happened. One of my friends, his name is Caleb Altwood. He works for the company that sponsored the Baron and he was working during the race yesterday. He called me last night saying there was something unusual, and...I haven't heard from him since.

  • (Vindictive) I'm planning to get my dues. I put in fifteen years of work, and I'm going to get what I deserve for it, no matter how.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tara Knightsbridge, Socialite
Paid: Flat Rate 43 USD

The wife of the recently deceased Oswald Knightsbridge, who was an extremely wealthy eccentric with a singular passion for antiques. A little careless and vain at first glance, but hides a more shrewd and darker side to her. Middle-aged. One episode, two scenes.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • We, ah. We didn't speak very often, unfortunately. Oswald was very...passionate about his antiques. He spent very little time talking to people or working on anything else. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. It's so horrible that someone would steal from Oswald. You'll let me know if you learn anything about this theft, won't you, Roy?

  • (Has just pulled a gun) Hand it over, Detective. You're not leaving with that cylinder, and you're not going to tell anyone about Moira, and you're not going to tell anyone about Aaron, either.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oskar Creek, Cybernetics Engineer
Paid: Flat Rate 58 USD

Oskar Creek is one third of the team that revolutionized cybernetics and robotic surrogates and made them accessible to the public. Intelligent, methodical, and prideful. He is the kind of person to quietly hold a grudge for a very, very long time. Comes off professional but not especially friendly. Calm and collected until the exact second he isn’t anymore. Middle aged.

One episode, two scenes.

I am looking for very specific emotional hits on this character. Please look at the casting document for full context for this character's lines:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Showing old bad blood) I’m his technician, sure, but we haven’t spent much time together outside of that in years. Not since he and Salman took off with Neuraline.

  • (Amused, dismissive) How petty do you think I am? You think I’d murder someone just for being more famous than me?

  • (Enraged) Don’t talk about things you don’t understand. Neuraline was built on the back of my work! Without me, they would be nothing!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Detective Inspector Ainsley Fletcher
Paid: Flat Rate 154 USD

A detective inspector for homicide. Well acquainted with Kaplan, both in his capacity as a private investigator and an ex-burglar, though she wishes she weren't. Generally level-headed, competent, and authoritative. Extremely irritated by Kaplan, but begrudgingly respects his skills and judgement.

Three episodes. Would appear again in future seasons if they are produced.

Please view the casting call document, as there is an additional line read for this character listed there:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Irritated) Kaplan. What do you want? Are you trying to get on my crime scene again? Because it's not happening. We're taking Burgess in.

  • (Forceful) Down on the ground, now! Tara Knightsbridge, you are under arrest for theft and the murder of Moira Cairns!

  • (Begrudging, but sincere) I'm not asking you because you're a private investigator. I'm asking you because we both know you've committed who knows how many burglaries and got away with them all. If there's anyone in this city who knows how a burglar thinks, it's you, Kaplan.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Psychic
Paid: Flat Rate 251 USD

A mysterious psychic who is terrorizing Kaplan over the course of the season. Obsessive, with delusions of grandeur. Loves to deceive and play around with people. Thinks they are always in control. They/them pronouns.

Three episodes. Includes voiceover narration sections. Would appear in future seasons if they are produced.

Please view the casting call document, as there is an additional line read for this character listed there:

  • english
  • (Sinister) It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Red. I think we'll have a lot of fun together.

  • (Sincere concern) That's horrifying. Are you okay? I'll drop you off. I've got my bike parked around here. Do you think you can sit in back without falling off?

  • (Taunting, villainous) (Laughs) Wait? Wait for what? You're already in my hands, Red. There's no one who can help you. You don't know where you are, and I have guards on a lookout everywhere on the property--even if you use your powers to call your friend Wes, it's hopeless. The moment they step foot here, I'll kill them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wes, A Ghost
Paid: Flat Rate 552 USD

Wes is a ghost from actual 1940s America and has wandered around for hundreds of years through the apocalypse and up until now, where they are now Kaplan’s trusted friend and roommate. Very little is known about Wes at this point in the series, but they emulate the feeling of a film noir protagonist–sensible, cynical, and a bit mean. They aren’t especially affectionate, but they care very much about Kaplan. They/them pronouns. Looking for a masculine or androgynous voice, with an American accent, preferably Northeastern or Mid-Atlantic. The intent is to evoke the vibe of Golden Age Hollywood, but not to a cartoonish degree.

Wes is the main supporting character of Roy Kaplan, and appears in all twelve episodes, one of which includes extensive voiceover segments.

Please view the casting call document, as this character has additional lines listed there:

  • english
Voice description:
  • american (northeast)
  • male adult
  • mid atlantic
  • (Knowledgeable, Intrigued) Funny thing, that. Everything goes black for almost two minutes and the body pulls some vanishing act. When the cameras start rolling again, the best pilot in the league’s crashed and the dame’s body is nowhere to be found. Nobody knows what happened and there’s no footage. All that, and everyone’s going to let it alone? That ain’t normal.

  • (Somber) Well, Roy. Here we are again. Except you look a lot worse than last time. (PAUSE) You lost a lot of blood. I was scared stiff for a while–I wasn’t sure if you’d make it, but it looks like you got help in time. It looks like your surgery went well. I’m grateful for that.

  • (Voiceover narration) The train departed with little more than a soft whoosh. We flew over the rail that wound between the business towers and apartment buildings, then left them all behind. The further out from the inner city you go, the larger and more expensive the houses get, until you get to the mansions and the big open estates smack up against the city limits. Kowalczyk didn't live far into the outer city--practically on the border of inner and outer, really--but even that meant she had a decent amount of money to spend. I wondered where it came from.


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