Let's Pretend | Sims 4 Voice Over Series

Project Overview

Plot: Behind the facade of glamour and luxury, famous influencer Delilah aka "DeeDeeRich" hides a very different reality. Her life is one of debt and danger, with gruelling jobs and a small, cluttered apartment. But everything changes when she sneaks into an exclusive event to take a photo and is discovered by security. Isaac Cooper, a cold and attractive businessman, saves her, but at a price: she must pose as his girlfriend at a series of high society events.

Delilah resists at first, but when her social media popularity and money soar after appearing with Isaac, she realises that this fake relationship could be the perfect opportunity to change her luck

Episodes: 10-13

GENRE: New Adult/Romance/Drama


  • Attention: my English is not 100% correct. Maybe some dialogues are ‘strange’ now but I assure you that the scripts will be fixed.

  • Clear and high quality mic

  • Repeat each line 2 times

  • You can change lines a bit if you feel they will sound better

  • Be willing to re-record lines if necessary.

  • Be Committed. Doing a sims series takes time and I'll always try to keep in touch with everyone, but if you feel you can't wait a while for when the scripts are sent out, then this proyect is not for you. I'm looking for people capable of following this project through to the end.

  • Any accent is welcome

  • Meet deadlines. I give 2-3 weeks for each script. I can give only 1 extension in case you have problems.

  • Have discord contact and be as active as possible.

  • Payment is made through Paypal and the amount is per script. This is not a professional project and is, sadly, the most I can pay :(

  • This series will have slightly strong language, such as insults, swear words and suggestive words of a typical flirtation. Don't worry, I won't make it too cringe or uncomfortable for you.

  • The series will have LGBT+ content, drug use, mafias and self-esteem issues. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable, this project is not for you.

  • Have fun! :)

Hello everyone! I'm usually known as VMS, but you can also call me Mal! I'm a creator of machinimas and animations for The Sims for many years. I have experience in both subtitled machinimas and series with voices. You can find me as VMSims on YouTube!

Thanks for being here and if you are reading this: I look forward to your participation💜

In case you need to contact me:

discord: vms_24

instagram: vmsims24

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Delilah "Dee" Wilder
Paid: Monthly 10 USD

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Lead

Age: 26

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type: Medium-High

With a charismatic, flirtatious and eloquent personality, she dreamed of becoming a model from a very young age. However, her dreams vanished the moment she was told she was not pretty enough for the job. This caused her self-esteem to plummet and her charisma to turn into shyness. She decided to give up and study finance, but after two years some dark circumstances changed the course of her life: she discovered that she was collateral for a gigantic debt.

With the Mafia on her trail, she took various jobs, even the most shameful ones, in order to survive. The only one she enjoys is her time as a millionaire social media influencer, although it's all a fake life invented to attract followers and escape her miserable life for a few seconds.

  • (normal. V.O) She helps me maintain this fake life that I show on social media. There, I’m a rich, lucky and beautiful woman. But the reality is different

  • (angry, desperate) I swear I'm a guest! I'm a friend of Gwen Andersons! Call her and she'll confirm it!

  • (frightened, stammering) I know I'm a little late with this month's payment, but I swear.... (drowned. She's being hanged) I... I know. Tomorrow... tomorrow I'll pay you. I'll get my paycheque and...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Isaac Cooper
Paid: Monthly 10 USD

Pronouns: He/ Him

Role: Main

Age: 30

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type: Medium-Low-Smooth

He's a cold, unflappable, unsympathetic man to anyone who crosses his path. He used to be warm and affectionate, but something has changed him, making him suspicious of even his own family. As the multimillionaire CEO of Lumina Beauty and with his exaggerated beauty, he attracts many women and doesn't miss an opportunity to conquer them. The next morning, however, he throws them out with the typical excuse that it was just a one-night stand.

Because of this libertine and scandalous attitude to the family empire, his mother, Katherine Cooper, wants him to marry Harper Pendleton, a close family friend whom Isaac hates with all his heart. So he keeps hiring women to pose as his girlfriends to keep Harper off his radar. But his mother and Harper are no longer buying his lies...

  • (serious, cold) I need a fake girlfriend for tonight. And you are the ideal candidate. You’re very attractive, the kind of woman I usually choose

  • (whisper, flirt) But you want it to look realistic, right? You want me to pretend to be your couple in the photo (pause) After all, we are the same

  • (happy, sweet) You see mother, this time I'm serious. (To Delilah) I'll be back in a few minutes, darling

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maverick Ramsey
Paid: Monthly 10 USD

Pronouns: He/Him

Role: Main/Antagonist 1

Age: 32

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type: Medium

Leader of a dangerous mafia that deals in drugs and gives loans to anyone who needs it. He is characterised by being impatient and threatening, he does not like it when people do not keep their deadlines or pay him less than agreed. 

He has an unhealthy obsession with Delilah and always takes the opportunity to harass or threaten her about her late payments. He doesn't care if she manages to pay him in full, he will do anything to get his hands on her

  • (malicious) Oh, I love it when you call me that, sweet Dee (pause) You look so beautiful. Really unrecognisable. Have you been out having fun?

  • (furious, mumbling) You are WAY BEHIND schedule, Delilah. And you know how much I hate being paid late

  • (malicious) Your brother. He's back. And he has already tried to contact me again. If I were you, I'd start keeping an eye on your pet. You don't want me to increase the debt

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gwen Anderson
Paid: Monthly 5 USD

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Supporting

Age: 28

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type: Medium

With a passionate, strong and cheerful personality, she has become one of the best stylists and make-up artists in the country, even working for the important beauty company Lumina Beauty. However, behind this overwhelming personality, she is an introverted and romantic woman who secretly longs to build a life with Isaac Cooper, her gorgeous boss. But his reputation as a libertine and an empath, as well as his different social status, cause her to hide her feelings and watch him in silence.

She met Delilah at college and they became good friends, sharing all their secrets and dreams. Gwen loves to practice and make her friend more beautiful, always helping her to choose expensive scenarios to show off. With a very good financial background, Gwen always tries to help her friend, even if she refuses.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (serious) You're not a waste of time, Dee. You're my best friend. It's more fun being here than going to events in the presence of my womanising boss. (pause, sad) I'm sure he will hire a new woman to introduce as his girlfriend

  • (very embarrassed) W-what are you talking about?! Agh, you're such a pain in the ass

  • (happy) Today marks one year since you became an influencer! Who would have thought your fame would skyrocket so fast? You are a star

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harper Pendleton
Paid: Monthly 5 USD

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Supporting/Antagonist 2

Age: 29

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type:High

Arrogance is her middle name. Coming from a very powerful and wealthy family empire and being the only heir, she has always had everything she wanted, be it people or things. To her, everything is just a collection to show off to others. This includes Isaac, whom she has known since childhood and has always loved to tease to the point where he loses his mind. Harper doesn't love Isaac, but she likes the idea of keeping him as a trophy and using him for her own gain, so she accepts Mrs Katherine's offer to marry him.

Despite her teasing and unflappable personality, the truth is that underneath she is a helpless and love-starved woman.

Voice description:
  • videogame
  • (mocking) Oh, my! You're in such a bad mood! Have you had a fight with your girlfriend? Where is she? (Pause for a few seconds) Or have you failed this time to hire someone to pretend to be in love with you?

  • (mumbling, surprised) An influencer? (long pause) (surprised and furious, muttering) She’s really a celebrity...

  • (ironic) Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Cooper. Let's meet the lady first. (malicious) What circus are you from?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Katherine Cooper
Paid: Monthly 5 USD

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Supporting

Age: 60

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type: Low

Behind her armor of righteousness and coldness, she's a warm, loving, and familiar woman who wants the best for her family. She just doesn't always show it in the best way by overprotecting them and forcing them to do things she thinks are right. After her son's subsequent libertine attitude, she's determined to marry him off to the one she believes will settle down and know true love.

Due to some experiences in the past, she's quite suspicious and discriminating towards people of lower status, so she always tries to surround herself with rich and powerful people

  • (angry) Have you hired a woman again? (pause) I'm sick of you playing this game at important events like this. You make Harper suffer with your rejection

  • (very annoyed) How dare you disrespect her?! Do you have any idea who she is?!

  • (serious, tired) I’m your mother and I can see when you lie to me. End this charade and marry Harper

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Beatrice Cooper
Paid: Monthly 5 USD

Role: Supporting

Age: 26

First appearance: Episode 2

Voice type: Medium

Funny, charismatic and with a good sense of humour, she has always been the one to bring joy to the family. She loves to tease her brother Isaac, although she dislikes the way Harper does it, so putting her down and arguing with her mother about her choices. 

Unlike her mother, she likes to help those in need and stays as far away from high society parties as possible.

At the same time, she has a romantic personality and a strong belief in soul mates. She believes she's meant to be with Eric Glower, her brother's secretary, whom she's loved since the first moment she saw him. But her mother has given her the wrong nod, and that depresses her.

  • (ironic) So... you're my brother's new girlfriend. What number are you? Six, maybe?

  • (annoyed) You know very well that I hate these parties and pretending that everything is fine when most of them are stingy rats

  • (shy, sweet, dreamer) Love is very beautiful. And I can't wait to experience it with the man of my dreams.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sasha Atwood
Paid: Monthly 5 USD

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Supporting

Age: 28

First appearance: Episode 1

Voice type: Medium-Low

One of the most famous and important fashion designers in the country, she works for the Cooper family in Lumina Beauty. With a strong and demanding character, she won't let anyone stand in her way or change her plans. Everyone has to do what she says or she will scream her head off.

That's why she's constantly at odds with Gwen, the stylist, whom she annoys in the worst way just to hide how she really feels about her.

  • (annoyed) Will you stop sighing, Goldilocks? You're making me nervous

  • (happy, enthusiastic) I need her to be here! She's perfect for wearing my clothes designs!

  • (serious) Men are not allowed here. Get out of here, you pervert!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eric Glower
Paid: Monthly 5 USD

Pronouns: He/Him

Role: Supporting

Age: 31

First appearance: Episode 2

Voice type: Medium

His appearance suggests a charismatic and confident man, but in reality he's quite shy and a workaholic, so he can only be honest and eloquent with Isaac, his friend and boss. At the same time, Isaac can be honest with him, so Eric is his biggest confidant and the one who knows his heart.

He's secretly in love with Beatrice, but as his friend's sister, he doesn't think it's right to confess, so he suffers in silence.

  • (upset) Could you put the phone down for a second and be nicer?

  • (normal) Why don't you open up the possibility of meeting someone and having a real couple?

  • (shy, embarrassed) In fact, I already have someone I love

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amélie Leroy
Paid: Monthly 3 USD

Pronouns: She/They

Role: Minor/Antagonist 3

Age: 47

First appearance: Episode 2

Voice type: Medium

Accent (optative): French

A well-known businesswoman with a flamboyant personality. She hires Delilah from time to time to clean her house. Her pay is usually good, but her attitude towards her is not

Voice description:
  • french
  • (annoyed, arrogant) When will you finish cleaning the living room? I still need you to clean the office and my room

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Peter Feller
Paid: Monthly 3 USD

Pronouns: He/Him

Role: Minor/Antagonist 4

Age: 34

First appearance: Episode 4/5

Voice type: Medium

Future CEO of Lumina Beauty's enemy and competitor company. Known for his overly extroverted and talkative personality, as well as flirting with already engaged women who are his favourites.

Has an intense rivalry with Isaac. He is Amanda Sage's boyfriend.

  • (flirtatious, mischievous) Oooh, so you're Isaac's new girlfriend. Wow, you're the prettiest one so far. Would you like to have a drink with me so we can get to know each other better?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amanda Sage
Paid: Monthly 3 USD

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Minor/Antagonist 5

Age: 30

First appearance: Episode 4/5

Voice type: High

Current girlfriend of Peter Feller.

She has a very bad reputation among high society, but still hobnobs with them and boasts of the riches her couples have bought for her. 

  • (a bit mischievous) He told you about me... I'm sure he told you a lot of shit. Well, they all do. But sometimes, when you're poor, you have to do whatever it takes to get ahead

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
David Wilder
Paid: Monthly 3 USD

Pronouns: He/Him

Role: Minor

Age: 29

First appearance: Episode 5

Voice type: Medium-Low

Delilah's brother and the man most responsible for his million-dollar debt. Depressed by the early death of his parents, he became addicted to drugs and gambling as a teenager, taking out huge loans and coming close to death. 

He was hospitalised for his mental state, but left his sister as collateral to pay off his debts.

  • (drunk, happy) I'm back, sis

  • (drunk, sad) Believe me, I never wanted this, Dee

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Weekly 3 USD

Like every story, I'll need extra voices for random characters (and extras lol) that will appear in the series. Insert your demo, presentation or something where I can hear your voice. And don't forget to insert your discord contact!

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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