Jailbird: Animated Pilot

Jailbird: Animated Pilot

Project Overview

Welcome to the Jailbird Animated Project casting call!

If this name seems familiar to you, that's because it is! In early 2023, I ran a casting call to dub the webcomic version of Jailbird. However, a lot has changed since then. The Jailbird webcomic was quietly cancelled by myself a few months ago, as I realised I did not have fun making comics, and wanted to explore a new creative outlet with Jailbird in the form of an animated graphic series! I'm unsure of how I want to officially describe it - it is animated, but not in the traditional way.

+ The Story

Hal, once an up-and-coming pop idol in his local scene, has been arrested and sentenced for a crime he did not commit (or did he?). He is sent to Triation correctional facility, a minimum-security prison for those with sentences of 10 years or less, or with 10 years or less left on their sentence. This facility is also for inmates deemed to be "well-behaved". However, well-behaved inmates just know how to hide their tracks. As he learns to navigate his new life, him and newfound friends get in all sorts of trouble, being forced to face their pasts and face newfound challenges and enemies.

Jailbird is a story of crime, why people commit it, how it impacts people and how people move on from it. It's also about life on the fringes of society, and how circumstances can lead to desperation or a feeling of hopelessness. If I was to give the story a genre, it's a Crime/Drama/Slice of Life.

The story also has LGBTQ+ characters and themes with a primarily queer cast!

[Important warning: This story contains discussion and engagement in sexual themes, partial nudity, recreational drug use (marijuana), addiction, addiction recovery, past abuse/trauma, recovery from past abuse, mental health, violence, and possibly other themes as the story progresses. While the prologue does not cover all of these topics, in the event that the prologue is successful, the wider series will include these themes. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to get into contact, but if you feel as if these themes will harm your mental health, or cause distress, please do not feel bad if it stops you from auditioning. Your own health is priority.]

+ Requirements

The requirement list is small! But these are very important for the development of the story

  • You must be 18 or older.

  • Please ensure your microphone does not pick up significant background noise. I will be learning to do some audio work myself, but this will primarily be for sound editing and not adjusting voice-acting tracks.

  • A willingness to take feedback and potentially re-record lines if needed (this will be compensated for).

  • A good level of range in terms of emotion. The story can go from 0 to 100 quite quickly!

  • Availability for the future in the event that the Pilot episode performs well!

  • Discord is not a requirement, but if you want to stay up-to-date on progress of the pilot and development, it's helpful! All the voice actors will be given their own channel to mingle/chat in if they so choose.

+ What to Expect

When everyone is cast, I will formally introduce myself and provide an invite link to the discord server. I am happy to do correspondence through both discord and CastingCallClub, but discord is preferred! As for sending audio files, feel free to use discord or google drive.

Voice actors will have their own section in my server to talk to each other if they choose to! I will also be providing updates on the project through the server. Any direction/feedback/sending of files will be done privately!

+ Payment

Please do not take the payments provided on CastingCallClub at face value. I will work with each voice actor selected to work within their personal rates! That means if I have to pay a little more, I will for a good outcome. If you have your own rates for voice work, feel free to attach them with your audition!

Not everyone will be have their voice acting recorded at the same time. I am just one person working with my own money to make this happen - so recording will be staggered! If voice actors prefer to be paid line-by-line or on a word-count basis, we can also look into staggering voice work and compensation on a scene-by-scene basis!

All payments on my end will be upfront before voice work is done, and I am happy to pay through Paypal, Kofi, Etc.

+ Deadlines and Auditions

The deadline for auditions is the 1st September, 2024 - Any auditions created after this date will not be accepted, sorry! In the event that I do not have a wide enough variation of auditions to look through, the deadline may be extended. After the deadline, I will look through auditions, and may ask potential voice actors some further questions. Final voices will be decided on by the end of the month, and the cast voice actors will be invited to the discord server and provided with scripts!

+ Credits

All voice actors will be credited in the credits of the prologue, as well as in any videos that feature the voice work to promote the project (e.g tiktok).

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Latest Updates

  • Deadline is Looming + Other updates!

    Hello! This is a reminder that the deadline for this casting call is looming - and the casting call will officially end on September 1st!

    Some of you may have noticed I have been sorting auditions already. With nearly 350 auditions, I've had to split hairs to decide between dismissals and shortlists. You guys haven't made it easy! And I wholly appreciate each and every audition and the time you guys have taken out to audition for this project.

    This project is like my baby, so I want to make sure I'm making the right choices. You guys are amazing, and the turnout has been far more than I EVER expected!

    Remember you can stay up-to-date on the development of Jailbird on my Twitch page at https://www.twitch.tv/gachapyon ! We'll be streaming a lot throughout subtember, especially work on Jailbird. I am currently looking at a January 2025 release for the pilot (the 1st of January would be AMAZING, but I get that's ambitious).

    Anyway, i'll stop rambling - thanks again everyone for the amazing turnout!

  • Updates: New role + more! (200 submissions??)

    200 submissions! I certainly didn't expect that when I published the call. I'll have a lot to go through - but I'm excited!


    • Added Aubrey's character page

    • Removed Dion's accent restriction, go wild!

  • More accurate line counts + rates applied!

    The prologue is done and line calculations are now attached to each character with a more accurate flat rate!

    However, do keep in mind that this is just pilot episode lines. In the event that the Pilot does well, there will be more work available long-term!

  • Script Rewrite is almost done - Line calculations coming soon!

    Hey there! Thank you for the amount of interest in the project so far! It's been great to listen to all the submissions so far.

    The script rewrite for the Pilot is almost done. It needed some minor changes in delivery/wording, and some scenes have been swapped around - but it's better than ever!

    Once it's done, I will be able to better calculate the paid costs for each role. They'll be a more accurate estimation of the total cost for the voice work, as well as how long it'll take.

    Thank you for supporting the development so far!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hal Ruskin
Paid: Flat Rate 40 GBP
Role assigned to: Sammy

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line count = 32 Lines - £40 Flat Rate pay

Name: Hal Ruskin

Age: 21

Species: Brown Hooded Kingfisher/Human

Role: Ex Pop Idol, Inmate

Hal is a pop-idol who has been dealt a difficult card - being sentenced to jail time for a crime he did not commit. Or maybe he did? People are torn. To some, he is just another desperate idol fallen from grace, and to others, he is the tragic story of wrong place, wrong time. 

Hal is a kind-hearted individual, and is an introverted extrovert. His goal has always been to make those around him feel cared for and happy. However, this also means he can feel high amounts of pressure, which manifest in a snappy or stressed attitude. However, he assures people that this shouldn't be taken personally, and is just his own feelings in the moment.

He can be somewhat unaware of situations, partially out of a lack of knowledge and also as self defence. Hal does not like to give himself more things to be concerned with.

Hal can be prone to self-destructive thoughts in light of failure, a trait he has learned from his idol activities. He is an extreme perfectionist when it comes to himself, and holds himself in high regard. This is manifested in his storyline, where he struggles to see his "idol self" and real self as the same person, believing that his idol self is a separate, "pure" version of himself that is superior in every way. This is only amplified when fans find out the address of the Facility he has been placed in, and start sending him mail with pictures and posters of nothing but his idol-self within.


Hal is the one of the many protagonists in the story, but he is the first to be introduced. He also acts as an "in" to the rest of the world and the characters. 

  • Hal has a mid-high range voice. His accent is unspecified, I'm open to various interpretartions!

  • His voice is friendly, with a touch of warmth.

  • Being able to sing is a preferable skill

  • POC Voice actors are encouraged to apply for Hal's role


Line Delivery Instructions:

LINE 1: 

Hal is startled awake by the officer shouting in his face. He looks at the officer, wide-eyed. The closeup of his face focuses on his eyes as he catches his breath.


Oh my go- I am so, so sorry. 

He quickly scrambles up.


He paces down the stairs, where his mother is already awake.


Morning, mum!


Morning, dove. Breakfasts almost ready,

Hal approaches her and looks into the pan. Shakshuka eggs. He admires them briefly, before shaking his head.


Can't today, sorry ma! I need to be in central in the next hour. I have radio this morning, fitting at noon and practice till late after!



Fight! There's a fight in the yard!

Andrew, Dion and Hal exchange glances. Hal looks more worried than the other two.


Is this... Normal?


(He shrugs)

More than you think. Welcome to prison. Do you wanna go watch?


(He looks at the window, then back to Dion)

Hmm, ok. Is it gonna get ugly?

  • english
Voice description:
  • british (london)
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • british
  • animation/character
  • Oh my go- I am so, so sorry.

  • Morning, mum! --- Can't today, sorry ma! I need to be in central in the next hour. I have radio this morning, fitting at noon and practice till late after!

  • Is this... Normal? --- Hmm, ok. Is it gonna get ugly?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crevan Foxglove
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: Cobaltkobold

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count = 12 Lines - £20 Flat rate pay

IMPORTANT NOTE: Crevan's storyline features topics such as Sex Work, Past abuse/trauma and recovery from trauma. If these are topics that you feel may impact you negatively, I urge that you do not audition for this role. Your mental health is more important than a casting.

Name: Crevan Foxglove

Age: 24

Species: Red Fox/Human

Role: Officer, Eventual inmate

Crevan Foxglove is a primary protagonist of the Jailbird series. He appears in Jailbird all the way from the beginning of the Prologue, to the end of the Epilogue. He starts the story as a correctional officer at Triation facility, but is arrested at the end of series one charged with Prostitution, Profiting from Prostitution, Driving without insurance and Driving without a license.

He is a passionate aspiring fashion designer stuck in a difficult spot. He works as a correctional officer out of necessity, not because he wants to. However, this is only a part time position and is not enough for him to live on. To make up for it, he frequently partakes in Sex work to make up the extra money. Despite this, he still cannot afford an apartment of his own near to where he works. Therefore, he has been living in house shares on and off, and in his car any other time.

He's soft-spoken, often sounding awkward or seeming as if he is at a "lower percentage" compared to his co-workers at the facility. He seems disinterested in most small talk, unless it's about something he likes. He also tends to be on the shy side. However, he could talk for hours about fashion, fashion history and his own designs. He also finds a lot of joy in making/upcycling his own clothes - he is extremely creative.

Crevan is autistic, a diagnosis he doesn't recieve until series 4 when he is pushed to investigate further by Oliver after Oliver does a mock evaluation on him for his study. Crevan has grown up masking due to being unaware of his condition and not having the facilities to entertain the idea.


Crevan is the one of the many protagonists in the story. A large portion of series 1, in the event that the pilot is successful, will focus on Crevan alongside Hal as they adjust to big changes in their lives.

  • Crevan has a mid-range voice

  • He is largely monotone, not changing in pitch. He is also soft-spoken. Crevan has a Scottish accent, and I am open to hearing all dialects!


Line Delivery Instructions:

LINE 1: 

Hal looks Crevan up and down nervously, taking in his appearance. He doesn't look strong enough or stern enough to be an officer. He also looked to be around Hal's age.


You will be taken inside for processing. They will examine you for any contraband, as well as general health. Follow instructions, do not complain. Got it?


Oliver is between two inmates who are at each others throats. Crevan comes rushing out, and holds onto one of them.


It's about fucking time??


It's been 33 seconds!


That is oddly specific, Crevan!


(Holding back inmate)

Can we discuss my attentiveness to time on another occasion? We have a fight to break up.



(curious and somewhat sarcastic)

Looking at him again, Lover boy?

CREVAN looks at her, slightly agitated.


I don't know why you keep saying that. This isn't what you think it is.

LUPA looks at CREVAN silently, expecting him to continue.


It's just a little odd, isn't it? The way he just threw away a good life like that... Why would someone do that?

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • generic scottish
  • standard scottish
  • scottish (glaswegian)
  • scottish (dundee)
  • scottish (edinburgh)
  • scottish highlands
  • You will be taken inside for processing. They will examine you for any contraband, as well as general health. Follow instructions, do not complain. Got it?

  • It's been 33 seconds! --- Can we discuss my attentiveness to time on another occasion? We have a fight to break up.

  • I don't know why you keep saying that. This isn't what you think it is. --- It's just a little odd, isn't it? The way he just threw away a good life like that... Why would someone do that?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oliver Kai
Paid: Flat Rate 30 GBP
Role assigned to: Solice Seeker

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count = 24 Lines - £30 Flat rate pay

Name: Oliver Kai

Age: 26

Species: Domestic Shorthair Cat/Human

Role: Inmate

Oliver Kai is one of the main protagonists of the Jailbird series. He appears in Jailbird from the beginning of chapter 1, to the end of the prologue. He is Triation's inmate advisor - a role tasked with bridging the gap between inmate and officer. He acts as a point of advice and support for inmates, and can act as an unbiased support if inmates have complaints. 

Oliver, outwardly, attempts to be a supportive and kind face to the other inmates. His goal is to make sure everyone is safe, satisfied and getting along. Which almost never happens. As a result, Oliver is constantly chasing up on inmates questions, breaking up fights and making sure everyone's behaving. Therefore, he is an overworked, exhausted mess. While he tries to hide this, it sometimes slips out as a crabby attitude, especially towards the officers, many of which he does not have respect for. Oliver doesn't mind acting like a bitch to those he doesn't respect.

Privately, Oliver can be sarcastic, but warm. He only feels comfortable to take off his "armour" around those he is close with, but especially Etan and Phil - who understand him on a deeper level than most other characters. He is a romantic partner, enjoying physical connection and contact which makes him feel safe and cared for. He has found himself in a romantic "throuple" with Etan and Phil - they have not officially established this, but find comfort in each others company.

Oliver is constantly plagued by reminders of his past as a troubled teenager, constantly getting into crime and hurting people as a result. Oliver firmly believes he is not a good person, and will never truly be good. 


Oliver is a primary supporting character in the pilot, acting as a guide around the prison. However, he takes on the role as a primary protagonist throughout series 1 onward.

  • Oliver has a mid-range voice.

  • His voice is tired and layered with a thin veil of judgement or sarcasm.

  • I am open to interpretations on his voice! I haven't really considered what he'd sound like in terms of accent.


Line Delivery Instructions:



A few times. Keep in mind, I come from a much tougher place than you. I had years to sharpen my claws.


I guess so, but is medium security REALLY that different?

Oliver scrunches up his nose.


(a slight hiss to his voice)

It was different *enough*. But I owned it, now I'm here. You're just a newbie, you'll learn in time.


The barbershop is extremely busy, but well-kept and organised. Pop diva hits play over the radio. In the corner, a young teenage-looking otter is sweeping the floor with a mopey expression. The head barber, Gabriel, is a tall man with an air of confidence. He's working on a client when he notices the group - he gives them a sassy smirk and a wave.


This is the barbershop - Gabriel is our main barber. Don't underestimate his flamboyant appearance, he knows his way around a pair of boxing gloves. He runs a tight ship, don't mess him around.



This is Phil. He makes good food, he is not your usual lazy chef.


by the way, you need to do the bidfood order so I can call them for yo-


(sounding matter of fact, but not annoyed))

I know, I have it here for you. You know I can call bidfood myself right?


I know, but I don't want you having more stress than you already have.


By offloading it onto yourself? You need to give yourself a break.

It's evident Oliver and Phil seem a little closer than other inmates. Hal and the other inmates stand awkwardly as Oliver and Phil bicker back and forth. Oliver and Phil seem to notice, and stop.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british (london)
  • british
  • liverpool (scouse)
  • male young adult
  • A few times. Keep in mind, I come from a much tougher place than you. I had years to sharpen my claws. - It was different *enough*. But I owned it, now I'm here. You're just a newbie, you'll learn in time.

  • This is the barbershop - Gabriel is our main barber. Don't underestimate his flamboyant appearance, he knows his way around a pair of boxing gloves. He runs a tight ship, don't mess him around.

  • This is Phil. He makes good food, he is not your usual lazy chef. --- by the way, you need to do the bidfood order so I can call them for yo- --- I know, but I don't want you having more stress than you already have.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ethan Flores
Paid: Flat Rate 22 GBP
Role assigned to: MorganVA

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further] 

A redesign for Ethan is in progress.

Approx. Line Count = 16 Lines - £22 Flat rate pay

Name: Ethan Flores (Pronounced Eitan)

Age: 24

Species: Flame-Knee Tarantula

Role: Inmate

Ethan Flores is one of the main protagonists of Jailbird. He's extremely, maybe sometimes overly friendly, and works as transportation for inmates. Since driving is much rarer in the Jailbird universe, he is one of few inmates who can actually drive. He's also known for 'adopting' some new inmates and supporting them. He is a part-time tattoo artist, and enjoys taking care of insects.

Ethan has adjusted well to prison life, being seen as "high up in the ranks" due to his wealth and skills as a tattoo artist. He is also extremely charismatic, making him very convincing and easy to talk to. This is what has granted him many connections throughout the facility, and he is the beating heart of his friend group. He is rarely sad or angry, and is just riding out his time.

Ethan is transmasculine, a fact not known by many inmates, but known by people in his friend circle. Ethan is also romantically tied to both Oliver and Phil, as they all find comfort in each others company and treat each other like romantic partners. 

Prior to the events of the story, Ethan suffered a head injury in a prison fight, causing him to develop post-traumatic Epilepsy. This is something he doesn't become aware of until series 2, after a particularly bad seizure. Up to that point, he has infrequent absent seizures.


Etan is a primary character in Jailbird, acting as a way to connect characters together.

  • Etan has a mid-range voice.

  • His voice is warm and energetic, with a South American accent (unspecified - feel free to audition regardless of specifics!). He can also speak Spanish.

** By South American, I mean the continent - not the south of the united states

Line Delivery Instructions:



Huh. Dion, Hal - that's for you.



What's for us?


He's saying the job board is up - your time as freeloaders is officially OVER! time to get a job and enter the working world. It only took them what, 2 months to get a new one up?


As he steps up, the shot focuses on the character in the drivers seat. He's a young man, half spider with a 2nd hair of arms and a 2nd pair of eyes. He's flicking through what looks like a playboy magazine hidden inside a newspaper. When he notices Hal, he swiftly closes the newspaper and stuffs it behind him.


Heyy, the straggler! I have to say, you looked veeery comfortable in that other bus. I almost didn't wanna wake you.


Etan gives a thumbs up as the officer shuts the door. He turns the key and they begin to drive.


Not a long one, fellas! About 10 minutes and we'll be at your destination. Don't ask me to change the music, because I won't!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • spanish chilean
  • He's saying the job board is up - your time as freeloaders is officially OVER! time to get a job and enter the working world. It only took them what, 2 months to get a new one up?

  • Heyy, the straggler! I have you say, you looked veeery comfortable in that other bus. I almost didn't wanna wake you.

  • Not a long one, fellas! About 10 minutes and we'll be at your destination. Don't ask me to change the music, because I won't!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dion Reid
Paid: Flat Rate 20 GBP
Role assigned to: VoxBoxVA

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count - 15 Lines - £20 Flat rate pay

Name: Dion Reid

Age: 18

Species: River Otter/Human

Role: Inmate

Dion is one of the main protagonists in the story. Before Hal, he was one of the newest inmates in the cast, only being in prison for 1 month as of when Hal is sentenced. 

He is a typical teenager who doesn't like authority, and prefers to dance to the beat of his own drum - or in this case, the rhythm of his guitar. He is a passionate guitar player and loves rock and metal music. He can be friendly, but often approaches everyone defensively at first. When he is angry, he is stand-offish and explosive, making sure his thoughts and anger is known to those around him. As a result of this attitude, he has gotten into a few petty fights.

He has latched onto Oliver a bit, seeing him as an older brother figure. Dion's real older brother has been missing since Dion was young. The large amount of pressure placed on him by his family in light of his brothers disappearance is why he eventually committed his crime. 


  • Dion has a mid-range voice (I was previously open to higher ranges, but have now realised a mid-range voice is more ideal!)

  • Feel free to audition with a variety of accents! [EDIT: this used to say Scottish, but I'm open to other accents now too!)

  • He tends to mumble and grumble, but also has a high range. Some of his scripts in the future may include him shouting or raising his voice. While he doesn't sound like it, his delivery is similar to Jesse Pinkman from Breaking bad.


Line Delivery Instructions:



Oliver is asking me if you are happy with your jobs.

Hal and Dion look at each other, then shrug. 


I think mines ok,  I picked commissary.


I picked- well, I was *forced* to pick barbering. 

Crevan raises an eyebrow at Dion when he mentions the job he picked.





Yeah, barbering. It's just cutting hair, not like it's hard.



(he makes a "hm," sound)

There you have it. The kid doesn't want to be here, and I don't want him running a muck in my space. I think I know how this goes.

Dion perks up, looking offended


What do you mean you don't want me here? What's your problem? I don't want to work for you anyway, you sound like you have a stick up your ass and your music su-


Dion continues yelling at Oliver as he watches him leave, letting out an annoyed groan when he sees the door shut. He turns around to look at Gabriel. Gabriel is much taller than him.


I'm not scared of you.


(he sighs)

I wish you were.


You won't be able to boss me around like whoever came before me, got it?


Just grab a belt.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • scottish (dundee)
  • generic scottish
  • scottish highlands
  • scottish (edinburgh)
  • scottish (glaswegian)
  • standard scottish
  • picked- well, I was *forced* to pick barbering. --- Yeah, barbering. It's just cutting hair, not like it's hard.

  • What do you mean you don't want me here? What's your problem? I don't want to work for you anyway, you sound like you have a stick up your ass and your music su-

  • I'm not scared of you. --- You won't be able to boss me around like whoever came before me, got it?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gabriel Moreno
Paid: Flat Rate 5 GBP
Role assigned to: M-J Reeler

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count = 1 Line - £5 Flat rate pay

Name: Gabriel Moreno

Age: 30

Species: Flamingo / Human

Role: Inmate

Gabriel Moreno is one of the oldest members of the cast, and one of the cast members with the most prison experience. He has spent the last 8 years of his life in prison, and is now spending his last 10 in minimum security after supposedly good behaviour in medium security.  As a result of his experience, he has gone into Triation as a "higher level" inmate. He runs the prison barbers, a hub of communications and exchanging information in quick succession. He enjoys leading a team and being in charge, and shares a lot of responsibility with Oliver - since they know each other from their time at Medium Security together. 

While he acts professional, polite and friendly outwardly, he is quite a dark person. From his life working in organised crime, he has a hardened personality and fierce temper he can't quite seem to shake for good. He's trying, though. Gabriel butts heads with Dion frequently throughout the series, as Dion becomes his new trainee under the barbering scheme.


Gabriel plays an important role later in the series as a tie to the backstory and prison life prior to Hal's introduction. He also has a lot of backstory with Oliver and Phil. 

  • Hal has a mid-low range voice

  • His voice when talking causally is friendly, even slightly sassy. However, he can turn dark and fierce fast. 

  • Gabriel's accent is unspecified. Please feel free to audition regardless of accent!




Gabriel leans into Dion, grabs his jaw and turns Dion's head.


But this boy has never touched a pair of hair scissors in his life. Does he even want to be here?


I don't want to be here.


(he makes a "hm," sound)

There you have it. The kid doesn't want to be here, and I don't want him running a muck in my space. I think I know how this goes.


Gabriel stands up at full height and nods, walking over to the corner with Oliver. Gabriel turns up the music on the radio beside them, causing Dion to cover his ears from the sudden noise.


Help me out here, please? I think he'd be good for you.


Are you saying that because it'd be good for me, or it'd be good for you? I would love to help you Oliver, but I need someone qualified. I'm not running an apprentice program here.


He's working on a client when he notices the group - he gives them a sassy smirk and a wave.


This is the barbershop - Gabriel is our main barber. Don't underestimate his flamboyant appearance, he knows his way around a pair of boxing gloves. He runs a tight ship, don't mess him around.


He's right, you know! If you need a trim or a shave, just give me a call. Respect my time, respect my space, and we'll get along just fine.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • But this boy has never touched a pair of hair scissors in his life. Does he even want to be here? --- (he makes a "hm," sound) There you have it. The kid doesn't want to be here, and I don't want him running a muck in my space. I think I know how this goes.

  • Are you saying that because it'd be good for me, or it'd be good for you? I would love to help you Oliver, but I need someone qualified. I'm not running an apprentice program here.

  • He's right, you know! If you need a trim or a shave, just give me a call. Respect my time, respect my space, and we'll get along just fine.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Forrest Clark
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Word Count = 5 Lines - £10 Flat Rate Pay

Name: Forrest Clark

Age: 26

Species: Australian Shepard/Human

Role: Inmate

Forrest is not a criminal in the traditional sense. His intentions mean well, he just doesn't go about things in the best way. He's sweet, friendly, but also not the brightest bulb in the room. He has spent time in and out of juvenile detention for piracy and selling counterfeit goods, but has no history of violence. If there is anyone who doesn't belong in the facility, it's probably Forrest.

He's found a great sense of accomplishment working alongside Phil as an assistant cook, and looks up to Phil as a point of inspiration. He also helps Omari run a dungeons and dragons club every week and runs a "music club" with Dion where they talk about their favourite music. Speaking of music, Forrest is a massive idol fan and loves Hal's idol group!


Forrest is a primary supporting character in the series, often tagging along with the main cast.

  • Hal has a mid-low range voice. His accent is unspecified, I'm open to various interpretartions!

  • His voice is friendly, excitable and sociable.


Line Delivery Instructions:


A cheerful young man with a big, beaming smile, is talking to another small group of inmates. He's wearing a t-shirt from a popular idol group.


Can you believe the new album comes out next month? I can't believe Mr. Foxglove is gonna buy it for me!


Hal is back at his bed, looking around at the sparse area. Forrest, Omari and Bo walk up the gangway to their beds nearby. Forrest looks at Hal, then does a double take, and his eyes widen.


It's you! You're Hal!


(He laughs)

Yes, it's me! Dion told me you know me.


It is such an honour. I'm Forrest, I have listened to your groups music for years! Out of all the places I expected to meet you, it wasn't here!



I'm guessing... You know?


Yeaaah... I know about the trial. But you seem to be handling it well!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Can you believe the new album comes out next month? I can't believe Mr. Foxglove is gonna buy it for me!

  • It's you! You're Hal! ---- It is such an honour. I'm Forrest, I have listened to your groups music for years! Out of all the places I expected to meet you, it wasn't here!

  • Yeaaah... I know about the trial. But you seem to be handling it well!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Andrew Hales
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP
Role assigned to: ruzzfe

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count = 5 Lines - £10 Flat rate pay.

Name:Andrew Hales

Age: 28

Species: Deer/Human

Role: Inmate

Andrew is a tragic story - arrested and charged for killing his own son (who, as of the pilot, is still missing and hasn't been recovered). He did not commit this crime, and was a victim of crooked detectives who wanted to close the case before it went cold. Andrew's case is largely debated in online communities, but Andrew has resorted to a life of quiet and keeping out of the spotlight. He struggled for years, spending a large portion of time in Triation's mental health unit. He is a special case - his sentence is far longer than the specified 10 year requirement, but Triation was one of the few facilities with an open mental health unit.

He is doing better now, getting support from his friends (primarily Oliver and Etan, and eventually Hal). 


Andrew is a main character, but his appearance in the pilot is brief.

  • Hal has a mid-low range voice. His accent is unspecified, I'm open to various interpretartions!

  • His voice is quiet, low and shy.


Line Delivery Instructions:



I was told by someone called Etan that I should find him...? I was, well, wondering where his sleeping quarters are.


Oh. Over there.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • Oh. Over there.

  • [Feel free to do some random dialogue, I think this is one of his only speaking lines in the pilot]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Phil Ward
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP
Role assigned to: Steven Jobson

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line count = 3 Lines - £10 Flat rate pay

Name: Phil Ward 

Age: 30

Species:Harlequin Rabbit/Human

Role: Inmate, Prison Chef

Phil, like Gabriel, has the most prison experience. However unlike Gabriel, Phil has spent his entire time at Triation. He comes from a very wealthy family which has since exiled him due to his actions. However, this does not bother him. After his arrest, he found his passion for cooking, and worked up the ranks to become the prisons head chef. While he works hard, he does not mind it, as it keeps his mind occupied and ensures that people respect him.

Phil is traditional. He is polite, but he is not kind. He is very matter-of-fact. He is also very self-focused and focused on those around him. He would not save the world if given the chance, he would only save his friends and the ones he loved. He has found himself involved in a relationship with both Etan and Oliver, something he finds great comfort in, even if he is not a very overt or romantic lover. 

Phil's life isn't entirely stress-free, however. Some poor decisions when he first arrived have left him with an almost decade-long struggle with another inmate, who has promised him protection in return for utilising part of the prison kitchen freezer to store illegal items. 


Phil is somewhere between a main protagonist and supporting cast member. He has a lot of storyline but may not be as involved with the main group.

  • Hal has a mid-low range voice. He speaks clearly with a clean, posh accent. However, this is more natural and less cartoony.

  • His voice is matter-of-fact. He does not add more energy than he needs to.


Line Delivery Instructions:


It's evident Oliver and Phil seem a little closer than other inmates. Hal and the other inmates stand awkwardly as Oliver and Phil bicker back and forth. Oliver and Phil seem to notice, and stop.


Welcome. I am Phil. Respect my kitchen staff, follow the rules of the food hall, and we'll get along. Don't insult my food.



This is Phil. He makes good food, he is not your usual lazy chef.


by the way, you need to do the bidfood order so I can call them for yo-


(sounding matter of fact, but not annoyed))

I know, I have it here for you. You know I can call bidfood myself right?


I know, but I don't want you having more stress than you already have.


By offloading it onto yourself? You need to give yourself a break.



Ok chefs - Officer's lunches! Fish cake, mashed potatoes, beans! One short than normal. Heard?


Yes Chef!

Phil continues observing. Forrest passes Phil a spoon with some soup on it. Phil takes it, blows on it gently and then sips it.


Good, much better. Add some more salt and you'll be golden.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british (posh)
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • british (highbrow)
  • Welcome. I am Phil. Respect my kitchen staff, follow the rules of the food hall, and we'll get along. Don't insult my food.

  • I know, I have it here for you. You know I can call bidfood myself right? --- By offloading it onto yourself? You need to give yourself a break.

  • Ok chefs - Officer's lunches! Fish cake, mashed potatoes, beans! One short than normal. Heard? --- Good, much better. Add some more salt and you'll be golden.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Omari Furaha
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count = 3 Lines - £10 Flat rate pay

Name: Omari Furaha

Age: 22

Species: Sheep/Human

Role: Inmate

Omari Furaha is a mostly quiet character, choosing to invest his time into creative avenues. He runs the casts dungeons and dragons game, and spends time drawing artwork for other inmates in return for payment. He does not tend to get involved in the major plots or narratives. Instead, his sessions act as a respite and escape for the cast. He is generally well-mannered, but often sleepy due to spending late nights working on his campaigns.


Omari is a supporting member of the cast, and does not have a large speaking role in the pilot. However, in the event that the pilot is successful, he has more speaking lines

  • Omari has a mid-low range voice, with a warm, sleepy tone to it.

  • His accent is unspecified, so I am open to a variety of accents!  

  • POC voice actors are encouraged to audition for Omari's role


Line Delivery Instructions:



Can you believe the new album comes out next month? I can't believe Mr. Foxglove is gonna buy it for me!

Next to Forrest is Omari. He's resting his head on the picnic bench, clutching a bundle of books in his hands.


Speaking of officer Foxglove... I wish he'd hurry up. I don't want this to go on too long. We're meant to be running a game out here soon...



I guess so...? It's the hand I've been dealt, have to go with it. Sitting in a holding cell for 2 weeks puts a lot of things into perspective.


Wow... 2 weeks, that's quite a bit of time. Mhm, prisons are very busy right now... I am Omari, I run the d&d campaign. If you want me to get you set up, let me know...!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Speaking of officer Foxglove... I wish he'd hurry up. I don't want this to go on too long. We're meant to be running a game out here soon...

  • Wow... 2 weeks, that's quite a bit of time. Mhm, prisons are very busy right now... I am Omari, I run the d&d campaign. If you want me to get you set up, let me know...!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bo Liu
Paid: Flat Rate 7 GBP
Role assigned to: Tony Westfield

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Approx. Line Count = 2 lines - £7 Flat rate pay

Name: Bo Liu

Age: 28

Species: Tiger/Human

Role: Inmate

Bo, once a hardened criminal, is now trying to live the quiet life. A particularly fierce brawl has left him almost entirely deaf, and blind in one eye. It put things into reality for him, and since he has been focusing on keeping his head low. He works for Gabriel in the barbers, and has taken a liking to Gabriel. However, he is a man of few words and tends to avoid conversation.


Bo is a supporting cast member, but has ties to plotlines prior to when Hal is introduced.

  • Bo has a low-range voice.

  • His accent is unspecified, so I am open to a variety of accents!  


Line Delivery Instructions:


Hal turns to Bo.


(Speaking gently while signing.)

Hello, stay out of trouble please.


Not far from Forrest and Omari, Bo, a more muscular man with visible scars, is watching the fight with a detached and neutral expression.

He sets his weight down, and begins to sign while talking.


They never learn, do they?

The inmate shakes his head in return, continuing his set.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Hello, stay out of trouble please.

  • They never learn, do they?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alouetta Ruskin
Paid: Flat Rate 40 GBP
Role assigned to: crazythespian

[Character designs may be subject to minor changes as the story develops further]

Name: Alouetta Ruskin

Age: 49

Species: Brown Hooded Kingfisher / Human

Role: Hal's Mother

Alouetta is Hal's mother, a hardworking woman who loves her family. She spends a large amount of time taking care of her two younger children, Corbyn and Narniah. However, she makes a name for herself in her local community by running events and her own business.


Alouetta is a supporting character in the Jailbird series.

  • Alouetta has a mid-low range voice, with a London accent

  • Her voice is motherly and kind.


Line Delivery Instructions:



Morning, mum!


Morning, dove. Breakfasts almost ready,


Alouetta smiles and nods.


Ok then, don't be too late. Can you pick up Corbyn's medication on the way home too?

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • west london
  • southwest london accent
  • british (london)
  • english (london)
  • london
  • south london
  • Morning, dove. Breakfasts almost ready,

  • Ok then, don't be too late. Can you pick up Corbyn's medication on the way home too?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Officer 1 (Extra)
Paid: Flat Rate 40 GBP
Role assigned to: David John-Bores

Male officer voice, extra

  • At least someone's awake. Get up, get dressed. It's time to go.

  • This bus will not just be stopping here. It's going to stop at multiple holding jails, and multiple prisons. You do NOT get up and leave this bus unless your name is called and you are instructed to do so. Understood?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 GBP
Role assigned to: candice faith

Aubrey is an officer at Triation correctional facility, and the co-worker Crevan is closest to. She takes her job seriously, and isn't as friendly to the inmates as Crevan is. That doesn't mean she's cruel though - she's firm, but fair.

Line count in prologue: 1 (potential for more lines in future episodes)

  • Fifteen, Sixteen... Seventeen. That's everyone! Not bad timing Crevan, but I'm faster.


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