Injustice: Gods Among Us Fandub

Injustice: Gods Among Us Fandub

Project Overview

What is this?

A fan dub of the beloved Injustice: Gods Among Us game and comic series, along with some special elements! This project is going to be edited and framed in such a way to make the experience like a movie, using the cutscenes as the basis for the story mode, as well as some of the comics to flesh out some characters. This will, in theory, make this more "cinematic" in a sense, almost like a comic book movie.

For those of you unfamiliar with the premise: Injustice: Gods Among Us is a dystopian world where the Justice League is in civil war with each other, and Batman has to call heroes from another universe to help turn the tide against a dictatorial Superman, who rules the world with an iron fist, and begs the question of what happens when our greatest heroes become our greatest threat.


Since this is a paid project that I am funding out of my own pocket: a significant level of technical and performance quality is going to be expected. Please ensure that your microphone is capable of recording your performance without picking up overwhelming background noises or excessive peaking/clipping. Simultaneously many of these roles are for larger than life characters who tend to emote HEAVILY- as such most roles will probably involve shouting and even a bit of hamming it up/overacting in some capacity at some time or another so if you cannot commit to the needs of a given role please do not audition as I cannot expect to select someone who cannot give the performance a role requires.

Casting in Regards to Payment:

As I mentioned above- this project is going to be funded directly out of my pocket and as such the audition deadline has been set significantly down the road to better ensure my ability to pay everyone who is selected. However, I am also not opposed to having "community members" (those who do not necessarily wish to be paid) come in and do it as a hobby. If you are cast I do not expect you to do any recording for me until you are appropriately compensated for your time, although you are welcome to send in your lines before payment (if applicable). I am open for negotiations on how to best pay you for your services if you wish to be paid, between $20 to $250 per role in each episode/chapter. Payment is going to be on a per case/episode basis: you will be paid for each case your role appears in. The listed price is the price of which you will be paid for their first appearance, subsequent appearances may change depending on total line count for a given case. After castings are complete, payments will be made as the funding becomes available- this method allows me to pay more to each role as I can garner some additional savings between each pay period at work during these times. (On a full-time basis for 2024, I am looking to make about $750 to $800 every other week, which will start back up midway through May).

Role Significance:

Obviously, leading roles like Batman are going to be paid the highest amount as they will be appearing most frequently and deserve to be accommodated accordingly, but certain "supporting" and "minor" characters have recurring appearances throughout the game, have an incredibly important impact on the events of the story, or simply have a significantly higher amount of dialogue in the fewer instances where they appear compared to other characters of similar "significance." As such the pay for such roles may vary from other characters in the same classification. This is not a mistake or oversight: each actor is being compensated according to the requirements that will be expected of them.


Payments will be made on a per case/episode basis (i.e: when payments are made for "Chapter 1: Primeverse Batman" payment for "Chapter 2: Green Lantern" will be sent some weeks later, and so on until payments for each case are complete.) Payments will be sent through Venmo and/or CashApp. If you do not have an account with either, I strongly encourage you to make one after auditions and casting is complete.

A few final notes:

1.) I'm a huge fan of the Justice League, and the Injustice series, and as such we may be submitting our own auditions alongside all who wish to participate- I DO NOT EXPECT YOU TO TRY AND IMITATE OUR PERFORMANCES. Each role will have the suggested guidance and ideal performance parameters I have in mind for each character, but the beauty of acting is taking the same premise or direction and presenting it with your own unique flair.

2.) Anything in this color down below is NOT to be read when you're auditioning for various parts- this text exists solely to give context to the lines you will be reading.

3.) Discord is not required, but it is recommended as we utilize it to deliver announcements and distribute scripts and recorded lines. (it's also been an incredibly useful tool for getting to know the people affiliated with the project and we've had a fair bit of fun with it).

4.) Many of the roles will be doubled back (meaning that there are two versions of the same characters), so it is recommended that you send two takes of each audition line. The description for each character that has a "double-back" will have instructions as to whose performances to emulate.

5.) Please be aware that the images you see for each role are what the characters look like in the Injustice universe only.


And that's it- if more questions or concerns come up, please let me know in the comments or, if you have worked with me before, through Discord or email at [redacted].

Have fun and good luck!

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Latest Updates

  • Final Casting is Complete

    Hello everybody! Thank you for auditioning and your patience. At long last, the final cast list is complete! The people I have chosen for roles are as follows:

    Batman: Cliff Jones (Dr. Throwback)

    Green Lantern/Yellow Lantern: Erik Braa

    Aquaman: Jeremiah Cole (duckbutter64)

    The Joker: John Doe777 (taka #8077)

    Green Arrow: Dave Rivas

    Cyborg: Brodrick Everett

    Deathstroke: Christian Wadley (ehcoatom)

    Lex Luthor: Joe J Thomas

    The Flash: Jamil Sierra (jamill_sierra)

    Wonder Woman: Strykerchick (Carnage5443)

    Superman: Jordan Reynolds

    Bane: Sean Crisden

    Raven: Lauren Synger

    Sinestro: Jason Charles Miller

    Shazam: Gabriel Sieling (Agent-Spider #5634)

    Ares: Tim Simmons

    Harley Quinn: Lauren Synger

    Hawkgirl: Claudia Dunn

    Damian Wayne: David Contreras (frostybadger101)

    Elsa: Vesperia (vesperiaproductions)

    Solomon Grundy: Rick Zieff

    Black Adam: Michael Ashcraft

    Catwoman: Moe Rock

    Nightwing: Derik-TF (WarriorCat246)

    Doomsday: Joshua Crawford (joshpvgva)

    If you don't see your name on this final casting list, don't be discouraged. Some of you brought elements to the table from previous actors and actresses that reminded me of them (e.g. an auditionee for Catwoman went with a more Yzma approach {the actress's name escapes me at the moment} while one of the auditionees for the Joker made it seem as though Heath Ledger had returned to life as the clown prince of crime), and for that, you are to be commended. I will be in contact for smaller roles (e.g. the Regime's stormtroopers or Atlantis's elite guardsmen), so be on the lookout for those.

    Thanks again to everyone who auditioned, and congratulations to all who was selected. You will see scripts headed your way soon. Talk to you all, and let this Injustice project begin!

    Joshua Boston

  • Auditions Complete

    Hello everybody!

    I hope you are all doing well. As of last night, auditions for this project are now closed. Thank you to everybody who auditioned for this Injustice fan dub. I never suspected or dreamed that I would get 200 or so submissions from both this site and from an outside source. Why if somebody told me that I would end up getting a personal email from Buford because of this casting call being so successful, I would have thought they were crazy. It's a great problem to have when sorting through candidates who offer so much to the table. If I have chosen you for a role, you will receive a confirmation email from the site. Some are a little more difficult to cast than others because they are so good, so sit tight. And May the odds be ever in your favor.

    Thank you for auditioning once again, and I hope to talk to you soon!

    Joshua Boston

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Doctor_Throwback

Batman, the Dark Knight detective, is a hero who needs no introduction. A playboy billionare by day, Bruce Wayne takes on the mantle of the Batman, fighting for justice in Gotham City. He is also a major asset to the Justice League, despite not necessarily being with them on a full-time basis.

However, in the Injustice timeline, after the destruction of Metropolis and Superman killing the Joker, he has been through hell and back during a civil war inside of the Justice League, with many of his former allies fighting alongside Superman. To turn the tide of the war and stop Superman's dictatorial rule, he calls upon heroes from the prime DC Universe (which shall be referred to as the Primeverse), to help win the fight.

For your auditions, you will need two different iterations of the character to refer to, and send at least two takes of each line, one for each voice. The main voice for Batman should be inspired by and/or emulate the performances of the late great Kevin Conroy. For the Primeverse version of Batman (which shall be referred to as Bruce in the scripts), you may want to use a brighter or lighter tone, similar to Val Kilmer from Batman Forever. However, for the Injustice version, you may wish to be a bit grittier and darker, similar to Christian Bale's performances from The Dark Knight Trilogy. Two actors may be selected, each with its own version of the character, so please provide your Discord username or email address for scripts. Thank you!

  • english
Voice description:
  • fandub
  • male adult
  • "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."

  • "When the mugger or the thief stops to think twice, that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins. Because I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises."

  • "I am vengeance. I am the night. I. Am. Batman!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Green Lantern/Yellow Lantern
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, is one of the mainstays of the Justice League. In the Primeverse, his willpower is unbreakable, and he has proven to be a powerhouse that everyone can rely upon, despite his somewhat sassy attitude at times. On an important mission, he is brought into the Injustice world with a few other heroes, and finds himself in the middle of a civil war in their version of the Justice League.

In the Injustice world, Hal Jordan broke the oath of the Guardians in the second year of the war, and ended up joining the Sinestro Corps Yellow Lanterns, essentially concluding that fear is more effective than willpower. His personality is more or less the same to his Primeverse counterpart, although that guilt of breaking his oath bothers him at times.

For this role, you will need to refer to Adam Baldwin and Steve Blum's performances in the two Injustice video games. The Primeverse one should sound more like Baldwin (and maybe a little Ryan Reynolds), while Yellow Lantern should be a bit grittier like Blum. As with Batman, two actors may be selected for these roles.

  • english
Voice description:
  • fandub
  • male adult
  • “You can't foresee all the consequences of your actions. But that's no excuse to do nothing.”

  • "Look, I get why you don't trust me. But you should trust the Guardians. This ring means something. They put me through hell to get it back."

  • "In brightest day, in blackest night... No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might... BEWARE MY POWER, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Jeremiah Cole

Arthur Curry, also known as King Orin, was born a Human/Atlantean hybrid in the simple town of Amnesty Bay, Maine. He was raised by the humble lighthouse keeper Tom Curry, where his true mother was Atlanna, the queen of Atlantis who was exiled for her son bearing resemblance to Kordax, a tyrannical being known for his blonde hair and ability to control sea life. Beyond that burden, Arthur lived a simple life, until he learned of his origins when Atlanna was in her deathbed. This inspired him to go explore his roots in the deep sea below, and proved the Atlanteans wrong about his supposed resemblance to the once-notorious villain. Thus, he began his sea-faring adventures as Aquaman, where he would then become the king of Atlantis, and a loving husband and father to his family. He's also credited as a founding member of the Justice League of America.

For a voice reference for this character, you will need to refer to Phil Lamarr's performances as Aquaman in the Injustice games, as well as Kotal Kahn in Mortal Kombat X and 11. You might also want to refer to his performance in Young Justice as Aquaman. The Primeverse Aquaman will be a little bit brighter in tone, while the Injustice Aquaman should have a little emulation of Jason Momoa from the Justice League 2017 movie and/or Snyder cut. Please send in two takes of your audition lines, each with its own variation.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • fandub
  • "I am the King of Atlantis! I answer to no one! Unlike you."

  • "Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together."

  • "I'm not following anyone! You've never understood Atlantis, Bruce. We are an ancient people, with an old-fashioned sense of justice."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Joker
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Taka Tako

As a result of his disordered mind, the Joker's history is largely a mystery, made more so by the fact that few records of the Joker’s past exist to the public’s knowledge, if at all. The generally most commonly agreed-upon origin concerns a family man and failed comedian who used to work at a chemical factory. The man had a pregnant wife named Jeannie who he was unable to provide for or care for, and was manipulated into committing a robbery of the chemical factory he used to work at under the alias of the Red Hood. His wife and unborn child died in an accident, but it was too late for him to back out of the robbery. The robbery went awry, as Batman attacked, sending the soon-to-be Joker into a vat of chemicals, deforming his look into that of an evil clown. This made him go mad, as the Joker became the greatest enemy to Batman and to the entirety of Gotham. Some criminal records cite his name as being Jack Napier, although it is speculated that it may be one of many fake aliases.

In the Injustice universe, this Joker is a much more insane version of himself, having been brought back to life from a Lazarus Pit after the events of Arkham City, unbeknownst to anyone in the League of Assassins. Having failed to stop Batman several times over and not getting the last laugh on the Dark Knight, he turns to causing Superman to break, drugging him with fear toxin laced with kryptonite, tricking him into killing Lois and his unborn child, and nuking all of Metropolis. He is killed very early on in this universe's story by Superman, and he is later cremated just as the civil war in the Justice League breaks out.

The voice of the Joker should emulate Mark Hamill's performances from various pieces of media. You may use Troy Baker's younger performance for inspiration of the Primeverse version of Joker if you wish, and lean more towards a darker and more sinister version of Hamill's performances for the Injustice version (and maybe add a little bit of Leto to his brief appearances).

For your audition lines, you are welcome to pick any of the following monologues, adding some chuckles here and there as deemed appropriate.

Voice description:
  • fandub
  • male adult
  • "I find the past such a dark and troubling place, don't you? Yes... memories so treacherous. One moment, you're lost in a carnival of delight. The childhood aromas, the flashing neon of puberty, all that sentimental candy floss. The next, it takes you somewhere you don't want to be. Somewhere dark and cold, filled with the damp ambiguous shapes of things you'd rather forget! Memories can be vile, repulsive little brutes. Like children, no? But can we live without them!?! Memories are what our reason is based on! If we deny them, we deny reason itself! Although… what’s wrong with that? We aren’t exactly tied down to any contracts with rationality. There is no sanity clause! So… when you find yourself locked up on an unpleasant train of thought, heading for those places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember this… there’s always madness. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened, and you can lock them all away… forever. Madness… is the emergency exit. (maniacal laugh)”

  • “Dear friends... today is the day the Clown cried. And he cries not for the passing of one man, but for the death of a dream. The dream that he would someday taste the ultimate victory over his hated enemy. For it was the Batman who made me the happy soul I am today. How I agonized over the perfect way to thank him for that. Perhaps with a cyanide pie in the face. Or an exploding whoopie-cushion playfully planted in the Batmobile. But those dreams were dashed by the weaselly little gunsel sitting there in our midst. The cowardly insignificant gonif who probably got lucky when Batman slipped on the slime trail this loser left behind him. This mound of diseased hyena filth who's not fit to lick the dirt from my spats...! But I digress. The time for sorrow has passed. It's time to look to a future filled with smiles. And I'll be smiling again just as soon as we take that man there... and slap him in that box THERE... and roll him into that vat of acid over THERE! (sigh heavily) Well, that was fun! Who’s for Chinese?”

  • "You scared about the scars? Wanna know how I got them? Well... My father was a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Turns to me, and he says, “Why so serious, son?” Comes at me with the knife… “Why so serious?” He sticks the blade in my mouth… “Let’s put a smile on that face!” And… why so serious?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Green Arrow
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Oliver Queen was born in Star City to billionaire industrialist Robert Queen and his wife, Moira. In his college years, he dated Sandra Hawke. In the process, she bore him a son, Connor. Apart from being present for Connor’s birth, he abandoned him and Sandra. As the young Heir to Queen Industries, of which his father was CEO, Queen was a wild socialite. Shamed by his son’s erratic behavior, Robert relegated his son to clerical work on an oil rig in the pacific, which the latter managed to convert into a hub for further partying. During one such party, Oliver and his guests were attacked by oil-thieving terrorists. Although he was advised not to, Oliver took it upon himself to challenge the terrorist leader to a fight, using his father’s fruitless archery training. The terrorists had strapped a bomb vest to Oliver’s then-girlfriend, Leena, which was rigged to explode at the activation of a detonator. Although Oliver managed to disarm the terrorist leader of the detonator, it bounced and activated, killing Leena, the terrorists, and destroying half of the oil rig. Oliver survived thanks to his friend, Thomas Merlyn, who took the brunt of the explosion, and as a result, was badly burned by the explosion. Oliver wound up marooned on an island where he survived using his bow and arrows for one year. He did eventually manage to return to civilization, taking on the name “Green Arrow” and fighting crime to protect his loved ones and friends, such as Batman.

For the voice of Green Arrow, you will need to refer to the performances of Alan Tudyk in both Injustice games and Justice League Unlimited. However, in a flashback scene for the Injustice universe version of Green Arrow, detailing his death at the hands of an enraged Superman, you will also need to emulate a little bit of Stephen Amell's version of Arrow.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “I made a promise to your mother to keep you safe. And there is no world, there is no universe, no past, present, or future where I break it.”

  • "An arrow can only be shot when pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great! So just stay focused, and keep on aiming."

  • "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal: to save my city. But my old approach wasn't enough. I had to become someone else. I had to become something else. I had to become the Green Arrow."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Victor 'Vic' Stone was a polar opposite from his father. While Silas Stone was a very proficient scientist at S.T.A.R Labs, his son was equally proficient in athletics, being the best football player in his college team. However, when Darkseid of Apokolips would commence his invasion on Earth, Vic would be seriously injured during the chaos. In a last ditch effort, Silas used unknown technology (a Mother Box from the Fourth World) to save Vic's life, thus giving him a cybernetic support system and built-in computer. Upon learning of Apokolips' existence, Vic joins the rest of the Justice League in the fight to push back Darkseid. As they were successful, Cyborg would go on to become one of their most faithful members.

The Injustice version of Cyborg is one that is hopeless and angry, having lost so many of his former teammates in the Metropolis explosion, and several others sent to the Phantom Zone for their own safety. For the voice of this character, you will need to emulate the performances of Khary Payton, mostly the version from the original Teen Titans show for the Primeverse version of Cyborg. The Injustice version needs to be darker and angrier, and emulate a little bit of Ray Fisher's performance in the Snyder cut of Justice League.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "I can't believe you two would just barge into Robin's room when he's gone, dress up in his uniform, and pretend to be Robin...! Without me!"

  • "The boss is being generous. I wouldn't be. Most of the Titans died in Metropolis five years ago."

  • "BOO-YAH! I don't know who you are, or where you're from, but Atlas... I just kicked your virtual butt!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: CWadley

When Slade Wilson was 17 years old, he enlisted in the United States Armed Forces, and went on to be an exceptional soldier, earning decorations for valor in combat. During this time, he married fellow soldier Adeline Kane, who bore him a son, Grant, who they raised together. Eventually, Slade, along with fellow soldier Alexander Fairchild took some mercenary work, which they likened to babysitting arms dealers. Some time after that, they were both part of a covert ops team known as Team 7. During a mission where the team had to secure a plan known as “The Majestic Project”, the team suffered a terrible tragedy, ultimately resulting in the team going their separate ways. Over the course of the team’s short-lived tenure, Slade unknowingly endured experimentation. Slade discovered he could heal faster than other humans. Some time later, Slade volunteered for an experimental procedure, which unexpectedly woke Slade into a rage, attacking the guards and scientists, before he was subdued. As the treatment was unstable, Slade suffered from Hyperadrenalism, a condition where he spent time passing in and out of consciousness. He was watched over by two of his former associates. Although Adeline and Grant visited him, he fell into a coma, eventually waking up to find that the experiment he volunteered for was scrapped, with Slade himself receiving a full pension. After his recovery, he began his work as a super-powered mercenary.

For this character, you will need to refer to Ron Pearlman's performance from Teen Titans for the Primeverse version of the character, who will most likely have only two or three lines at the beginning of Chapter 1. The Injustice Deathstroke, however, will need to be similar to the performance from Arkham Origins, provided by Mark Rolston. You are welcome to combine both, but if you choose to do so, make the Injustice version of the character sound grittier and more no-nonsense.

Voice description:
  • deep
  • male adult
  • "You fought well, Batman. But I am stronger. Faster. Smarter. And so this ends the only way it could."

  • "When a man earns my respect, that means I do not rest. I devote all my energy, everything I have, to killing him!"

  • "I've got no more quarrel with you. Not unless someone else places a bounty on your head."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lex Luthor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Alexander Joseph Luthor is the CEO of his company LexCorp, which he gained the funds for out of an attempt to get a huge life insurance policy from his parents' death. As such, he excelled in designing aeroplanes and space shuttles. When Superman came around, Lex became enamored but also enraged at him for knowing of someone like a Superman becoming a huge liability for Metropolis. As such, he went at odds with the Man of Tomorrow, getting around the moral that power comes from pure skill and smarts rather than godlike powers. Luthor's even responsible for creating well-known Superman villains like Bizarro, and even discovering a hunk of Kryptonite and fashioning it into a ring just in case. 

While many of his antagonistic traits with the Justice League remain present in the Primeverse, he is best friends with Superman in the Injustice universe, and has never engaged in law breaking. Unbeknownst to the Man of Steel, he secretly supports and funds Batman's insurgency to topple the Regime.

For the voice of this character, you will need to refer to Clancy Brown's performances of the character in the DCAU. In the Primeverse, a more sinister tone will need to be present, while a somewhat lighter tone needs to be used for the Injustice version, or something similar to the performance by Mark Rolston.

  • "I can see the headlines. Justice League Fails. Clown Kills Millions. Most of the League dies, and Superman's beloved city is vaporized. I consul the masses by offering to rebuild it, in my own image of course."

  • "Unlike your Luthor, I have never engaged in law-breaking. Superman does not know that his best friend is funding the Insurgency."

  • "No good comes from hero worship."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Flash
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Jamil Sierra

Bartholomew 'Barry' Allen had a relatively normal life, until his father was wrongly accused for the death of his mother and imprisoned. Since then, he enrolled for a forensics scientist at Central City to try and uncover the truth. At one fateful moment while working overtime, Barry was hit by a lightning bolt while dowsed in chemicals, the result of this giving him super speed. He used this power to become The Flash, protecting Central City at every point in the day, due to him being able to go faster than the speed of light. This astounding potential of his powers is what landed Flash on the Justice League, becoming a founding member and a mainstay.

For the Primeverse version of Flash, you will need to emulate either Josh Keaton's performance as Spider-Man in Spectacular Spider-Man OR one of the actors who performed as Sonic the Hedgehog in the past (e.g. Ryan Drummond, Jason Griffith, Roger Craig Smith, and/or Ben Schwartz). However, for the Injustice Flash, you will need to also emulate a little bit of Grant Gustin's performances from the Arrowverse Flash series, as this is a Flash who is dealing with doubt about the Regime and whether they are on the right path or not. You may also refer to Roger Craig Smith's performance as Sonic in Sonic Frontiers for this role.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “Sometimes the only way to move forward is to revisit the things in your past that were holding you back. You have to deal with them head on, no matter how scary they may be. Because once we do, you will see that you can go further than you ever imagined.”

  • "This isn't what we signed up for. I let myself believe we were making things better. But we're not."

  • "It doesn’t matter if you’re the slowest kid in gym class or the fastest man alive, every one of us is running. Being alive means running; running from something; running to something or someone. And no matter how fast you are, there are some things you can’t outrun; some things always manage to catch up to you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wonder Woman
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Strykerchick

Diana, Princess of Themyscira, was the result of her mother, Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, having a torrid affair with Zeus, God of Thunder. Fearing the wrath of Zeus’s notoriously Jealous wife, Hera, Goddess of Marriage, Hippolyta disavowed all knowledge of the affair and explained Diana’s birth under the premise that she was merely the result of Hippolyta wanting a child, the desire of which taking on the form of a lump of clay that took on the shape of a female. As Diana grew older, she became increasingly restless, feeling that she had seen all that the idyllic Themyscira had to offer. Frustrated with her lack of purpose, she eventually went to her elders to offer ways of contributing to her people, to which they reveal that Diana’s path had been preordained for her: to learn the art of storytelling from Clio, the Amazonian scribe. Unsatisfied by this revelation, Diana sought Adventure, but discovered no such thing taking place in the Amazon archives. When Diana met with Clio, they discussed her true origins. Intrigued by what she had learned, she sought to learn more about Amazon history from Clio. After learning that Queen Hippolyta ordered that information be hidden to hide her failures, Diana confronted her mother, who revealed the truth. In 1939, during the Chicago World’s Fair, Diana foiled an assassination attempt on President Franklin Deleanore Roosevelt, by a Nazi sleeper agent. After convincing him to let her help, she continued her heroics and was celebrated as the world’s first superhero. She would later go on to found the Justice Society.

Wonder Woman's trust in men was essentially broken in the Injustice universe after Steve Trevor was discovered to actually be a Nazi spy, because... why not? Some might say that this is what led her down the dark path she eventually took, allowing Superman to become obsessed with his grief and loss after Metropolis, and stoking the fire of fear he held inside. She has no problem killing villains or heroes who dare oppose Superman, and is almost a bloodthirsty as Ares.

For the voice of Wonder Woman, the basis should emulate the performances by Susan Eisenberg. However, in the Primeverse, we may also need some emulation of Lynda Carter (the first live-action Wonder Woman), and an emulation of Gal Gadot's performance from the DCEU for the Injustice version.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • "A true hero is not measured by the size of her strength, but by the strength of her heart."

  • "Bonds of love never make the wearer weaker... they give him greater strength!"

  • "Man's aggression cannot be tempered. Only quelled. We are here to save mankind."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Superman, aka Clark Kent, is a hero that needs no introduction, very much like Batman. He has always been seen as a beacon of hope to everyone around him, and is the most powerful of anybody on the Justice League's roster. However, in the events of Injustice, the Joker drugged him with fear toxin laced with kryptonite, tricking him into killing a pregnant Lois Lane-Kent and unborn son, and triggering the nuke that destroyed Metropolis. In his grief and rage, he kills the Joker, and then, over time, continues down a dark path of tyranny and evil, becoming a dictatorial despot, with the symbol of the House of El being a symbol of fear to everyone in his world.

For the voice of Superman, you will need to emulate the performance of George Newbern, as seen in the Justice League animated series and the Injustice games. You will need to keep the bright tone that he provides to the character for the Primeverse version of Superman, but add a little emulation of Henry Cavill's version of Superman for the Injustice version of the character.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • “I once thought I could protect the world by myself. But I was wrong."

  • “Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us into something better. And on my soul, I swear that until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice are the reality we all share, I'll never stop fighting. Ever.”

  • "I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die. But you can take it, can't you, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose and show you just how powerful I really am."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

Eduardo Dorrance was born in the Central American country Santa Prisca, where he was transferred to one of its most notorious prisons to carry on the sentence of his recently escaped father, revolutionary Sir Edmund Dorrance (AKA “King Snake”). As he would grow in the given environment, Dorrance would become one of the most feared inmates. Along with being a fearsome brute with his strength, he also studied a lot, reading any book he can get. However, Dorrance’s physical prowess attracted the warden's attention, who put him in an experiment on testing a steroid called "Venom." As such, Dorrance broke out with a handful of the drug and ventured to Gotham City, where he would take on the codename “Bane” and become one of many infamous rivals of Batman, even being able to best him on different occasions.

For the main voice, you will need to refer to either Fred Tatasciore's performances of Bane in the Injustice games, as well as Arkham Asylum and City OR JB Blanc's performance from Arkham Origins. The Injustice version of Bane should also emulate a little bit of Tom Hardy from The Dark Knight Rises. A little bit of Spanish is also present in some of the lines used, so a little understanding of that language is recommended, though not required.

Voice description:
  • cuban (in spanish)
  • male adult
  • "You will fight me with all your resolve. Or you will die. Someone is going to die: You, me or the clown. The question of which one of us it is-is in your hands."

  • "So you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man. And by then, it was nothing to me but blinding."

  • "He esperado mucho tiempo para esto. Now I break your back."

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Rachel Roth is the daughter of the witch Arella, and the notorious demon Trigon. The latter specifically went to various women in an attempt to raise his own children for a conquest on Earth and the mystical realm Azarath. Rachel then rebelled and fled to Earth, where she'd be known as the magic user Raven, then being enlisted for the modern iteration of the Teen Titans. Trigon would become her greatest nemesis, tailing her and tempting her to fulfill his demented wishes. Half human, half demon, Raven struggles to keep her demonic side under control. However, in the Injustice universe, after Superman's government assumed control over Earth, Raven gave in to her demonic desires. She now enjoys meting out Superman’s harsh brand of justice and punishment.

The voice for Raven should emulate that of Tara Strong's performances from Teen Titans. For the Injustice version, try to make her sound more demonic (a voice filter may be used for these performances).

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • creature
  • dark
  • demonic
  • "I detest violence, Luthor. But I'm even less fond of you."

  • "My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash."

  • "Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!"

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Thaal Sinestro of Korugar used to be one of the most decorated Green Lanterns. Willing to carry out his mission at any cost, he would also be a very snobbish and upheld in his own ego. However, when Hal Jordan became the newest and greatest Green Lantern, this would taint Sinestro's image, making him sloppier in his missions, and even defying the Guardians' orders to fulfill his own needs. Thus, he's exiled from the Green Lantern Corps. But, as he would go into exile, the alien embodiment of fear Parallax gave him a yellow power ring to help him exact revenge on the Corps, thus becoming the single greatest adversary of Green Lantern.

In the Injustice universe, he finds the One-Earth government that Superman and the remaining Justice League members to be very similar to his own government on Korugar. He becomes an ally to the cause, and is one of Superman's greatest enforcers, and a commander to many of the ground forces for the One-Earth government's troops.

Because his lines are all in the Injustice universe, you will only need to emulate Nolan North's performance as Sinestro from the Injustice game (and maybe a little emulation of Mark Strong from the 2011 Green Lantern movie).

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "The One-Earth government is similar to the one that I had on Korugar. An alliance was logical. So for now, I tolerate all humans. Even Hal Jordan."

  • "Those I've gathered here are the elite. The best and bravest soldiers this planet offers. Yours is heroic mission. It requires that you transcend your humanity. Embody the highest Earth One principles: Obedience. Order. Control. But those who defy the High Councilor's commands. They will be executed without qualm or hesitation."

  • "In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let all who try to stop what's right, burn like my power, Sinestro's might!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Gabriel Sieling

Twelve year old Billy Batson was chosen above all others by the wizard Shazam to be his champion of justice, Captain Marvel (also known as Shazam). When Billy speaks the wizard's name, a bolt of magic lightning strikes him, and he becomes the World's Mightiest Mortal. As Captain Marvel, he possesses the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury (SHAZAM). Captain Marvel makes his mighty presence felt across the world wherever injustice falls, and stands as a strong member of the Justice League when those heroes require any of his skills.

In the Injustice universe, Shazam joined Superman's regime out of peer pressure. He is more of a messenger than an enforcer, yet he is willing to use force only if necessary. But sometimes he questions if being with Superman is the right thing to do. Eventually, however, when Superman begins to go too far, Shazam is killed when trying to question Superman's actions, but his sacrifice in the end is not in vain.

The voice of the character should emulate the performance of Joey Naber in the Injustice game, with a little emulation of Zachary Levi.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male adult
  • "Okay. You've got stuff. I admit it. But I've got one last trick up my sleeve."

  • "My whole life, I've looked up to the League. You were my heroes. Every one of you. And you... you were more than a hero, Superman. I idolized you. I wanted to be you. Whenever I was out there, facing down the bad guys, I would think 'What would Superman do?' Now I know. I believe in fair play. I believe in taking people at their word, and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Back home, I’ve come up against my share of pretty nasty bad guys. But I never had to act the way they did to win a fight. I always found another way. I… I guess what I’m trying to say is that I like being a hero. A symbol. And that’s why… I’m… quitting the Justice League. You don't act like heroes anymore.”

  • "SHAZAM!"

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Ares, the Greek god of War, was born eons ago in the trans-dimensional plane known as Skyland, a land situated in the Sphere of the Gods. He was born to Zeus, God of Thunder, and Hera, Goddess of Marriage, both of whom were patriarch and matriarch of the Greek Pantheon, a group of Greek gods who resided on Mount Olympus in Skyland. Many of his siblings, made up the bulk of the gods of Olympus. He fell in love with Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, who bore him many children, including Phobos, God of Fear, and Deimos, God of Terror. He was also the patriarch of the Amazons. As time passed, Ares went mad with power, due to his role as the god of war. The rest of the gods of Olympus all elected to have Ares imprisoned to prevent further bloodshed. Hephaestus, God of Craftsmanship, had Ares shackled with restraints specially designed to inhibit his rage and power. As Aphrodite was the one restraining him, Ares willingly allowed himself to be imprisoned. The Gods banished him to Themyscira, where the Amazons fought to ensure that Ares could not inflict any more damage than he already had. The gods then took steps to ensure that Ares could not escape, even going as far as to wipe the memories of any gods leaving Themyscira, to prevent Phobos and Deimos from rescuing their father. Ares would eventually find a way to access the human world, and become one of Wonder Woman’s most formidable adversaries.

In the Injustice universe, Ares is nearly drained completely of power due to the lack of conflict in Superman's world. The only way to gain more power, in his eyes, is to aid the Insurgency and create more discourse.

For the voice of the god of war, you may refer to either Kevin Michael Richardson's performances as Trigon in Teen Titans OR J.H. Hertzler's performance in the Injustice video game.

Voice description:
  • monster
  • deep
  • dark
  • male adult
  • creature
  • demonic
  • "War shall be waged here, no matter what, my kin. But even still, I am dismayed you would have sided against me."

  • "Only a fool would dare challenge me at my own game."

  • "Life is only predacious because it ends. Take it from me, mortals don't know how lucky they are."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Harley Quinn
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Harleen Quinzel was once an innocent girl that, upon graduating from Gotham University, she became infatuated with the criminals inhabiting Arkham Asylum. When she worked there as a psychiatrist, she was chosen to be the therapist for The Joker, where she was unwillingly manipulated into working beside him. Harleen helped escape from Arkham, thus dressing up as a harlequin simply named Harley Quinn. However, as Harley would fall into a relationship with Joker, it became unrequited, as the latter had a rather warped understanding of love, and sometimes even manipulated her further to keep her in the game, essentially using her as a sort of whipping toy. After Joker's first death after Arkham City, Harley was so distraught that she attempted revenge on Batman and Robin, but soon reunited with her "puddin'" after finding him alive some months later. Between these adventures, Harley would eventually end up joining the elite Suicide Squad.

After Superman killed the Joker in the Injustice universe, however, Harley started the Joker Clan, who worship him as a martyr. Her and the Joker clan carry out acts that distract and annoy the One Earth regime, earning the trust of the Insurgency.

The basis of the voice should emulate Tara Strong's performances as Quinn since Arkham City. However, for the Primeverse version, you may also emulate a little bit of Margot Robbie's performances in the two or three lines she has.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • harley quinn
  • "You got it all wrong, baby. I was using them to help you escape. Who else would I break into Arkham for? Nobody, that's who. It'll be just like old times."

  • "Well look who it is. What do you want, B-man? Come to stick the knife in some more? Well go on then, I don't care. I'm not telling you nothin'! I'm not even going to you about the crap Joker took from Freeze and locked up in the boiler room."

  • "Listen up, dumb-asses and listen carefully. As you know, Mr. J is...he's...he's not himself, and the last thing he needs is any so-called superhero coming in here and stopping his recuperation. That's where you come in, morons. You need to protect the Steel Mill, protect it with your life, because if you fail, I'll make sure your miserable lives don't mean zip. You get it? Good!"

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All the way back in ancient Egypt, Chay-Ara and her husband Kha-Tarr were prosperous rulers of their city. One day, they would find a winged harness that granted them flight, which unbeknownst to them was made out of an alien material called Nth Metal, fashioned by the warrior race of Thanagar. Along with that came an event that would define their legacy, as Nabu (soon to be the spirit to serve Doctor Fate) told them they will be reincarnated upon death. Later on into the present day, Chay-Ara and Kha-Tarr would become archaeologists Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders, where they'd reclaim their harnesses and became Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Hawkgirl in particular would become more well-known than her lover, as she'd be featured more prominently, being a staple of the Justice League, along with her niece Kendra being part of the relaunched Justice Society of America.

Like so many who saw the rise of the One Earth Regime, Hawkgirl was attracted to the sense of order brought about by the High Councilor. This has made her an ideal enforcer for Superman’s ranks.

For this voice, you will need to emulate Jennifer Hale's performance in the Injustice game and/or Ciara Renee's performance in the Arrowverse. You may also refer to Maria Canals-Barrera's performance in the Justice League TV show for her appearances.

  • “Fate is a prison. When free will is gone, what’s left?”

  • "Time to bring the hammer down."

  • "Nice ring. I have a mace."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Damian Wayne
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: DavidC

The result of a brief fling between Batman and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne was raised by the latter and trained by the League of Assassins. His aging was sped up to the point where he had the physiology of a 10-year old child in less than 5 years, as a result of the scientific technology that the League had at their disposal. At an early age, he became a skilled assassin and a respected member of the League. When Talia deemed Damian ready, she sent him to seek out his father, Batman, who was unaware of the former’s conception. Once Batman met Damian for the first time, he was shocked, but was inquisitive anyway. In spite of his training, Damian was sympathetic to Batman’s vigilantism and offered to be the latter’s next sidekick, to which Batman agreed and bestowed upon Damian the mantle of “Robin”, the fourth to use the name. They would fight crime several times together, and Damian even developed a fraternal bond with Nightwing, a previous ward of Batman.

Sadly, because of his upbringing with the League of Assassins, Damian has always struggled with Batman’s non-lethal code of honor. Now in direct opposition to his father, Damian seeks a new mentor in Superman—whom he considers to be more of a father than Batman ever was. This is further driven after Damian killed Dick Grayson (somewhat accidentally) five years before the events of Injustice, whom Batman considers to be more of a son than Damian.

Damian Wayne should sound rather bitter and resentful, and yet still a bit of an angry and angsty teenager. Please refer to the performance by Scott Porter from Injustice 2 for the voice.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • "Faith is belief based on an absence of data. It invites disaster."

  • “A biological accident doesn’t make you my father, and it sure as hell doesn’t make me your son!”

  • "You coward! We are at war with these animals! You think you're better than him? You let the Joker keep on killing! You couldn't save Lois, or Jason, or ANYONE!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Vesperia

Queen Elsa of Arendelle is one of the lesser known members of the Justice League in the Injustice universe, and essentially replaces Killer Frost from this continuity. Much like Aquaman, she is loyal to her people and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them. When the Justice League needed her, she and her younger sister Princess Anna were always ready to lend a helping hand. Trained by Kuai Liang, the Lin Kuei's grandmaster, she can be as delicate as a flower, or as powerful as a warrior on a throne.

However, after Metropolis, the two sisters pulled out of the Justice League for fear of what might happen. Anna would eventually join with Batman's Insurgency, and after the death of Huntress, she would lose it and try to kill Superman in a brutal fight. Unfortunately, during the fight, her heart gave out, and the Arendelle princess perished. Wonder Woman would later use this event to pressure the Queen of Arendelle into joining the Regime. After reasonable measures seemed to be wasted, the Amazon coerced her into her service by threatening total destruction on everyone and everything in Arendelle. Now, against her own will, Elsa is a part of the One-Earth Regime, much like Deadshot as part the Suicide Squad. Unlike Deadshot, however, she never fights for coin like a mercenary. But a small bit of hope remains in her heart that she can be free of this burden.

As you might have guessed, Elsa's voice should emulate that of Idina Menzel in the Frozen films. You can also draw inspiration from Blaze the Cat from Sonic 06 and/or Sonic Rush, as performed by Erica Schroeder.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • "I'm only doing this because I have to. If I rebel, Diana's going to destroy Arendelle, and everyone there. So until Superman is taken down, whether I like it or not, I have to fight for his cause."

  • "Never speak of my sister in such a way, Arrow! She died trying to put an end to Superman's tyranny!"

  • "I have faith in Batman and his Insurgency. I believe that things will get better. They have to. So I can't give up hope. Anna never did."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Solomon Grundy
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Way back in the past, Cyrus Gold was a wealthy merchant that had a relatively safe life in Gotham City. However, a group of criminals would kill him and dump him in Slaughter Swamp. Many years later, his body would be imbued with its vegetation, thus being resurrected as the monster Solomon Grundy. His name being a reference to the nursery rhyme, he would become a constant enemy with the first Green LanternBatman, and members of the Justice Society of America.

Since Solomon Grundy could not be killed in the Injustice universe, Superman had him undergo the same brainwashing procedure all Regime recruits must endure. He's now the faithful servant of the Man of Steel.

For this character's voice, please refer to Fred Tatasciore's performance of the character in the Injustice game.

Voice description:
  • creature
  • zombie
  • male adult
  • "Solomon Grundy. Born on a Monday. Christened on Tuesday. Married on Wednesday."

  • "Grundy kill you dead!"

  • "Me Grundy, not Grodd!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Black Adam
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Teth-Adam was raised as the son of the legendary Ramesses II. When he reached adulthood, he approached the wizard known as Shazam, where he was given the powers of the Egyptian Gods (the representatives being Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton, and Mehen.) This gives him the ability to harness them upon saying the magic word "SHAZAM!" Since then, Adam lived within his new form to maintain immortality, going on to rule his own country, Kahndaq. Adam has also used his powers for evil, but only to defend his country. To the chagrin of Shazam, he contacted his new apprentices, the Marvel Family (led by Billy Batson as Shazam) to stop Adam's evil ways. This ended up resulting in a lifelong rivalry between the two, spanning multiple years.

Black Adam is a supporter of Superman's One Earth government in the Injustice universe because it resembles his own rule. Adam claims that Superman used his rule in Kahndaq as a model for One Earth.

Black Adam's voice should emulate Joey Naber's performance from Injustice 2, and you also have the option to emulate the Rock in this as well.

Voice description:
  • egyptian
  • male adult
  • "Willfulness leads to anarchy. It cannot be allowed to spread."

  • "Five thousand years ago, Kahndaq was a melting pot of cultures, wealth, power and magic. But most of us had nothing, except for the chains around our necks. Kahndaq needed a hero... instead, they got me. I did what needed to be done, and they imprisoned me for it. Now, five thousand years later, I am free. And I give you my word: no one will ever stop me again."

  • "Ancient ones, unveil the golden path to me. In your names... Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton, Mehen... SHAZAM!"

Voice Actor
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Growing up in the harsh environment of Gotham City, Selina Kyle was only able to survive on the streets through her seductive charm and skills as a petty thief. Later on into adulthood, she worked in the East End as a hopeless dominatrix, until she saw Batman in his early days fighting crime. Seeing him inspired her to take her thieving skills to a bigger scale by fashioning a costume and calling herself Catwoman. As time passed, she and the Caped Crusader became notable adversaries, but it would also be converted into a sort of relationship, with Batman sometimes saving Catwoman from a villain or both of them working together against said villain. It conflicts with Batman's morals to love a girl that's known for being a criminal. This would end up having Catwoman become more of an antihero as of late, serving as a constant ally to the Bat-Family and other heroes of Gotham.

In the Injustice universe, she originally sided with Batman against Superman's regime. As the High Councilor’s power intensified, however, she joined the regime rather than fight it to protect Batman. Her decision did not sit well with him.

The voice for Catwoman should emulate the performnaces by Grey Delisle in the Arkham and Injustice games. You also have the option to emulate a little bit of Michelle Pfeiffer, Halle Berry, or Anne Hathaway for her Injustice counterpart.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • seductive
  • "There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”

  • "It's the so-called normal guys who always let you down. Sickos never scare me. At least they're committed."

  • "In my old life, I longed for someone to see what was special in me. You did, and for that, you'll always be in my heart. But what I really needed was for me to see it. And now I do. "

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Derik-TF

Richard "Dick" Grayson grew up as part of a circus troupe called The Flying Graysons, who always astounded the audience with their high-flying acrobatics. However, an assassination by the Zuccos gang sent them falling to their doom. As such, Dick went into orphanage, and he was soon adopted by Bruce Wayne. Later revealing to him his secret identity, Dick followed in the footsteps of Batman by becoming his sidekick, Robin. Years later, Robin would become his own person, founding the Teen Titans and changing his name into Nightwing, after a Kryptonian legend. This would open up the doors to other people becoming Robin, as well as being the new definitive identity for Dick.

The Primeverse version of Nightwing should emulate the performance of Troy Baker in the first Injustice game. But for the Injustice universe, in a flashback, you will also need to emulate a little bit of Scott Menville's performance as Robin from Teen Titans. It is also essential to understand that Nightwing is more jovial than Batman, as he finally found peace in the arrest of Zucco.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • "You taught me, you showed me, you encouraged me -- you never lied to me and you never demanded that I be anything I'm not. I didn't imitate you because you insisted that I do so, but because I wanted to."

  • "So... It's impossible to change the past or alter the future, no matter how wrong it seems? Good. Because if memory serves, we've done the impossible before."

  • "Robin? Heh. I haven't used that name in a long time, Star. Call me... Nightwing."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deferred: Agreed Amount
Role assigned to: Joshua Crawford

Long before Kryptonians inhabited their eponymous planet, it was home to a scientist of unknown species named Bertron that repeatedly experimented on an artificial being that was meant to be the most dangerous animal in the galaxy. The idea was that it was sent into battle to be killed, and then upon recreation, would become impervious to the way it was killed before. This alien, branded 'Doomsday', would break out of captivity, kill Bertron and lay waste to his lab as vengeance for experimenting on him in the first place, and then come to Earth at some point. Upon reawakening, it wreaked havoc across its entire journey across America, disposing of the Justice League before coming into contact with Superman. They engaged in a ferocious battle that trashed a good amount of Metropolis, eventually ending up in a draw that cost both their lives. Since then, after Superman’s revival, as expected, Doomsday would come back numerous other times, but was always brought down in a different way.

Since killing him would be next to impossible, Superman devised a collar that allows him to control Doomsday’s movements. Doomsday now serves as a last resort weapon for the One Earth Regime.

Doomsday should sound monstrous and nearly demonic. You may need to refer to the performance by Khary Payton for this character. There will only be about 2 to 3 lines to this character's name, so please be aware that Doomsday most likely will not make an appearance until Chapter 12, the final chapter of this fandub.

Voice description:
  • creature
  • monstrous
  • monster
  • demonic
  • "I live to kill you."

  • "You will die!"

  • "Run while you can!"


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