Saloon Simulator

Project Overview

Take on the challenge of restoring an abandoned saloon, exploring a mysterious town and meeting its peculiar inhabitants. Discover hidden truths as you interact with unique characters and uncover the secrets of your new home.

You can test our game for free on Steam. In the prologue, we used AI voices, but in the full version, we’d love for our fans to hear you instead. For the actors chosen for specific roles, we’d like to continue working together in the future as the project develops.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Monthly 3000 USD
cast offsite
  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Monthly 3000 USD
cast offsite
  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sam the Gold Prospector
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

A gold prospector with a friendly, slightly eccentric personality. He's talkative, helpful, and sociable. However, deep down, he's quite sad and lonely, which he successfully hides most of the time with smiles, jokes, and kind words. Sometimes he likes to sing a song around the campfire like in Red Dead Redemption 2 (he's not good at it)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • english (american)
  • The only real job there is, with all due respect. I'm a gold prospector, and I own the local open-pit mine.

  • Sure, him and Addie, they lived here up until recently. Earl's a bit on the shy side, but he's got a heart of gold. Give him a chance.

  • Listen, young'un. If there’s anything I can do for you, just ask.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Locke - main antagonist
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

The main antagonist is the charming type. A big guy, a giant with a heavy step and a strong hand. He has a deep, low voice. A businessman capable of delivering a deadly threat under the guise of bureaucratic language. In the game, he sometimes appears as a savior and benevolent uncle, and at other times as a threat. He is aware of his superiority over the protagonist and knows that he holds their fate in an iron grip.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • all american accents
  • video game
  • Mr. Cheyenne is expected to perform his duties with diligence. Any breach of this contract will lead to consequences.

  • [confidently, announcing] You’ll die in this place.

  • You know, you’re too valuable a resource for me to let you die here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Robert - musician
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

We are seeking a Black voice actor to authentically represent the character.
A musician who believes he's on the path to great fame. He's cheeky and talkative, but likable. He can talk his way out of any situation. He suffers from epilepsy, and after seizures, he loses his strength and boldness until he recovers.
I am thinking of him as Keith David as Dr. Facilier, but I am curious to know what your ideas are for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • new orleans
  • video game
  • Gentlemen! I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. Please don’t kill me.

  • [breathing heavily] I... My name is Ro... Robert... I... can't... [struggling to catch his breath]

  • [Cheyenne: Can you play that?] Robert: Like the devil himself. But it needs fixing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Peabody the Postmaster
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

An official and the right-hand man of the main antagonist. He dislikes unnecessary talk and gets straight to the point. He enjoys giving orders and gets frustrated when money, resources, or his time are wasted. He's repulsive, abrasive, and brutally honest.
I see him a little bit as J. Jonah Jameson, but I'm curious how you would try to approach that character. 

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • all american accents
  • video game
  • Peabody Smith. I’ll be representing the interests of my employer in this town, whose name I believe you know.

  • [irritated] Of course, he wrote that... Alright, listen. Come to the station when the train arrives. We'll see what we can do.

  • So, the first payment will be $200. Goodbye!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Earl the Carpenter's Assistant
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Jae_VO

We are seeking a Black voice actor to authentically represent the character.

He gives the impression of being tough and rough around the edges, but it's just a facade—Earl hides his true nature and identity. In reality, he's a wood and carpentry geek who can talk for hours about his craft with incredible passion. He plays the role of someone distant and unapproachable—he almost never smiles, but occasionally reveals his true self when a good joke comes to mind. He's an excellent specialist, but with low self-esteem.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american (southern)
  • [tired] Just fixed up some loose floorboards… patched a hole in the ceiling… broke down the old furniture for easy hauling out, and hung a new door… All that's left is a bit of cleaning up.

  • [firmly] I can’t pay you. Go away.

  • The boss values peace... and the lack of competition.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cheyenne - protagonist (male)
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: heyitzmick

The protagonist of the game. He's often cynical, but doesn't give up easily. He's determined to escape the situation he's found himself in. Although he has no experience in the job (managing a saloon in the Wild West) he's been assigned, he quickly gets the hang of it and starts to enjoy it. A man of action rather than words—he listens and asks questions more often than he reveals his thoughts. He sometimes grumbles, but approaches other townsfolk with curiosity and friendliness.

I imagine him as Sam Drake (Uncharted series) but im curious what are your ideas for the character

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • Damn. Playing the outlaw seems easier when you're not dodging the sheriff's gaze. Just gotta hope he's not the sharpest tool in the shed."

  • It's MY business what happens to this place.

  • Welcome to the Blueberry Saloon!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cheyenne - protagonist (female)
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

The protagonist of the game. She can be cynical at times, but she doesn't give up easily. She's determined to escape the situation she's found herself in. Although she has no experience in the job (managing a saloon in the Wild West) she's been assigned, she quickly gets the hang of it and starts to enjoy it. A woman of action rather than words—she listens and asks questions more often than she reveals her thoughts. She sometimes grumbles, but she approaches the other townsfolk with curiosity and friendliness.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • all american accents
  • Damn. Playing the outlaw seems easier when you're not dodging the sheriff's gaze. Just gotta hope he's not the sharpest tool in the shed."

  • It's MY business what happens to this place.

  • Welcome to the Blueberry Saloon!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jack the merchant
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

A merchant, born and raised in Italy. He's a businessman, but also a chatterbox, much like a used car salesman. He occasionally throws Italian words into his speech. He sometimes skirts the edge of the law, so he knows when and how to keep his mouth shut and how to play innocent in front of the sheriff.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • italian
  • italian american
  • brooklyn italian
  • video game
  • Stirring's all about subtlety, keeps it pure. But shaking – that's where magic happens. Better chill, better mix, really wakes up the flavors. Capisci?

  • Magnifico! First bottle on the house.

  • O! Ohhh… I didn't see anything. Truth be told, I'm not even here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Doctor Henry
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Friendly, a bit clumsy. He's an excellent doctor, but his constant medical studies often make him oblivious to the world around him. He has a good heart and genuinely wants to help, but can be gullible at times. A romantic soul—he fights against injustice and is willing to die for his ideals.

Voice description:
  • american (new york)
  • american (northeast)
  • male adult
  • [sighs] That beaten guy from yesterday gave me a load of stress.

  • You know, prevention is better than cure. I wrote a leaflet on renal calculi. Could you post it in the saloon?

  • You do! This is about saving lives! [moment of silence, then a deep sigh] Listen, I'm sorry for complaining. I just wouldn't mind a break. Even in Bellevue, I wasn't this swamped.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sheriff Custer
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

A braggart and show-off. A recruit who never had the chance to prove himself. He's been assigned to the worst backwater, yet he still feels like his job is incredibly important and that he deserves special treatment. He tries to act tough and authoritative, but in reality, he's a coward. He enjoys bossing around those he considers less important than himself. An enthusiast of wolf behavior and an amateur horseshoe player. He's easily flattered and amusing in his attempts to embody the role of a Texas Ranger.

Voice description:
  • american (southeast)
  • texan
  • male adult
  • american (southern)
  • For you, it's Sheriff Custer. Let me tell you this, this damned place needs a firm hand - and mine is as firm as they come.

  • Did you know I could throw you in jail for what you served me? Disgusting.

  • I'm doin' the toughest work around here, so a bit of help from you folks wouldn't hurt.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
W. - dirty work guy
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: Simon Alison

His arrival signals danger. Tough and decisive, he never asks—he simply states what needs to happen, and people listen. He commands respect. He ensures that no one who could threaten the town appears in the area. He has a fondness for dark humor. A fallen outlaw who doesn't believe there's any hope left for him.

I am thinking of him as  John Marston (RDR) or Michael (gta5), but I am curious to know what your ideas are for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american (southern)
  • He is lying dead. Stop asking stupid questions and get to work. I saw a rag here somewhere, you know what to do.

  • I need to make sure everything's alright.

  • [silencing him, falsely polite, aware of his upper hand] Shh… Easy now… Want the box? It's yours. Borrowin' without askin'? No problem. We're friends, ain't we?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Casey - mortician
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: Camryn Alexis

A gravedigger who helps us get rid of unwanted evidence. She's seen a lot in her life, and nothing can surprise her anymore. She enjoys the discomfort her work causes in others and has a fondness for dark humor. A skilled craftswoman who knows her trade but doesn't particularly like it. Aware of the important role she plays in the town's criminal underworld, she sometimes allows herself to say a bit too much. She gets irritated when someone tries to boss her around or downplay her skills.

I am thinking of her as Shepard (Mass Effect) or V (Cyberpunk), but I am curious to know what your ideas are for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • general american southern
  • south american
  • [indignant] First of all—go to hell! Want to know when I go to the outhouse too?

  • It's nice to hear the saloon buzzing in the evening. Makes the town feel less dead.

  • [laughter] I'm “terribly” sorry for your loss. Welcome to Blueberry, I'm Casey O'Hara. How shall I inscribe your grave?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Addie - carpenter
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

The head of the workshop, uncompromising and commanding when there's work to be done. But when she's not caught up in work, she's incredibly sweet, caring, and enthusiastic—the type of older lady who calls you "sweetie." An artistic soul, she spends her free time painting. She enjoys joking around and giving gifts to her friends. She often overworks herself to the point of exhaustion.

I am thinking of her as Karlach (BG3), but I am curious to know what your ideas are for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american (southern)
  • female adult
  • all american accents
  • [angry] You! Open the saloon and get behind the bar. Earl, go to the mustache guy and bring me 2 pounds of beef, 2 pounds of pork, 8 cans of beans, and a pound of potatoes. Understood?

  • Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll have a “little chat” with him.

  • Earl’s already taken care of everything, so if you have any jobs for us, just let me know.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Charlie - collector and inventor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

We are seeking a Native American voice actor to authentically represent the character
A scavenger-inventor, collector, and fan of classic literature. He's a Native American but speaks excellent English because he was taken to a boarding school at a very young age, which caused him to completely lose his connection to his parents' culture. He's very open and friendly, highly expressive, and a bit eccentric.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • video game
  • native amaricn
  • american (new york)
  • american (northeast)
  • Great guy, very educated and polite. Do you know him?

  • So, ye're a man of little faith, eh? Well then, test me.

  • Glass, metal, wood, and paper. The four elements of modern civilization.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Customer - male

Step into the role of one of the guests at Blueberry Saloon! In the game, one of the patrons will have your voice, praising (or complaining about) your skills as a cook and bartender. Since the Wild West attracted all kinds of adventurers from around the world, your natural accent will be a plus! We warmly invite all fans of Saloon Simulator to join in!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male senior
  • You're such an old coot. Bet ya can't even run no more.

  • Cheers to the bartender!

  • Tastes like it's been through a horse... and out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Customer - female

Step into the role of one of the guests at Blueberry Saloon! In the game, one of the patrons will have your voice, praising (or complaining about) your skills as a cook and bartender. Since the Wild West attracted all kinds of adventurers from around the world, your natural accent will be a plus! We warmly invite all fans of Saloon Simulator to join in!

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • female senior
  • "Tastes like it's been through a horse... and out."

  • "Hot damn, this drink is liquid gold!"

  • "Oh yeah? Watch me run up and kick your ass"


Public Submissions

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.