

im just living life fr

Joined Dec 2023 27 Following20 Followers
About RelaxRavin_

Howdy howdy, I'm Ravin! I am 19 and I am a novice voice actor! I have wanted to get into voice acting for a long time and I'm glad I finally get the chance! I have been a big fan of minecraft roleplays and have wanted to voice act in a few since I was very young. I am also a big choir kid so I will find any excuse to sing. You can get a hold of me by adding me on my discord: relaxravin_

If you have made it to the end thanks for getting to know a bit about me! Enjoy your day/night folks <3

What RelaxRavin_ is looking for

I'm up for anything really! I mainly va for minecraft related projects but am also looking to get into comic dubs and audio dramas.

  • @lxviipichi

    Ravin has a great amount of talent and always puts her all into her roles. She is also super friendly and we've become friends throughout our time sharing projects. She always meets her deadlines and is naturally likable, bringing extra life and excitement to any project she joins. I hope we can continue to work together on future projects, Ravin, good luck!

  • @DigitalRicochet

    Ravin is awesome! She has a great voice and is a talented actor!

  • @KiePen

    I have directed Ravin on a plethora of series and on all of them they have been genuinely such a pleasure to work with. They get in their lines in an extremely timely manner and have a crazy awesome range when it comes to their tones and emotions portrayed throughout dialogue. They're super passionate about what they do and they very much bring a lot of life to each project they take part in. 

  • @lunamoonyt

    Ravin i super hard working and a great VA! very fun and always willing to help when needed!