Ashita no Joe: Joe Yabuki vs Ippo Makunouchi

Ashita no Joe: Joe Yabuki vs Ippo Makunouchi

Project Overview

Movie Outline: "Joe vs Ippo: Clash of Legends"

Opening Scene:
The movie begins with two legendary boxers from different eras: Joe Yabuki, the wild, rebellious fighter from the streets, and Ippo Makunouchi, the disciplined and humble champion. Both are drawn to a mysterious invitation for an exhibition match, promising a battle that will test them beyond anything they’ve experienced before.

Joe, ever the confident underdog, arrives at the legendary boxing arena first, casually flicking his cigarette, his gaze sharp and defiant. Ippo, more composed but filled with anticipation, steps into the ring, aware that his opponent is no ordinary boxer.

Joe Yabuki’s Boxing Techniques in Action

First Meeting: The No-Guard Challenge

The tension rises as Joe meets Ippo’s gaze with a smirk. Joe immediately adopts his Tried Wolf (No Guard Stance), taunting Ippo to strike first, showing no fear or defense. Ippo, hesitant but determined, tests Joe with a series of quick jabs.

Joe’s first response is swift and explosive, launching his Bahooka (Harpoon-Styled Uppercut), a devastating uppercut that breaks through Ippo’s initial defense. The sheer speed and unpredictability of Joe's strike rattles Ippo, but he regains his footing, preparing for the next wave of attacks.

Round 1: Wild Instincts vs. Disciplined Power

Joe begins to mix his attacks, starting with his Kickstarter (Multiple Punch-Like Jabs), a rapid barrage of punches aimed at overwhelming Ippo's guard. Though Ippo manages to block and dodge most of them, Joe’s relentless pressure forces him onto the defensive.

Ippo tries to counter with body blows, but Joe expertly uses his Face Ace (Ace-Styled Cross-Counter), delivering a precise counterpunch that stops Ippo in his tracks. Joe’s grin widens—he's starting to enjoy the challenge.

Ippo fights back fiercely, throwing his signature hooks and combinations, but Joe surprises him with the Love Smasher (Double Cross-Counter)—a devastating combination of two counterpunches thrown with perfect timing. The impact sends Ippo reeling, though he quickly recovers, his fighting spirit unbroken.

Round 2: A Game of Strategy

As the second round begins, Joe’s strategy becomes more unpredictable. He unleashes his Reaper (Grim-Reaper Styled Triple Cross-Counter), a sequence of three perfectly timed counters that catches Ippo off guard. Joe's instinct for exploiting openings is unmatched, forcing Ippo to think quickly on his feet.

Ippo, refusing to back down, begins throwing powerful hooks aimed at Joe’s ribs.

But Joe retaliates with his Crushed Gummy (Gummy Worm-Styled Double Punch), a deceptive and unpredictable double punch that confuses Ippo for just a moment—enough time for Joe to land a solid shot to Ippo’s body.

Ippo now steps up his game, delivering a relentless assault, but Joe responds with Torn-Scar's Wolf Paw (Wolf Slash-Like Punch Jabbing Motion), a flurry of sharp, precise jabs, mimicking a wolf’s deadly claws. Each jab hits with pinpoint accuracy, forcing Ippo to back off and rethink his approach.

Round 3: The Momentum Shifts

As the fight reaches its climax, Joe begins to unleash some of his most advanced and lethal techniques. He uses Out Of The Giri (Shooting Star-Like Jabs and Punches), a rapid sequence of star-like punches that strike Ippo from multiple angles, leaving him struggling to keep up.

Ippo, wounded but undeterred, tries to counter with his Gazelle Punch, but Joe dodges and responds with the Lucille's Comet (Comet-Style Jabs, Punches, and Uppercut), a dazzling combination of jabs, followed by a powerful uppercut that sends Ippo staggering.

Determined to put an end to the fight, Joe launches his Fruit Punch’s Drunker (Fruit-Punch-Styled Corkscrew), a twisting punch that disorients Ippo with its unorthodox motion. Ippo takes the hit but refuses to go down, digging deep into his reserves of willpower.

Final Round: The Decisive Blow

Both fighters are now exhausted, but neither is willing to give up. Joe prepares to finish Ippo off with his deadliest move yet—the Golden Dragon Fly (Dragonfly's Golden Punch), a punch delivered with the grace and speed of a dragonfly, glowing with intensity as it strikes Ippo’s jaw. The power of the punch sends shockwaves through the arena, and Ippo collapses onto the canvas.

Joe Yabuki Wins

Climactic Finish - The Final Count
The arena is silent as the referee begins to count. Ippo, bloodied and battered, tries to rise, but his body refuses to obey. He looks up at Joe, who stands tall, his body shaking from the effort but victorious. The count reaches ten, and Ippo stays down.

Joe, barely able to stand himself, raises his fist in triumph. His wild, unpredictable style has won out against Ippo’s disciplined power. Though battered, Joe’s spirit remains unbroken—a testament to his unyielding will.

Closing Scene - Reflection

As the fight ends, Joe leans against the ropes, lighting another cigarette. He looks down at Ippo with respect in his eyes. Though the battle is over, both fighters know they’ve faced a true opponent, one who has tested the very limits of their strength and determination.

Ippo, conscious but defeated, looks up at Joe, acknowledging his superiority. He now understands why Joe Yabuki is a legend—a fighter who thrives in chaos and never gives up, no matter the odds.

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Fight Producer
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The fight director will choreograph and oversee all boxing sequences, ensuring they are both visually striking and true to the characters' styles. This role requires a deep understanding of boxing techniques and the ability to translate them into dynamic, cinematic sequences.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and choreograph the boxing matches, incorporating Joe Yabuki’s and Ippo Makunouchi’s unique fighting styles.

  • Work closely with animators and stunt coordinators to ensure accurate and impactful fight scenes.

  • Rehearse and direct the action sequences to achieve the desired intensity and realism.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Yuji Shimomura – Known for his expertise in action choreography and dynamic fight scenes, Shimomura can bring a high level of excitement to the project.

  • Tomoaki Kase – With a background in both real-world martial arts and film choreography, Kase can create authentic and engaging boxing scenes.

  • english
  • japanese
Other info:
  • adobe illustrator
  • adobe xd
  • adobe photoshop
  • adobe premiere pro
  • adobe audition
  • blue yeti
  • adobe premiere
  • 2d animator
  • 3d animation
  • 2d animation
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Joe (Boxer)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Character Description: Joe Yabuki is the embodiment of a wild, rebellious fighter. Coming from the streets, his boxing style is unorthodox, relying on raw talent, survival instincts, and an indomitable will. Joe is known for his cocky demeanor, fearless attitude, and his signature no-guard stance. Though rough around the edges, he has an undeniable charisma and a deep sense of pride that makes him a legend.

Casting Requirements:

  • Physical Appearance: Lean, scrappy, and athletic build, ideally resembling Joe’s wiry and tough physique.

  • Age Range: Mid-20s to early 30s.

  • Personality: The actor should convey Joe’s cocky attitude but also show the emotional depth and vulnerability beneath his hardened exterior.

  • Skills: Experience in fight choreography or boxing is essential, as Joe’s fighting style is wild and unpredictable.

Potential Candidates:

  • Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese Voice Actor) – Known for playing gritty and intense characters, Sakurai could bring the raw energy and emotional complexity required for Joe.

  • Mamoru Miyano (Japanese Voice Actor) – With his range of expressions, he could capture Joe’s cocky but emotional side.

  • Ryoma Takeuchi (Live-Action Actor) – A Japanese actor with a background in athletic roles, Takeuchi could physically portray Joe’s agility and scrappy nature in a live-action adaptation.

Requirement Link:

  • japanese
  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • japanese
  • animation/character
  • japan
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ippo (Opponent Boxer)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Character Description: Ippo is a disciplined, humble boxer who started as a bullied, shy boy but grew into a powerful and determined fighter. His strength comes from his rigorous training and adherence to technique. Despite his humble nature, Ippo has immense physical power, especially in his signature "Dempsey Roll" and body punches.

Casting Requirements:

  • Physical Appearance: Stocky and muscular, with a look that conveys both strength and innocence.

  • Age Range: Early to mid-20s.

  • Personality: The actor should express Ippo’s humble, kind nature while also capturing his fierce determination and explosive power in the ring.

  • Skills: Experience in boxing or athleticism is a must, as Ippo’s style is based on powerful, well-placed punches.

Potential Candidates:

  • Kazuya Nakai (Japanese Voice Actor) – Known for his deep, grounded voice, Nakai could bring Ippo’s calm yet powerful persona to life.

  • Yuuki Kaji (Japanese Voice Actor) – Kaji’s ability to convey both vulnerability and strength could reflect Ippo’s development as a boxer.

  • Masataka Kubota (Live-Action Actor) – Kubota has both the acting range and physical capability to take on the role of Ippo in a live-action adaptation.

  • japanese
  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • japanese
  • animation/character
  • japan
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Anime Animator
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The anime animator will be responsible for creating the fluid and dynamic animations necessary to capture the intense boxing sequences and character expressions. This role is crucial for translating the fight choreography into visually engaging scenes.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop character animations that reflect Joe Yabuki’s wild style and Ippo Makunouchi’s disciplined technique.

  • Ensure fluid and realistic movement during fight scenes, highlighting the unique boxing techniques of both characters.

  • Collaborate with the fight director to accurately depict the intensity and impact of the boxing matches.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Kazuto Nakazawa – Known for his work on dynamic and action-packed sequences, Nakazawa could bring high-energy fight scenes to life.

  • Yoshimichi Kameda – With experience in animating action scenes and intense character interactions, Kameda can deliver the required fluidity and impact.

  • japanese
  • english
Other info:
  • audio technica 4040
  • adobe photoshop
  • adobe illustrator
  • adobe premiere pro
  • adobe audition
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The audio engineer will manage the sound design and mixing for the movie, including sound effects, dialogue, and ambient sounds. Their work will enhance the overall viewing experience, making the fights feel more immersive and impactful.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and implement realistic sound effects for punches, impacts, and other boxing-related sounds.

  • Balance dialogue, sound effects, and background music to ensure clarity and impact.

  • Collaborate with the background musician to integrate music seamlessly into the audio landscape.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Ryohei Matsuda – An experienced audio engineer with a strong background in action films, Matsuda can create immersive soundscapes.

  • Takashi Kato – Known for his meticulous attention to detail and experience in high-impact sound design, Kato would be a strong asset.

  • english
  • japanese
Other info:
  • audio technica 4040
  • adobe after effects
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Fight Director
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The fight director will choreograph and oversee all boxing sequences, ensuring they are both visually striking and true to the characters' styles. This role requires a deep understanding of boxing techniques and the ability to translate them into dynamic, cinematic sequences.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and choreograph the boxing matches, incorporating Joe Yabuki’s and Ippo Makunouchi’s unique fighting styles.

  • Work closely with animators and stunt coordinators to ensure accurate and impactful fight scenes.

  • Rehearse and direct the action sequences to achieve the desired intensity and realism.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Yuji Shimomura – Known for his expertise in action choreography and dynamic fight scenes, Shimomura can bring a high level of excitement to the project.

  • Tomoaki Kase – With a background in both real-world martial arts and film choreography, Kase can create authentic and engaging boxing scenes.

  • english
  • japanese
Other info:
  • audio technica 4040
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Background Musician
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The background musician will compose and produce the soundtrack for the movie, enhancing the emotional and dramatic aspects of the fight scenes and overall story. Their music will help to set the tone and elevate the viewing experience.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Compose and produce a soundtrack that complements the action and emotional beats of the movie.

  • Work with the audio engineer to integrate music seamlessly with sound effects and dialogue.

  • Create themes that reflect the intensity and drama of the boxing matches.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Yoko Kanno – Renowned for her diverse and dynamic compositions, Kanno could create a memorable and impactful soundtrack for the film.

  • Joe Hisaishi – Known for his emotive and powerful music, Hisaishi could enhance the emotional depth and intensity of the boxing matches

  • japanese
  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Video Editor
Video Editor
Video Editor
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The video editor will be responsible for assembling the final cut of the movie, ensuring that the animation, fight sequences, and audio are seamlessly integrated. They will work to create a polished and cohesive final product.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Edit and assemble the animated sequences, ensuring smooth transitions and continuity.

  • Work closely with the fight director and audio engineer to integrate fight scenes and sound effects.

  • Apply color correction and visual effects as needed to enhance the overall quality of the movie.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Keiichi Matsuda – Known for his expertise in editing action sequences and creating visually engaging content, Matsuda can bring the project together effectively.

  • Akira Takahashi – With experience in both animation and live-action editing, Takahashi can deliver a polished and professional final product.

  • english
  • japanese
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Danpei Tange (Joe’s Coach)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Character Description: Joe’s mentor and coach, Danpei is a former boxer with a deep passion for the sport. He’s gruff, tough, and often harsh on Joe, but his tough love and guidance have shaped Joe into the fighter he is. He has a fatherly attachment to Joe, and his wisdom helps balance Joe’s impulsiveness.

Casting Requirements:

  • Age Range: 50s-60s.

  • Personality: Gruff and wise, with a weathered look that shows his years in the boxing world.

Potential Candidates:

  • Unshou Ishizuka (Japanese Voice Actor) – Known for his deep and authoritative voice, Ishizuka could portray Danpei’s gruff yet fatherly demeanor.

  • Akio Otsuka (Japanese Voice Actor) – Otsuka’s powerful, commanding voice could bring the stern but caring Danpei to life.

  • Koichi Yamadera (Live-Action Actor) – With his versatile acting range, Yamadera could bring emotional depth to Danpei in a live-action setting.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Genji Kamogawa (Ippo’s Coach)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Character Description: Genji is a former boxer and Ippo’s trainer. He is disciplined and believes in pushing his boxers to their limits. Genji’s old-school methods and his deep understanding of boxing have made Ippo the champion he is. He is tough but supportive, much like a father figure to Ippo.

Casting Requirements:

  • Age Range: 60s-70s.

  • Personality: Gruff, old-school, but deeply caring about his students.

Potential Candidates:

  • Daisuke Gori (Japanese Voice Actor) – With a rough, strong voice, Gori could perfectly capture Kamogawa’s no-nonsense demeanor.

  • Rikiya Koyama (Japanese Voice Actor) – Koyama’s experience in playing tough yet wise characters makes him an ideal choice.

  • Kenichi Endo (Live-Action Actor) – His tough, weathered appearance and acting chops make him a strong candidate for Kamogawa in a live-action setting.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ring Announcer (Minor Roles)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The voice or live-action role of the ring announcer will need someone with high energy to convey the excitement of the match.

Casting Options:

  • Hiroshi Kamiya (Voice Actor) – Known for his powerful and enthusiastic voice.

  • Kenichi Ogata (Live-Action Actor) – With his veteran experience, Ogata could play the iconic role of a boxing announcer in a live-action adaptation.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Referee (Minor Role)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: A calm but authoritative presence in the ring, the referee will control the pace of the fight and ensure the rules are followed.

Casting Options:

  • Kazuhiro Yamaji (Voice Actor) – Known for his steady and serious roles, Yamaji would bring authority to the role of the referee.

  • Toshiyuki Morikawa (Voice Actor/Actor) – With his deep voice and commanding presence, Morikawa could deliver a powerful performance.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Stunt Coordinator
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The stunt coordinator will oversee the planning and execution of all physical stunts and fight choreography, ensuring safety and authenticity during filming. They will work closely with the fight director to implement and refine the action sequences.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Plan and execute stunts, ensuring they are performed safely and effectively.

  • Collaborate with the fight director and animators to create realistic and impactful fight scenes.

  • Train and coordinate with stunt performers to achieve the desired level of action.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Tak Sakaguchi – With a strong background in stunt coordination and action choreography, Sakaguchi can ensure that all stunts are executed safely and effectively.

  • Masanori Kizawa – Known for his work in action films and stunt coordination, Kizawa can bring a high level of expertise to the project.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Fight Artist
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The Fight Artist will be responsible for designing and illustrating the detailed visual aspects of the boxing matches, including the character's moves, fight scenes, and the overall aesthetic of the battles. This role ensures that the fight choreography is visually compelling and matches the characters' styles.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and illustrate fight scenes, focusing on dynamic movements and accurate depictions of boxing techniques.

  • Work with the fight director and animators to ensure that the visual representation of the fights is both artistic and functional.

  • Create concept art and storyboards that guide the animation and choreography of the boxing sequences.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Tetsuya Nomura – Known for his intricate and dynamic character designs and action scenes.

  • Miyuki Kobayashi – Experienced in creating detailed fight illustrations and concept art.

  • english
  • japanese
Other info:
  • blue yeti
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Fight Writer
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The Fight Writer will craft the narrative and dialogue for the fight scenes, ensuring that each bout is not only visually exciting but also narratively compelling. This role involves writing the context, motivations, and emotional stakes of each fight to deepen the audience’s engagement.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop the story and dialogue for the boxing matches, integrating character backstories and motivations.

  • Collaborate with the fight director to ensure the written scenes align with the choreography and animation.

  • Write impactful and dramatic exchanges that enhance the emotional stakes of the fights.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Shinji Higuchi – Known for his skill in crafting dramatic and action-oriented scripts.

  • Yoshiki Sakurai – Experienced in writing for action genres, with a focus on character-driven narratives.

  • japanese
  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Fight Host (Actor)
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The Fight Host will provide engaging commentary and narration for the boxing matches, enhancing the viewer's experience by adding excitement and context to the fights.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Offer dynamic and insightful commentary during the boxing matches.

  • Provide context, background information, and play-by-play analysis of the fights.

  • Enhance the overall atmosphere of the film by engaging the audience with lively and informative narration.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Shinya Arino – Known for his charismatic and engaging on-screen presence.

  • Hikaru Utada – Experienced in adding a personal and engaging touch to live and recorded events.

  • japanese
  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • english
  • male young adult
  • japanese
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Fight Agent
Paid: Hourly 25 USD

Role: The Fight Agent will manage the logistics and negotiations for the fighters' roles and engagements, ensuring smooth coordination and communication between the production team and the talent involved.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Handle contracts, negotiations, and scheduling for fighters and stunt performers.

  • Act as a liaison between the production team and the fighters.

  • Ensure all parties are informed of their roles, schedules, and requirements.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Keiichi Shimizu – Experienced in managing contracts and negotiations for high-profile talent.

  • Aiko Suzuki – Known for expertise in coordinating talent and handling logistical details.

  • english
  • japanese
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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