Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: House of Bloo's Rewritten

Project Overview

(On the YouTube video I linked, skip to 16:57 for my explanation about "House of Bloo's")

Link to my rewritten version of "House of Bloo's": 

2 years ago, I rewrote "House of Bloo's" to show what should've happened in the beginning scene in order for Mac not to be mistreated in the rest of the series.

Why the original episode sucks in my opinion?

Reason #1: It premiered on the wrong year.

Reason #2: Terrence successfully gets Mac and Bloo in trouble by using them as weapons to wreck their mother's apartment, and of course, Mac's mother UNFAIRLY punishes Mac by forcing him to get rid of Bloo for wrecking the apartment when he didn't even do it, and she NEVER apologizes to Mac at the end. This was really out of character for Mac's mother.

Reason #3: Terrence NEVER got punished by Mac's mother for what he did to her apartment.

Reason #4:There was no justice for Mac when he tried to tell his mother that Terrence was always abusing him, and Mac was later abused constantly by Terrence.

Reason #5: Terrence never got arrested for trying to kill Bloo.

Reason #6: Mac's lost father was never mentioned in this pilot episode, or in the whole series itself.

Reason #7: Mac and Bloo's problems were NOT solved after the events of "House of Bloo's", and getting rid of Bloo did NOT take care of the problem of Terrence abusing Mac.

What should've happened is that Mac's Mom arrives at the apartment just in time to catch Terrence framing Mac and Bloo, and she lets Mac and Bloo tell her what they need to tell her, so that there'll be true justice for Mac, and Terrence will be arrested for bullying Mac for years.

Well, that's all I have to say on this new project of mine.

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Voice Actor
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A smart 8-year-old kid who has a blue imaginary friend named Bloo, and is always being abused by his jerky 13-year-old brother named Terrence

  • [screaming with Bloo while being chased by Terrence] Ahhhhhh!

    [dodging an punch from Terrence with Bloo] Whoa!

    [answers] Yeah? 

    [running with Bloo] Yeah? 

    [still running with Bloo] Uh-huh? 

    [still running with Bloo] Right? 

    [still running with Bloo] Yeah? 

    [laughs after Bloo called Terrence a big fat doofus] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    His name is Blooregard Q. Kazoo, and you know it, Terrence!

    Stop it, Terrence!

    [being held by Terrence as he was wrecking the apartment] I know right?!? Let's hope Mom catches Terrence in time! 

    Mom! You've came just in time! Terrence tore down this apartment himself, and he kept blaming me and Bloo when we didn't do it!

    [clears his throat] I'll tell the truth myself. Terrence started this whole thing like always, and he abused me and Bloo and treated us like babies! 

    [with Bloo] Ha! Busted! 

    [yells at Terrence, who threatened him while being arrested] HEY!

    Thank you, mom for arriving in time to stop Terrence from getting us into trouble. 

    I know! This was all Terrence's fault! 

    [hugs his Mom] Awww. Don't cry, Mom. I'm here for you. 

    I know how you feel, Mom.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Bloo is a imaginary friend who spends time with Mac and protects him from his abusive brother, Terrence.

  • [running with Mac] Ahhhhhhhh!

    [running with Mac] Watch your back, Mac! He's gaining on-- 

    [dodges an attack from Terrence with Mac] Whoa!

    [runs around the couch with Mac while starting his sentence] Mac? 

    [still running with Mac] Your brother... 

    [still running with Mac] Is a... 

    [running around the couch] Big... 

    [running] Fat... 

    [running] Doofus. 

    [responding to Terrence while running] Yeah? 

    [responding to Terrence as he was about to say something] Come on! 

    [stops running for what he heard] Bloofus?! Bloofus? 

    Right, right, or Blooey, Bloo the Blue Dude, El Blooderino, or hey, how 'bout just Bloo? Heh! But come on man, Bloofus? Heh! How stupid can you get? 

    [being held by Terrence] We haven't done anything. 

    [being used as a weapon by Terrence] Hey, Mac. 

    [still being held by Terrence] Terrence is the one going crazy here, and he keeps telling lies on us when we didn't do anything!

    Yeah, and he went insane here! 

    [stops Terrence from lying about him and Mac] Quiet, Terrence! 

    [telling Mac's mom the truth] Yeah, and he said he can do whatever he wants with Mac! 

    [with Mac] Ha! Busted! 

    [sympathizing Mac's mom] Gee, I'm sorry you had too much work to be done for the past days. 

    [going with Mac and his mom to Mac's bedroom for a talk] Okay, sure. Come on, Mac.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Terrence is a 13-year-old bully brother who always picks on his little brother, Mac and his imaginary friend, Bloo every day whenever their mother's out for work. His biggest wish is for Mac and Bloo to never see each other again.

  • [chasing after Mac and Bloo] Wait, stop! I just wanna punch you! 

    [punches the wall with his fist] Oooooh, I'm telling Mom! 

    [still chasing Mac and Bloo] Shut up, you... 

    [about to say it] You... 

    You... Bloofus! Heh ha heh ha! 

    Look! No stupid imaginary friend of my stupid little brother is gonna tell me how stupid I am 'cause I know just how stupid I-- 

    [after Mac and Bloo make funny smiles] SHUT UP!!! 

    [jumps over the couch and tries to grab them both with his hands] Stupid, heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well, well, well. Lookee what I got here. It's Mr. Destructo and his evil pal Breaky. Ha ha ha! Mom is gonna be so mad when she sees what you two have done. 

    Oh, no? [holds Bloo to break the lamp] Breaky! How could you? No, Mr. Destructo! Don't do it! [holds Mac to knock CDs off the shelf] 

    But I'm not doing anything. It's... Mr. Destructo and Breaky. THEY'VE GONE CRAZY! [Continues laughing while he holds Bloo and Mac to break things and spins them around.] 

    [feeling scared after Mac's mom yelled at him in horror and disappointment] I uhhhhh... 

    [lying to Mac's mother about Mac and Bloo] But, mom! It wasn't me! It was Mac and Bloo who started this! 

    [being arrested by the police] Hey! Get your hands off of me you big... Don't take me to jail! No!!!!!!!!!!! [He turns angrily towards Mac and Bloo] You both got lucky! When I get out of Jail, You and your stupid imaginary friend are dead! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amelia (Mac's Mother)

Amelia is the mother of Mac, Bloo and Terrence. She always want to make sure Terrence behaves well whenever he's in charge of looking after Mac and Bloo, which he doesn't, and so she gets worried about Mac and Bloo while stuck at work all day and she hopes Terrence is not abusing her little son and his imaginary friend.

  • [feeling angry as she saw what Terrence has done to her apartment, and that he was holding Mac and Bloo as a way to frame them] Terrence! You put Mac and Bloo down right now! What is the meaning of this?!? 

    Is that true, Terrence? And don't weasel out this one! 

    Tell me with honesty, boys. 

    [feeling furious at Terrence after Mac and Bloo told her the truth] TERRENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    How dare you abuse Mac all of these years, and you even destroyed my apartment! Mac and Bloo has told me everything! Things worked much better before my husband got killed in a car crash! That's it, Terrence! I shall not be putting you in charge anymore! I am so fed up with your reckless behavior! I'm afraid I have no other choice, but to send you out as punishment! 

    [covering Mac's mouth to keep him from shouting at Terrence] Shhhhh! Just ignore him, and you're right, Mac. Terrence is the only to fault here, and don't worry. I'll make sure Terrence will never pick on you both again. 

    [sad] But, now look at our apartment! 

    [a tear comes from her eye as she starts to cry] Where will I live? And who will take care of you both? 

    [hugging Mac after being comforted by him] Thank you for being with me, son. 

    [sighs] Mac. Bloo. Let's have a talk in yall's bedroom, shall we? 

    [looks at the picture frame of her former husband and sighs sadly while placing her hand next to the picture frame] Oh, honey. If only you were still here for us. You'd know what to do.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A policeman who works for the police department and arrests bad guys for true criminals such as robbery, bullying, framing, child abuse, kidnapping, and murdering

  • Freeze! You're under arrest for bullying an innocent kid and his imaginary friend!