Dawnsbury Days: The Profane Barrier

Project Overview

Dawnsbury Days is a 2024 turn-based tactics videogame with a 95%+ positive rating out of 400 reviews on Steam. It's a singleplayer sincere and positive RPG story about a group of childhood friends who rise up to defend their hometown from evil monsters.

The Profane Barrier is an upcoming DLC story expansion for the video game. The expansion adds 24 additional encounters (levels) to the game and leads the heroes through the swamps, underground cities and even Heaven itself as they seek out allies and solve mysteries in order to defend against an even greater threat -- the Profane Barrier, a living spell the demons created that would kill everyone on the plane.

I'm looking to cast for every role in the expansion story except for the four main characters who will be voiced by their original actors.

Compensation. I offer $3/line, with a minimum of $40/actor. I expect three takes for each line, but will pay additional compensation for extra rereads on top of that. If you audition for minor roles with only a few lines, consider auditioning for multiple roles.

No AI. Dawnsbury Days doesn't use AI, I will not use your voice for AI and your contract will include the NAVA AI rider.

Timeline. I expect casting to happen in January and I will need your lines delivered in February, and remain available for rereads in March.

How to audition. Please record 2-3 takes for each audition line, in the format A-B-C-A-B-C. Do not slate. In the accompanying text, please consider including references to your past work, if any, and your demo if you have one (no worries if not).

Tone: Themes. Dawnsbury Days is a sincere light story of good against evil. The heroes are genuine friends and the villains are well aware that they're evil. The tone is bright, youthful, adventurous, optimistic: Life is full wonders, so let's explore them. Good will triumph over evil eventually and there will be a happy ending for everyone (well the good guys, at least).

Tone: A Tabletop Adventure. The game attempts to emulate the feel of a tabletop roleplaying game, where characters use slightly exaggerated voices as the gamemaster must use a different voice tint for each character. In any case, most characters speak confidently, perhaps even theatrically, and in a strong voice. Characters enunciate well and clearly, while still emoting throughout. Think of it almost as if you're putting on a classical play.

Tone: References to rules. Many characters often refer to the game rules in dialogue, e.g. "I hope the enemy rolls a 1 on his next attack roll!". Technically this is a 4th-wall break, but the characters don't view it that way. They take their lines seriously, as though the game rules really were a law of the physical universe they're in.

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  • Thank you for your auditions

    Thank you very much to everyone who auditioned for the Profane Barrier.

    I'll be looking over the submissions over the next few weeks. Given the number of submissions (4000+) and the fact that Dawnsbury Days remains a hobby project that I'm working on in free time only, please excuse a delay in casting.

    Timeline-wise, I may reach out to you for a call back in January, and I hope to cast until February and then proceed to recording in February, with rereads and any new voice lines needed happening in March.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 255 USD
Role assigned to: Roo Ryder

Lori (Lorielle Brightshield) is a female young adult angel adventurer and a recurring major ally in the story. She descended down to the mortal world to help battle demons, but this is her first adventure, she's bumbling, lacking in confidence, and overly brash. She's eager to prove herself (audition line 1). 

Later on, in a pivotal scene at end of act 1, she mistakenly thinks a young girl (Lenka) is a demon in disguise and casts a spell that only harms demons against her. When the spell is ineffective, Lori is in denial and still believes Lenka is a demon (audition line 2). After that, she uses a general-purpose killing spell against Lenka and kills her, becoming a fallen angel.

Later on, when she cooperates with the heroes again on her journey of redemption as a fallen angel, in one scene, she rushes in towards the heroes' chambers to warn them them that a corrupted angel is about to kill them. Audition line 3 is in this scenario, in response to the heroes showing confusion as to why an angel would come to them this early in the morning.

85 lines, total compensation $255.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • (bumbling, cute, introduction) Yes! Of course, sorry. I'm Lori, uh, I mean Lorielle Brightshield, angel cleric 5, of the Cerulean Sky. I'm here to, um, save your plane from destruction... I think...

  • (in denial, desperate, in response to her spell being ineffective against Lenka) Wrong... I sense it... it's... the amulet! The amulet the demon gave her is protecting her from good magic.

  • (stuttering, desperate, afraid, rushed, as she comes to warn the party of an impending combat with Baraqueille) No, she's not here for the council! Something is wrong with her. She's going to kill you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 147 USD
Role assigned to: D Casellian

Ramielle is one of the four archangels of Heavens, the archangel of the future. The heroes come to Heaven to plead their case in front of the four archangels to ask to borrow a heavenly artifact to help the heroes in the fight against demons.

Ramielle is the president of the council. She is mature, confident and beautiful. She is sharp but speaks warmly, diplomatically, courteously, putting the listener at ease.

Context for audition lines:

(Line 1) She introduces herself to the heroes. Her reference the "the only plane that really matters" means "the Material Plane = the world of mortals".

(Line 2) When the heroes deflect the blame for a murder on the demon orchestrating it

(Line 3) To heroes, after the heroes stole the artifact from Heaven, but then immediately realizes she is on a field of battle and an evil intellect devourer lies dead at the heroes' feet

49 lines, total compensation $147.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • (warm, formal) Greetings, friends. We don't often get visitors from the only plane that really matters. You are welcome here.

  • (agreeing, well-spoken) Well said. When a home is burgled, we blame the thief, not the locksmith.

  • (strict, then turning to wondering/confused) You are all under arrest for theft--- wait. Is that an intellect devourer?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 105 USD
Role assigned to: Callum_Sanders

Cassiel is one of the four archangels of Heavens, the archangel of redemption. The heroes come to Heaven to plead their case in front of the four archangels to ask to borrow a heavenly artifact to help the heroes in the fight against demons.

Cassiel is gentle, kind and warm. His voice is masculine, self-confident, pondering, quietly smart, but his demeanor is motherly and mentor-like. He sharply probes the heroes with directed questions meant to reveal their personality and goodness.

Context for audition lines:

(Line 1) When he's satisfied with the answers of the heroes at the end of the council session

(Line 2) When the player chooses to redirect the blame at Lori, their ally

(Line 3) When he's requesting that Lori stays behind in Heaven even when the heroes are returning to the main world

35 lines, total compensation $105.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • (proud) You are competent and kind-hearted adventurers, would-be heroes of the world. I can sense it.

  • (slightly disappointed, sharp) You are quick to abandon your friend. And are you so blameless, really?

  • (warm) Lori, I know you would like to return below, but we would appreciate your help here as well.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 90 USD
Role assigned to: celestielle

Baraquielle is one of the four archangels of Heavens, the archangel of retribution. The heroes come to Heaven to plead their case in front of the four archangels to ask to borrow a heavenly artifact to help the heroes in the fight against demons.

The entire time, Baraquielle is actually dead and controlled by a mind parasite called an "intellect devourer" who fully controls the actions of Baraquielle's body. You're voicing that intellect devourer but for most of the game, you're successfully pretending to be Baraquielle and assuming her personality.

Baraquielle is to-the-point and very blunt and direct, and despises courtesy, diplomacy and vacuous speech, and prefers to solve issues directly with intelligence and force, even if that might be hurtful to individuals, even those she's speaking to.

The intellect devourer assumes this personality as a ruse but its objective is instead to use it as a pretext for denying the heroes' request for the artifact (because it needs the heroes to fail).

Context for audition lines:

(Line 1) At the end of the council session, if the heroes were speaking with too much diplomacy, she announces her vote to reject the request.

(Line 2) If the heroes choose to demand that Heaven provide military support

(Line 3) When the heroes threaten that they will steal the artifact if it's not given to them; Baraquielle is the only angel who reacts positively to this threat, impressed by the heroes' courage.

30 lines, total compensation $90.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • (formally) You have wasted my time and presented only meaningless drivel. I am left unconvinced and so I, Baraquielle, archangel of retribution, vote no.

  • (displeased) You're speaking out of turn, mortals.

  • (amused) Ha! A daring gambit!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 81 USD
Role assigned to: Michael Malconian

Seraphiel is one of the four archangels of Heavens, the archangel protector. The heroes come to Heaven to plead their case in front of the four archangels to ask to borrow a heavenly artifact to help the heroes in the fight against demons.

The entire time, Seraphiel is actually dead and controlled by a mind parasite called an "intellect devourer" who fully controls the action of Seraphiel's body. You're voicing that intellect devourer but for most of the game, you're successfully pretending to be Seraphiel and assuming his personality.

Seraphiel is to-the-point, serious about protecting Heaven and the world below, and to do this effectively, he cares more about logic and moral calculus than human emotions or individuals.

The intellect devourer assumes this personality as a ruse but his objective is instead to use it as a pretext for denying the heroes' request for the artifact (because he needs the heroes to fail).

Context for audition lines:

(Line 1) In response to the heroes arguing that the fallen angel Lorielle Brightshield can vouch for them;

(Line 2) A question during the council session where he accuses the heroes of standing idly by while Lenka was murdered.

(Line 3) After Seraphiel is exposed as an intellect devourer and the heroes announce that they will battle him.

27 lines, total compensation $81.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • (dismissive) Is this your best argument? The word of a fallen angel?

  • (verbal taunt, accusing, prodding) Your actions — or your inaction — caused the death of this girl. How can you justify this?

  • (flat) A fight to the death suits us fine.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 130 USD
Role assigned to: Chloë Elmore

There are two parts to this role.

The first part is to read some lines that introduce specific rooms or read out descriptions, as if you were a game master/narrator or a roleplaying game or narrating a fairy tale. This is audition line 2. Your voice should fit the situation, as if you were reading an audiobook, it shouldn't be dispassionate. In the audition line, evoke a sense of wonder.

The second part is to narrate the longer-form text at the beginning and end of some chapters. Here, you still want the emotion in your voice to relate to the text you're presenting.

An important part in each case is to show emotion while maintaining both decorum and a certain brisk pace. We don't want to force the player to wait too long until the narrator finishes, especially since in some cases your voice will accompany video and the player will not be able to skip through individual lines. But don't rush, either. An ideal submission would be fast, but still sound natural.

5 lines, plus 8 multi-paragraph narration sequences, total compensation $130.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • (emotional, gradation, adventurous, closing paragraph) And our heroes? There will be new dangers and mysteries for them soon, I am sure. For the world is full of adventure and rarely affords rest to those who most deserve it.

  • (mysterious, introducing a room) Before you lies a calm and serene hot pool, the only place not despoiled by the gnolls' savagery. Perhaps because of hidden energies in the pool itself. You consider taking a dip...

  • (melancholic) Lori woke up in a Dawnsbury holding cell, full of remorse and contrition. She cried for a week, prayed for another one, and then made the decision to begin her path of penance and atonement.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Inevitable Death
Paid: Flat Rate 93 USD
Role assigned to: Joey Sourlis

The Inevitable Death is a demon lord and the ultimate antagonist of the expansion. The demon lord is an intelligent scientist/general who took over an ancient laboratory and underground city and uses it to develop new weapons for the demons.

In his boss encounter, he goes through multiple stages as he grows increasingly desperate.

Audition line 1 is from his introduction to the heroes, his villain speech, where he explains why it's actually good for the demon lord that the heroes came to kill him.

Audition line 2 is when he's down to one-third his total hitpoints, and he's transforming into a monstrous undead version of himself to get extra power needed to survive and win.

Audition line 3 is again from his introduction where he explains that with the artifact the heroes brought to him, he no longer cares about his earlier plan (to use the Profane Barrier to destroy the world) but he can now instead use the artifact to destroy all the worlds in the universe.

32 lines, total compensation $96.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • (mysterious, gloating, confident) You think yourself heroes, but you only moved according to my design.

  • (annoyed, desperate) Insolent interlopers! FINE! I'LL SHOW YOU TRUE POWER!

  • Fools. Don't you see? The Profane Barrier no longer matters. Your world no longer matters.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 72 USD
Role assigned to: K.C. Cross

The sphinx is a guardian monster protecting the vaults of Heaven from the unworthy. The sphinx is a monster, but sounds amicable, mature and intelligent. She enjoys "riddlecraft" -- the art of riddles, and not only asks the heroes riddles but also discusses their importance with them, like a professor of art would be, but she is not stuffy or boring: she's passionate about the subject and explains it well and happily.

Your voice should be kind, engaged, giving-it-your-all. You're a sphinx and you're treating the situation seriously with the decorum it deserves, as should be expected for a riddle challenge to open the great vaults of Heaven, but you're also not wasting the player's time by speaking excessively slowly. The decorum comes from tone, not speed.

In audition line 1, you present the riddle challenge to the player. (The answer is fish, if you're curious.)

24 lines, total compensation $72

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • (poetic) Alive without breath; As cold as death; Never thirsty, always drinking; All in mail, never clinking.

  • (polite explanation, in response to "You don't care about intelligence? I thought sphinxes cared about riddles.") We very much do, and you'd think that riddles are an exercise of intelligence, but they're not.

  • (disappointed, when the player chooses to fight instead of answering) A pity. But so be it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 57 USD
Role assigned to: Bree Frankel

The succubus is a lust demon, a traditional evil temptress figure. Three different succubi appear in the expansion, this role is to voice them all. The succubus is confident, seductive, feminine and ruthless.

In the first chapter, a succubus successfully deploys a ruse to convince an angel to murder a good citizen of Dawnsbury, which causes that angel to fall from Heaven and become a fallen angel. Audition line 1 is the succubus's subtle pleasure and gloat after having achieved this.

In the second chapter, another succubus is observing the heroes from behind a wall of energy that would kill the heroes and is taunting them from the safety of behind that well, daring them to come through (audition line 2).

In the final chapter, that succubus beyond that same wall is reacting with apprehension and a bit of fear for the first time because the heroes now have the capability to destroy the wall. She's standing alongside a squad of other demons which makes her confused as to how the heroes hope to win (audition line 3).

19 lines, total compensation $57

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • (happy, suppressing laughter) Oh this is precious. Here I thought I could corrupt a mortal to sin, but I actually caught an angel.

  • (seductively, taunting) Aw, how adorable to see you worry your pretty little heads about it.

  • (incredulous, with a hint of fear) Are you being serious? Do you not see the numerical disadvantage you're in?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aeon-lich's envisioning ability
Paid: Flat Rate 48 USD
Role assigned to: Chloë Elmore

This one is tricky.

The aeon-lich is an extraplanar immortal being who has stood as a guardian of the world for centuries. It can't speak, instead it transfers understanding directly into the brain and memory of people he's talking to. This ability and mode of communication is called "advanced envisioning". So, this role is not to voice the aeon-lich, this role is to voice the narrator whose voice is used to describe this advanced envisioning.

The text of the lines describes what the heroes believe, as this belief is being created in their heads.

Ultimately, you're a narrator, as if reading lines in a book, but you're far from dispassionate. The aeon-lich transfers not just knowledge but also emotion and shapes how the heroes think and feel about him. Your voice is how we'll translate the emotion so that players themselves can sense it.

Your voice would ideally evoke a sense of mystery, inevitability, confidence, and would provoke slight unease, confusion and discomfort in the listener at this strange mode of communication.

16 lines, total compensation $48

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • (mysterious) The creature's name is Ciel and it's an aeon, one of the original world-builders and stewards of Our Point of Light.

  • (dramatic, just before the aeon-lich reveals he's an undead lich; in response to "I thought aeons were immortal.") A myth. All creature types wither and die over time. All... except one.

  • (yearning, speaking about himself) The long years have left it weak. It must feed before it gains enough power to attack the demons.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 48 USD
Role assigned to: Justine Leah Hince

Lenka is a human female child or teen (8-13 years old) from the town of Dawnsbury. She is a chaotic good child who likes to explore around but ultimately cares about her family and friends most.

Before the story starts, Lenka is kidnapped by hags and transferred to demons to be sacrificed, but the heroes find her before this can happen. However, a succubus demon successfully convinces the heroes via a ruse that Lenka is actually a shapeshifted demon, which shocks and scares Lenka because she's suddenly in danger of being attacked by the heroes (audition line 2). The heroes then actually kill Lenka.

So, the next time we see Lenka, it's as a soul in Heaven two chapters later. 

The heroes first apologize to Lenka for having killed her (audition line 3) which Lenka accepts, disliking the fact that she's dead but understanding that it's not the heroes' fault. Later in the dialogue, an angel suggests that Lenka may want to be raised from the dead and returned to Dawnsbury and Lenka is excited about this possibility (audition line 1).

16 lines, total compensation $48

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • female child
  • (when offered to be resurrected, excited, pleading) Yes!! Very much! Please, can you take me back home?

  • (afraid, shocked, desperate, after the party misidentified her as an evil demon and is about to attack her) What? No! I'm Lenka! From Dawnsbury!

  • (somewhat mumbling, polite, in response to an apology by the party for having killed her) Yes... well... I understand...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Swamp hags
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: K.C. Cross

This role includes voicing three swamp hags in a coven, use a different voice for each hag, but note that they have almost identical profile pictures and should all use the same tint and be recognizable as wizened hags.

The hags are evil supernatural creatures in the form of wizened old women who cast dark hexes on children. They pretend to be kindly grandmothers but fool no-one except the children themselves or those who want to be fooled. Think the witch in Hansel and Gretel. 

In the audition scene, the child hero Saffi enters the hags' house in the swamp as bait in an attempt to get information from the hags, and the audition lines are the hags' initial dialogue where the hags try to use the opportunity to ensnare and charm the child and then later on sacrifice it to demons.

12 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • (hag 1, evil, excited) Ooooh, a child has come from the town to pay us a visit.

  • (hag 2, evil, fake reverence) A well-spoken well-mannered child, no less. Your parents would be proud.

  • (hag 3, evil, slimy) Please, come in, come in, how can we serve you, dear?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Harry Dyer

This role includes speaking as several different demons, who are the primary antagonists in the expansion. All demons are monstrous but largely humanoid. Their voice depends on who they are as a demon, but all are male and evil.

For the audition lines: 

(line 1) The arson demon has gremlin-like voice (he's dwarf-like in size, maybe 1m tall), ideally sounding a little fire-like -- somewhat fast, scratchy or inconsistent, perhaps

(line 2) The wrath demon has the shape of a vulture: he's calculating, huge, overpowering, and quietly confident. An evil nemesis.

(line 3) The wrecker demon is dumb and constantly angry and mad and thirsty for destruction.

11 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • (arson demon, commanding, distressed) Burn everything! The adventurers will be here soon!

  • (wrath demon, superior) Do not laugh, mortal. I alone am powerful enough to defeat you.

  • (wrecker demon, angry) Come closer! I will tear off your heads!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Tiffany Perdue

Finian is a young human male child from the small town of Dawnsbury. He's maybe 8 to 13 years old, and he trains to become a rogue: a sneaky adventurer. He appears in two scenes: First, when he's playing a roleplaying game with his friends and is narrating his actions his character in the game takes (audition line 1) and then later when he needs healing from the angel, Lorielle Brightshield, and talks to her as he's being healed (audition lines 2 and 3).

In scene 1 (line 1), you're excited about the game you're playing. Don't overact/overplay it, but think a young child who's in the zone and competently playing his favorite board game.

In scene 2 (lines 2 and 3), you're embarrassed because you got injured doing something you shouldn't have been doing (fighting monsters above your level). Think a child apologizing to parents or a teacher after having done something dangerous. You want to avoid punishment or being told on, yes, but you also genuinely understand you've done something bad and want to make amends.

8 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • (excited, explaining his move in a board game) Great! In that case, I'm going to leap across the pool of lava and Strike the demon lord!

  • (apologetic) I swear I wasn't trying to fight it, Miss Brightshield! I didn't even know it was a monster.

  • (with contrition, embarrassed, after being healed) Thank you, Miss Brightshield. Do you... do you want the 4gp the mold dropped?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wounded leshy
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Justine Leah Hince

The wounded leshy is a flower-like humanoid forest spirit. The heroes find the leshy badly wounded in the swamp and attempt to help her.

When you're found, you're badly wounded by an attack from a murderous fey spirit -- a redcap. Your voice is strained and speaking is painful, but you're still speaking pretty fast -- we don't want to waste the player's time. Convey your injuries through tone of voice, not through low speed. At the end, when you're healed, you summon internal energy to bless the heroes (audition line 3), at that point, you're no longer wounded.

8 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • (afraid, bleeding) A... a cruel monster... there was nothing I could do...

  • (in response to being healed) T-Thank you! I could walk back home like this...

  • (mysterious, positive, thankful) I can help you, too. With this much energy, I feel a power... a blessing...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prismatic polyhedron
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: JTrannVA

The prismatic polyhedron is an enigmatic creature from another plane of existence summoned to serve as a custodian of an ancient museum site that hosts a powerful weapon. The polyhedron appears a floating colorful cube. Its voice carries, projects and sounds otherworldly, and has a slight reverb/echo effect (you may apply it yourself in the audition, or you may audition with clear voice and I'll apply it myself later, either is fine). 

You're formal and professional but you're not a construct. Your voice, though otherworldly, still contains human emotions. You have your orders, you are an alien intelligence that's difficult to understand and you enunciate very well, but you're still a thinking being with a certain pride in your work and your own thoughts and emotions.

8 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • nonbinary
  • female adult
  • (patient, professional) The esteemed visitor is half-correct. I protect this restricted area, but my creature type is monitor.

  • (genuine, sincere) With deepest apologies, but I must say no. Only aeons, prismatic polyhedra and undead may pass through to the protected area of the Great Axiomatic Barrier.

  • (pondering, sincere) I agree it's a puzzling exception. But those are the rules set up by the overseer of this city.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: JackSchaferVO

Gnolls, in Dawnsbury Days, are a hyena-like bloodthirsty hungry evil pack of kidnapping bandits.

You'll play three different kinds of gnolls, the gnoll warrior (all three audition lines), the gnoll cultist and the gnoll boss, so you should be able to use three slightly different voices but with the same color/tint.

The color or tint of your voice should resemble a hyena or a beast, somewhat gluttural, uncanny, evil, disgusting.

8 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • (speaking about their hostage) She has no meat, a pitiful prize. And yet, the starborn may be pleased with such a precious sacrifice. You cannot have her.

  • (alarmed) Pack leader needs our help! Fetch your weapons!

  • (commanding) Pack, attack! We will not welcome these "guests"!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: David John-Bores

The babau is a blood demon, a bloodthirsty militaristic demon who serves the demon lord. 

You're smart and confident, but also in love with your job, which is killing heroes (or civilians, as the case may be -- you just like spilling blood). 

The audition lines are from the introductory cutscene where the heroes first encounter you, and you're intimidating them and issuing commands before combat begins.

7 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • Wait... I know you! You are the children who killed the Final Dusk!

  • The one I serve is the Inevitable Death, the demon lord of undeath and artifice, and you stand no chance against him.

  • Minions! Release the slime! Wake up the brimorak!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leng spider
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: Douglas Grosser

The leng spider is a lovecraftian abomination from dark space who arrived on our world to spread chaos.

You're an ancient incomprehensible evil and your machinations are beyond the ken of mortals. The heroes do not have your respect, you are above them and you know it. 

You have no fear, you're trying to convince the heroes to go away because if they are afraid and go mad in their own homes, thinking about what you might be, that's an even greater win for you than if you simply slaughter them.

You're ominous and mysterious.

5 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • (mysterious, dark) Spider... a crude approximation of the bare reality. You are lucky your limited senses protect you.

  • (dismissive, haughty) The portals belong to the Plateau. They are not yours.

  • (mysterious, scary, dark) Avert your eyes and sleep. Heed me. Scatter and live out your lives in ignorance.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: LizMoss

The will-o'-wisp is an evil spirit from the swamp who's trying to lure the main character Tok'dar into the swamp so as to kill him and consume him. The will-o'-wisp does this by pretending it's a magic sword. 

You should sound evil and ominous but still tempting, think an evil temptress hag or witch from fairy tales, while keeping in mind that you're not a human, you're a floating ball of evil light.

5 lines, total compensation $40

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • (tempting) Friend orc... I can help you... make you powerful...

  • (tempting) Did I mention I'm also an apex item? A +2 bonus to Strength can be yours... Overpowered for your level, isn't it...?

  • (commanding, when the "mask" is off) Minions! Kill the mortals.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miscellaneous monsters
Paid: Flat Rate 40 USD
Role assigned to: MikeDeLaMorte

You'll voice several different monsters, most of whom only have a single line. Your voice should have range, please record each audition line in a different voice.

The first audition line is from a toothy aberration, think an irritated wolf or a tiger.

The second audition line is from a magical construct. Avoid sounding robotic or sci-fi, but still sound artificial.

The third audition line comes from an incorporeal evil ghost-like shadow, sound evil and ominous.

Up to 19 lines, total compensation $40 or more, depending on the number of characters

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • (aberration) *low monstrous growl*

  • (guardian construct; somewhat artificial) Dismissing ineffective illusion. Proceeding to melee combat.

  • (shadow; threatening) Fools. This shrine is but a shadow now. And soon, you will be shadows, too.


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