Before I Forget (Again)

Before I Forget (Again)

Project Overview

Production title: Before I Forget (Again)      

Project type: Non-union fiction podcast; sci-fi comedy                                 

Project length: Multi-season series, 15 episodes + a full crew bonus episode per season minimum

Compensation: $15/episode for principals, $10/episode for ensemble

Production location: Remote; asynchronous recording

Audition Period: January 1, 2025 - February 15, 2025

Recording Period: July 2025 - January 2026

Email: [redacted] 

Before I Forget (Again) is a time travel workplace comedy about an agency called the V.A.S.M. and the idiots who work there. Season one follows Cielle, a young woman in a dying world, as she learns about the life as a time traveler that she doesn’t remember living. One question plagues her- does she leave the ruins of everything she's ever known for a second chance at temporal adventure, or hold tight to what remains of her timeside life and leave the affairs of the multiverse to those who better understand them?

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 225 USD


15 episodes, principal, recurring character

This role is only open to LGBTQ+ actors of Pacific Islander descent.

Cielle is a longtime agent of the V.A.S.M., not that she remembers. After an unknown change is made to the timeline removing the V.A.S.M. from her history entirely, a confused and conflicted Cielle has to relearn everything about her former home while sifting through the ashes of her current one. Stubborn, snarky, tries really hard to be the funniest person in the room at all times.

Sides for Cielle:

  • Aaaand welcome to the log-slash-diary of Cielle No-last-name-given, of course because last names are too much information to share with your coworkers, an absolutely idiotic workplace rule brought to you by the V.A.S.M.
  • Mhm. You should look up St. Hildegard of Bingen. Apparently, leaving a bunch of women alone for years on end with only each other for company leads to wildly homosexual results. Who knew?

  • (Having just woken up:) What- Val… why in the hell would I want to be woken up at 5:30 in the godsforsaken morning? 

  • (Solemnly:) I know what I said about, y'know, “that's not my world” and all, and it's not, but… gods, Bea was so… everything that happened to her is terrible, and she's so good. She doesn't deserve this, any of this, and now she's- where? Stranded somewhere? In a cell? I… I don’t like the idea of leaving her, not after I- she- the other me, promised to help her. Christ, I promised I would give her answers. That's the worst kind of promise, the kind that you don't know if you can keep, but you make it anyway out of sheer faith? What was I doing? What was I thinking? I hate this. I still wanna keep my promise, but I know less now than I ever did then. And now I'm all wrapped up in all this bullshit, and I still don’t know why I'm here! (Muffled, said through hands:) Fuck!

  • english
Voice description:
  • podcast
  • funny
  • female young adult
  • Sarcastic
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 150 USD



10 episodes, principal, recurring character

This role is only open to black transfeminine and/or AMAB transgender actors. Pre-op, post-op, and non-op trans actors are all invited to audition, regardless of whether or not you have done, or plan to do any vocal feminization through voice training or treatment. Preferably American, although other accents are welcome. Sounds to be in her mid-late 30s.

Tatiana has worked at the V.A.S.M. for a long time, insofar as you can judge the passage of time in a pocket dimension outside of it, and is in perpetual need of a nap. As the unwilling office manager, Tati is constantly getting dragged into shenanigans that she didn't sign up for, and regularly protests against. Dry humor, only openly affectionate with her husband, Larry, although she has a bit of a soft spot for Bea.

Sides for Tatiana:

  • No, because like it or not, policy is still policy, and you still haven’t recorded yours. If you’d done it by yourself, I wouldn’t have to sit here and babysit you, but you wanted to stomp your feet and have your little rebellion, so here we are, at the consequences of your actions. It’s a hell of a lot lighter than it could have been, I know you know that. If I were you, I'd buckle down and do the damn recording.
  • Let the record reflect that I am not a fan of the whole ocean thing. My regular exposure to tech support is as much communication as I need with the deep blue sea and its miscreants.
  • Danny is a very talkative drunk. I now, against my will, mind you, know the entire history of the H…aaaaarry? Pot? Pothole? P- something, fan…people… and very little else about the internet as a whole. If what he told me is any indication of the state of the world-wide-web, I think I’d rather stay offline.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Black woman
  • Black Woman
  • transgender woman
  • podcast
  • female adult
  • Transgender Woman
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 120 USD


8 episodes, principal, recurring character

This role is only open to LGBTQ+ autistic actors.

After losing the person closest to her, Bea finds herself at the V.A.S.M., struggling to cope with the new hole in her heart and the realization that yes, time travel is real. A people-pleaser with a lot of pent up rage. Must be able to cry and yell while maintaining a quality recording.

Sides for Bea:

  • (Nearly screaming:) I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where the hell Octavia is!

  • (Playfully:) What? What do you even mean, what's in New Hampshire? There's people, there's cities, some mountains, some water, me, sometimes, what more do you want?

  • (Starting to cry:) It smells so much like her that it hurts. It hurts so fucking much, Cielle. I miss her so fucking much.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Emotional
  • female young adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 105 USD


7 episodes, principal, recurring character

This role is only open to transmasculine and/or AFAB transgender actors. Pre-op, post-op, and non-op trans people are all invited to audition, regardless of whether or not you are on, or plan to go on HRT. Any vocal changes that may occur while in this role will be written into Danny’s character.

Danny was recruited to the V.A.S.M. at 23 in a case of mistaken identity, but was kept due to the charismatic, crafty, and clever skill that he brought to the job. Comic relief with depth. Ideally able to sing, though this is not required.

Sides for Danny:

  • I think the costume department has it out for me. And by the costume, department, I of course mean fucking Vanessa. Do you know what she said to me last time I went in there? (Mocking,) 'Come back with a warrant, Daniel, you still owe me from the last clown costume you burned.' Like it was my fault that I got sent to a goddamn circus fire! Take it up with Robert Segee, Vanessa!
  • Alright, I’m off to Egypt to work on my tan and prevent a coup. One ranks higher on this list than the other, and it’s not the one you think.
  • Audibly agitated: I’m fine, I am fine! I don’t have time for this, the Pharaoh is in danger! Would you both stop?

  • english
Voice description:
  • funny
  • male young adult
  • Transgender man
  • Transgender Man
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 45 USD


3 episodes, principal, recurring character

This role is only available to LGBTQ+ actors.

A transatlantic accent is Highly Encouraged for this character.

Riley is the newest agent of the V.A.S.M.’s Glorious Division 13, a young gay man from the early 20th century and the son of a wealthy businessman. He is reserved and polite, but highly protective of his dignity and personal space. If he had stayed in the timeline, he would have become a well-known filmmaker.

Sides for Riley:

  • Hi, I’m… uh, Riley. Agent Riley, TRMJR. I was assigned to Special Operations Division 13. Are you Agent Tatiana? 
  • Danny gave me some advice earlier, you know. I believe it was, how did he say it? ‘Do no harm, take no shit.’ I think I'm going to hold onto that one. I like it.

  • (As if reading off of a cue card:) Hello. I mean you no harm. My name is Riley, show badge- oh, um, sorry. Here's the badge. You need to come with me. (Done reading:) Was that right, did I do that right?

  • english
Voice description:
  • transatlantic
  • male young adult
  • Gay Man
  • Gay Man
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD


3 episodes, ensemble (to become principal in later seasons), recurring character

Preferably American, though other accents are welcome. Sounds to be in his mid-late 30s.

Larry came to the V.A.S.M. to follow his wife, Tatiana, and was hired on as a janitor (Please note: ‘janitor’ is not a position that existed before at the V.A.S.M. They made it just for him). Multiverse’s leading Wife-Guy-ologist, president of Bi-Wife-Energy. The dad we all need. Goofy, sweet, and gleefully wrote his thesis on the history of papermaking.

Sides for Larry:

  • (Hums happily.) You’re my favorite kind of bug. I feel like you’d be a June beetle, one of the really shiny, pretty ones.
  • Sounds like you've had a pretty nutty time.
  • Okay, hey guys? Tiana is busy. If you need something, you can ask me and I can try to help as best I can, but we're not gonna bother her anymore.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Dad
  • kind
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD


2 episodes, ensemble, possible recurring character

This role is only open to transgender and/or nonbinary actors.

Eris is what some might call a hardass, and others would call an absolute fucking dick. A member of V.A.S.M. Retrieval and Security, they are loyal to the agency to a fault, often to the point of quarrel with Cielle. Gruff-sounding.

Sides for Eris:

  • I was following protocol. Ever heard of protocol, Princess? Crazy new concept, it means doing what you’re told. I know that it goes against everything you stand for, but for those of us actually doing our jobs, it means something.
  • No, Tots, don't speak for her. I wanna hear what she has to say for herself. I'm sure there's some grand plan that we poor commoners aren't privy to, right? C'mon, Princess, let’s hear it. Why did you steal my case?

  • english
Voice description:
  • transgender
  • gruff
  • nonbinary
  • nonbinary
  • transgender
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jay Reese
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite


3 episodes, ensemble, possible recurring character

This role is only open to transmasculine and/or AFAB transgender actors. Pre-op, post-op, and non-op trans people are all invited to audition, regardless of whether or not you are on, or plan to go on HRT.

Sounds to be in his mid-late 40s, possibly early 50s.

Twin of Fiona, husband of Lewis. Jason “Jay” Reece has been responsible for more life-changing calls in twenty years than most people will in their entire lives. As a strategist for the Military of Sirota, Jay always put his job first, much to his own detriment, which made leaving the service the hardest and best thing he has ever done. But how far do you have to go before you outrun your duties? And more importantly, will you be able to live with yourself if you escape it? Born to be silly, forced to shoulder the weight of the world. Jay is well read, articulate, and his own worst critic.

Sides for Jay:

  • Every single day of my life, I wake up to the hope and promise of a new dawn, and then this chucklehead rolls over and I remember that I'm married to the proud owner of the worst morning breath ever smelled by man.
  • Y'know, I really thought that if I left, you wouldn't ever have to deal with this stuff. Seems like I just made it all worse, didn't I? Oh, Ellie, I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'm so sorry.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Transgender man
  • male adult
  • Transgender Man
  • Dad
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lewis Reese
Paid: Flat Rate 250 USD


1 episode, ensemble, possible recurring character

Sounds to be in his mid-late 40s, possibly early 50s. Bass-baritone range is suggested.

This role is only open to LGBTQ+ actors.

Husband of Jay. Lewis Reece spent his twenties and half of his thirties in service to the Military of Sirota, working his way up the chain of command until, as a general, he met the love of his life, a strategist named Jason. Throughout every universe, one thing always holds true- the past is an anchor, and the difference between a safe moor and drowning only ever rests in the length of the chain and the height of the water. Kind, low-maintenance, and perpetually confused.

Sides for Lewis:

  • (Animatedly telling a story:) Oh, absolutely not- I was just fine with the silverware, it was your mother who decided we needed more dishes and more mugs and the extra large mixing bowl. There were two of us, for Maest’s sake! The most use those fancy little dessert dishes ever saw was when I moved them out of the way to get to the big plates, I swear!
  • Stop it, Jase. You don’t owe anyone anything, especially after that. Anyone who disagrees has me to deal with.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Dad
  • baritone
  • male adult
  • bass
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fiona Winters
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
cast offsite


2 episodes, ensemble, possible recurring character

Sounds to be in her mid-late 40s, possibly early 50s.

Twin of Jay. After a youth of espionage for a cause that she didn’t believe in, all Fiona wants is to settle into a quiet life of tending to her plants and the occasional Saturday night poker game, but nearly every universe she exists in has other plans. In one world, she clings to her peace and quiet like a lifeline, praying that none of her colleagues from the war find the little life she made for herself and take their revenge after her perceived betrayal. In another, the tentative ceasefire crumbles and her brother’s village is caught in the crossfire, leaving her to wait in her farmhouse for any sign of life from her brother, his family, or any survivors of the attack. Overprotective, type A, a little paranoid, sarcastic.

Sides for Fiona:

  • (Playfully,) You're almost fifty years old, Jason. Grow the hell up.
  • His neck and right arm are going to scar pretty bad, but once I got him cleaned up, it looked a lot better. Seemed to help him slow down, too, process. He got that- that look, y'know? The one where you can practically smell his brain frying, that thing he does with his eyebrows?

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anne Bonny
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD


1 episode, ensemble, recurring character

Irish accent, County Cork-adjacent dialect is preferred

Sounds to be in her early-mid twenties

At the ripe old age of twenty-four, the legendary pirate Anne Bonny has had her adventure. She's found and lost love, looked death in the eyes, both taken life and brought it into the world. If you ask her, she'll say she's done with the trouble. If you look her in the eyes, you'll  know that she's not.

Sides for Anne Bonny:

  • Nathaniel, if you go down by my hand, it'll be the most womanly duty I ever do. Now, you will keep my son's name out of your bleedin’, putrescent mouth, you absolute embarrassment to bastrardkind!
  • Oh, Valleur is all bark. He's put away a few clumsy youngins, but that mopus has never arrested a real pirate in his life, I can promise you that.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • irish (cork)
  • irish
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nathaniel Valleur
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD


1 episode, ensemble, one-off character

Southern American or British dialect is preferred 

Nathaniel Valleur, bastard son of a wealthy Tobacco farmer, has spent his whole life trying to make up for his illegitimacy in service to the people, and by extension, the British government. When privateering became an option, he jumped at the chance to prove his worth to the people of the new world. Uptight facade covering a bitter and desperate inside.

Sides for Nathaniel Valleur:

  • Well, if it isn't Poseidon's Princess herself. Miss Anne Bonny, I thought you'd gone into retirement to tend to your womanly duties. Maybe have a few wee ones in wedlock, for a change. How's your boy, anyhow? What was his name again, William?
  • What a shame that they’d stopped burning witches by the time you were born. I daresay that such a pyre may be the only thing that could’ve saved your soul. Oh well. Wrong place, wrong time.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • american (southern)
  • male adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Pharaoh Khafre
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
cast offsite


1 episode, ensemble, one-off character

This role is only open to actors of Egyptian descent.

Khafre, the Pharaoh under whose rule the Second Great Pyramid and the Sphinx were erected, only wants two things- to build great monuments to showcase the glory of Egypt, and for someone to tell him he's pretty. The second is harder to come by than you would think for a Pharaoh. Sensitive, touch starved, a bit egotistical. Sort of an out-of-touch rich boy.

Sides for Khafre:

  • Danny! I was wondering where you’d run off to, my love.  I was starting to think Nebty had finally done away with you! (Laughs.)

  • Everyone’s trying to kill me, Nebty. If I waste my time worrying about every attempt on my life, I’d never get anything done around here! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with the royal architect.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Egyptian
  • Egyptian
  • male adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
cast offsite


1 episode, ensemble, one-off character

This role is only open to actors of Egyptian descent.

Khamerernebty, the Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh Khafre, is tired of everyone’s shenanigans. It's not that she doesn’t have a sense of humor, it's just… well, there's a time and a place, isn’t there? She's had quite enough of everyone's plotting and scheming for her husband’s throne, but the job of the Great Royal Wife is never done. Still, she wouldn’t be terribly upset if she were able to fit in a nap every once in a while.

Sides for Khamerernebty:

  • I did not ask for another drink. Or a new kalasiris, or flowers. Why do you insist on being so completely and utterly underfoot at all times?
  • Husband, as usual, your taste in men leaves everything to be desired.
  • What happened to the ‘stealth’ part of this ‘stealth mission’?

  • english
Voice description:
  • Egyptian
  • female adult
  • Egyptian
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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