Fire Emblem Fates- Heirs of Fate Fandub!

Project Overview
"I shall tell you a story of another realm that I will never forget. Children born during the war were raised in faraway Deeprealms. When the long war finally came to an end, these children were called home. But on that very day, a force of mysterious soldiers struck the Deeprealms. The parents fought valiantly to the last to keep their children safe. But one such child, Kana, found herself wandering, lost in every sense. Left alone and bereft to march through the rain... She had no inkling of the many turns of fate to come."
Hello, and welcome to my project, which is a fandub of the "Heirs of Fate" DLC maps from the game "Fire Emblem Fates"
What is "Fire Emblem Fates?"
"Fire Emblem Fates is a tactical role-playing video game for the Nintendo 3DS handheld video game console, developed by Intelligent Systems and Nintendo SPD and published by Nintendo."
What is this project about?
As I said previously, this is a fandub project for the Heirs of Fate maps. There will be around 6 episode to the project, which will be uploaded
onto this YouTube channel!
How long will this project take?
The casting call itself will be up for 2 weeks, and I will extend the deadline if I need to. Once actors are picked, they will have around a week to send in lines, and they will be given extensions if they need them. I'm guessing that this project will run itself into 2019, but when it ends I'm not sure.
Project Requirements
1. Please have a good microphone!
Nothing extremely fancy, just make sure background noise/static is at a complete minimum.
2. Experiment with voices!
I have voice references for all characters as a base, but I'd love some original takes for these characters! Feel free to have multiple takes as well.
3. Please have Discord!
All actors will be invited to a Discord server after being cast. If you have any questions, you may message me at Daniel Parker#8396 If you 100% cannot you Discord, we can keep in contact on this website instead.
4. Just have a great time!
I know most projects have this, but it is still important. Fandubs are a fun thing, and we should keep them fun!
Good luck auditioning everyone!
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Latest Updates
Around 2 weeks, 200+ auditions, and a lot of hard choices later, I've got my cast! Here they are: Kana (F)- MagikuMaggi Kana (M)- Sonic12o3 Shigure- Regacman Azura- FuriosaDubs Shiro- copperheadcase Siegbert- froggyvoices Forrest- KiriKitto Kiragi- Pachinotrunks Mitama- jklva Selkie- knuckleheadtori Hisame- Im_A_Frank Sophie- nibblet Dwyer- Verkatos Nina- samgraceVA Ophelia- yoo Rhajat- blissthelion3ss Midori- luucarii Caeldori- FishyFried Asugi- windlighthub Soleil- dra1201 Ignatius- Skadooshe1 Velouria- 76Baldes Percy- PresidentLeon Anankos- Mr. Photon Arete- KissFromTheShadows Sumeragi- arkham Mikoto- eecaruz Lilith- Leo Kopp I'll be sending Discord links to all of the cast members as soon as I can. Thank you everyone for auditioning! -Daniel
Deadline Change!
Hello! I'm proud to say that since I got so many high-quality auditions, I'm able to push back the deadline by 2 days- which means I'll be casting roles on Friday the 7th- a.k.a. tomorrow! I apologize if this is a little sudden, I'm just really excited to get started! (I'll be casting around 5pm Pacific Time, just so people can get last-minutes in.) I wish everyone good luck! -Daniel

Voice Reference:
Female Kana loves to help others in anyway she can, especially around her father. She is particularly prone to crying in an instant. Female Kana's loneliness is actually crippling enough that she cries whenever she's alone, as shown in her supports with Forrest, but she nonetheless tries to keep up a cheerful demeanor in front of the rest of the army. As said above she's aware that some people see her as ditzy and uses it to her advantage, like when she tricks Dwyer into realizing and admiting that he's been acting like a jerk, or when she gets back sneakily at Velouria after they have a fight.
Hi. It's good to meet you! I'm Kana! I can fight with dragon power too!
Oh...but I'm not the chosen one. This is Papa's sword, not mine. I...I couldn't help him... I just had to stand there and watch him fight.
My whole village got smashed. Even my house. My papa tried to help, but they might have smashed him too... It's all my fault...

Voice Reference:
Male Kana feels more of a need to prove himself, though still tries to help in any way he can. Male Kana often feels annoyed because he feels that his mother treats him like a child even though he wants to help her, as seen in his Supports with his father. He seems to have inherited some of her traits as well, such as having a way with animals, as he manages to tame Avel and get along with Ace in his Supports with Sophie and Percy, while having some talents of his own, such as drawing, in his Supports with Shiro.
It's OK. It doesn't sound like there's anything you can do about it. I remember you all, and that's good enough for me.
My Mama is really strong! I wanna be just like her!
Huh?! I was a dragon? I don't remember that... I didn't do anything bad, did I? Please tell me I didn't hurt anyone!

Note: This is a singing role!
Voice Reference:
Shigure has a natural love for the arts and is especially fond of singing like his mother. He is also a skilled painter, as shown in his supports with his father and during the DLC Anna on the Run where he says that despite being a skilled painter, cannot tell any difference between the brothers in the pirate gang. Though calm, collected, kind, and gentle, he can be moody and loves doing things at his own pace.
I shall tell you a story of another realm that I will never forget. Children born during the war were raised in faraway Deeprealms. When the long war finally came to an end, these children were called home. But on that very day, a force of mysterious soldiers struck the Deeprealms.
My heart has been opened. I can imagine, a little, what it must feel like to live in your world. Still you find it in yourself to sing. And so must I.
Sing any verse of your choosing of the song "Lost in Thoughts All Alone"

Note: This is a singing role!
Voice Reference:
Although she can get slightly emotional at times, Azura is kindhearted and surprisingly knowledgeable about many things, some of which others would not know about. This is namely information of Valla, her unique ability to manipulate water through the use of her necklace and a brief history about dragons and degeneration from her mother. Although she is more cynical and world-weary than the Avatar, she shares their conviction in trying to make the world a better place and wanting to be with the Avatar until the very end of the path to see peace. Normally neat and tidy, she has the worst cases of bed hair in the army and is a restless sleeper. She also has a weakness for cute things and enjoys telling scary stories.
I am Azura. I am from two kingdoms, in a way. Both Nohr and Hoshido.
Don't worry. When the time the end of your strife... That hazy feeling will become clear. Everything will return to normal.
Sing any verse of your choosing of the song "Lost in Thoughts All Alone"

Voice Reference:
He is kind, serious, straightforward, and a culturally refined elite. The stress of being Xander's son weighs heavily on him, and he frequently feels inadequate and useless in comparison. The weight of the expectations from not only others but himself scares him, and he tries very hard to exceed the expectations of both his father and the people of Nohr as a future king. He constantly compares himself to his father, believing him to be the end-all-be-all role model. However, his efforts are far from good for his mental health, as he berates himself and refuses to be seen as weak in the eyes of others. He regards having hobbies and things he enjoys outside of princely duties as weaknesses, and will hide these things from everyone but the ones he deeply trusts. He cares very much about the people around him, and will go out of his way to ensure they're doing well and are safe.
I'm Siegbert, son of Prince Xander and Nohr's future king, as such, I will give it my all.
I hesitate to admit to my shameful true feelings. But as a prince, I must have my priorities in order.
The burden of living up to my father has weighed on my mind for some time. I wish to be as great a prince as he was.

Voice Reference:
Forrest is very polite and cordial with most people, even exhibiting some feminine traits. Despite his feminine appearance, Forrest has stated that he is not romantically attracted to men. Instead, his feminine appearance is due to a deep interest in fashion designing. Forrest has stated that the clothing he wears is of his own design. While he mainly focuses on designing dresses and other feminine clothing, he is perfectly capable of crafting masculine outfits, even creating a perfect hunting outfit for Kiragi in their support when he was taken on a hiking trip with him. He also is obsessed with cleanliness, refusing to dirty himself as much as possible, and adores cute animals such as rabbits.
My name is Forrest. I'm no enemy; we came investigating the dragon's roar. What can you tell us about this dragon, hmm?
Astride my noble horse as I rode for my life, I found Brynhildr along the path. I can't imagine Father would have cast it willingly aside. I fear the worst…
But you must understand that time does not flow in reverse. You can still help your mother, but only by looking forward, not back.

Voice Reference:
Shiro has a foolhardy personality, despite being a very skilled fighter. When he sees a challenge, he rushes in without giving a second thought. As a result, he often puts himself in danger. However, he is extremely friendly, sociable and easy to get along with, as seen in his many supports, and is open minded and accepting of people with unique traits such as Nina. He is also extremely fond of chicken, as seen in his supports with Selkie and Rhajat.He reveals in his support with Selkie he enjoys bbq sauce on his chicken.
I must be prepared to take the lives of my enemies and protect the kingdom. Even if I get caught up in the heat of battle, I will not forget my resolve.
Doesn't this frustrate you at all? We lost our only homes, our only family... You never wish you could hit back?
Father kept me alive long enough to meet up with you—even gave me the Raijinto. Somehow, I don't think living life on the run is what he wanted out of me.

Voice Reference:
Kiragi is a skilled hunter and is his one true passion. Kiragi's skill as a hunter has developed numerous skills including the ability to hide his presence, track targets from a considerable distance to the naked eye, and hit targets from said distances with little effort. He also is a skilled pathfinder, able to travel through very dangerous terrain with little effort. This is evident in his supports with Rhajat and Midori. In Rhajat's case, he gets some mushrooms and is happy to give them to her, even though she mentions the skeletons at the bottom of the cliff, and later on, algae near the mushrooms. In Midori's case, he gets a special plant that she requested which is found in a dormant volcano filled with poisonous gases, much to her concern.
I just feel like I'm so close to figuring out the trick to this bow... Just because I've missed every shot so far doesn't mean I won't nail the next one!
If you need to go, Hisame, then go! I'd hate to see you get hurt because of a risk I decided to take.
I couldn't do anything to help my dad either. I was so mad at myself... But moping over the past won't help us now. We have to move on.

Voice Reference:
Mitama is generally very lazy, refusing to work or train. She would rather spend her time sleeping or writing poetry. In particular, she enjoys crafting Haiku poems and often uses them to express her feelings during her conversations with others.
What use is trying? / Fathers are always prying. / Daughters, complying. Far better to sleep. / Far off in the starry night. / Far from Azama. Good night to freedom. / Good night to aspirations. / Good night to my dreams.
You have to see by now that these foes are beyond your abilities. Before taking aim / You must know your own limits / Pick your fights with care.
Well, death comes to us all. If he has gone to his reward, I'll waste no time with tears. And yet...and yet...I can't help but wonder what might have happened if I were awake.

Voice Reference:
Selkie has an innocent and cheerful personality, one that has never seen danger. She is very active and almost never stands still due to the fact that she loves to play with others, especially her father. Fun-loving, carefree, and playful to a fault, Selkie often focuses on playing and having fun, rather than danger, sometimes with her game being the cause of the danger. She ignores advice (for games to play) if she sees them as boring and either suggests a new one or continues with the one she's currently doing, as seen in supports with her mother and Shigure. She can be a little dense in life-threatening situations as she consistently considers fighting as a game. However, like her father, she always feels the need to repay a favor done for her.
Will you play with me? I was so excited, I stayed up all night waiting for you!
I haven't felt right since I ran away from my own Deeprealm. With Kana's help, maybe we can finally make a stand against them!
I did see my dad's torn-up scarf in the fort on my way out. For all I knew, he croaked in battle trying to protect me from those guys... Though of course, I never saw a body, so fingers crossed!

Voice Reference:
He has a serious and stubborn personality, while being careful about everything he does. His supports with Kiragishow that he is often concerned with his father's actions around Kiragi's father, believing that such actions are "deplorable".
I fight alongside you. I can contribute. I have purpose. So do not trouble yourself too much over me. I am content.
Running now would put us all in danger. What kind of fool do you take me for? Besides, I told you I'd protect you, remember?
What's this you're on about? I'm not leaving you behind, dagnabbit! It's over, Kiragi. They won. Even our fathers were no match for these guys, remember?

Voice Reference:
Sophie is extremely prone to making mistakes, as shown throughout most of her supports. Despite this, she still remains optimistic and cheerful, although in some cases, she may be saddened and do pointless activities to prevent further accidents. She dreams of being a respectable knight like her father and loves that she can compete with him in his prime. Though she adores her horse Avel, he does not quite take to her. While he will occasionally obey her, particularly when she is serious in battle, he tends to run wild when practicing. This often results in accidents where he bites her hair, causes her to fall while riding him, or bites other people.
I put my heart into everything. That's my creed as a knight.
MY father isn't dead! We just got separated as I was escaping my Deeprealm. That's all.
I'm glad we had the time to talk. It helps me forget about the bad stuff.

Voice Reference:
Dwyer is normally seen competing against his father in some form or manner. Although lazy and apathetic, his motto is "work before rest". He hates being ordered around by others, but when he is left alone, he takes care of chores splendidly. He is a naturally skilled butler and combatant. His specialty is brewing coffee, something that Jakob and his mother admits is better than Jakob's own specialty brew.
Oh, Father, there’s no shame in standing by to help when needed. Isn’t that what a good butler does? Serve, not show up his masters.
The real problem is, all this commotion is bound to draw attention. It won't be long now before those strange soldiers spot us here.
Damn you, Father. If I was going to die, I'd rather have done it fighting at your side..

Voice Reference:
Though she is cool and collected with a good intellect, Nina also has dubious delusions. Seeing two males in close proximity to each other, especially when they are interacting, fuels her delusions of a possible "steamy" relationship between the two. As a result of the innumerable delusions that she harbors about boys in her fantasies, Nina has thus developed, ironically enough, a debilitating nervousness that prevents her from interacting with them with ease, making her the worst at talking to males out of everyone in the army. This is evidenced throughout her supports with most male characters outside of her father and Forrest, as he is the only guy she feels comfortable talking with due to the fact that he does not dress nor act like a typical boy his age does.
Are there more fine gents worthy of my attention? Maybe a whole smorgasbord of masculine delights?
Heheh...nice. The two of you come together and literal sparks fly…
There's no polite way to say, "My dad was a selfish jerk." He hardly ever visited me until he suddenly got it into his head to risk his life for me.

Voice Reference:
Ophelia is an optimistic and bubbly young girl who looks at the world through wondering eyes. Much of her personality arises out of admiration of her "Chosen Father", whom she emulates greatly through giving weapons grandiose names and shouting over-the-top names for her spells while doing flashy poses. She loves her father's eccentric personality and is one of the few people who truly understands how he thinks. However, her support conversations with her mother suggests that she feels inferior to her father's abilities to the point she finds she tells the Avatar in her support conversation that she feels like a mimic of her father. In her support conversation with Midori, she reveals to have abilities of foreseeing the future.
The chosen heroine arrives! And what is she called, this maiden of darkness? Ophelia Dusk is her name!
It was a gift from my father. He gave it to me as a good-luck charm as I was escaping my Deeprealm. He told me to go through first and not worry, since he'd follow soon after.
My maiden heart flutters at the sight! And the Grim Yato... I couldn't have named it better myself!

Voice Reference:
Rhajat is a loner, preferring to stay away from others, especially those who she has no interest in. Her non-sibling supports with Shigure indicate that she used to suffer serious power incontinences when she was younger, leading her to be feared and to isolate herself from other people in fear of hurting them and being rejected.
I owe you my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. You've got my full attention. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever—until one of us is no more.
I hoped to make them rue the day they forced us out of our Deeprealms. But all the rue is mine for being unable to squash them like the toads they were.
Wretched fools... I'll curse them for a thousand years for causing me pain.

Voice Reference:
Midori loves to make medicine and has a curious mind, making her a natural researcher. Coupled with her polite and down-to-earth personality, she is an honorable student. She also loves her father and likes to brag about him whenever the opportunity presents itself. She usually keeps her desires to spend time with him to herself, as she does not want to impede with his line of work. In the case she gets S Rank with Asugi they will be “companions” in the English version unlike the Japanese version where they are lovers despite them being cousins.
Are you hurt bad? Here, try my all-natural painkiller!
Father isn't here because I couldn't defend myself. All I know how to do is brew medicine. If he was here, I could have patched up his wounds.
I was sorta lonely where I grew up. There wasn't really anyone to talk to.

Voice Reference:
Caeldori is gifted with both intelligence and beauty, and strives to constantly better herself. She feels the pressure of her father's fame and diligently hones her skills in hopes of one day becoming perfect like him. She bonds well with her mother, stating that she has no natural talent like Subaki. Instead she states that her mother's hardworking nature inspires her to become a better person herself. She easily falls in love more than the other members of the army. In her supports, she is known to be an avid reader, and she also requests that the Avatar be her mentor after having heard Subaki speak highly of them. In her supports with the female Avatar, it is revealed that she is a very talented writer so much so it brings the female Avatar to tears of joy calling it the most beautiful thing she ever read. Caeldori is shown is her supports to be snippy with characters such as Asugi who skip out on chores or shirk their duties.
I'm tired of sitting home alone and waiting to be of some use. I'll never be as perfect as you are, Father. But I'd like to start trying to be!
Our homes have been taken from us in a coordinated ambush. We need to know more about who our enemy is and why they've done this.
If I had honed my skills more, I could have fought them off alongside my father. But I'm a pale shadow of his perfection.

Voice Reference:
A cool, sharp and able person, Asugi worries about inheriting his father's legacy, as he has little in common with his father. He is not particularly motivated to succeed him, given that his father hardly spent time with him growing up due to the nature of the Deeprealms, but he is extremely fond of both eating and making his own sweets and carries them around at all times, even being able to replicate several recipes just from eating the desserts, though this tends to conflict with his father Saizo, who hates sweets. With his confections having a cutesy aesthetic, he even bonds with Ignatius over their mutual love of cute things, but while Ignatius is shy about it, Asugi proudly declares that there is nothing wrong with that.
I'll steal anything that's not nailed down. But murder—like that? Nah. Crosses a line. And there's NO price he could pay me to do that.
Why would you invite me over during snack time? Snack time is SACRED.
I never wanted to fight in the first place. Look at us. None of us are what you'd call trained soldiers

Voice Reference:
Soleil has a cheerful and energetic personality. Though she is not too shy, she can get anxious about her surroundings. Soleil is very popular with girls due to her cool personality and likes to hit on them. Because of her cool personality, she can tend to be immensely shameless, as she does not mind changing clothes, even if there are other people watching. In her B Support with Ophelia, Soleil does not panic when Ophelia casts a spell to exchange bodies.
Turn that frown upside down! That's what my dad always says!
Thank you for always taking such good care of me. You've seen me at my best, and at my worst. And yet, you're still here!
I don't think there's any chance he could have gotten away. But I tell myself he's safe and fight on, because if I didn't, I'd fall apart.

Voice Reference:
Despite Ignatius' rough looking exterior, he is extremely timid and very kindhearted, much like his father. However, when time is needed, Ignatius is perfectly capable of displaying strong valor and courage to protect the weak, even if the enemy is clearly stronger than he is. He is fond of cute things. Ignatius idolizes his father, wanting to become a hero like him and displaying the same strength he does. He carries a charm made by his father for protection and strength and is his most treasured belonging. During their support conversations, Ignatius and Benny have an awkward time communicating.
You're living proof that even cowards like us can make our way in the world.
My father faced odds just as bad when he was protecting me. What kind of sons would we be if we didn't have faith in them?
When I am not in battle, I am steeling myself against the next battle.

Voice Reference:
Velouria loves everything about her parents, particularly her father, to the point that it is almost obsessive and clingy. This obsession is so strong that, when Keaton tries to put a restraining order on her, she says that it is, "a punishment every bit as bad as death". Her love for her parents is so strong she even tries to send her mother away so that she does not get claimed by the war. Although, this obsession isn't without its reasons. Once she is an adult, she will be forced to leave due to wolfskin tradition so she wants to spend as much time with her parents as possible and, because of the war, she keeps fighting to prevent that time from coming sooner. Another reason is because she wants to compensate for all the lost time she spent in the Deeprealms. Aside from their wolfskin instincts and tastes, she and Keaton have little in common behavior-wise with each other, which Keaton seems to notice. But as shown in her battle quote in Anna on the Run she inherited her father's cannibalistic attitude towards her enemies.
Even as a wolf, I much prefer being alone. Besides, Daddy is the only transforming friend I need.
The king of Nohr going missing is a pretty big deal. It doesn't have to be us who goes looking for him.
He took on all the enemies himself so I could get away. I was there. I saw what he was up against. So I know there's no way he survived.

Voice Reference:
Percy inherited his father's heroic spirit and is eager to be his father's "Ally of Justice." He looks forward to any opportunity to work along side him and is protective of his mother, wanting to become strong enough to protect her. Like Arthur, Percy is willing to help out anyone in need and often looks for opportunities to assist the common citizen.
Back, evildoer! Return to whatever dark hole of naughtiness you crawled out of
V-Velouria's right... Pop's probably dead! I thought heroes never died, but... He stayed behind so Ace could fly away. And now I'll never see him again!
Justice never loses! And I am on its side!

No Voice Reference is available.
Anankos is portrayed as a ruthless dragon, seeing himself as no less than a god. Fully controlled by his draconic instincts, he loathes humanity and will stop at nothing to exterminate the human race. Although he considers himself to be the King of Valla, the Vallite people are no more than pawns whom he can freely control to bring his goals to fruition. Even Garon and his "daughter" Lilith, both of whom were steadfastly loyal to him, were nothing more than disposable pawns when the time was needed. However, in the past, Anankos was a benevolent dragon who loved humanity. Unfortunately, his draconic instincts eventually lead to his degeneration. Still, a fragment of him lived, keeping his original benevolent nature intact.
Why am I left to suffer? Why am I the one left to die? Why do humans flourish while I am buried here...ignored...forgotten? TELL ME WHY!
I am the forgotten god. The betrayed King. The buried dragon!
I? Gone mad? It is humans who have taken leave of their senses. I granted them my power, my trust, and what do they grant me in return? A lifetime of scorn and derision based on a single mistake of mine.

Voice Reference:
Arete completely lacks her memories following her resurrection, having no recollection of her daughter or her prior life in Valla and Nohr. Instead, Arete shows complete and utter loyalty to Anankos, believing him to be the rightful ruler of Valla and revering him as being "great" and "almighty". She is obsessed with enforcing Anankos's will and keeping outsiders out of Valla, but she seems content with merely making them leave rather than killing them.
Everything that I do, I do in the name of the great Anankos.
What does the great King Anankos's loyal servant care for such things? Perhaps this pain will stop when I silence you once and for all. But first, let me hear your voice. Sing once more before fading into nothing.
Why is it that looking at you gives me such an incredible headache? No matter—killing you will make the pain go away. Prepare yourself for the next world.

Voice Reference:
As the king of Hoshido, Sumeragi was benevolent to his people and treated them fairly. When he was not busy with policies, however, Sumeragi cared deeply for his family, having fun with them as he wanted to be the best father he could. He cared very little of being the Hoshidan King and took little enjoyment out of it. However, in the Female Avatar and Yukimura support conversations, it is revealed that he would always be happy to see his children after a long day. Sumeragi also has a different view in warfare; in a support conversation between Yukimura and the male Avatar, Sumeragi told him that there is no point in killing soldiers who have surrendered and disliked killing the enemy without letting them have a chance to surrender.
I was once a Hoshidan king...No longer. Now I am simply a man on the battlefield...striving for a challenge. eldest pride...I hunger for the glory of a battle between us. I expect nothing less than your best—you will be getting mine!
I see the lust for power in your eyes that I had. The mortal struggle between you and I shall no doubt become legend!

Voice Reference:
Befitting of a queen, Mikoto is calm, kind, and graceful and well loved by the people of Hoshido for it. Mikoto has a generous soul, from nursing a man suffering amnesia back to health to raising her late husband's four children and her own niece later on. Orochi describes how her family was disliked for telling bad fortunes alongside the good ones, but Mikoto accepted Orochi and even treated her like a daughter. Mikoto later wept for nights on end after Orochi was injured during an attack on the palace.
Don't fight. We can all be together..Together in service to Anankos.
Ah, Corrin... How I wish I could have been a mother to you. To hold your hand, tell you bedtime stories, make meals for you... So many things I wanted to do together... and never could...
No... I don't remember. Once you have your heart's desire, all that's left is to fade into emptiness. My heart aches, child. Perhaps if you came with me, the pain would stop.

No Voice Reference is available.
Because the Avatar nursed her back to health when she was heavily wounded, she became human in order to repay the Avatar for their kindness. She became extremely close to the Avatar as one of their maids. During the story of Fates, Lilith has always been willing to leap into danger in order to protect them, even sacrificing her life in exchange for their safety.
If you truly wish to join your friend, I can help you do it. If I amplify the power of both crystals, they can transport you all to his side.
I would like to offer thanks. Please, take this gift.
Let me be your guide on your way. We'll find the star that shines brightest and go there...together.
Public Submissions