Fire Emblem Fates- Heirs of Fate Fandub!
Gilgamessedup for Forrest

Voice Reference:
Forrest is very polite and cordial with most people, even exhibiting some feminine traits. Despite his feminine appearance, Forrest has stated that he is not romantically attracted to men. Instead, his feminine appearance is due to a deep interest in fashion designing. Forrest has stated that the clothing he wears is of his own design. While he mainly focuses on designing dresses and other feminine clothing, he is perfectly capable of crafting masculine outfits, even creating a perfect hunting outfit for Kiragi in their support when he was taken on a hiking trip with him. He also is obsessed with cleanliness, refusing to dirty himself as much as possible, and adores cute animals such as rabbits.
My name is Forrest. I'm no enemy; we came investigating the dragon's roar. What can you tell us about this dragon, hmm?
Astride my noble horse as I rode for my life, I found Brynhildr along the path. I can't imagine Father would have cast it willingly aside. I fear the worst…
But you must understand that time does not flow in reverse. You can still help your mother, but only by looking forward, not back.