Fire Emblem Fates- Heirs of Fate Fandub!
blissthelion3ss for Rhajat

Voice Reference:
Rhajat is a loner, preferring to stay away from others, especially those who she has no interest in. Her non-sibling supports with Shigure indicate that she used to suffer serious power incontinences when she was younger, leading her to be feared and to isolate herself from other people in fear of hurting them and being rejected.
I owe you my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. You've got my full attention. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever—until one of us is no more.
I hoped to make them rue the day they forced us out of our Deeprealms. But all the rue is mine for being unable to squash them like the toads they were.
Wretched fools... I'll curse them for a thousand years for causing me pain.

I'm impressed with the creepy tones here! Amazing job!

:D Thank you very much!~