Fire Emblem Fates- Heirs of Fate Fandub!
regacman for Shigure

Note: This is a singing role!
Voice Reference:
Shigure has a natural love for the arts and is especially fond of singing like his mother. He is also a skilled painter, as shown in his supports with his father and during the DLC Anna on the Run where he says that despite being a skilled painter, cannot tell any difference between the brothers in the pirate gang. Though calm, collected, kind, and gentle, he can be moody and loves doing things at his own pace.
I shall tell you a story of another realm that I will never forget. Children born during the war were raised in faraway Deeprealms. When the long war finally came to an end, these children were called home. But on that very day, a force of mysterious soldiers struck the Deeprealms.
My heart has been opened. I can imagine, a little, what it must feel like to live in your world. Still you find it in yourself to sing. And so must I.
Sing any verse of your choosing of the song "Lost in Thoughts All Alone"

Congrats, Reggie!

Hahaha thanks Sterling