Exposure Game Demo

Project Overview
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to view my casting call, and I hope to hear your audition!
So, What is “Exposure”?
Exposure is a survival horror game that is being developed in Unreal Engine 5. Set in modern day Michigan; It follows the story of Samuel Briggs, a reserved man in his early 20’s. who is plunged into the depths of his own traumatic experiences through an extreme form of exposure therapy. This demo, as well as the eventual full game, will be released on Steam.
Still unable to move forward from the horrific events of his childhood, Sam is referred by his psychologist to seek treatment from a new doctor, one who specializes in the practice of exposure therapy; Dr. Vivian Robbins. This practice is the belief that exposing a person to the things that bring them their fear, will allow them to process and conquer said troubles.
Upon seeking out this treatment, Sam finds himself locked in what appears to be a makeshift cell somewhere underground that is connected to an entire corridor of similar rooms, where he interacts with a horribly mutilated prisoner, who issues him warning of the danger to come.
Sam begins to explore what appears to be a series of abandoned subway tunnels, with many converted rooms branching off. As he looks for a way to the surface, he begins to hallucinate, struggling to separate his mind from reality. In his confusion, he comes across a man who attacks him, before he is seemingly rescued by a bearded man; Ronnie. Unknown to Sam, Ronnie was more or less the muscle of Dr. Robbins, and before Sam can react he is knocked unconscious and drug away.
Sam awakes to find himself secured to a chair, upon which he has his first meeting with Dr. Robbins. She explains that she uses an experimental drug to truly send her patients into extreme versions of their traumatic scenarios. Sam escapes the duo, which leads to his first “exposure” in his old schoolhouse. Sam must adapt to the horrors of his own mind, and find a way to conquer his fear.
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Vivian should be played as a seemingly sweet, caring doctor that you can sense something is off about. For the majority of her lines, she is well collected, never wanting to seem as if she is not in control.
*Please feel free to adlib and add your own spice to the character!*
[Entering the room to find Sam tied up by Ronnie] (Spoken sweetly, caring) "I do apologize for the restraints Samuel. Ronnie never has had much of a gentle touch. We have to ensure you are properly monitored during your treatment. You understand, I'm sure. You're a smart boy."
[Yelling after a fleeing Sam.] (Stern tone, calm, eerie.) "You won't find your answers among the rats, Samuel! I would truly hate to have to fish your corpse from those tunnels!"
[Catching Sam as he's coming to from his exposure] (Calm, piercing, villainous.) "God? You truly believe a higher power can cure you? Samuel, I am your god."
Ronnie is a cocky, full of himself right hand man to Dr. Robbins. He is very unhinged, and not one known to keep his composure when provoked. Tough guy type who thinks nothing could take him down.
*Please feel free to adlib and add your own spice to the character!*
{After saving Sam from a man attacking him, before knocking him out.] (Friendly, deceptive.) "Hey Sammy! You alright? Sorry about that, Thomas gets a bit off the wall sometimes. Let me get you ready for the Doc."
[Tightening restraints on Sam's chair.] (Teasing, amused.) "There you go, buddy. Wouldn't want you losing your shit on the doctor, would we? I've heard somebody's got a teensy weensy anger problem." (Laughs)
[Catching Sam after he slipped away, roughing him up.] (Angry, violent, loud.) "Don't you ever fucking do that again! You're really starting to be a pain in my ass! I swear to god you'll eat your fucking teeth!"
Carmen is Samuel's teacher from his youth, and the main monster in the games demo! She's a very passive aggressive, irritable older Hispanic woman. She will appear in this demo, and the full release, in her human form as well as a monstrous spider-like entity in Sam's "exposure" therapy treatment.
*Please feel free to adlib and add your own spice to the character!*
[Meeting Sam after class, discussing behavior.] (Passive aggressive, annoyed) "Samuel, Why do you feel the need to act out so often? I know things are rough at home, but you can not continue making so many excuses niño."
[Speaking to Sam's mother about his behavior.] (Passive aggressive, accusing.) "Mrs. Briggs, I understand things have been difficult for you lately. Perhaps there's somewhere else for Samuel to stay, until you're more fit to handle his needs. I would hate to see him fail because of his home life."
[Chasing Sam, Monstrous form.] (Unstable, eager, eerie) 'Samuel! Where are you? You fucking delinquent! When I find you it's straight to the office!"
Nessa has been Sam's best friend since they were little, growing up on the same street in the impoverished neighborhoods of Detroit, Michigan. Nessa was the only one who truly knew what Sam went through, as well as her own struggles. She cares very deeply for Sam, and stands with him no matter what. She will become a much bigger character in the games full release.
*Please feel free to adlib and add your own spice to the character!*
[Walking home with Sam after saving him from getting jumped.] (Teasing, playful.) "God damn, Sammy. You gotta do something with that face. I mean, You're so punchable I might have to take a swing myself." (Laugh)
[Talking with Sam about him addressing his issues.] (Soft, supportive.) "Hey, Stop talking like that. She was your mother, Sam. She loved you more than anything. And, she would want you to talk to someone. You don't have to hold this shit in for your entire life."
[Pounding on an iron door, trapped in a mysterious stone room.] (Panicked, frantic.) 'Hello!? Let me out of here you fucking bitch! Answer me!"

I'm very open to how these characters are portrayed, so please take things into your own hands! If you would like to adlib some of your own lines, feel free!
[Locked in a cell, approached by Sam.] (Weak, panicked, afraid) "She's already got you. Don't you get it? You're fucked! Nobody gets out of here. You can't escape your own mind."
[Wandering a corridor, hallucinating Sam to be their murdered brother.] (Frantic, aggressive, unstable) "Jason! I never thought I'd see you again! You forgive me right? You know I hated the noise, I had to make it stop!"
[Sitting in an exam room, preparing for another treatment] (Calm, solemn, hopeless) "You said your name was Sam, right? It's nice to see someone still has it together down here. I'll probably join those crazy assholes. I appreciate the conversation."
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