Exposure Game Demo
Mars Evans for Carmen Ángeles
Carmen is Samuel's teacher from his youth, and the main monster in the games demo! She's a very passive aggressive, irritable older Hispanic woman. She will appear in this demo, and the full release, in her human form as well as a monstrous spider-like entity in Sam's "exposure" therapy treatment.
*Please feel free to adlib and add your own spice to the character!*
[Meeting Sam after class, discussing behavior.] (Passive aggressive, annoyed) "Samuel, Why do you feel the need to act out so often? I know things are rough at home, but you can not continue making so many excuses niño."
[Speaking to Sam's mother about his behavior.] (Passive aggressive, accusing.) "Mrs. Briggs, I understand things have been difficult for you lately. Perhaps there's somewhere else for Samuel to stay, until you're more fit to handle his needs. I would hate to see him fail because of his home life."
[Chasing Sam, Monstrous form.] (Unstable, eager, eerie) 'Samuel! Where are you? You fucking delinquent! When I find you it's straight to the office!"