Exposure Game Demo
ButteredPopcorn VA for Supporting Roles

I'm very open to how these characters are portrayed, so please take things into your own hands! If you would like to adlib some of your own lines, feel free!
[Locked in a cell, approached by Sam.] (Weak, panicked, afraid) "She's already got you. Don't you get it? You're fucked! Nobody gets out of here. You can't escape your own mind."
[Wandering a corridor, hallucinating Sam to be their murdered brother.] (Frantic, aggressive, unstable) "Jason! I never thought I'd see you again! You forgive me right? You know I hated the noise, I had to make it stop!"
[Sitting in an exam room, preparing for another treatment] (Calm, solemn, hopeless) "You said your name was Sam, right? It's nice to see someone still has it together down here. I'll probably join those crazy assholes. I appreciate the conversation."