Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Promise -- Fan Dub, Additional Cast

Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Promise -- Fan Dub, Additional Cast

Project Overview

"The Promise" is a three-part graphic novel which picks up where the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender ends.  It tells the story of conflict arising over Fire Nation colonies, which were established in the Earth Kingdom in the years prior to the attacks led by Fire Lord Ozai.  The main characters from the TV series are all back -- including Aang, Katara, Soka, Toph, and Zuko.  In addition, this story introduces us to three students of Toph's new metalbending academy, members of the Avatar Aang Fan Club, citizens of the Fire Nation colony of Yu Dao, and more.

Our mission is to create a fan dub of all three parts of The Promise.  Most of the main characters were assigned through two earlier Casting Call Club projects.  We already have an amazing group of voice actors handling the larger roles. Check out their auditions:



The part of the project you're looking at now is primarily concerned with the new characters created specifically for The Promise, although we still need to cast a few parts for characters who appeared in some episodes of the TV show.  We are hoping to round out our cast with unique and passionate voices!  If you are a fan of ATLA, this is your chance to become a citizen of the Four Nations!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Avatar Roku
Role assigned to: Jack Fisher, VA

The Roku character who appears in this story is the spirit of a man who died 100 years earlier -- probably in his 60s or 70s.  Roku was born in the Fire Nation, grew up as the best friend of future Fire Lord Sozin, and became the Avatar prior to Aang.  He has deep regrets about failing to take action to end the war started by Sozin -- which continued for over a century and, though officially over at this point, is still a source of conflict.  Avatar Roku is wise and calm, but still troubled by decisions he made during his life.

This video gives an extensive history of Avatar Roku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aelx1b2IFcU 

In the TV Series, Roku is voiced by James Garrett, probably in his 60s at the time he recorded his voice work.  You can hear an example in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs95gaAK7io 

  • (Avatar Roku is describing his relationship with Fire Lord Sozin -- specifically how he regrets not KILLING Sozin to end a series of tragic events before they happened 100 years ago.)

    He was like a brother to me.  But because of him, the world burned.  When you are in a position of power, you must put the needs of the world above your own.  Zuko, at one time at least, understood this.

  • (Avatar Roku is advising Aang to kill Zuko, despite their friendship -- and despite the fact that Zuko is Roku's great-grandson)

    The Avatar must hold the world above his own nation, his own friends...even his own family.  I cannot put into words how much it pains me to advocate for the end of my own great-grandson.

  • (Avatar Roku continues to try to convince Aang to take action against his friend for the sake of the world.)

    To succeed where I failed, you must hold the world above all else!  Empty yourself, Aang, and contemplate the world.  Then you will understand.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: cligs

Smellerbee is a young girl -- probably between 11 and 15 -- who met the other members of Team Avatar while traveling with Jet and the Freedom Fighters.  Having run away from home at a young age, she is street-wise and able to fend for herself (particularly with knives or other bladed weapons). She is hot-headed and fearless.  In The Promise, Smellerbee leads a group of protesters who want to see citizens of the Fire Nation expelled from their colonies in the Earth Kingdom.

The character Smellerbee appeared in five episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender and was voiced by Nika Futterman.  She initially shows up in the "Jet" episode from the first (Book One: Water) season.  She comes back for four episodes in the second (Book Two: Earth) season -- The Serpent's Pass, The Drill, City Walls and Secrets, and Lake Laogai.  Here is a sample of the character:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU1J9DiQzDw 

  • (speaking to Aang -- disappointed that the Avatar has arrived with the intention of negotiating with Fire Lord Zuko and NOT in order to kick Zuko and the rest of the Fire Nation out of the city of Yu Dao)

    What?!  The time for talking was over as soon as the Fire Lord broke with the Harmony Restoration Movement!
    Besides, you're not getting into that city without a fight!  Fire Nation troops are everywhere!

  • (surprised to see her friend, Sneers)

    Sneers?!  You've been in Yu Dao this whole time?!  Longshot and I looked all over for you!

  • (Yelling from across a chasm to get the attention of the Earth King)

    Don't listen to that ash-maker propaganda, Earth King Kuei!  Harmony Now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: pokejedservo

Sneers is a teenage boy (probably 16 to 18) and an Earth Kingdom citizen.  Team Avatar first met Sneers while he was a member of Jet's Freedom Fighters.  He served as a scout.  In The Promise, Sneers is living with his uncle in the Fire Nation colony city of Yu Dao.  While he is still friends with Smellerbee, Longshot, and other protesters who want to see the Fire Nation leave Yu Dao, Sneers is also in a romantic relationship with Kori Morisita, the daughter of Yu Dao's mayor (who is, of course, a Fire Nation citizen).  This makes Sneers' life rather complicated.  Sneers' friends from the past (including Aang and Sokka) are generally amazed to learn that a fellow with his...assets...is dating an attractive young lady from a politically connected family.

Although Sneers appears onscreen in the "Jet" episode of the first (Book One: Water) season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, he speaks no lines in that episode.  His only other appearance is in a flashback from the second (Book Two: Earth) season episode -- "Lake Laogai" -- where he still has no lines.  With no previous voice to use as a guideline, this is an opportunity to create a unique voice for a character known to fans of ATLA.

  • (still a little out of breath and excited from a skirmish with Aang -- now disarmed and explaining to Aang and Katara why he seems to have jumped sides from working with the protesters outside Yu Dao to working with the resistance inside Yu Dao)

    I was confused, okay?  Smellerbee wanted me to help her, so I just kinda...  Look, I grew up hating the Fire Nation!  What those ash makers did to my parents--that's why I became a freedom fighter!  But when Jet and the other guys went to Ba Sing Se, I came to Yu Dao to live with my uncle. Then, without even meaning to, I fell in love with an ash maker.

  • (trying to convince Smellerbee, his old friend, to understand why he no longer supports her protest movement)

    Listen, Smellerbee, maybe we've been thinking about this all wrong.  What if Yu Dao is neither Fire Nation nor Earth Kingdom?

  • (genuinely confused, and maybe a little annoyed, because Sokka is now the third person from his past to throw the brakes on a conversation just to clarify Sneers' relationship with Kori by saying, "Hold on, hold on.  Let me get this straight.  You are going out with you?!")

    Why does everyone keep saying that?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RedWay6697

Appa is Avatar Aang's huge sky bison, a furry white flying creature with six legs and the ability the carry several human passengers.  Appa cannot speak English, but can express his emotions through growls, grunts, and low purrs.

At three points in The Promise, the script specifically calls for Appa to say, "Raaar!"  However, there are many scenes which could benefit from the ambiance of Appa sounds.  In the TV series, Appa was played by Dee Bradley Baker, who has a long career creating unique animal voices -- as well as having played an extraordinary number of human characters with actual words to speak!  Here is a sample of his work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FylESKJMGx0 

  • Raar!

  • Raaar!

  • Raaaar!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Bosco is Earth King Kuei's pet bear.  Of course, the bear has no speaking lines in The Promise, but he is present in a few scenes.  There seems to be an ongoing battle or game between Bosco and Momo involving Momo trying to steal the bear's hat.  Some appropriate growls and grumbles would add ambiance to these scenes.

Bosco appears in four episodes of the second (Book Two: Earth) season of Avatar: The Last Airbender -- City of Walls and Secrets, The Earth King, The Guru, and The Crossroads of Destiny -- and one episode of the third (Book Three: Fire) season -- The Awakening.  Clancy Brown provided the voice of Bosco -- perhaps the only case of Dee Bradley Baker NOT performing the voice of an ATLA animal.  His growl can be heard at the beginning of this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhVkWEisHuM 

  • *growl*

  • *grumble*

  • *whistle*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: franbixby

Ursa is the mother of Fire Lord Zuko (and the mother of his crazy sister, Azula).  She may or may not be alive during the events of The Promise.  We only know that she disappeared years earlier, under mysterious circumstances.  What we see in The Promise are dreams and memories of Ursa.  She speaks no words until the final scene -- where Azula sees her mother's image in a mirror and hears her saying, "I love you."  This becomes the teaser for another series of ATLA graphic novels -- The Search.

In the second (Book Two: Earth) season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, we see Ursa in a flashback (Zuko Alone) and in a dream (The Earth King).  In the third (Book Three: Fire) season, she appears in a vision in Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno.  Ursa is voiced by Jen Cohn.  Here is an example of Ursa:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POrN4nPXVt0 and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DKYWtKh5lc 

  • (a vision or memory of Ursa -- seen by her daughter as she looks into a mirror)

    I love you, Azula.  I always have and I always will.

  • (responding to her young daughter, who has just observed that her father would be "next in line to be Fire Lord" if her uncle failed to return from the war -- sample line from the TV show)

    Azula, we don't speak that way!  It would be awful if Uncle Iroh didn't return.  And besides, Fire Lord Azulon is a picture of health.

  • (waking her son up to tell him goodbye...forever -- sample line from the TV show)

    Zuko.  Please, my love, listen to me.  Everything I've done, I've done to protect you.  Remember this, Zuko:  No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Chandler_Goodrich

Momo is the winged lemur pet belonging to Avatar Aang.  While Momo has no spoken dialog, he conveys emotion and information through trills, coos, and other noises.  Momo is present for several scenes in The Promise and is part of a running visual gag where he and Bosco the Bear (Earth King Kuei's pet) try to steal a hat from each other.  Having a selection of Momo sounds will help to bring this fan dub to life.

In the Avatar: The Last Airbender TV series, Momo was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.  Here is an example of Momo noise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3beMYQIwkKM 

  • *trilling noises*

  • *gurgling noises*

  • *laughing lemur noises*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xing Ying
Role assigned to: AlexandraSoundron

Xing Ling is a young girl (probably 12) from Yu Dao who has a a serious interest in the history and culture of the Air Nomads.  She and her friends are members of The Yu Dao Chapter of the Avatar Aang Fan Club.  These fans are much more disciplined than their counterparts in Ba Sing Se.

In The Promise, this character only has eight lines of dialog, but she goes on to appear in The Rift, Smoke and Shadow, and North and South Part One.  In the climactic battle which happens in Part 3 of The Promise, three members of the Yu Dao fan club join the fight.  The scene includes three lines of dialog that may or may not belong to Xing Ling.  We will ask that our VA for Xing Ling (along with some other actors voicing female characters) read those lines as well, and we'll use the best takes in the final product.  Since Xing Ling is a character never seen in the TV series, there is no reference for this voice.  Put your stamp on Xing Ling!

  • (responding, with pride, to Aang when he observes that her clothes -- as well as those of the club members standing next to her -- look just like the uniforms worn by Western Air Temple students)

    Of course, Avatar Aang!  We pride ourselves on authenticity!  Our members devote as many hours to studying Air Nomad philosophy as you did when you were training.

  • (returning to try and help Aang after offending him in their first encounter by wearing airbending tattoos without actually being airbenders)

    Please forgive us our unintentional disrespect!  We've since covered our tattoos in deference to true airbenders!  Now we, the Yu Dao Chapter of the Avatar Aang Fan Club, place ourselves at your service!

  • (while swinging a staff to separate Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation soldiers)

    Make peace combatants!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: coolartist1110

Yee-Li is a young girl (probably 12) from Ba Sing Se who has a crush (though not as crippling as Won-Yee's crush) on Avatar Aang.  She and her friends are members of -- indeed are "co-presidents and co-founders" of -- The Ba Sing Se Chapter of the Avatar Aang Fan Club.  We can assume that Yee-Li has rich parents, since she was able to buy an Air Nomad flute (probably a rare item) "a couple of years ago" -- when she was likely ten years old.  Seems like an expensive toy for a little girl!  She also has access to a messenger bird -- probably not a cheap item either.  Yee-Li comes across as a little bit sharper and a little bit sneakier than the other club members in Ba Sing Se.

In The Promise, this character only has three lines of dialog, but she goes on to appear in The Rift and North and South Part One.  In one scene from The Promise, there is some dialog spoken by several members of Aang's fan club, and it's not clear which girl says what.  We will ask that our VA for Yee-Li (and other actors) read those lines as well, and we'll use the best takes in the final product.  Since Yee-Li is a character never seen in the TV series, there is no reference for this voice.  Bring Yee-Li to life!

  • (very excited to be introduced to Avatar Aang)

    It's such an honor, Avatar Aang!  I want to show you something I bought from a traveling merchant a couple years ago...

  • (happy because Aang has confirmed that her flute was indeed an artifact from the Air Nomads)

    I just knew it had to be from the Air Nomads!  Do you know how to play?

  • (in a loud whisper, because she is trying to be stealthy)

    Fly, messenger bird, fly!  Tell our sisters in the Yu Dao chapter that the Avatar needs their help!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ricakatovo

Won-Yee is a young girl (probably 12) from Ba Sing Se who has a crush on Avatar Aang.  She and her friends are members of -- indeed are "co-presidents and co-founders" of -- The Ba Sing Se Chapter of the Avatar Aang Fan Club.  Won-Yee is so overcome while in Aang's presence that she literally cannot speak to him.  "Eek!" is the only sound she can make.  She does, however, find her voice when the opportunity arises to make a veiled threat to Aang's girlfriend, Katara.

In The Promise, Won-Yee only has five lines of dialog, four of which are, "Eek!"  In one scene, there is some dialog spoken by several members of Aang's fan club, and it's not clear which girl says what.  We will ask that our VA for Won-Yee (and other actors) read those lines as well, and we'll use the best takes in the final product.  Since Won-Yee is a character never seen in the TV series, there is no reference for this voice.  Eek!  You could be the one who makes Won-Yee live!

  • (awestruck by Avatar Aang, her only response four out of five times is a little shriek of joy)

  • (bowing to Katara, toward whom she insinuates a threat by addressing her as Aang's "first" girlfriend)
    What an honor it is to meet Avatar Aang's first girlfriend!

  • The Avatar's even more dreamy when he's playing music!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Master Kunyo
Role assigned to: pokejedservo

Master Kunyo is a firebending teacher who resides in Yu Dao, a Fire Nation colony inside the borders of the Earth Kingdom.  He is an elegant middle aged man with an over-sized ego.  Prior to the events of The Promise, Kunyo has been running a school of firebending.  He abandons the building when the Fire Lord Zuko announces that all colonists in the Earth Kingdom must go back to the Fire Nation.  But when those plans are revoked, Kunyo returns to his school -- to find it has been taken over by Toph and converted into the Beifong Metalbending Academy.  Conflict ensues!

There are no real villains in The Promise...except for Master Kunyo!  He is a classic bad guy with a very twirlable mustache.  This character only appears in The Promise, so there is no precedent for the voice.  In my head, I hear a cross between Dr. Orpheus (Steven Rattazzi) from The Venture Bros. and Jon Lovitz's Master Thespian character from SNL.  Whatever he sounds like, Kunyo will be a fun character to bring to life!

  • (accepting a challenge and trying to sound brave and intimidating after being made a fool of by Toph)
    Good point!  Rather than settle this with a match between the teachers, we'll settle it with a match between our students!  A match to the death!

  • (throwing open the door to Toph's metalbending school announcing his return -- as a preface to a battle for control of the school building)
    Greetings, enemies of Kunyo!  Prepare to be roasted in the flames of your own defeat!

  • (to Sokka -- trying to act like he doesn't mind that the twisted pieces of metal Toph wrapped around his head three days earlier are still there)
    I find it a convenient way to carry flags.  I can take it off any time I want.
    (to Toph)
    Where are your students, young lady?  It's time to begin our deadly match to the...uh, sit!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Mak
Role assigned to: RabbitKamen

The 29 words of dialog above are the only speaking parts for General Mak in The Promise.  He makes another appearance in Smoke and Shadow Part Three.  He has never appeared in the TV show.  All we know is that he is a Fire Nation soldier who looks a little bit like Wolverine!

  • (announcing his entrance to the Fire Lord's throne room -- and interrupting what COULD be a private moment between Zuko and Suki)
    Fire Lord Zuko!

  • (serious and businesslike, taking a knee before the Fire Lord)
    A message has arrived from the spies you sent to the Earth Kingdom!

  • (bowing his head and delivering news that is not good -- a line which is the cliffhanger moment at the end of Part 2 of the story)
    Your suspicions are confirmed.  The Earth Kingdom's army now marches towards Yu Dao.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: coolartist1110

Penga is a 9-year-old girl who MAY have a talent for metalbending -- having been selected by Toph to be one of the first three students to receive instruction at the Beifong Metalbending Academy.  She definitely has an obsession with shoes, and comes from a family with the financial resources to indulge her excesses.  During The Promise, she develops a huge crush on Sokka.

Penga is the largest role we are casting for in this part of our fandub of The Promise.  She and the other two metalbending students (Ho Tun and The Dark One) have more lines and are in more scenes than any of the other new characters introduced in the story.  Because Penga never appeared in the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender, you have the opportunity to give this little girl a new and unique voice!

  • (immediately after meeting Sokka)
    You're my new boyfriend!  Starting right now!

  • (seeing what she believes to be the spirit of a flying boar demon who is eating her shoes)
    Nooo!  Not the jade platforms!  Anything but the jade platforms!

  • (to Sokka -- as she decides to dump him and turn her attention to Ho Tun, one of the other metalbending students)
    Kick rocks, loser!  I'm over you!  Ho Tun's the one for me now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Nishi
Role assigned to: franbixby

Mayor Nishi has the smallest role of any named character in The Promise.  It's only 14 words.  She has never appeared in any other Avatar: The Last Airbender story or on the TV series, so your interpretation of the character can be completely original.  All we know about her is that she is the Mayor of one of the older Fire Nation colonies established within the boarders of the Earth Kingdom.  She is dubious of the plan to shut down the Fire Nation colonies -- especially the established ones -- and to send all the Fire Nation citizens back to their homeland.  She also seems rather unimpressed with the dance demonstrated by Aang and Momo.

  • (with doubt and worry -- responding to Aang and his confidence that, as with other colonies he has helped to relocate, the relocation of Mayor Nishi's people should be no problem)
    Those colonies were young.  Their people had no roots in the Earth Kingdom.

  • (surprised and confused -- responding to a Fire Nation soldier who has ordered her and her fellow colonists to stop unloading their boat at the Fire Nation port where they have just arrived)

  • (not an actual line, but a chance to exercise the character voice)
    Hello, I am Mayor Nishi.  We are honored to welcome the Avatar to our Fire Nation colony here in the Earth Kingdom.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mayor Morishita
Role assigned to: i_am_not_daredevil

Mayor Morishita is a Fire Nation citizen who is responsible for managing the oldest colony established in the Earth Kingdom -- the city of Yu Dao.  His wife and daughter are both earthbenders.  While the Mayor is a loyal subject of the Fire Lord, he can't help but dress down Zuko over his policy of shutting down colonies.  The Mayor's emotions can shift at a moment's notice.

This is a new character who never appeared on the Avatar: The Last Airbender TV series, so the voice is brand new territory.  We know that the mayor is old enough to have a teenage daughter (Kori) and seems genuinely concerned about her.  He is likely to be from an influential Fire Nation family, since he holds the highest position of political authority in the Fire Nation's oldest and most prosperous colony.  Yet he is independent enough to have married a woman from the Earth Kingdom.  While Mayor Morishita's role in the story is fairly small, it is pivotal.

  • (seeing his daughter -- probably for the first time in several days)

    Kori!  Where have you been?!  Your mother and I were worried sick!
    Wait -- who are these men?!  What are these chains?

  • (learning that his daughter had traveled to the Fire Nation capital and attacked Fire Lord Zuko)

    My sincerest apologies for my daughter's rash behavior, Fire Lord!  Have mercy!

  • (unable to hide his anger and disgust and Zuko's policy of shutting down Fire Nation colonies and removing colonists from the Earth Kingdom)

    You're right, Fire Lord!  We are Fire Nation citizens!  And I'll tell you this -- your father would never have let the Avatar and the Earth King bully him into something so obviously bad for his own nation's citizens!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Morishita
Role assigned to: Lunaria Fe

Mrs. Morishita only has three lines totaling 60 words, but she is quickly establishes herself as a formidable character.  Using earthbending, she protects her husband from the wrath of Fire Lord Zuko and then breaks the handcuffs used by Fire Nation soldiers to keep here daughter captive.  She remains calm and respectful while demonstrating her power.

This character does not appear in the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender, so the voice is open to interpretation.  While Mrs. Morishita is present in the background in books that follow The Promise, she has no other spoken lines.  The 60 words supplied for the audition lines are all we have.

  • (having just appeared out of nowhere and used earthbending to raise a barrier between her husband and Zuko)
    Fire Lord, please!  Forgive my husband's foolishness!  I've told him time and time again to control his tongue, but he never does!

  • (responding to Zuko -- as she calls up a spike of rock to break the handcuffs on her daughter, Kori)
    Yes, I'm an earthbender, as is our daughter.

  • (bowing politely to Zuko -- after having shown up the Fire Lord and his soldiers by protecting her husband and freeing her daughter with sweet earthbending moves)
    Would Your Majesty be willing to stay in Yu Dao for a few days?  It would be an honor for us to show the Fire Lord our way of life.


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