Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Promise -- Fan Dub, Additional Cast

cligs for Smellerbee

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: cligs

Smellerbee is a young girl -- probably between 11 and 15 -- who met the other members of Team Avatar while traveling with Jet and the Freedom Fighters.  Having run away from home at a young age, she is street-wise and able to fend for herself (particularly with knives or other bladed weapons). She is hot-headed and fearless.  In The Promise, Smellerbee leads a group of protesters who want to see citizens of the Fire Nation expelled from their colonies in the Earth Kingdom.

The character Smellerbee appeared in five episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender and was voiced by Nika Futterman.  She initially shows up in the "Jet" episode from the first (Book One: Water) season.  She comes back for four episodes in the second (Book Two: Earth) season -- The Serpent's Pass, The Drill, City Walls and Secrets, and Lake Laogai.  Here is a sample of the character:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU1J9DiQzDw 

  • (speaking to Aang -- disappointed that the Avatar has arrived with the intention of negotiating with Fire Lord Zuko and NOT in order to kick Zuko and the rest of the Fire Nation out of the city of Yu Dao)

    What?!  The time for talking was over as soon as the Fire Lord broke with the Harmony Restoration Movement!
    Besides, you're not getting into that city without a fight!  Fire Nation troops are everywhere!

  • (surprised to see her friend, Sneers)

    Sneers?!  You've been in Yu Dao this whole time?!  Longshot and I looked all over for you!

  • (Yelling from across a chasm to get the attention of the Earth King)

    Don't listen to that ash-maker propaganda, Earth King Kuei!  Harmony Now!

Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Promise -- Fan Dub, Additional Cast
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