Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Promise -- Fan Dub, Additional Cast

cligs for Sneers

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: pokejedservo

Sneers is a teenage boy (probably 16 to 18) and an Earth Kingdom citizen.  Team Avatar first met Sneers while he was a member of Jet's Freedom Fighters.  He served as a scout.  In The Promise, Sneers is living with his uncle in the Fire Nation colony city of Yu Dao.  While he is still friends with Smellerbee, Longshot, and other protesters who want to see the Fire Nation leave Yu Dao, Sneers is also in a romantic relationship with Kori Morisita, the daughter of Yu Dao's mayor (who is, of course, a Fire Nation citizen).  This makes Sneers' life rather complicated.  Sneers' friends from the past (including Aang and Sokka) are generally amazed to learn that a fellow with his...assets...is dating an attractive young lady from a politically connected family.

Although Sneers appears onscreen in the "Jet" episode of the first (Book One: Water) season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, he speaks no lines in that episode.  His only other appearance is in a flashback from the second (Book Two: Earth) season episode -- "Lake Laogai" -- where he still has no lines.  With no previous voice to use as a guideline, this is an opportunity to create a unique voice for a character known to fans of ATLA.

  • (still a little out of breath and excited from a skirmish with Aang -- now disarmed and explaining to Aang and Katara why he seems to have jumped sides from working with the protesters outside Yu Dao to working with the resistance inside Yu Dao)

    I was confused, okay?  Smellerbee wanted me to help her, so I just kinda...  Look, I grew up hating the Fire Nation!  What those ash makers did to my parents--that's why I became a freedom fighter!  But when Jet and the other guys went to Ba Sing Se, I came to Yu Dao to live with my uncle. Then, without even meaning to, I fell in love with an ash maker.

  • (trying to convince Smellerbee, his old friend, to understand why he no longer supports her protest movement)

    Listen, Smellerbee, maybe we've been thinking about this all wrong.  What if Yu Dao is neither Fire Nation nor Earth Kingdom?

  • (genuinely confused, and maybe a little annoyed, because Sokka is now the third person from his past to throw the brakes on a conversation just to clarify Sneers' relationship with Kori by saying, "Hold on, hold on.  Let me get this straight.  You are going out with you?!")

    Why does everyone keep saying that?!

Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Promise -- Fan Dub, Additional Cast
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