DreamCatcher: Reflections [Fantasy Visual Novel Series] (Volume 2)
Project Overview
DreamCatcher: Reflections is a fantasy adventure visual novel series about a disillusioned teen who actually WANTS to stay in the fantasy world she's whisked away to...after all, traveling the world and fighting monsters is MUCH more interesting than high school.
Riza Wolfe is the kind of person often referred to as a daydreamer. With her high school days approaching an end quicker than she would like, and the threat of a mundane adult life looming over her, she’s always wondering if there’s something more out there.
As it turns out, there is.
After receiving an unassuming dream catcher as a gift one day, Riza soon finds herself following a character she thought she’d made up through a mysterious nexus realm and into a parallel world, where she is supposedly one of seven “Dreamers” of legend. She gets what she’s always wanted–an adventure, and a greater purpose…sort of. The problem is, no one seems to know exactly why the Dreamers are there, just that it means something very, very bad is coming. It’s up to Riza, her new werewolf guardian, Luna, and the assortment of companions they collect along the way to unite with the other Dreamers, and figure out why they were summoned…before it’s too late.
Follow Riza around the map as she chases destiny...or maybe it chases her.
This series will have partial voice acting--a handful of short, multipurpose lines for each character, and important scenes only. A number of roles have already been cast, but I'll be posting new ones periodically as I need them. This is a long-term project, expected to take 5+ years to complete. While I certainly don't expect to keep the exact same team that whole time, do keep it in mind when you audition. Most of the roles I still need are minor and will only appear every few chapters.
This particular call is for characters I need for volume 2 of the series! I do recommend checking out the game page for Volume 1 to get an idea of what to expect from this project.
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Montague is Mr. Totem’s apprentice librarian, and winds up the de facto person in charge of the library when his master becomes...indisposed (a.k.a. mostly busy reading books with pretty pictures in them and pirouetting around the shelves). Monty is polite, soft-spoken, and easily flustered, but highly intelligent and probably the only one capable of deciphering Totem’s notes.
Voice: Pleasant, helpful, soft-spoken. Mid-high range.
Character Art:
[Confused, then cheerful] “I see...Well then, allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Montague; I’m the apprentice librarian here. Most people call me Monty, though.”
[Uncomfortable] “He’s a little...off, these days. You see, there was this very large book, and—well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll assist you. Come along.”
[Thoughtful] “He may still be able to help you...if you can get him to stop dancing.”

Christof is the grandson of Ooji, the old man who is supposed to be "guiding" the Dreamers on their quest. Chris is shy, unathletic, and has low self-esteem, but is also extremely good-natured and makes a lot of self-deprecating jokes. He gets bullied into helping Maya find Riza and friends by his grandfather, but he only minds when they run into monsters.
Chris is also quite good at sewing, and designs most of his own clothes.
Voice: Shy and awkward, but friendly and polite. High range. Always sounds a bit nervous.
Character Art:
[Excited] “Ohhh! You must be Miss Riza! My grandfather told me all about you.”
[Slightly surprised] “Oh! Sorry, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Christof; I believe you’re acquainted with my grandfather?”
[Casual] “I may be able to answer that--my grandfather is quite proficient in certain types of magic. One, in particular, allows one to see and hear someone, even from miles away. [pause, trying to do magic] Ah...I was never much good at magic myself."

Faro is a Dog Halcrea, and appears to be Husky-like breed. He's good-natured and friendly to a fault, and very protective of his companions. He helps Riza out of a tough spot one day, and later joins their adventuring party (albeit sort of by inviting himself). He doesn't appear to have any family, but tends not to talk about what might have happened to them.
Voice: Friendly, upbeat, outgoing. Mid-high range.
Note: This is a fantasy character in a non-Earth fantasy world, but he is sort of coded as something resembling an indigenous person, so Native American/Indigenous VAs are strongly encouraged to audition!
Character Art:
[Embarrassed, with a nervous laugh] "I may have accidentally tried to hunt its baby. I thought it was a deer."
[Casual] “Oh, we were just passing through. We had to get away from Adrian’s village, it was getting pretty hairy over there. Figured we should bail before they came after us with the torches and pitchforks.”
[Matter-of-fact, a bit sad] “Well, the story goes that, originally, that land was home to a village of Halcrea, then the humans came in and built their village nearby. They didn’t get along, and were fighting over the land on the outskirts of the villages for farming. And things...continued to escalate, until there was no going back.”

A skilled archer and Faro’s best friend, Adrian comes from a village that can’t stand Halcrea, so it’s a bit of a wonder that he managed to become so close to the chipper dog-boy. Ade is almost aggressively polite, much to the chagrin of his less formal friends, and has an effortless sort of charm that made him quite a hit with the village girls. Faro and Triv poke fun at him for "making them look bad", but growing up under a very strict, very prejudiced father tends to make one mindful of what they show to others.
Voice: Mid-range, polite, formal, clear.
Character Art:
[polite, bowing] “Adrian Rivers. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
[Casual] “You would think that, but that’s rarely the way it works, I’m afraid. Victory usually goes to the group with better weapons.”
[Slightly uncomfortable] “There are still pockets of humanity that see Halcrea as...inferior. No different than animals. My village just happens to be one of them.”

Triv is a puma...who can talk. He says the reason why is a long story, and he doesn’t like telling it. He’s the third in Faro and Ade’s trio, and is cocky and sarcastic, but does help get them out of trouble when necessary.
Voice: Gruff, cocky, egotistical. Mid-low, raspy voice.
Character Art:
[Teasing] “Oi, look! Faro’s girlfriend is back!”
[Casual] “Wow, there’s a lot more of ‘em this time. What’re you all staring at? Never seen a talking cat before?”
[Interrupting, trying to alleviate tension] “But, hey, we got an excuse to go see the world! I been tryin’ to get these two out of those woods and into some other ones for ages, anyway. There’s so much else out there than someone’s little hometown.”

Salshira is the headstrong second in command of the mysterious group of villains who are antagonizing the Dreamers. She's got a fiery temper, and isn't the type to back down from a fight--unless it's with her boss. She often feels as though he's not using her to her full potential, but he makes it very clear that he isn't interested in her constructive criticism.
While Salshira is very conscious of her appearance, rarely being seen without makeup, she claims that she's not trying to impress anyone in particular, and has been known to call others out on judging books by their cover, so to speak. Of course, she wouldn't be a very good villainess without having a sadistic side, and it'd be a lie to say she doesn't get a kick out of hurting people. Finally, she seems to have some history with one of Riza's companions, though who is currently unknown.
This is a minor but recurring role, this character tends to appear every few chapters.
Voice: Mid-range, somewhat seductive.
Character Art:
[Sadistically cheerful] “I volunteer. I would love to see the look on that runt I used to babysit’s face when I rip his little Dreamer friend to pieces.”
[Annoyed, snappy] “And you thinking like that is probably what lost you your partner. [pause, calmer] By the way, it might interest you to know she was one of the only ones that lasted more than ten seconds against Artturo.
[Bitter] “I don’t see what he wants that overgrown snow cone maker for, anyway. He’s old and weak.”

Maya Moreno is the Panther Dreamer, hails from Venezuela, and is clever, mischievous, and adventuresome. She has a good grasp on transforming and using her full panther form to her advantage, and seems to have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Maya also has a natural sense of direction and rarely loses her way, and is fully bilingual, fluent in both Spanish and English.
Voice: Usually pretty relaxed, but headstrong and fiery when necessary. Slight Spanish accent. Mid-range.
Note: I'd highly prefer to have a Latina VA for this role, and while being English/Spanish bilingual isn't a requirement, it's certainly a perk!
Character Art:
[Surprised, excited] “[gasp] It’s you! I can’t believe I actually found you! Well, I guess Chico found you, but close enough.”
[Casual] “Anyway, I’m from Venezuela, I’m nineteen, I’m a Leo, I like long walks on the beach, yada yada...one day I got sucked into a portal and ended up here, and the rest is history.”
[Thoughtful] “There was something weird in the city though; a folktale that was passed around about the dragons. It kind of reminded me of how different legends about the same thing crop up in different places, but the people there seemed to think that the dragons were good, I guess? Or necessary, at least. Something about balance. I didn’t totally understand it.”

Being both the leader of the city of Relecross and father to the hotheaded Xan, Mr. Relecross's job is an exercise in patience. Luckily, he's laid-back and has a good sense of humor, and his first priority is helping his citizens. He's also a talented mage, and isn't opposed to getting his hands dirty to protect his city or his family--which is probably where his son gets it.
Voice: Regal, but with a sense of humor. Low-range. (Think Zeus from Disney's Hercules)
Character Art:
[A bit confused] “I’m sorry to say this, but that sounds a bit like a fairytale to me. What is the significance of that trinket you have?”
[Exasperated sigh] “Xan, you would do well to remember that not only am I your father, I am the Mayor-King of Relecross. I’m not sure where you got the idea that you could ‘demand’ anything of me, but for the love of the gods, either be quiet or leave.”
[Angry, yelling] “Absolutely not! If you think for one second that I’m going to lose another son to this...adventure nonsense--”
Public Submissions