DreamCatcher: Reflections [Fantasy Visual Novel Series] (Volume 2)
JasonVA141 for Monty

Montague is Mr. Totem’s apprentice librarian, and winds up the de facto person in charge of the library when his master becomes...indisposed (a.k.a. mostly busy reading books with pretty pictures in them and pirouetting around the shelves). Monty is polite, soft-spoken, and easily flustered, but highly intelligent and probably the only one capable of deciphering Totem’s notes.
Voice: Pleasant, helpful, soft-spoken. Mid-high range.
Character Art:
[Confused, then cheerful] “I see...Well then, allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Montague; I’m the apprentice librarian here. Most people call me Monty, though.”
[Uncomfortable] “He’s a little...off, these days. You see, there was this very large book, and—well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll assist you. Come along.”
[Thoughtful] “He may still be able to help you...if you can get him to stop dancing.”
Thank you for listening! If you feel that my voice would better fit another character, feel free to let me know and I'll send in an audition!