DreamCatcher: Reflections [Fantasy Visual Novel Series] (Volume 2)

Faro is a Dog Halcrea, and appears to be Husky-like breed. He's good-natured and friendly to a fault, and very protective of his companions. He helps Riza out of a tough spot one day, and later joins their adventuring party (albeit sort of by inviting himself). He doesn't appear to have any family, but tends not to talk about what might have happened to them.
Voice: Friendly, upbeat, outgoing. Mid-high range.
Note: This is a fantasy character in a non-Earth fantasy world, but he is sort of coded as something resembling an indigenous person, so Native American/Indigenous VAs are strongly encouraged to audition!
Character Art:
[Embarrassed, with a nervous laugh] "I may have accidentally tried to hunt its baby. I thought it was a deer."
[Casual] “Oh, we were just passing through. We had to get away from Adrian’s village, it was getting pretty hairy over there. Figured we should bail before they came after us with the torches and pitchforks.”
[Matter-of-fact, a bit sad] “Well, the story goes that, originally, that land was home to a village of Halcrea, then the humans came in and built their village nearby. They didn’t get along, and were fighting over the land on the outskirts of the villages for farming. And things...continued to escalate, until there was no going back.”