DreamCatcher: Reflections [Fantasy Visual Novel Series] (Volume 2)
katastrofree for Salshira

Salshira is the headstrong second in command of the mysterious group of villains who are antagonizing the Dreamers. She's got a fiery temper, and isn't the type to back down from a fight--unless it's with her boss. She often feels as though he's not using her to her full potential, but he makes it very clear that he isn't interested in her constructive criticism.
While Salshira is very conscious of her appearance, rarely being seen without makeup, she claims that she's not trying to impress anyone in particular, and has been known to call others out on judging books by their cover, so to speak. Of course, she wouldn't be a very good villainess without having a sadistic side, and it'd be a lie to say she doesn't get a kick out of hurting people. Finally, she seems to have some history with one of Riza's companions, though who is currently unknown.
This is a minor but recurring role, this character tends to appear every few chapters.
Voice: Mid-range, somewhat seductive.
Character Art:
[Sadistically cheerful] “I volunteer. I would love to see the look on that runt I used to babysit’s face when I rip his little Dreamer friend to pieces.”
[Annoyed, snappy] “And you thinking like that is probably what lost you your partner. [pause, calmer] By the way, it might interest you to know she was one of the only ones that lasted more than ten seconds against Artturo.
[Bitter] “I don’t see what he wants that overgrown snow cone maker for, anyway. He’s old and weak.”