Dispute! A PvP Trading Card Game

Project Overview
Dispute! is a player versus player, online, digital trading card game, where players face off in a war of wits. Players can collect cards, build their decks, then face off in the Debate Room! We at Team Six Seals are looking to bring on voice actors to bring our characters to life in the midst of a match. The game has a generally serious tone, with some quips and certain characters being more upbeat, but overall it is meant to feel a bit like an official meeting with gravity where most of the characters understand this weight — some more than others.
For the first series, we have a cast of twelve characters, ranging in backgrounds and personalities. All roles are in the English language, but we are open to accents of any kind that you think would be fitting. Two of the roles have so far been cast to off-site actors: Levos Aureqis and Deja Berdana. One role will be cast off-site in the future: Galo.
This project is in early development, so voice actors will not be required to record all of their lines upon being accepted. A few lines for marketing and testing in-game will be recorded within the next few months, then as time goes on we will dedicate more time to recording more lines.
The deadline for auditions is October 17th, 2022, where there will be no extensions to the deadline. This provides all actors with a month's worth of time to submit their auditions.
We request that for your auditions we have a minimum of three takes per line, as the lines are short in nature and can be conveyed in different ways.
You are more than welcome to audition for multiple roles.
Finally, auditions with poor audio quality will not be considered. Please be cautious of background noise and the like when recording.
Below is an outline of what you can expect by becoming a part of Team Six Seals:
- We communicate through Discord. You can contact Onio#6666 for more information. It is not an option to communicate through other platforms, as that is where our team and efforts are located.
- You will be compensated at a rate of $4 per line. Payments will be made through PayPal or Zelle.
- Each character has a minimum of forty lines for gameplay, which will be expanded upon as the game continues to develop.
- A fun time and a welcoming team! We're relaxed and believe in taking the development process at a steady pace, rather than rushing it or trying to crunch.
And here is what we expect of you as a member:
- We expect a minimum of three takes per line in a quiet environment with no background noise. If there is too much background noise, we may ask for additional takes. You do not need to edit or split your lines, we can take care of that for you.
- This is a long running project where we will be adding content to the game over time. It is expected that you remain in contact with us as we continue to grow the game and desire to record more lines for your character(s).
- Your files can be submitted to us through email, our Discord server, or other standard & secure file transfers. We will require .wav files for your recordings.
- Consistent communication with the team is a must. If you are going to be on leave for an extended period, we ask that you inform us so that we may prepare for your absence.
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Latest Updates
And with this, I say our casting call has come to an end! Thank you all for your auditions. We will be spending the next few days making final decisions on the chosen voice actors and will make contact within a week. Good luck to all in your future projects & prospects!

Bio: Sarin is a noble knight and leader who seeks to lead her people to peace. She always speaks as if in front of an audience and with grandeur and ferocity.
Voice: Intense, Powerful, and Deep.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
"I will lead us to glory." [Preparing for a match, you reassure your allies]
"You risk war with such words!" [Insulted and appalled, your frustration gets the best of you]
"Hold fast, we're almost there." [A reminder to your allies that while the end isn't close, but is inching closer]

Bio: Deja is the leader of the universe's largest private military. She has a no-nonsense attitude and isn't afraid to speak up, her low voice known for intimidating others.
Voice: Low, Stern, Tough, and Deep.
Age: 39
Gender: Female
"Reporting for duty." [Preparing for a match, you report in]
"We've won this battle, though we can't let it get to our heads." [You remind your allies after a massive victory that they must remain humble]
"Don't push me." [A foe continues to annoy you, causing you to retort]

Bio: The most brash of the group, Lou wants nothing other than to seize freedom and protect it. They're a tough one, with bark to meet their bite.
Voice: Fierce, Demanding, Barely-Gritty, Androgynous
Age: 24
Gender: Non-binary
"Let's settle this here and now." [Preparing for a match, you show you're not afraid of the fight ahead]
"You want attitude?! I'll give you attitude!" [Aggression towards someone who has been incessantly prodding you]
"Grr! So-so-sooo close!" [A between the gritted-teeth whine about missing victory by inches]

Bio: From a war-torn world, Franz brings knowledge of managing the people during times of conflict. With his nature, he is known for taking a harsh stance, but with the goal of the greater good in mind.
Voice: Stern, Unyielding, yet Light.
Age: 29
Gender: Male
"Let's show 'em what-for!" [Preparing for a match, you rouse your team with a battle cry]
"You're not getting away with that!" [Furious, yet still determined, you threaten someone whose words had cut into you]
"Not much longer folks, we've got this." [You confidently remind your allies of the match time and how they are performing well]

Bio: Ophelia is a representative of a hivemind from another universe. She is always relaxed, disinterested, and often believes others to be wasting her time.
Voice: Disinterested, Relaxed, Tired.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
"Let's get this over with." [Preparing for a match, you display how you think this is a waste of everyone's time]
*Sigh* [Someone has made an obscene comment and you simply aren't having it. This simple reaction is one you will have often]
"Tch. You'll regret that." [Much less an angered response and more of a foretelling/ominous threat for someone insulting you]

Bio: Levos is known for her cold and calculating nature, often being blunt and speaking tersely. It can be evident in her tone that she has a short temper, but tries to suppress it.
Voice: Cold, Blunt, Terse, Low.
Age: 48
Gender: Female
"Break time's over. Let's get to work." [Preparing for a match, you remind your allies that duty awaits]
"Such insolence will not go unpunished." [A condescending tone, yet you still hold your steady temper]
"Moving on." [Trying to ignore a past grievance in the conversation and just keep it going]

Bio: Marzeche has seen a lot and plans to use his wisdom to enforce his own order on the world. He is known for being coy and having ulterior motives at all times, his darker side showing in times of stress.
Voice: Smug, Serious, Prideful, Has an air of ulterior motives.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
"Let's get down to business." [Preparing for a match, you state your forward intentions]
"I'll have none of this!" [Something pushes you over the edge, where you snap at the antagonist]
“You just seemed like you could use a hand.” [You provide assistance to one of your allies, making sure they know it was you who helped them]

Bio: The head of the universe's largest lab, Eisen is a natural-born astrophysicist. Despite being so analytical and focused on the tasks at hand, she retains her tact.
Voice: Curious, Quick Speech, Forthright yet amicable.
Age: 38
Gender: Female
"I've got high hopes for this one!" [Preparing for a match, you share your enthusiasm with your allies]
"Rrr... ugh... this isn't what we planned!" [Somebody derails your train of thought and causes you to lose your cool]
"Another success story!" [You celebrate a victory with your allies]

Bio: Marcellus is the face of the organization and a respected explorer. He is known for being humble and speaking gently, with confidence from experience.
Voice: Confident, Gentle, Comforting.
Age: 35
Gender: Male
"The universe is counting on us!" [Preparing for a match, you remind your allies of what is at stake, but with confidence]
“Our goals are aligned!” [An antagonist lends you a hand, but you believe this could be a turn for the better]
"We weren't far off— we'll get them next time!" [After a close match, you reassure your allies that even in defeat, they can still find some success]

Bio: A jovial story teller from another universe, Rinq has plenty to share. Always upbeat and almost never down, he at most is known to get a bit pouty when things don't go his way.
Voice: Bright, Cheery, Lighthearted, High-pitched.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
"Let's show them what we're made of!" [Preparing for a match, you psych up your allies]
“Nothing like a bit of buddy-to-buddy, yeah?” [You smugly remark about helping an unlikely ally during their struggle]
"Hmph. Whatever." [Trying to ignore something that someone said to annoy you, you stare at your phone and become terse in your speech]

Bio: The one who keeps it all in line: Incos. Often overlooked, he's known for pitching in at times or being that shoulder to lean on when things get tough.
Voice: Kind, Warm, Comforting, Fatherly.
Age: 32
Gender: Male
"Let's cross the t's and dot the i's." [Preparing for a match, you're getting a few last things squared away]
"Another one for the history books!" [A triumphant celebration of a debate that ended in glorious victory]
"We won't log this one in the files." [A bit of shirking away from the fact that you just lost a debate and not by a small margin]
Bio: An explorer of the cosmos, their wisdom knows no bounds. Galo advises on multi-verse matters for the sessions, providing keen insights.
Voice: Wise, Slow-speech, Androgynous, Delicate, Multiple-Voices.
Age: 60
Gender: Non-binary
"Our new journey begins." [Preparing for a match, you remind yourself and others that a trial lies ahead, but are confident in your abilities]
"Closer to peace." [Spoken like a breath of relief]
"Such discord cannot be contained." [Despite a usually peaceful demeanor, there should be a sense of pain and discontent here]
Public Submissions