Dispute! A PvP Trading Card Game
GeFer for Franz Indre

Voice Actor
Franz Indre
Paid: 4 USD per line
Role assigned to:
Bio: From a war-torn world, Franz brings knowledge of managing the people during times of conflict. With his nature, he is known for taking a harsh stance, but with the goal of the greater good in mind.
Voice: Stern, Unyielding, yet Light.
Age: 29
Gender: Male
"Let's show 'em what-for!" [Preparing for a match, you rouse your team with a battle cry]
"You're not getting away with that!" [Furious, yet still determined, you threaten someone whose words had cut into you]
"Not much longer folks, we've got this." [You confidently remind your allies of the match time and how they are performing well]
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