@seabunHey! My name is Claire! I hope to work with you
I've participated in musical theatre for multiple years and I hope to bring my skills to the microphone! I love the feeling of getting to bring a character to life just from a few audio waves!
In this demo you will hear multiple short monologues showing a short range of my emotions! I was fortunate enough to have the assistance of a fellow voice actor who wrote this demo for me! You can find her here:
Let me know your rates and we can work around it!
I've know Claire since September 2022, She gives all her effort and absolutely did an amazing job playing our main character! If you're looking for someone respectful and hardworking; She's the right person.
Claire (@seabun) plays two elvish characters in the Sands of Slumber RPG Steam game. She initially auditioned for another role, but her voice is melodic and sweet and really filled into a few of the elven characters that I had in the game. I am proud to have had her on the project and she will be a great benefit to your world/project too!