
Project Overview


There's been a string of mysterious attacks and murders throughout the small town of Havenwood, but it never seemed to be anything that Finnian ever paid much mind to. But she finds herself affected by these attacks when her best friend, Thomas, becomes a victim of the attacks. Although he's recovering, there's more to the attacks than Fin realizes. For one day, as she returns home from visiting Thomas, she too becomes victim to an attack. Only to find rescue in a mysterious man who claims he's the great demon Leviathan.
Will Fin be able to get to the bottom of this mystery? Or will she find herself dragged deeper into the darker world that hides within the shadows of Havenwood?

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror
WARNINGS: Language, Violence, Mature References and Themes
Project Type: Pseudo-Visual Novel/Audio Drama

The plot seems a bit vague with the story, but think of it kind of like this: This is similar to a story of if Persona-like contracts meets a war between angels and demons. The twist on the story though? The demons are your allies!
The story focuses primarily on Finnian, but will also focus on other characters and their involvement in the story, such as Richard, Anthony, and Kain. It currently my first major project, and the ultimate goal is to reach the end of Season One (Approximately 10-12 episodes). But depending on reception and if you guys want to keep working with me, there are another two season planned as well as a Chapter Zero arc! Exciting things, but I hope to be able to bring this project to life with you all!
The characters available at the moment aren't the entirety of the cast, but are primarily the key players within Season One -- sans the main antagonist at the moment. There's a huge cast of a variety of characters, so audition away! More characters will be introduced in later seasons, but the casting search for those other roles will occur later on.

Pretty much everything in the project -- minus the voices, the music, and maybe some backgrounds -- are all done by me. Editing, art, writing, directing, etc! Thus, I won't be able to pay you guys in monetary forms for this project. However, I can offer my services for you guys in exchange too! Video editing, art, writing, amateur voices, etc -- should you need me, I would gladly pay you back that way!


The Notes For You::
- Have as clear of microphone quality as you can as you audition and go for this project. Because the less editing on my end, the more delightful that would be!
- Don't hesitate to do multiple tones and takes on a specific audition! It's why I have my e-mail or messages open for you, just in case you have more files to submit.
- It'd be dope if you had a Discord to keep in touch on vocal directions, but it's not required! You can add me there at Stephicness#7751!

MAJOR NOTE: If you audition for multiple characters, please let me know what your casting preference is. AKA who are the top characters you would like to be cast as! It'd really help me out alot during the casting process, and it'd give me a chance to see how we can help you improve on the roles a bit more too~

For more information about the characters up for audition, check out their descriptions and audition info below!

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Latest Updates

  • Daemonik: A Season Two Already?!

    Hey guys! Long time no type! As production for season one continues, early planning and prepping has lead me to continue the casting call to season two roles! Still want a shot at auditioning for the project? Then why not check out Season Two's auditions and see what new characters are available within the roster! Many thanks, and I look forward to the chance to work with you guys once again! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/daemonik-season-two
  • And the Cast is Set! Boy Howdy!

    After casting things over the past few days, I've finally narrowed the cast list! Congratulations to those who are cast: FINNIAN AGATHA SWEENEY --- CittiSparks (Tumblr) LEVIATHAN --- Alanon (BTVA) THOMAS WALLACE --- MarlonVoiceActing (CCC) SATAN --- Anthony.C.Rowland (BTVA) KAIN --- Loborojo15 (CCC) ASMODEUS --- Bpjenkin123088 (BTVA) RICHARD SWEENEY --- superwisemon (CCC) MAMMON --- CarboKill (CCC) SERAFINA EVANGELOUS – EchoHeart (BTVA) RAPHAEL --- Edward Stanley (CCC) LAWRENCE SWEENEY --- Jleeson (BTVA) GABRIEL --- adoxographist (CCC) BEELZEBUB --- BetterOffDreadful (CCC) RAZIEL --- 2for4bitz (CCC) JOPHIEL --- charatio (CCC) JEREMIEL --- SmittySmash (CCC) MICHAEL --- NeverNotNinja (CCC) OTHER SUPPORTING CHARACTERS --- bonesmakenoise / JessBee (CCC) There was so many awesome auditions for the production that it was really hard to narrow everything down! Thank you so much for all of the auditions and the hardwork that you all put into them. I wouldn't mind being able to work with you guys for future projects in the future. Because who knows? DaemoniK is set to have two more seasons after the first one, so we might even see more characters that need to be cast! That'd be awesome! For now, please continue to support the project and keep being awesome! For those that are cast and haven't gotten in touch with me (or I haven't gotten in touch with them), be sure to shoot a message my way, take care of Discord things, etc, and let's get ready for an awesome production! Congratulations!
  • Welp, That's All Folks! Congrats on Auditions!

    Whoo! We finally did it! A month later, we finally survived auditions all together! Across the sites that this audition was hosted on, I've garnered about 200 auditions for Daemonik, so talk about crazy for that! I'm so happy to have so many awesome auditions, so many thanks for your hard work and enthusiasm during the auditions. I look forward to a chance to be able to work with you guys! Luckily, the internet's going to be instated at my house tomorrow afternoon, so I can officially begin to siphon through auditions and cast people. So over the next couple of days, I'll be messaging those who got the roles and get your contact information for the project! Sunday hopefully at the latest! Keep in mind that a good majority of the information for the project is stored on Discord, so if you have a Discord (and wanna get ahead of the game, casted or just wanting to keep in touch!), feel free to preemptively add me at Stephicness#7751! And if you have any comments, concerns, happy thoughts, don't hesitate to message me! Super excited and super enthusiastic about this project, and this is only season one of three! So much awesome things to come for DaemoniK, so let's work hard to bring it to life, and please continue to support DaemoniK and its story endeavors! :D
  • We're In The Home-Stretch!: Some More Info Before Getting Started!

    Heya there, friendos! Many thanks for the awesome and fantastic auditions coming this way. We're getting closer to the deadline (and reminder, it'll be May 3rd!), so keep on working hard during them! Spread the word, and let's make this an awesome project! Scripts are coming along really well and are being finalized in preparation for you guys getting cast. So once the scripts are good to go, recording can begin, and then it'll be smooth sailing from there. So excited...! But before auditions end, I wanted to give you guys a few bits of info and some reminders about what productions with me will kind of be like. That way, you're not going in blind and you hopefully won't be overwhelmed with me bugging you left and right about silly things~ So pop open a drink and sit back as you read. Here's alot of important info for you! So first thing to note is that alot of the business and planning will be done over Discord VIA a specific server for the project. From the server, I'll actually have all of your scripts available there, references of characters, potential profiles -- pretty much everything you guys need to get more familiar with the project as it progresses! It's a bit of a doozy for something unpaid, but I still hope it'll be fun for you guys nevertheless! I'm excited! But Discord specifically is what I'll be utilizing in order to do these dreaded little things called SCRIPT READTHROUGHS. Gasp! For each episode, I'll actually try to schedule times around each one of your guys' schedules and availability in order to do a reading with everyone involved with the scene. That way, it promotes this kind of atmosphere and familiarity in the dialogue. And it'll be an opportunity to develop chemistry amongst character dynamics and overall let you guys meet one another too! I'm all about the social aspect of productions, so that's an important thing to note when working with me! Of course, if you don't have Discord, or don't wish to be involved with that, that's okay! I can work with you VIA e-mails, Skype, or other means too. I want to be as flexible as I can when working with you all, so don't hesitate to notify me of specific issues and demands too! Just send me a message with your contact info (Discord, Skype, e-mail, etc), and I'll use what I can to keep in touch! The next major important thing to note too is the plan for the overall series of DaemoniK, just in case you guys are nervous about being caught in something you didn't quite bargain for. For the series, I'm planning on shooting for a THREE SEASON run for it all. Season One is the primary target for it all, but the other two seasons already have outlines ready for scripting as well. Season One should have about 10 episodes or so in the project, each of various lengths, so already that's quite the challenge to take on -- especially for those cast amongst bigger roles (Fin, Thomas, Kain, etc). Each character has their moments to shine, so each role does have its own challenge and bulk of things. But I hope nevertheless that you all give it your all and do your best through the project! Though I must warn you -- and this is something I do reiterate for you all too -- I unfortunately cannot afford to compensate you guys for the project. At least in terms of money. I'm broke on my end too, so the most that I can offer in return is more of a connection-type payment. If you need someone to do are for you, to edit, to do pretty much whatever, I'm always happy to help! Or even something as odd as me buying and having a soda delivered to you, I'd be more than happy to do that too! But I just want you guys to know, considering that this project is going to be alot of hard work and time. Nevertheless, I feel like it'll be very rewarding once it gets to its completed stages! I think the final thing I wanted to mention to you is that even though you might not be cast in a role you auditioned for, I may actually drop by and bug you about another role that I think you might do well in! There's alot of other cool characters introduced in Seasons Two and Three, so there's plenty to voice as this project continues! If you're still willing to work with me, I'm always glad to have more faces on the project to help out and bring it all to life! But okay! I think that's my long rambling for now. As per usual, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or happy thoughts, don't hesitate to shoot a message my way or comment here too! Keep working hard on your auditions and work, and I look forward to working with all of you! :D
  • Deadline Change, Supporting Help, and A New Challenger Approaches?!

    Hey guys! So due to the fact that I'm moving on the 30th and throughout the week, I've actually extended out the deadline to about May 4th! It should give you guys time to revisit the auditions for roles you probably didn't have time to go for, as well as resubmit things if you're wanting to give it another go. Yeah! I also wanted to ask you guys too, if you're interested in helping out with some supporting roles or simply going with the 'Cast me as anything!' route of stuff, to toss a quick read to the 'Other Supporting Roles' audition too. That way, it'll help me fill things out as minor character appear or if there's a role later on that I'd like filled too. It'd be swell if you could! Also, there's also a new role added to the story, which other along the way! It's for an angelic character known as Raziel, who will play a much bigger role later on in the story. Check him out too! Many thanks, guys!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Finnian Agatha Sweeney
cast offsite

FINNIAN SWEENEY -- AKA Fin. Age 17, Female. An aspiring journalist who finds herself more entertained with the idea of writing down her thoughts than actually saying them. She's a video game enthusiast, so she often finds herself comparing her crazy life to a video game of all things. Awkward, reserved, and caring about those around her, she tends to neglect herself in an overly-selfless nature to the point of potential self-destructiveness. She is the current Redemptor (master) of the demon, Leviathan.

Vocal Range: Higher Pitched
Vocal Personality: Reserved, though not to be confused with shyness. She keeps to herself mostly, but is friendly and kind to those who take the time to get to know her. Not aggressive, even when she wants to be.

Vocal Notes:
Fin's probably just as confused as you would be if you were thrown into a war between angels and demons. She hesitates about her moral dilemmas because she wants to help and save everyone, but she struggles to realize that's not always the case. But during moments where she needs to stand up for others -- especially her friends -- she gets serious. She's also terrified of frogs.

  • [nurturing/playful] "Come on, Thomas... You know better than anyone that overworking yourself will just make things worse. Havenwood's star athlete can afford to sit back for awhile. Especially when he gets to chill out with some Pokemon, a bag of Skittles, and me!"

  • [despair] "No... No! Let go of me!" [struggling and panting] "I have to get out of here and away from that... THING! Oh god... Where do I go? What do I do? I... I...! LEVIATHAN!"

  • [stern] "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do that, Mr. Michael... I don't know what your conflict is, and I don't think I could ever know what you know either. But Leviathan... Leviathan is my friend, and I'm not going to give up on them! I won't ever betray them, so I think this conversation is over now."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

LEVIATHAN -- Age Unknown but appears as if they are in their early 20's, Gender-Fluid/Not Specific. The third demon prince of Hell, rank 3 out of seven. The demon of Envy. Displaying the characteristics of a fish or a sea serpent, Leviathan draws their power from the sea, from water, or from most liquid forms (blood included in rare instances). Passive and stoic, Leviathan is almost comedically deadpan in how they talk, and is very old-fashioned. They were once the Praetora (servant) of Thomas, but became the Praetora of Finnian in order to save her life.

Vocal Range: Mid to Low Range
Vocal Personality: Very annunciated and well-pronounced in their words, to the point where they sound stiff for a person who like water alot. Speaks in a slight hiss on certain words with a long hold on S's. Doesn't have much emotional inflection in their day-to-day talk and speaks in a very matter-of-fact tone. Very prim and proper, and very arrogant sounding.

Vocal Notes:
Leviathan is a hard one to voice because of how limited their emotional range seems. But don't confuse this for robotic talk! Leviathan expresses emotions, especially during conversations that cause them to reflect on their past. They hold a deep remorse over the past, as you find out Leviathan became Thomas's Praetora as a promise from their last Redemptor, Thomas's mother. They harbor alot of guilt about letting those they were trusted to protect die, so he gets angered when those he cares about are endangered. They also REALLY like water.

  • [disgusted] "Asmodeus... It certainly has been awhile. If you do not mind though, I will be taking the girl. I have been requested to keep her safe, and I don't need you or the boy interfering with my duties. Please do not make this harder than this needs to be."

  • [distant] "It is nothing you should feel remorse over, Finnian. It is but a brief moment in the life of an immortal, so we should not dwell on it any longer. Though... You are right. She was a very beautiful soul, and I do miss her."

  • "Finnian!" [angered] "You... You certainly have the gall to lay your filthy hands on my Redemptor. That... That in itself is a death wish! [demonic tone, more feral in tone] I will tear you apart, angelic vermin! Release her!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Thomas Wallace
Role assigned to: MarlonVoiceActor

THOMAS WALLACE -- Age 18, Male. Havenwood's star athlete until the attack happened and injured him severely. Despite his social exterior, Thomas is quiet, full of a hidden kind of anger that was repressed for most of his time before the accident happened. With Fin, he's friendly and caring, but he still can't help but have a bit of hidden resentment over the fact that he lost his contract with Leviathan and his future as an athlete. This anger eventually leads him to become the Redemptor for the demon of Wrath, Satan.

Vocal Range: Normal to Lower Pitched
Vocal Personality: A socialite when he wants to be, but seems to always be thinking about something else when he's not talking or pretending to be happy. He's got an air of mystery behind him, but tends not to let it show unless he's really caught off guard. When he's not feigning happiness, he's an aggressive and angry guy.

Vocal Notes:
Thomas struggles with this almost identity crisis of pretending to be the nice guy, but ultimately is kind of a jerk to people overall. He's never really found someone to trust, and it creates conflict between him and Fin as the story progresses. He's got a bit of an inferiority complex. So when Fin starts getting powerful with Leviathan's aid, he becomes more stand-offish. He's really bad at video games. Like, really bad.

  • [friendly] Hey, don't blame me for making assumptions! I figured with how easily you defeated the demon lord last time, you'd be able to beat him in the sequel. But that's okay. We'll get him next time. Star gamer, Finnian Sweeney, and her subpar gamer sidekick.

  • [angered] I asked you to keep an eye on her, but you made a contract with her instead? What were you thinking, Leviathan? You're MY Praetora, not hers. And now because of your stupid rules, I can't get you back?! [coldly] You should have just let her die.

  • No. We're not going with you. The last time I got involved with one of your bouts of chivalry, you took my Praetora from me and left me on my own. Now, I'm leaving you alone to deal with this, Miss 'Star Gamer.' I'm not losing my power or strength. Not again...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

SATAN -- AKA Detective Saito Tonohara. Age Unknown. Male. The demon of Wrath, and ranked 4 in terms of power amongst the demon prince characters. You initially meet him as his human appearance, Detective Tonohara, as he investigates the mysterious murders overall. But he eventually makes a contract with Thomas and becomes Thomas's Praetora, revealing his wolf-like demonic form. He's ultimately on a journey to find the true prince of Hell, Lucifer -- seeing Lucifer as almost a prophet figure who might be able to give Satan meaning and guidance again. Satan's, of course, got anger issues, but his anger is more internalized than it is external. He's prone to fits of anger and rage, but calms himself down when he does grow more hostile to those undeserving. He really hates angels too, ironically enough since Lucifer was an angel himself.

Vocal Range: Lower Range
Vocal Personality: He's got this kind of burly and very bold tone with how he speaks. He's scary in nature, but sometimes has his moments where he can be fluffy -- jokingly, of course. He's an angry man, and unleashes his anger in bursts of malice. But he doesn't mean to do it sometimes, thus causing this sense of self-loathing behind his outlandish anger at moments.

Vocal Notes: Satan becomes the Praetora of Thomas, remarkably enough, but this is after Satan, as his human persona, is there to interrogate and question Thomas. Thus, capturing this kind of balance between the human form and feral demon is important. There's gonna be alot of play between the balancing of aggression and composure too, so don't try to be angry all the time when it's not needed. Have water on hand too! He roars and growls alot. He also likes terrible puns.

  • "So you're the one that survived the Havenwood Harvester? Tch... You're just a kid. How did you manage to get involved with a monster like that?" [he sighs, taking a drag of his cigarette] "You know what, I don't need to know. All I need to know is why. Why did they pick a punk like you?"

  • [he snarls] "Don't test me, angelic trash! Do you know who I even am?!" [he roars, only to choke and growl] "What are you doing, brat?! You've got some nerve stopping me from doing what I'm meant to do: slaughtering all angels!"

  • "What the...? THIS is the mighty Finnian Sweeney? A tiny girl?" [he laughs] "YOU were the one who stole Leviathan away? The source of the brats anger? How could a tiny little girl like you cause such stress?" [he suddenly yelps before he roars back] "YOU...!" [he pants before he chuckles again] "Feisty... Now I can see why."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Loborojo15

KAIN -- Age 18, Male. A high school drop out and misfit within society's standards -- especially as a non-follower of the angels in the city. He's been on the streets for a long time now, but found safety after becoming the Redemptor for the demon of Lust, Asmodeus. He's not a bad guy, but he does some pretty nasty things to ensure that he can survive and that Asmodeus can continue his goal to become strong enough to kill the archangel, Michael. Kain's smug and cunning, and rarely does he filter himself about things. He doesn't understand how hugs work either.

Vocal Range: Normal Pitched
Vocal Personality: He's not the most eloquent in the world, but everything he says has some sort of condescending nature behind it. It's hard to determine whether or not he's telling the truth or lying in your face. He's your usual annoying punkass kid. He's got a soft side though, and often feels remorse about the innocent people getting roped into the chaos.

Vocal Notes:
His development circulates around the idea of finding safety in more people than just himself as Asmodeus. He's not a very trusting person, so his defense mechanism is using wit and sarcasm to drive people away. He finds safety and friendship with Fin, which causes tension between him and Thomas, since Kain starts as an outsider in Fin's life.

  • [scoffs] "I don't have an issue with it, Dei. It's just the smell that's annoying. You can do whatever you want with your food, but the least you can do is get some nose plugs." [hums with hesitation] "You really messed her up though... Did you really have to go for the throat?"

  • "Whoa there! I don't do the whole hug thing, Sweeney. Let go of me!" [groans] "Is this normal or something? Do you just go up and hug people because you think that'll just make things better?" [he grumbles a bit] "This is stupid... Fine! Here. You happy now?"

  • [sarcastically] "Asmodeus is a freakin' demon of all things. You really think I can just break my contract by telling him that we should start seeing other demons? Doesn't work like that, you know." [pause] "Besides... Asmodeus grows on you. I'm okay with having him around. For now, I mean..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

ASMODEUS -- Age Unknown, but appears as if he's in his late 40's. Male. A powerful prince of Hell, the demon of Lust, and rank 2 of seven amongst the other princes. He takes on the appearance of a classic demon, with bat-like features and almost vampiric-like abilities and cannot stand the sunlight. He's intense and playful in a malicious kind of way. There's rarely a moment where the smile fades from his face, giving a wickedly eerie air to him. He's very protective of his Redemptor, Kain, claiming its for power, even though Fin notices that it's out of compassion for having helped raise Kain for so long.

Vocal Range: Normal to Lower Pitched
Vocal Personality: He can switch to being friendly to being violent in a heartbeat, but there's always a conniving malice and eerie joy behind what he says. He's rarely seen without a smile or a chipper tone in his voice. But when he doesn't have either, he shows why he's the second most powerful demon to exist, and is perhaps the most terrifying too. He often sounds very flirtatious too when he speaks.

Vocal Notes:
Asmodeus has a kind of charm to him that ultimately makes him someone that Fin confides in, oddly enough. He has a hard time understanding that he's not exactly the evil demon that people make him out to be, and it plays a big role in his development over the story as he finds out more about his missing past and comes to terms that he genuinely cares about his Redemptor, Kain. He's also kind of got this very predatory nature in the way he talks too. Very much like Smaug, if you will!

  • [eerie sing-songy voice] "Little mouse, come out, come out wherever you are... I can hear your trembling. Sense your fear. Play hide and seek all you like, but sooner or later... Ah ha!" [manic laughter] "There you are, my little treat! Come to me...!"

  • "There's a reason why I'm as strong as I am, and it's not because of the blood-sucking, child. Humans... They all lust after something. Power, wealth, attention, favor and praise -- there's no limit to the lust that humans succumb to. And with unlimited lust, do you know what that means?" [moans] "Unlimited power!"

  • [playful melancholy] "There's no hope for us in this never-ending war, you know... No matter how much we struggle, how strong we become, it's but a futile endeavor. Foolish, and without any other result. Why do you think I haven't killed Michael yet?" [pause, but soon chuckles] "You're making me into a more complex enigma than I actually am. But true... I gave up my fight the moment I met him... And I'm alright with that."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Richard Sweeney
Role assigned to: Superwisemon

RICHARD SWEENEY -- AKA Ricky (by Mammon). Age 21, Male. Just starting college and already stressed out about the work he has to do. He's Fin's older brother, and probably one of the most organized people she's ever seen. He's not very open about himself and comes off as angry or annoyed by alot of things -- especially when they interfere with his very routine lifestyle. But Fin usually assumes it's because of Richard's insecurity about hiding his relationship with his boyfriend, Zane -- especially from their father, Lawrence. He's the Redemptor of the demon, Mammon.

Vocal Range: Normal Pitched
Vocal Personality: He tends to sound more annoyed than he actually is, but it's just a force of habit at this point. Not the most loving of people, so when he tries to be compassionate or kind, he sounds kind of awkward and almost like a tsundere. He also harbors a sense of greed with him, especially when it comes to protecting the things close to him and for furthering his ambitions overall in life.

Vocal Notes:
He comes off as kind of a jerk at the beginning of the story, but he appears throughout the story as someone who keeps an eye on Fin. Fin was the first person Richard told when it came to his relationship with Zane, and so he often goes to her for (most) of his issues. He usually sees Mammon as a tool, unlike the others who have formed bonds with their Praetora over time, which often leads to conflicts between himself and Mammon.

  • "Will you hurry up already? I'm going to be late if you keep dragging your feet." [pause then flustered] "No! I-It's not because of Zane. I've just... I've got alot of things to print out at the lab, and I have to go over my presentation notes. I can't do that here with Dad and his preaching!"

  • [sigh] "Fin... I know how hard it is for you right now, but you can't let yourself stay down like this. Sera... It sucks what happened, but you can't forget that Sera was a good person. She wouldn't want to see you like this. So come on... Let's go get something to eat."

  • "Tch... Of course it's up to us to be the responsible brother. [he sighs but get serious] Mammon, come to me! [he summons Mammon] You think you're the one in control, Beelzebub? You've got another thing coming. Go, Mammon! Take back what's mine!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted46863

MAMMON -- AKA Zane Kassis. Age Unknown, Feigns being 24, Male. Despite being addressed as Zane by humans, he's actually a prince of hell and the of greed demon, Mammon. Ranked 6 of seven. He is seen as almost cat-like in his demon form and is by far the fastest of the other demons. He is one of the few demons in the story who is actually content residing in his current position, pretending to be a human. He stays out of the conflict with Richard mostly, until they find out that Fin got roped into the mess as well. He's charming and kind, but is prone to be possessive of the things he values, his Redemptor Richard specifically.

Vocal Range: Higher or Mid-Range
Vocal Personality: He speaks softly and gently, rarely ever raising his voice when he speaks as a human. He contracts alot of Richard's impatient personality, being more understanding overall and providing a lot of advice to both Fin and Richard. His sweet voice gets carried over too when he becomes possessive and aggressive, but he gets really nasty and cruel when provoked in the wrong ways.

Vocal Notes:
Mammon, despite being a prince of Hell, is actually the most sympathetic and possible most envious towards the humans. If he could, he honestly would become a human if that meant being with Richard for the remainder of his lifetime, but it's something Richard has a hard time understanding. Despite their contract being formed out of mutual gain, Mammon found himself more fond of Richard in the end. As a result, it's reflected in his behavior towards Richard and those who try to interfere in not only his contract with Richard, but their overall dynamic. He's not above harming those who do endanger Richard or his bond with him. Even close ones like Fin or other familiar faces -- Gabriel specifically.

  • [cheerful] "Good morning, Mr. Sweeney! Good morning, Fin! I hope you didn't mind me using your kitchen today. Cooking you guys breakfast was the least that I could do, considering you let me stay over last night." [suggestively] "Hopefully I didn't keep you up too late, Ricky."

  • "Do you really think that YOU have a shot at taking him from me, Beelzebub?" [chuckles] "Cute that you think you're worthy enough take steal from me. I am the demon of Greed, and those who try to steal from me... Well, I'd love to see them try."

  • "You're worrying too much about her, Ricky. Fin's alot stronger than you think she is. You just have to believe in her, and she'll excel. That, and I doubt Leviathan will let anything happen to her. So just come back to bed already... We've got places to be tomorrow."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Serafina Evangelous
cast offsite

SERAFINA EVANGELOS -- AKA Sera. Age 18, Female. Finnian's best friend in the story and a photographer who teams up with Fin for the school newspaper alot. She's a beautiful young woman with a strict family of religious devotees. Serafina dotes on Fin alot and grew attached to her friend, but she finds her insecurities tested as Fin grew closer to Thomas throughout the story. Things only escalate more as Fin grows more distant amidst the chaos, refusing to confide in her best friend. Unfortunately, the insecurity and jealous twisted her to the point where she becomes 'Blessed' (an angelic version of the Redemptor/Praetora bond) by the angel, Raphael, and attacks Fin.

Vocal Range: Higher to Mid-Ranged
Vocal Personality: Despite her angelic tone of voice, she's got a bunch of spunk to her, which contrasts Fin's quiet and reserved nature. Sera's got her moments where she's serious, but she's balancing character for Fin's reserved nature. She's kind, but she harbors alot of envy in her heart. She's viewed as a modest girl, but actually has a fun and adventurous side to her too.

Vocal Notes:
Sera's a nice girl, don't get me wrong. But she ultimately becomes an antagonist character for Fin, and doesn't meet the most pleasant of endings in the story. Thus, being able to master Sera's kind tone but also being able to shift into her 'Blessed' more fanatic voice is important. Think of it almost on the borderline of yandere once she ends up becoming Blessed.

  • [laugh] "You really do have an over-active imagination, Fin! You sure you're not just telling me the plot to one of your games? I mean, come on. Vampires? You dying and then having a fish monster revive you? That sounds like a real hoot, if you ask me!"

  • "Uncle Raph! I was just... Distracted, that's all. [pause and sigh] I'm worried about Fin. She hasn't been keeping in touch much anymore. And when I do try to call and check up on her, she just tells me she has to go before she hangs up on me. Did I do something wrong...? Does..." [voice cracks] "Does she not want to be my friend anymore?"

  • [increasingly more hysteric] "You... You've been tainted by THEM. Demons! Monster! HERETICS of all things! No... No, no, no! Have you lost your way, Fin?! These monsters have driven you from the arms of our saviors, our angels! You've left me no choice... You must be brought to salvation!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Edward Stoneguard

RAPHAEL -- Age Unknown. Male. The archangel of healing in most renditions of angelic lore, currently disguised amongst the humans as a priest to further control the masses. He's a tall and regal man, appearing quite humble and reserved in a human appearance. But when he transforms to an angelic form, he takes on a more insect-like appearance, with a design inspired by a praying mantis -- lethal and elegant. He serves as the primary antagonist of the first season, acting on the will of Michael. However, the praise he gets from the humans in the story as the voice of the angels goes to his head, deluding himself to think he's more powerful than the Creator himself. He appears in his angelic form mostly, antagonizing the others, until it's revealed he's associated with Serafina.

Vocal Range: Lower Range
Vocal Personality: Cold and stoic in nature, but has a very nasty anger issue when it comes to demons. Possesses a commanding tone when preaching during his sermons, but he ultimately harbors a disgust and disdain when he directly refers to humans. He's prideful in his abilities and vengeful to those that oppose the angelic hierarchy. His voice sounds sweet enough for you to want to keep listening to him when he does his sermons or speaks to the humans.

Vocal Notes:
Raphael is the archangel of healing, which makes him a miracle maker in the eyes of most. But he's not the nicest guy, and serves as one of the main antagonists within the story. He's powerful, aggressive, and cruel, so don't be afraid to go all intense villain badass on this role!

  • [preaching] "Speak not of the horrors that you bear witness to in this world. Speak not of the sins that tempt you from your faith in us. For the saviors will come. They will bring forth their holy light and shine it upon the lands. Those worthy of the light will bask in eternal bliss and ecstasy. But those unworthy -- tainted and corrupted by the demonic presences of this cruel world -- they will know the wrath of the Angels!"

  • "Sweet Serafina... Your kindness holds no bounds, especially towards your dearest friend. But even those whom you think desire your salvation are unworthy of it. She is ungrateful to you, undeserving of you, and yet you still cling to her. I can't help but wonder... Is it she who needs saving, or is it you?"

  • "My loyalty is unwavering for Lord Michael. So do you really think your demonic influence can break me?! I am the fire that will cleanse this world. I am the healer of these broken souls you have tainted. I will purge the disease you have wrought unto this world, for I am their savior. I AM GOD!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: adoxographist

GABRIEL -- AKA Gabs or Gabby (by Lawrence). Age Unknown. Gender-Fluid/Not Specified. Despite not appearing until later in the story, Gabriel is a supporting character who -- not as a big surprise -- is an archangel themselves. A family friend as well, who has helped Lawrence with the kids ever since Fin was born. They sympathize with demons, however, after coming to terms with Richard and Mammon's Redemptor/Praetora bond, and offers to support Fin too after she makes a contract with him. Despite this, however, they still follow Michael's orders while trying to be the voice of reason for what's best for the humans. They also are (not-so) secretly in love with Lawrence, but has been unrequited for a very long time.

Vocal Range: Normal to High Ranged
Vocal Personality: Doting and always worrying about something or someone, Gabriel's very much the nosy and worried 'parent' figure, even more so than Lawrence can be sometimes. They speak softly and gently to match their status as a angel. However, when entering their angelic form, they can get very intense and commanding -- a complete and utter shift in demeanor from their usual soft and gentle tone.

Vocal Notes:
Gabriel is actually noted to be in love with Lawrence, despite being an archangel of sorts. It's considered a taboo amongst the angels, as they see it more of a master/pet ordeal. But Gabriel genuinely expresses their feelings of love and compassion when talking about Lawrence. They, however, only ever expressed this to Fin, as they aren't sure how to approach Lawrence about it. This love has been unrequited for almost fifteen years. Gabriel also harbors a bit of dislike towards Mammon as well, which is seen in bits of dialogue between Mammon (as Zane) and themselves.

  • "Oh! Hello, Finny. Sorry to drop by such short notice, but your father left his briefcase at work again. Is he home by chance?"[whispers] "Do you think I can steal him for dinner tonight? I have a gift card that I don't want to use all by myself, and I know Larry will gladly eat himself into a coma."

  • "You allowed yourself to be aligned with this monster?! Getting involved with these demons is no game, Richard -- especially when it'll put yourself and your family in danger! I promised your father to protect you and Finnian, and so I'm not going to let this demon defile you with its sin! This demon will be vanquished!"

  • "No! Michael, you can't go back on your promise to the demons! They've already done what they could to abide by your laws. But going through with this... That makes you just as worse as you claim they are! Please... Michael... Just give them more time. Give them a chance!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lawrence Sweeney
cast offsite

LAWRENCE SWEENEY --  Age 52. Male. A single father of three kids, who's been trying to make it by with the help of his assistant/secretary, Gabriel. It's been a long time since his wife passed away, but he still has fond memories of her, having been married to her about 30 years ago, all the way up until Fin was born. He works as a city councilman, who speaks on behalf of the people of Havenwood as -- ironically -- the only human on the council, as Gabriel mentions. And agonistic, at that too. He offers some sound advice and emotional support for Fin and Richard in the story, but still has yet to realize that his kids are caught up in an angelic and demonic conflict.

Vocal Range: Lower Pitched
Vocal Personality: He's an older gentleman and a single father who teaches his kids that the power of optimism will save the world, though it never really helps. He's got a jolly laugh with him, but he likes to go on tangents about how everyone in Havenwood bags on him for not being an angelic devotee. He's powered by coffee and crazy socks.

NOTES: He appears as a minor supporting character throughout the series, so not much major screen-time for him. But he's often heard through calls when checking in on Fin and Richard.

  • "There's my little girly! Ready to take on the day, bed-head and all? Richard's been antsy all morning waiting for ya. I think he's just excited to go to class with Zane." [chuckles] "Amazing how close those two are. Makes me miss my best friend too."

  • [stern] "Richard! Finnian! Come downstairs right now! How many times have I told you? If you two are going to throw a party, then at least try harder to make it look like it never happened! You see this? My favorite lamp is just in smithereens under the couch! Nana O'Riley gave that to me!"

  • [comforting] "I know, girly... And no matter what anyone else tells you, it's okay to be sad. I want to see my little girl the happiest she can be, but you take all the time you need to be sad, okay? If you need me, I'll be downstairs. Sleep well, my little girly."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BetterOffDreadful

BEELZEBUB -- Age Unknown. Gender-Fluid/Not Specified. The demon of Gluttony, and ranked 5 among the princes of Hell. In this century, Beelzebub appears to take on a more feminine appearance, rocking the stockings and garter along with a pin-striped tail coat and warts/markings across their skins in semblance with their frog-like demonic form. Perhaps the most humanoid-looking of the group, Beelzebub revels in the human's sinful lifestyle, opening up their own seedy club in the city of Sanctuary -- a place untouched by angels. Loud, wild, fun, and free, Beelzebub thinks everything's a party. So when they find themselves being asked to get involved in the angels vs demons conflict, it's a hard pass from them. They serve as an major character in Season 2, but a minor supporting character in Season 1. They are also the only demon in the story to not have a Redemptor of some kind.

Vocal Range: Higher-Pitched
Vocal Personality: Fast-talking and full of sass. There's almost this kind of old timely tone with them, or a personality almost akin to a carnival game master. There's a kind of croak in the way they talk, perhaps due to the frog-like features on their overall appearance. But don't let the sass and fast-talking fool you. Beelzebub is smart and devious, ready to lay their traps out for poor humans to fall into so they can grow stronger.

Vocal Notes:
Beelzebub is the demon of Gluttony and is one of the most unconventional of demons. They revel in the human lifestyle more than the other demons, so they tend to use more slang and modern language usage than the others. Beelzebub thinks of themselves as a ringmaster in a circus of sin, so an almost carny-type personality would be perfect suited for Beelzebub's portrayal. Beelzebub is also noted to flip back and forth between genders and sexes all the time, this century preferring to be more feminine.

  • [annoyed] "You tellin' me that Lilith and Azrael screwed up again? Good god, you can't tell 'em to do anything, can you?" [whistles] "Gotta admit though, at least they got the vibes in here right. The perfect amount of humans to run around the club tonight." [deep breath] "Ah~ I can smell the sleaziness already. Love it!"

  • "What's this? You wanna make a bet with me, kid? You're not even old enough to gamble! Ha! I like the balls on this one. Fin, was it? Fin, I like you, so I'll humor ya with a bet. You can name your game, and if you win, I'll help you get Levi back. If I win though... Well, I'll tell you when you lose!"

  • [hysteric laughter] "Step right up, folks! Come see, for the first time in a thousand years, the pussy cat coming out to play!" [laughs again before their laughter dies out] "Oh man, Mammy, you're so cute today! But I'm not interesting in playing with you. I've already got my new play thing."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: 2for4bitz

RAZIEL -- AKA Rain. Age Unknown, Male. The singer in a solo project known as Angelic Rain, at least when he's amongst the humans. He feigns human persona while he goes around to do the things that Lord Michael cannot do from his position of power. Thus, it makes Raziel a sort of enforcer of his. He's much more quiet and passive than the more assertive and power-hungry angels within the hierarchy, more rather doing what he's told than really questioning the power. But there seems to be something more to him that meets the eye, especially when he notices that Fin possesses Leviathan's mark...

He appears in brief moments in Season One of the series, but will make a more prominent role in Season Two!

Vocal Range: Normal to Lower Pitched
Vocal Personality: A bit monotone at times, but he's got a smooth kind of personality with him too when he speaks. Also with an underlaying sense of sarcasm too. When he talks with other angels, he holds a serious tone with him but still has a small sense of mocking behind his words as well -- especially when he thinks angelic politics are rather stupid at times.

Vocal Notes:

It's hinted throughout season one that he's got a closer friendship to Gabriel over all the other angels, which ultimately plays a huge role within Season Two as Raziel gets more light and screentime. But there's still an air of mystery behind Raziel, as he doesn't quite show his entire hand to people until the endgame.

  • "Hate it break it to you, kid, but you're biting off more than you can chew trying to pick a fight with me. You've got guts, but they'll end up on the floor if you keep attacking me. I'm not the guy that you're looking for, but I'm the guy you want to make friends with. Because the moment you end up on HIS bad-side, guess who's knocking on your door?"

  • [mocking] "Last I heard, weren’t you the one playing God? Parading around as if the humans care about you and your presence? To them, you’re nothing more than a preacher, one who advocates only for the well-being of Michael. Have you forgotten your place, Raphael? Or do you really think of yourself as something more than a parasite feeding off the labors of Lord Michael?”

  • [serious] “You did see it though, right? Only for a moment when I shook her hand, but that’s still enough to be dangerous, Gabriel. Try to figure something out about her before I have to, understood? Right… Catch you later." [he sighs before he smirks] "Now then… Time to put on a real performance.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Other Supporting Roles
Role assigned to: bonesmakenoise

Some bonus supporting characters throughout the story. You can also use these roles to possibly audition for characters not yet introduced to the series. If I enjoy your voice, you might get another role suggested for you!

  • [REPORTER] "The police report says that due to the uncanny nature of the attacks, as well as the so-called Havenwood Harvester’s signature left behind during the past four incidents, we have ourselves a serial murderer around. The only victim that still lives is a high school student, attacked about a week ago and is still unknown to the public on what their status is. Chief Detective Saito Tonohara is overseeing the investigation now, so until further notice we give our thoughts and prayers to the victims of these awful crimes."

  • [CASHIER] "And you are all set! I hope he likes the flowers. [pauses] Sure thing! Room 307 is down the hall on the left, and will be your last door on your right. Have a nice day, and tell him to feel better!"

  • [OFFICER MARKOV] "Sorry for interrupting, Detective Tonohara. We've got word of an attack down on Fifth and Orangeview. Officers already on the scene apparently found a student's belongings there too, but no sign of the girl either. Think it's another Havenwood Harvester thing?"


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