
JonasFresh for Thomas Wallace

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Thomas Wallace
Role assigned to: MarlonVoiceActor

THOMAS WALLACE -- Age 18, Male. Havenwood's star athlete until the attack happened and injured him severely. Despite his social exterior, Thomas is quiet, full of a hidden kind of anger that was repressed for most of his time before the accident happened. With Fin, he's friendly and caring, but he still can't help but have a bit of hidden resentment over the fact that he lost his contract with Leviathan and his future as an athlete. This anger eventually leads him to become the Redemptor for the demon of Wrath, Satan.

Vocal Range: Normal to Lower Pitched
Vocal Personality: A socialite when he wants to be, but seems to always be thinking about something else when he's not talking or pretending to be happy. He's got an air of mystery behind him, but tends not to let it show unless he's really caught off guard. When he's not feigning happiness, he's an aggressive and angry guy.

Vocal Notes:
Thomas struggles with this almost identity crisis of pretending to be the nice guy, but ultimately is kind of a jerk to people overall. He's never really found someone to trust, and it creates conflict between him and Fin as the story progresses. He's got a bit of an inferiority complex. So when Fin starts getting powerful with Leviathan's aid, he becomes more stand-offish. He's really bad at video games. Like, really bad.

  • [friendly] Hey, don't blame me for making assumptions! I figured with how easily you defeated the demon lord last time, you'd be able to beat him in the sequel. But that's okay. We'll get him next time. Star gamer, Finnian Sweeney, and her subpar gamer sidekick.

  • [angered] I asked you to keep an eye on her, but you made a contract with her instead? What were you thinking, Leviathan? You're MY Praetora, not hers. And now because of your stupid rules, I can't get you back?! [coldly] You should have just let her die.

  • No. We're not going with you. The last time I got involved with one of your bouts of chivalry, you took my Praetora from me and left me on my own. Now, I'm leaving you alone to deal with this, Miss 'Star Gamer.' I'm not losing my power or strength. Not again...


Many thanks for your auditions! I'm just gonna dramatically clutch my chest right here because BOY. I've been waiting for a Thomas audition that really just nailed the second line, and you killed it! That line's a really important one, I feel, because contrary to Thomas's first appearance/first line, you start to see this kind of hidden side to Thomas. Because despite him kind of being seen at first as the 'I'M AN ANIME PROTAGONIST!' kind of guy, he's actually the anti-hero/rival trope in the story! He's got this, um... I believe it's called a power complex with him? He feels like he always has to be strong and keep going because being weak is what got his mother killed by the angels. So this kind of grief and need to basically have this power to kill the angels responsible for his mother's death gets him angry when he finds out in the story that his Praetora, Leviathan, broke their contract and became Fin's Praetora. It hurt his pride and made him resentful of -- not Leviathan -- but Fin! Ooh man, I got chills! Fantastic audition! I feel like if we do work together on this project more, we can push you to be this totally awesome character even more so than you've already shown me. Good work, and keep it up!

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