
⭐JoeNova Voices⭐ for Leviathan

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

LEVIATHAN -- Age Unknown but appears as if they are in their early 20's, Gender-Fluid/Not Specific. The third demon prince of Hell, rank 3 out of seven. The demon of Envy. Displaying the characteristics of a fish or a sea serpent, Leviathan draws their power from the sea, from water, or from most liquid forms (blood included in rare instances). Passive and stoic, Leviathan is almost comedically deadpan in how they talk, and is very old-fashioned. They were once the Praetora (servant) of Thomas, but became the Praetora of Finnian in order to save her life.

Vocal Range: Mid to Low Range
Vocal Personality: Very annunciated and well-pronounced in their words, to the point where they sound stiff for a person who like water alot. Speaks in a slight hiss on certain words with a long hold on S's. Doesn't have much emotional inflection in their day-to-day talk and speaks in a very matter-of-fact tone. Very prim and proper, and very arrogant sounding.

Vocal Notes:
Leviathan is a hard one to voice because of how limited their emotional range seems. But don't confuse this for robotic talk! Leviathan expresses emotions, especially during conversations that cause them to reflect on their past. They hold a deep remorse over the past, as you find out Leviathan became Thomas's Praetora as a promise from their last Redemptor, Thomas's mother. They harbor alot of guilt about letting those they were trusted to protect die, so he gets angered when those he cares about are endangered. They also REALLY like water.

  • [disgusted] "Asmodeus... It certainly has been awhile. If you do not mind though, I will be taking the girl. I have been requested to keep her safe, and I don't need you or the boy interfering with my duties. Please do not make this harder than this needs to be."

  • [distant] "It is nothing you should feel remorse over, Finnian. It is but a brief moment in the life of an immortal, so we should not dwell on it any longer. Though... You are right. She was a very beautiful soul, and I do miss her."

  • "Finnian!" [angered] "You... You certainly have the gall to lay your filthy hands on my Redemptor. That... That in itself is a death wish! [demonic tone, more feral in tone] I will tear you apart, angelic vermin! Release her!"

⭐JoeNova Voices⭐

Aye! There you are, John! :D Fantastic audition! I know you were saying you were getting an upgraded set-up, but geebus. I'm still astonished by the quality of the audio. Perhaps because I'm usually used to listening to my awkward self rambling in my own audio notes and files. OOPS. But I really enjoyed the audition you had here! There's a confident air that you have in your portrayal of Leviathan, which I thought was really successful on the character -- even though the irony is that they're an envy demon~ It's a very bold and confident voice, which I enjoyed alot! I do think though that -- despite the instructions mentioning a small hiss -- the hiss in the words, particularly in the first line, was a bit too apparent and ultimately hindered the pacing of the dialogue. For me, I'm about this sense of naturalness to the dialogue and pacing, so I kind of picture the aforementioned hiss being more like a hold on certain endings. It kind of hits on certain notes for Leviathan's overall regal character, so perhaps play with the pausing on that a bit! Also, The delivery on the third line kind of had some pausing in there that I feel could be improved with some slight directorial stuff. Make it almost a faster urgency because 'Ohmyheck! Fin is caught by an angel!' Kind of disgust that an angel had the balls to try hurting his Redemptor contract to begin with. And, in a way, that line is less of an attack and more of a threat. Kind of with that tone of 'I'm going to count to three.' It's a build up intense kind of thing, and I think you can pull it off probably. :D Beyond that, I loved your audition and your voice! I look forward to possibly working with you more! Keep up the great work!

    ⭐JoeNova Voices⭐

    Wow, not gonna lie this might be the best feedback I've ever received for an audition, so, thank you very much! ^^ I completely agree with each and every one of your constructive criticisms. As for the recording quality, there was certainly some mixing involved (with Adobe Audition)! In fact, my file size was actually too big so I had to cut some of the pauses and convert it to make sure the file was small enough to submit. xD There's definitely a lot I can improve on with the voice. Thank you once again and I wish you luck with the casting. :)

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