Civilization Restored: A Post-Apocalyptic Story
Project Overview
In the not far future, The nuclear apocalypses dawns across the world. The eastern hemisphere of the United States was hit the hardest, but was also the fastest to recolonize. There were many small villages, but one city was the first to re-harness the power of electricity. It became to be known as The Dazzling City, or New D.C. The city grew at an expeditious rate, and then brought back a form of government. The city had 6 different districts, and each district had their own delegate. But, on the top of the pecking order is the President. Early on, the president, Dario Quinn seemed like the right choice, but the power went to his head driving crazy and he became a dictator of who deserved Electricity. Paranoid, he built a scrap wall around the border of New D.C, and established a militia called The Frontier.
Meanwhile, outside of New D.C life kept on going and everyone found a way to live happily in this new world. After the wall was built around New D.C, There was panic, but the electricity still flowed to regions beyond the walls of New D.C so people were happy. However, the wastes saw the immediate rise of a new threat. The McKinley Siblings and their flock of maniacs. The group ravaged the wastes around New D.C, and placed themselves in a position above everyone who resided in the wastes.
New D.C President Quinn panicked, and cut all electric that went out past the walls.
With the dominating presence of the flock and the manic president of New D.C. For Burke, finding his wife has just became immensely difficult.
Burke took to the nuclear fallout life easily, and stayed bust thanks to the rapid increase of mercenary and Bounty Hunter work. He is know all around the eastern shore wastes. However, he gave that life up after finding the one he was mean't to be with. Although it didn't last long, as the flock kidnapped his wife during one of their raids. His sole purpose now, is too find his wife and kill anyone who stands in his way.
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Thank you everyone who auditioned this process was way harder than I expected it to be. There were a ton of phenomenal auditions making this difficult. If you want feedback on one of your audition just let me know!
Final Casting starting
Hey all, A majority of the parts have been cast. But, I wanted to let you know that I will begin casting the final roles as soon as tonight. I will also be giving feedback to those who asked for it. Thank you again for the tremendous auditions you all made this process extremely difficult for me. -
Starting today I will begin casting for the minor and Extra roles. The roles of Burke, Dario, Faith, Coyote, and the McKinley Siblings will remain open through the weekend, and will more than likely be cast on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you all again for making this process of casting very difficult. -
Casting the roles.
With the deadline approaching in less than 10 days, I will begin the very difficult task of casting roles. Now. I won't be confirming any roles until Monday July 12th, the day before the deadline at the earliest. Again thank you all for over 100 auditions, and dang its going to be difficult casting some of these roles. Talk with you soon. -
So I didn't expect almost 50 auditions within 2-3 days. I wanted to post a little update thanking you for your auditions, and just let you know that there are many QUALITY auditions. But, out of fairness I won't be making final decisions until we near the deadline in July. Again thank you.

Burke is a roughneck bounty hunter. He has is mission, and is determine to carry them out by any means. Even though he likes doing it alone, if someone proves capable he won't turn them down from helping. As long as they don't take away from his reward.
So I am looking for something gruff and rude. You are worried about your wife throughout the whole story, but keep up the tough guy act. However, when needed you can dispose of enemies with flawless technique.
[Arguing with Faith over joining her group of people]
(Laughs) Join you? What part of ‘I work alone’ doesn’t get through that skull of yours.
[ An inner monologue that helps the story transition from one place to the next]
Once everything was settled, The small group of us headed towards the flock’s base. Faith, Gabriel, and Vamara plan to sneak up behind wherever the McKinley’s are watching me in their coliseum. I’m sure whatever members of the flock remain will all be there, so fleeing the place is going to be a pain in the ass. But, during that commotion is when I can go find my wife. Once she’s back in my arms, we can leave this damned area for good.
[Getting ready to fight Flock Members with Faith]
What? Take members of the flock seriously hahahaha, That’s funny.

Faith is Burke's partner throughout the story, and is very much the opposite of Burke. She used to be a leader of a civilization before it was taken over by The Flock. She wants nothing more than to help those who can't help themselves. She is also a badass in her own right. She is caring, but has too keep up the tough act since the wasteland isn't a place for kindhearted people.
Down for any accent or take on faith's voice. Have fun with it, but keep in mind the kind of character she is.
[Trying to convince Burke to join up with her]
Like most people… you want the flock, and the McKinley’s, gone. But, unlike most. You’ve got the expertise that could help in a fight against them, and we both know you can’t do it alone.
[Watching Gabriel sacrificing himself so the group can escape an attack]
NO! Gabe! We have to go save him!
[Rallying her troops and trying to get everyone's spirits up after a deadly assault]
It doesn’t matter how impossible a task is, we are going through with it. We want a new home for everyone then we will find one, we will take over New D.C.

Dario Quinn is the madman who sits atop New D.C as the president. He wasn't always insane, Just the power corrupted him. Although insane, when talking there is a peaceful elegance to him. He is able to appear as a confident leader in his daily speeches, but his actions tell the people just how paranoid and manic he really is.
Any voice or accent is welcomes, as long as you stick to the character I described above.
[Power has officially gone to his head, and is gone insane and his making himself seem like the good guy]
Unfortunately, we’ve had to cut all power to the savages outside the wall. I will never feed a terrorist organization OUR precious energy. As Such, There has been an increase in outsiders wanting into our Utopia. I’ve made sure that no Gate is to be opened unless I enact an executive order. Tensions are rising between us and those mongrels outside. We are more than prepared for war if that is the course we are on.
[Welcoming new people into New D.C]
Welcome Everyone to The Dazzling City. Inside these walls is an unlimited supply of electricity, and comfort not found out in the wastes! Now, I know there is a little unrest with some of you, but be rest assured that New D.C is the best place to call home.
[Feeling confident after his plan went flawlessly]
Log Entry: 02-130-3. As expected, The citizens of New D.C were blinded by my good deed. Adopting people from the wastes, and having them integrate into our society will show I’m not crazy. ‘What a great president he saved those people from the horrible wastes’. ‘We were wrong about Quinn, he is what’s best for New D.C’. I can play these people like a damn fiddle.

Talia, along with her brother, are leaders of The Flock. Talia is very much the opposite of her brother in that she is the loud charismatic, at times annoying villain. She gets excited really easily, and doesn't view herself as a villain. She just wants to have fun.
A north american accent please!
[revealing why her and Willow wanted to meet with Faith]
All we wanted was to Invite you to our little thunder dome. If your chosen representative wins, Then we no longer are a nuisance for you! We could even be collaborating partners in the wasteland. It's all we really wanted!
[Excited to see Burke enter their fighting coliseum]
Well Then! Looks like we have a date! In two weeks. The Mercenary FINALLY enters le Colisée d'Annihilation. Oh boy I’m excited!
[Announcing Burke's entrance into the Coliseum]
And today’s challenger, Fighting for freedom and justice. Representing the piss-ants who kill flock members around every waking corner (crowd boos) The former bounty hunter with no last name… Burke!

Willow, along with his sister, are the leaders of the flock. Willow is soft spoken, yet demanding. He rarely speaks, but when he does its important. He lets his sister do most of the talking and that's fine with him.
North American Accent Please!
[Trying to tell his sister the dire situation their flock is in]
So many Flock leaders are telling me the dire conditions they have to live in throughout the wastes. It's bad, and if we don’t get that electricity from New D.C we will be failures.
[Directly tells Burke and Co. why they are bothering them]
I’m done fucking about… Yes we want to kill you, but we also wanted to be entertained. You see we have ourselves an arena.. le Colisée d'Annihilation.. If you will.

Burke's missing wife, Who is abducted by the frontier. (President Quinn belives to have saved lives by taking them from the wastes, and forcing them to live inside New D.C). She doesn't take to the city life, and lives in constant fear. However, during one trip to the Market District, The frontier attack rioters and she is saved by a resistance aiming to takeover New D.C. She welcomes it, and becomes partial leader of the group.
[Arguing with Frontier guards after being captured and told she is being integrated into New D.C as a citizen]
HEY! Let us back out in the wastes! We don’t want to be Slaves of the this fucking city!
[Talking with Bartender]
How can people keep living like this? It's worse than out there! There are riots everyday, and soon this whole district is going to be burned down. Yet, Dario sits up in that tower content with how he is leading this damn city?

Coyote has been living in New D.C for most of his life, but he has grown up seeing the oppressive abuse of the frontier, and he swore that one day he would kill President Quinn, and make New D.C a beacon of hope for the new wasteland society everyone finds themselves in.
Any voice and accent is welcomed!
[Addressing his followers]
Listen. We may be few, but we are strong. I believe that together we can successfully takeover New D.C and take out that damn President Quinn once and for all... Remember we aren't doing this just for the people inside the wall, but for everyone outside the wall as well.
[Talking to Burke about the plan to take over]
Well asshole if you think you are so damn smart then please tell me your idea how to take out Dario Quinn. Please, I insist.

Ghoul who has a shiny silver pigment to his skin; Master Strategist. He may be a Ghoul, but is mind was not affected by the radiation. He is one of the smartest the wastes has to offer.
Its a ghoul, but other than that ANY Accent or voice is welcomed. Have fun with the character.
[Annoyed at Burke's brash attitude]
Well, charm is just flowing out of your ass huh?
[Explaining what he thinks about the Frontier squads are doing outside of New D.C]
We all know Quinn is paranoid about his society crumbling, hench the scarp wall. I think he sent the frontier out to kill flock members and whoever crosses their path.. He is sending a message to us.

Vamara is a typical resistance fighter who likes using explosives or melee weapons. She very excitable when it comes to her explosives, and she comes off as just a happy person in general despite the cruel world she is in.
Any voice or accent is welcomed! Have fun with the character.
[Shaming Burke for using a gun]
You tell me what you use when you run out of bullets for the revolver… you hands like a savage?
[Giddy about using a bomb, and its a lot bigger than the one she just set off]
(Giddy laugh) I have one more bomb… and its bigger!

Jericho is a typical resistance fighter. He thinks things through, but typically annoys Silver as he is usually wrong. Spry and hopeful. He is pure gun nut in all senses. When he is excited about a gun he can't contain it.
Any voice or accent is welcomed! Have fun with the character.
[Arguing back after being called out for nerding over Burke's gun]
What? I want to know how he managed to put three extra cylinders in his pistol? Is that too much to ask. Damn.
[After seeing Burke ready his 9-shot pistol]
(Pure excitement) huh. Haha. yes, YES! Show me what the Baby can do.

Gabriel is another resistance fighter, but the only one who enjoys hand-to-hand combat. Is overly muscualar, and loves any challenge.
Any all voices or accents welcomed. Have fun with the character.
[offended by Burke, and defending why he only uses his two hands when fighting]
I don’t like guys who need a gun to fight… I like it up close and personal. A real man can use his hands to prove he is tougher.
[rushes into a fight and kills three guys. He keeps track of how many he's killed and cockily yells at Burke]
(Rushes in, and takes out three flock members with his fists) HAHAHA! 62 PRETTY BOY!
Bombastic Bobby is the radio host for the one and only radio station people within and outside New D.C listen to. He enjoys his job, and loved entertaining the people. He also is good at is other part of the job of being serious and keeping New D.C citizens informed of Wasteland news.
[Reading the news on the radio show]
We got a little breaking news! The frontier leader, and President of New D.C Mr. Dario Quinn has ordered all his frontier generals to start patrolling throughout the wastes. Rumors have it that the President may be re-evaluating the wastes and the colonies that reside within it, and could be sending power back into Flock Ridden territories.
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