Civilization Restored: A Post-Apocalyptic Story
celestielle for Faith

Faith is Burke's partner throughout the story, and is very much the opposite of Burke. She used to be a leader of a civilization before it was taken over by The Flock. She wants nothing more than to help those who can't help themselves. She is also a badass in her own right. She is caring, but has too keep up the tough act since the wasteland isn't a place for kindhearted people.
Down for any accent or take on faith's voice. Have fun with it, but keep in mind the kind of character she is.
[Trying to convince Burke to join up with her]
Like most people… you want the flock, and the McKinley’s, gone. But, unlike most. You’ve got the expertise that could help in a fight against them, and we both know you can’t do it alone.
[Watching Gabriel sacrificing himself so the group can escape an attack]
NO! Gabe! We have to go save him!
[Rallying her troops and trying to get everyone's spirits up after a deadly assault]
It doesn’t matter how impossible a task is, we are going through with it. We want a new home for everyone then we will find one, we will take over New D.C.

I had FaItH that you would get the role! Congrats!!!!