Castle in the Sky: Rebirth of the Kingdom~Adult/main characters

Castle in the Sky: Rebirth of the Kingdom~Adult/main characters

Project Overview

the tale of the First Queen of the reestablished Kingdom of Laputa


  • First and foremost, have fun -- we take pride in bringing together talents in different mediums to create something truly phenomenal, but none of it means anything if the people involved aren't passionate about their craft. 

  • Please submit clean recordings on prosumer mics (no air conditioners in the background, no fans -- we don't mind performing noise reduction on your files, however too much clean-up reduces the quality of your voice). And speaking of clean-up -- please let us handle the post-production. Don't add effects to your lines -- leave that to our audio geniuses :) 


Q: What is Castle In the Sky?

A: Laputa: Castle in the Sky is a 1986 Japanese animated fantasy adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The first film produced by Studio Ghibli.

Q: Why did you change Muska's character?  Isn't he a villain?

A: In this story? Yes and no. i wanted there to be an actual reason for Muska being the way he was. People are not born evil, after all.

Q: Who is Mary?

A: a character i made specifically for this story. Muska's 17-year-old daughter. she loves her dad, but his sense of entitlement also drives her crazy. she's both a soldier and princess.

Q: what about Sheeta?

A: Mary doesn't want her distant cousin to get hurt, so(acting as Crown Princess of Ingary in place of her deceased mother)she gives Sheeta asylum in her mother's homeland. for this, Sheeta gives Mary her Crystal(to borrow at first)

Q: How does Mary get to Laputa?

A: she's a witch. Mary can both fly and teleport 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Muska(Romska Palo Ul Laputa)
Role assigned to: JamesGibbons128

Antagonist-turned-Protective Father. voice age 33-49

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • transatlantic
  • (commanding)Hold your tongue, commoner! (beat)You are in the presence of the King of Laputa.

  • (lovingly)ah, Mary... (beat)i haven't the slightest idea what i did to earn such a devoted daughter...(beat)you have my love...(beat)now and always...

  • (heartbroken)I cannot live without her, Your Grace. (beat)if you need a life, take mine.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mary(Marigold Astrid Ul Laputa)
Role assigned to: Laurel Jane

Muska's daughter. his antithesis. voice age 17-50


Stubborn as a mule




Master Orator


Powers / Skills

Activating Laputa's weapons with the crystal(robots)


High intelligence

Physical strength






Military training



Insecure in her father’s love as a child/teenager/17-year-old

Complete Atrioventricular Canal defect from her mother’s genetics, made worse by her PTSD/stress

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • transatlantic
  • (desperate) (pleading)Father, (beat)these men have families waiting for them back in Jenwa.(beat)let them go!

  • (warningly)i wouldn't do that were i you, Romska Palo Ul Laputa. (commanding)back away from the console or i will cut your throat.

  • (stubbornly)that's not happening.(beat)I refuse to leave my crippled father to fend for himself!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Astrid Olivia Ingary/Ul Laputa
Role assigned to: Lanna Rose

Mary's mother. Princess of Ingary. Died in childbirth. voice age: 16-20

Voice description:
  • aristocratic british
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • (loving)Usher in the rebirth of the Laputian kingdom. See an age of peace and prosperity rise from the ruins of your ancestral homeland.

  • (loving)you put lot of work in with your father, Mary.(beat)i'm so proud of you...

  • (conspiratorially) Daddy doesn't share very well does he, sweetie? (giggle)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sheeta(Lusheeta Toel Ul Laputa)
Role assigned to: Fun Cupcake i81

Mary's 13-year-old distant cousin. gets rather grumpy with her from time to time. 

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • transatlantic
  • (amused)i almost didn't recognize you, Mary. (irritated)where have you been for the last decade?

  • (proud)Mary's the big brains between the two of us.(gushing)she's a genius!

  • (warningly)i'm going to put something yucky on the end of your thumbs, you two.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Muoro
Role assigned to: Flaccid Snake (little boss)

Muoro is a general in the army and more than a little bit of a pervert especially where Mary is concerned.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (pained)this is not over, you little bitch!

  • (pervily excited)can i give Mary a Green Gown, sir?

  • (patronizingly)you should stop doing those exercises, girl.(beat)and it's not right for a woman to read--soon she starts getting ideas... and(beat)thinking...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lynette Toel Ul Laputa(Lyn)
Role assigned to: AHVoice

Sheeta's mother.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • transatlantic
  • (warmly)why don't you help me kneed the bread?

  • (warmly)why don't you hold on to this now, Mary? (beat) you seem very mature for your age.

  • (tender)you've a good heart, Mary. (beat)i'm sure things will work out for you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emilia Toel Ul Laputa
Role assigned to: roro_1715

Sheeta's Grandmother.

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • (stunned)how did you know that, Mary?

  • (warmly) Your parents must love you a lot to get you such a good education.

  • (warmly)Well now, what shall we do?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Claudius Astro Ul Laputa(Founder King)
Role assigned to: CrimsonFox

Founder King of Laputa.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (pleased)my Children, (beat)it is Princess Marigold who should have the crown. She is bright, and she is caring. But more importantly, she has a vision. One that will take Laputa forward for centuries to come.

  • (frustrated)you are not allowed to die yet, Queen Marigold.(beat)if you die now,(beat)who will lead Laputa into new and enlightened age?

  • (proud)I'm impressed, Marigold.(beat)You have done what I could not do in my lifetime.(beat)You have restored Laputa to its former glory and made it a beacon of hope and progress for the world below.(beat)You have used Laputian technology to advance medical science, making life better for not just our people, but for all humanity.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Owen Benjamin Teben
Role assigned to: Sliver

Mary's Husband and First King of Laputa in 700 years. King of Teben.

Voice description:
  • aristocratic british
  • male adult
  • (irritated)social climbers, the lot of them!

  • (flustered)wait for the wedding night, Mary...(beat)oh, good lord...(sigh)

  • (twitterpated)such beautiful blue eyes...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: manda_rynos

The Goddess of the Skies. Patron of the Laputian Monarchs.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (fondly exasperated)rest well, Young Queen.

  • (warmly)i'll keep an eye on them, King Regent.

  • (grave)your father is having a stroke, Young Queen.(beat)time is of the essence.(beat)i will carry him.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Henry Lay Ingary
Role assigned to: Alden

King of Ingary and Astrid's oldest brother.

Voice description:
  • aristocratic british
  • male adult
  • (formally)permission granted, Brigadier General.(beat)Secure the town of Porthaven with all haste.

  • (seething)i want you and your Laputian brat to pay for what you did to my sister.

  • I need to borrow your robots for my campaign, Mary. (beat)call it a peace offering.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clyde Maurice Ingary
Role assigned to: CrimsonFox

Astrid's 2nd oldest brother and her favorite.

Voice description:
  • aristocratic british
  • male adult
  • (stressed sigh)(irritated)dammit, Mary! (beat)i knew this was going to happen...

  • (furious)Hold your tongue! (beat)You are in the presence of the Laputian Royal Family.

  • (annoyed)what do you even know about him, little sister?(beat)you just barely turned 15.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Section9 (Elia)

one of Colonel Muska's bodyguards, and part of Mary's "cheer squad" 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • transatlantic
  • (firmly)we're coming with you, Majesty.

  • (coolly)Princess Mary was thirteen when she gave you that scar.(flatly)how much more do you suppose she's capable of after three years of soldier training?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Trailmixx

one of Colonel Muska's bodyguards, and part of Mary's "cheer squad"

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • transatlantic
  • (calmly)a word of advice, General.(beat)you mess with the bull, you get the horns.(beat)remember that.

  • (formally)Godspeed.(beat) take care,(beat)Majesty.

  • (amused)he really did marry pretty.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arthur Thedore Ul Laputa
Role assigned to: Dootnoot

Colonel Muska's abusive father. is a large part of the reason Muska acts the way he does. First Cousin to his wife. 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • transatlantic
  • (commanding)drop your trousers, boy!

  • (flatly)fine, then. (beat)we'll do this the hard way.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aurora Agnes Ul Laputa
Role assigned to: Harley K

Colonel Muska's Mother. Died of Pneumonia when he was five.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • transatlantic
  • (weakly, Desperate)listen to me, Romu.(beat)don't let your father push you around.

  • (fondly exasperated)she isn't just yours, son.

  • (frustrated)did your father ever tell you what happened to me, Mary?


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