Castle in the Sky: Rebirth of the Kingdom~Adult/main characters

Tim James Simmons for Muska(Romska Palo Ul Laputa)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Muska(Romska Palo Ul Laputa)
Role assigned to: JamesGibbons128

Antagonist-turned-Protective Father. voice age 33-49

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • transatlantic
  • (commanding)Hold your tongue, commoner! (beat)You are in the presence of the King of Laputa.

  • (lovingly)ah, Mary... (beat)i haven't the slightest idea what i did to earn such a devoted daughter...(beat)you have my love...(beat)now and always...

  • (heartbroken)I cannot live without her, Your Grace. (beat)if you need a life, take mine.

Tim James Simmons
Castle in the Sky: Rebirth of the Kingdom~Adult/main characters
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