Being Normal: Audio Version of a Fan Fiction (Read Aloud)
Project Overview
Looking for voice actors who will do this for fun. No payment unless you're a composer (hopefully everyone will be paid in the future). But I will definitely write you a recommendation on Casting Call Club and recommend you to other people if you want. :)
Rules/Requirements: Good/okay mic quality with little to no background noise. Your computer mic might be fine, seriously.
This is a read aloud of Caralinguiel's Fan Fiction, Chapters 1 to 70 (maybe even 100).
Fandoms include Percy Jackson, Ranger's Apprentice, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Kane Chronicles, and Star Wars.
It would be best if you read the fan fiction first so you know what you're getting yourselves into. [not necessary]
The characters are listed as groups based on the fandom, then, from top to bottom, Lead, Supporting, Minor, Extra. In those four groups they are in alphabetical order.
Link to the fan fiction. Read at own discretion.
Fan Fiction Warnings:
super weird and may confuse you immensely.
All characters are at least partially out of character. (OOC)
Other Information
More characters are going to be added.
Examples: Warriors the cats, other PJO characters, etc.
Current Deadline
June 8, 2019
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Latest Updates
Here are a few new VAs who have been cast! Voice Actor..........................................Role Cadence Hopkins...........................Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Gilderoy Lockhart JCJones................................................Professor Severus Snape Bazzinga.............................................Ron Weasley Welcome! Hope you have fun with this project. All we need to begin is the role of Professor Minerva McGonagall, however, she is not 100% necessary until Chapter 2.
UPDATE! 2 roles filled; deadline postponed
Hello everyone! Please welcome: David Henry (playing Dumbledore) and CloudyCat (playing Mrs. Dodds) If you haven't joined the discord yet, here's the link: Please let me know if you don't have a Discord as soon as possible, so that I will stop pestering you to join. :) Or, you know, create a Discord account and join. -
Another update? So soon...
Here be another update. The third one in two days... sorry. Anyways, for chapter one, we are still looking for a few roles! You can be cast for multiple roles, as long as you can make your voice sound a little different between roles. As soon as the positions for chapter one are filled, I will send out another update with the link to the script! You have until chapter two is ready to be recorded. Or two months, whichever comes sooner. If you have some friends that you believe would fit the role, maybe you can help me out a bit and contact them? Roles available for chapter one: Harry Potter [lead] (English language, English accent) Ron Weasley [lead] (English language, English accent) Minerva McGonagall [minor] (English language, English accent) Ginny Weasley [extra] (English language, English accent) Roles for chapter two (that aren't in chapter one) that need filling: Albus Dumbledore Vincent Crabbe Gregory Goyle Gilderoy Lockhart If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. If you are part of the cast and you have suggestions for the script, I'm happy to listen to all your ideas! And if you're not part of the cast, feedback is still welcome! -
Roles Cast (also looking for some)
All the roles that have been auditioned for have been cast! Some of you are actually really good. :D If you were cast for more than one role, I hope you can make your voice sound at least a little different between roles. If you were not cast, please let me know if you are willing to work as an extra, or audition for one of the available roles. There are still quite a few! Here are the cast roles: Hermione Granger: Ectocookie Aurora Sinistra: Dea_QJ Annabeth Chase: Jennifer818 Clarisse La Rue: hollyleaf81 Aphrodite: hollyleaf81 Sadie Kane: breepbreep Congratulations! :) -
Update #1 - August 13 2018!
STILL LOOKING FOR Male voice actors. :( DEADLINE Has been moved to August 31, as so many roles have 0 auditions. ROLES Female Extra and Male Extra have been added at the very bottom, if anyone thinks they could just say a character's lines whenever needed and don't want to audition for so many parts. CASTING Casting for the roles that have been auditioned for will start within the week. RECORDING Recording will begin as soon as all the roles for Chapter 1 are filled. This includes: Narrator (√), Harry (X), Ron (X), Hermione (a), Professor McGonagall (X), and Ginny (X). √ means filled, X means no auditions and unfilled, and a means there are auditions and I'm in the process of deciding. If you audition for the role of extra: female and you have an English accent, you will most likely get to say Ginny's lines.
The narrator - the person who isn't a fictional character, and has the most lines ever.
If you audition and are good enough, you'll receive about 5-10 scripts to be the narrator of.
(only read unquoted lines) "You'll get a good grade!" he said with his madly twinkling eyes and that horribly annoying smile. Sadie wanted to Ha-Di it off his face, but that would probably not be the best, seeing as there were three non-Egyptian weirdos nearby. Either way, Sadie could care less about those grades. (chapter 43)
Like Harry had expected, the teachers were Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. Obviously, Professor McGonagall didn't jump off the table and change into a human since it was muggle school, but the tiny Professor Flitwick did carry the cat into the closet. At 1:00, Professor McGonagall walked out of the closet, while Professor Flitwick climbed onto his stack of books. (chapter 9)
I'm not sure if I put the right accent.
Anyways, this character is meant to be the Harry from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
Or do something unique - either way, be cool.
(telling a story) So this story is about the star, Betelgeuse. In the solar system of Betelgeuse, there was a planet. On this planet, lived some aliens that looked like beetles. (chapter 52)
Still wish we could just, you know, levitate, then obliviate? (chapter 47)
The beetle aliens, liked to make beetle juice, and they drank it every day. Thank you. (chapter 52)
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. The previous voice actress hasn't responded to any of my messages in three months, so I'm opening auditions again. Hopefully I'll hear from her again, but for now, I'm interested in hearing you! :)
(chiding) Don't say that about him! It's not his fault he's a ghost... I do hope the magic the professors used will make everyone think he's not a ghost, though. (chapter 4)
(warning) Ron...
It's not poison, Ron! It's just a drink that muggles enjoy. I was thinking how we were supposed to be muggles? So we should take the chance and try it. (chapter 38)
I'm not sure if I put the right accent.
Anyways, this character is meant to be the Hermione from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate Emma Watson!
Or do something unique - either way, be cool.
(chiding) Don't say that about him! It's not his fault he's a ghost... I do hope the magic the professors used will make everyone think he's not a ghost, though. (chapter 4)
(in the most warning tone ever) Ron...
It's not poison, Ron! It's just a drink that muggles enjoy. I was thinking how we were supposed to be muggles? So we should take the chance and try it. (chapter 38)
Looking for an understudy for Ron Weasley in case the voice actor is unable to continue. :)
Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.
(just woke up and really wanting that food) I did? Can we get lunch now? (chapter 46)
(woke up from nightmare, then confused) AAAAAAH! SPIDERS! THEY ARE DANCING AND... oh. What was that for? (chapter 1)
I'm not sure if I put the right accent.
Anyways, this character is meant to be the Ron from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
Or do something unique - either way, be cool.
Ron's one of the 'main' characters, so he'll be in many chapters.
(just woke up and really wanting that food) I did? Can we get lunch now? (chapter 46)
(woke up from nightmare, then confused) AAAAAAH! SPIDERS! THEY ARE DANCING AND... oh. What was that for? (chapter 1)
This character is meant to be the Dumbledore from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
He's a teacher - the teacher of the Conducting (wand waving) and Gibberish (have you heard what he says?) classes.
I'd say he's more of a minor character, as he's only present during the Hogwarts scene and the Conducting and Gibberish classes.
Today, we will be covering a few words I've used in a short speech before. First of all, nitwit! (chapter 30)
(bribing students) If you can do this successfully, I have lemon drops! (after aforementioned bribe doesn't work) You'll get a good grade! (chapter 43)
And for homework, I'd like a one-foot long essay on how four-four conducting differs from three-four conducting! There's a book in the library called Conducting for Beginners, by Albus Dumbledore, perhaps it will be useful. Class dismissed! (chapter 43)
Voice: Boring, monotone, medium to deep voice.
This character is meant to be Professor Binns from Harry Potter, so... yeah.
He kind of speaks in a monotone according to the books, but he has a bit more emotion in his voice in the story. Just keep droning on and on in the most boring voice you can muster, and sound old too.
He only has speaking lines during the History classes.
(cheerful and nervous) Hello everyone, and good morning! (chapter 4)
(trying to "explain" something but is half lying) Um, yes, good question. Um, he has an extremely quiet voice, so you can barely hear him, but his history is excellent. So I'm here to say it, and he gave me the topics to discuss. (chapter 4)
This character is Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. He's kind of haughty and thinks he's superior to everyone at the school.
However, he becomes a little nicer and less "I hate muggles".
He doesn't have many speaking lines, despite being mentioned in many chapters.
Why is meditation so boring? (chapter 36)
Longbottom! *pause* Class time. We're planting... *another pause* Sunflowers? (chapter 50)
snickering and coughing and basically trying not to laugh
Voice: Nervous, medium-medium high pitch
Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter. He's going to be cooler in this fan fiction, as it's a muggle school, and he only fails miserably when it's magic. He's kind of shy, and I imagine him having a medium-high to medium voice? I didn't really pay much attention in the movies, but if you've watched them, you can try to imitate the voice.
(whispering) Isn't he going to say anything? (chapter 4)
(a little hesitant and nervous) So Jenny. Um... Do you enjoy cooking? (chapter 23)
(moaning in pain) My ears! (chapter 36)
Aurora Sinistra from Harry Potter is the Astronomy teacher, both at Hogwarts and over at that muggle school.
It's based on how far away the star is, really. Even though that star may seem bigger than that one, it could actually be much smaller, just closer. (chapter 26)
Can anyone identify where Jupiter is? It's visible tonight, even without a telescope. (chapter 26)
I hope you all completed your homework assignments. Please turn in your paper, and some of you can share. (chapter 52)
Voice: High pitched, squeaky. [Feel free to do your own interpretations]
Professor Filius Flitwick from Harry Potter. He's really short and speaks with a really squeaky voice. Try high-pitched.
I think this is for female or male, since his voice is like that. :)
Thank you. Today we will be doing introductions first. Let's start at this table. (chapter 9)
Thank you for those introductions. Today we will be learning numbers in Latin and Roman numerals. unus, duo, tres, quattuor, quinque. Those are the Latin numbers one through five. (chapter 9)
I'm not sure if I put the right accent.
Anyways, this character is meant to be the Goyle from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
He and Crabbe only have a few speaking lines.
(moaning) Aw, what?! Muggle School? No magic? (chapter 2)
Voice: Middle age, low-mid range,
This character is Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter. She's the teacher of Biology, being a cat animagus and all, so she knows some basic cat biology. Plus, in transfiguration, maybe you have to know the biology of the animals you're transfiguring tables into.
Turning a table into a pig might require biological knowledge of the pig. Maybe.
(stern) Don't randomly say your professors are cats. (chapter 31)
Voice: Strict, mature, middle age. Tone- low-mid; feel free to find a video to imitate. [I'll add one soon]
Rolanda Hooch is Madam Hooch from Harry Potter. She's the one that taught the kids how to fly on their brooms. She's a P.E. teacher in the story.
Remember your teammates. And today... we will begin by playing some dodgeball! I'm sure everyone knows the rules by now? (chapter 18)
If you're all done with the meet-and-greet of the day, come down quickly. Your fourth teacher is here today. (chapter 45)
Voice: *interpret this or find a video?*
I don't really think she showed up much. I probably just missed her.
Septima Vector is a not-really-mentioned character from Harry Potter. She teaches Aritmancy at Hogwarts and Math at muggle school.
Of course you can help him. Here, Horace, why don't you sit with Anakin and his friends? I'm sure they would like to help you understand the concepts. (chapter 16)
Your homework is this worksheet! Class dismissed. (chapter 16)
This character is meant to be Professor Snape from Harry Potter. You know, try to sound a bit like him? Drawl a bunch, sound super creepy or whatever he sounds like?
I'm Professor Snape. I teach Chemistry, and I do not tolerate any disobedience. (chapter 5)
I'm not sure if I put the right accent.
Anyways, this character is meant to be the Vincent from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
He's more of a minor character, with less speaking lines, but he's still kind of important as "another person".
(realizing something, "whispering") Oh yeah! Hi name was Bumblefool or somethin'! (chapter 30)
(sound kind of stupid?) Dude, she is a cat! (chapter 31)
Anyways, this character is mean to be the full-of-himself Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
He basically speaks in two chapters. And then he quits. *spoiler alert*
That's why he's an "Extra" character. Just there for the humor. I mean, come on. He sounds so full of himself, it's hilarious.
(full of himself) Manhattan! A lovely place. I defeated a vampire there, once. Used a calming draught, threw it straight at her! Simple piece of work. (chapter 2)
You have to look good! That way, everyone likes you! (chapter 17)
No, no, no, no! Smiling is useful in life! It can get you on the Witch Weekly newspaper! (chapter 17)
I'm not sure if I put the right accent.
Anyways, this character is meant to be the Ginny from Harry Potter, so if you've watched the movies, just try to imitate the person!
She's only there for the first chapter and doesn't show up again, so I put "Extra" as her significance.
(evilly) No need! Auguamenti! (chapter 1)
Sound like a super mystical seer person. Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter - if you've read the books or anything, you know what I mean. :)
She only has two lines for now, as she's a teacher of Nap Class, but no one signed up for her class.
(chapter 17) No one has shown up to my Nap Class! Oh well, I'm sure they'd all prefer my class and they'd all be here if they could.
(chapter 17) It's not like people don't like me or my class or anything. If only Lavender Brown and her friend were here.
Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson.
The smart girl, kind of like Hermione.
She takes a private architecture class with Hermione, the teacher being Miss Athena, aka Annabeth's mom.
She has a "Lead" role as she's one of the characters who will have more dialogue.
(discussing project) We could always strengthen the original columns. (chapter 33)
Stay up late? Your eyes look a bit tired. (chapter 45)
This character is Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson. He's kind of an idiot, but still smart at the same time.
As a New Yorker he has that New York accent! Try to do that, if you can't, it's fine... But I would really prefer if you could.
... You know what, just read the books.
Man, that crocodile was huge though! (chapter 6)
Oh, that looks exactly like... everything else up there. Well, can't judge things by their looks, I suppose. (chapter 26)
I only wish he went that easy back when I was twelve. (chapter 29)
This is Clarisse from Percy Jackson, the daughter of the war god Ares. She's fierce and strong and whatever. ...You could just read the books for information.
Ew, no. Can someone even explain why smiling is important? (chapter 17)
(disbelieving) You sure? (chapter 29)
Grover Underwood the satyr from Percy Jackson! A supporting/minor character but you know. Gotta bring Percy's friend along for the fun!
(kind of sighing) Clarisse... (chapter 17)
Um, nitwit? (whispering) Hope I pronounced that right. (chapter 30)
Voice: mid-low pitch, sound cheerful all the time unless stated otherwise. even if it doesn't sound like something cheerful try it.
Will Solace is from the Percy Jackson series. He's an expert archer, the son of Apollo (Mr. Sunshine). He's cool. He's blond and has a super bright smile.
(explaining) Basically, you throw balls at the people on the other team. You can't go past the line in the middle, and if you are hit you are out and you sit over there. If you catch the ball, the person who threw it is out. (chapter 18)
Um... (chapter 21)
This character is meant to be Aphrodite from Percy Jackson.
She's that love goddess who probably speaks in "ooh love" tones. I dunno. Give it your best shot!
She is only present during the Chemistry classes.
I'm Miss Aphrodite! And I enjoy teaching about the chemistry of love! (chapter 5)
Aw, come on Mr. Snape! The chemistry of love is much more important! See there, those two? They obviously love each other but they're too scared to admit it! (chapter 5)
Mr. Snape, dear, why don't you teach the weird chemical mixing class on September 3? I'm sure these children would be delighted to learn more about love affairs. (chapter 5)
Apollo from Percy Jackson. The YOUNGER twin brother of Artemis, god of archery, the sun, other stuff. The teacher Archery with Artemis and the Ranger's Apprentice character Halt.
In PJO, he really likes haikus, so... that's going to happen I guess.
As a welcome to this class, I would like to recite a haiku! I teach archery | Everyone should learn it | I am so cool (chapter 21)
Haiku, not hi cool. Speaking of which, I should invent an instrument called the hi cool. It will basically sing about my awesomeness. But let's do some archery! (chapter 21)
Good job. Maybe you should form the I-am-cool-and-good-at-archery-group. (chapter 21)
Voice: Deep voice, aggressive, arrogant [feel free to use your own interpretations]
Ares from Percy Jackson. The teacher, Mr. Ares!
He is the war god, likes his daughter Clarisse, and... just read those books, okay?
He doesn't seem to care much about keeping their identities secret. Though, he will try, occasionally. I'm guessing he has more of a deeper, manlier voice. Right?
He has a minor role as he only shows up for the classes he's teaching and maybe a few other scenes.
Come on, you're my favorite daughter, you can definitely beat a puny mortal like him! (chapter 29)
Artemis from Percy Jackson, goddess of archery and the hunt and the moon and more stuff.
Thee teacher Archery with Apollo and the Ranger's Apprentice character Halt.
In PJO, well, she's always like "shut up with those haikus Apollo" and such.
Not another one! Apollo, stop it! We are teaching a class here!(chapter 21)
Voice: Medium to medium-low. Sound you know, wise and old and knowledgeable.
This character is Chiron from Percy Jackson - Mr. Brunner.
He is the Greek teacher, so he is there for a while. However, he doesn't show up until Chapter 62.
Happy Birthday, Percy! (chapter 6)
Demeter is a Percy Jackson goddess. In the PJO series, she likes cereal, so along with two other nice goddesses they form a cooking class. She's portrayed as a cereal fanatic.
Okay everyone! Class has started! And today we will be making... cereal! (chapter 23)
(when almost no one is bothering to pour their cereal) What are you all waiting for? Come on, this is part of your grade! (chapter 23)
Next, you pour milk! Make sure it's the healthiest version available. Oh, make sure you don't spill anything, your grade will suffer if even a drop of milk spills. (chapter 23)
Mrs. Dodds is a Fury from the Percy Jackson teacher. Her real name is Alecto, but she was posing as Percy's 6th grade math teacher, so...
Mrs. Dodds has a rather creepy sinister voice I think. Yay? Not really...
You were supposed to have read the Algebra 1 textbook over the summer. (chapter 16)
Voice: Medium-high pitch, sound super excited like you're at a spectator cheering on your favorite sports team.
Gleeson Hedge is from the series Percy Jackson. He calls his students cupcake and he's called Coach Hedge because of reasons.
He has a son chuck. He's super enthusiastic about Chuck Norris and his baseball bat. You'd know more stuff if you read the books, so go do that.
Cupcakes, line up! Okay. Mr. Jackson, you're up first. Don't disappoint little Chuck. Ready, go! (chapter 45)
Voice: Medium-low pitch. Dark and gloomy and slightly sarcastic.
Hades is the Greek god from Percy Jackson. He rules the underworld. He has a son, Nico, and stuff.
He teaches history, and doesn't talk much. But when he does talk, it's very creepy and cold and scarier than Professor Snape.
Despite humans' stupid beliefs about being descended from apes... (chapter 28)
Voice: Medium-high pitched. Warm and caring. Motherly if you think it fits.
Hestia is a Percy Jackson goddess. She's kind and caring, and being the goddess of the hearth, apparently she teaches cooking class now...
Currently, she only has a few spoken lines. Sound kind of warm (ha ha goddess of the hearth lol, get it?) and motherly, even though she doesn't have any children. She's the oldest of six siblings, she should be very mature...
Sister, I think Persephone and I should leave. We will teach next lesson. (chapter 23)
Voice: Medium to high.
Persephone is a Percy Jackson goddess. She's Demeter's daughter and the wife of Hades. She's one of the three teachers of the cooking class.
Would anyone like to present their pancake recipe? We will be making two types today. (chapter 51)
Grover, I'd like for you to go first. Care to explain? Everyone else, please follow his instructions. (chapter 51)
Voice: Medium pitch. Informative, slightly emotionless.
Athena, or Miss Athena, is Annabeth Chase's mom. The goddess of wisdom and lots of other amazing stuff, too. She teaches Architecture at this school.
Your project for a building with good internal lighting with your friend is going very well. Did you spend extra time on this? (chapter 35)
Voice: Low to medium pitch.
Poseidon from Percy Jackson, or one of the swimming coaches, Mr. Blowfish...
He basically teaches swimming. I wonder why?
Read the books for more "how should I portray this dude" tips.
I'm too lazy.
Anyway, Mr. Blowfish here doesn't actually have too many lines.
No, I think you're looking at the wrong person. I'm Mr. Blowfish. (chapter 12)
Carter Kane is from the Kane Chronicles. He lived with his dad traveling the world. Then came the surprising discovery of "wait I'm an Egyptian magician?" and things happened. He and his sister saved the world a few times.
In the crossover stories with Percy Jackson, Carter meets Percy and they help each other with a giant crocodile.
(enthusiastic and sarcastic) Carter Kane, I enjoy skydiving! (chapter 4)
Okay, good! Then you can help us find the right classroom! Sadie keeps going around in circles, and I can't find it either. (chapter 14)
(in the middle of a dodgeball game) Wait what? Harry Potter is throwing balls at us! Ah! (chapter 18)
Sadie Kane is from the Kane Chronicles. She used to live in England (right...?) but after being in New York for so long with her older brother Carter, her accent is fading. Also, she and her brother look nothing alike.
Sadie Kane. No, I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his sister, for those of you that don't know. And my boyfriend goes to BAG in Brooklyn. (chapter 5)
Your arm moved, your leg wobbled there... really, are you trying to be seen? (chapter 10)
(enthusiastic) Nitwit! (chapter 30)
This character is John Smith (the Tenth Doctor) from the BBC TV show Doctor Who. He dragged his friend Rose into fictional character land, so now they're attending school. Voice reference, I guess:
Pretty sure he's also either a lead or supporting character.
Well, I tend to have a plan. I'm John Smith, by the way. And my plans are usually either 'run' or ... well... actually, I normally don't have a plan. (chapter 6)
So this is a pancake from Proxima Centauri! (chapter 51)
So once upon a time, there was this family, called the Slitheen. They decided to turn the Earth into molten slag, and sell it, but then someone saved the day. (chapter 52)
This character is Rose Tyler from the BBC TV show Doctor Who. She's kind of there because "wow my fandoms are real" and, as my friend says: "because why not."
Pretty sure she's either a lead or supporting character.
(incredulous) You're telling me Harry Potter is real? (chapter 8)
(finishing a sentence) - dogs of Barcelona. (chapter 26)
This character is meant to be Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars. If you read the Jedi Quest series by Jude Watson, that's about the right timeline for them.
Anakin constantly argues with Ferus Olin as they're basically archenemies. Ferus is the top of their group of Padawans, and Anakin wants to prove he's better.
(suggesting an idea) Get a baseball bat, and sneak up on them! Hit them on the head. (chapter 6)
Voice: Medium pitched. Interpret however you want. :)
Ferus Olin from Star Wars. I think he's only mentioned in books. For example, the Jedi Quest series by Jude Watson.
Anyways, Ferus is one of those that does his absolute best to abide by the Jedi Code. He doesn't understand why Anakin keeps trying to prove himself to be better than Ferus. Also, Anakin despises Ferus, but Ferus knows that Jedi plus hate is a bad combo.
You could also try reading those books...
Love? No thanks. (chapter 6)
It's useful. (louder) It's useful! (shouting) It's useful! (chapter 36)
Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. Yay.
He's a minor (read: extra) character, and teaches meditation classes. Star Wars fans should probably get the reference/joke.
Also, I changed the significance to extra after I realized he has less than five lines by chapter 70. Possibly less than three lines.
(suspicious, but in a kind of funny way) Did I hear sarcasm there? (chapter 36)
Voice: Medium to high pitched voice.
Will Treaty from the John Flanagan's book series, Ranger's Apprentice!
Will is a boy who is an orphan, growing up alongside a few others at the castle orphanage. The other Ranger's Apprentice characters are some of those orphanage buddies. On their "job selection" day, where they chose their future career, Will became a Ranger (a cool dude that uses a bow and arrow expertly and has amazing camouflage skills), and learned his skills under the teachings of his teacher Halt.
I'm Will Treaty, and my amazing girlfriend is Alyss Mainwaring! She takes Biology though. (chapter 5)
(muttering, like "this is dumb...") Nitwit. (chapter 30)
(quietly because he forgot his homework) I.... forgot. (chapter 34)
Voice: Medium to medium-low voice.
Gilan from the John Flanagan's book series, Ranger's Apprentice! He's a guy age 20-30, and I imagine he sounds constantly cheerful (unless it's a very serious situation) based on what I've read from the books. I also imagine his voice to be slightly higher pitched, maybe medium pitched, but not too high and definitely not too low. However, if you've read the books, please feel free to use your own interpretation!
Gilan was Halt's first apprentice for being a Ranger. He's cool. Read the books. He's amazing at the art of not being seen.
(agreeing with someone) Yeah, you are the worst. (chapter 21)
(muttering, like "this is dumb...") Nitwit. (chapter 30)
(playfully) Nope!. (chapter 34)
Alyss Mainwaring from the John Flanagan's book series, Ranger's Apprentice!
Alyss is another one of those orphans raised alongside Will Treaty, Horace Altman, and Jenny Dalby (and this other dude named George?). She trained under Lady Pauline (or something...) to be a diplomant. And yeah.
I'm getting too lazy to put more lines. *sighs*
There are two other teachers, remember?. (chapter 21)
Horace Altman from the John Flanagan's book series, Ranger's Apprentice!
Horace is another one of those orphans raised alongside Will Treaty, Alyss Mainwaring, and Jenny Dalby (and this other dude named George?). He trained to be a knight, and he's pretty good at that. However, he cannot raise one eyebrow, and his archery skills are nonexistent.
I don't even know why I decided to take archery. I'm like the worst Ranger ever. (chapter 21)
Jenny Dalby from the John Flanagan's book series, Ranger's Apprentice!
Jenny is another one of those orphans raised alongside Will Treaty, Horace Altman, and Alyss Mainwaring (and this other dude named George?). She learns how to be a cook!!!
Will we ever make pies in this class? (chapter 23)
All my friends decided to take archery, but I really want to be a chef one day. The most well-known chef in all of Araluen! (chapter 23)
Baron Arald from Ranger's Apprentice. He's this baron of Redmont Castle or something... he's a knight, and kind of fat.
Today, Mr. Ares and I will be doing a little demonstration! I will first show you a move, and you can practice it yourselves. At the end of class we will do our mock sword fight! (chapter 29)
(cheering) Go Horace! (chapter 29)
Crowley is from Ranger's Apprentice, and is pretty awesome.
He teaches Sneaky Statues. Seriously, that's not even a real class, but okay...
Oh look! It's our last student, Harry Potter! I'm Mr. Crowley, and I teach Sneaky Statues or the Art of Sneaking Around. (chapter 10)
Halt is from Ranger's Apprentice, and currently has no lines, so I put him as "extra".
He teaches Archery with Miss Artemis and Mr. Sunshine.
*no lines yet*
Mr. Whales is an OC I made up because the swimming team needed another coach.
He only has like one line and probably won't really show up. Just say the line if you want your voice to be even a tiny part of this. :D
Woah congrats kid! I'm Mr. Whales, and I'm proud to say you're on the swimming team! Practice is from 4-6 Mondays to Thursdays. (chapter 12)
a female extra-- for minor roles, etc. parts with only one speaking line, all that. many people can be cast, and you can also do this even if you land a main role.
Say something you think would fit. One of the lines from any female up there is fine, too.
a male extra-- for minor roles, etc. parts with only one speaking line, all that. many people can be cast, and you can also do this even if you land a main role.
Say something you think would fit. One of the lines from any male up there is fine, too.
I don't actually have too much money so $20's all I have for now. Depending on your skill, I will try harder to earn more money and pay you more.
I'm looking for some sort of background theme song? That relates to the character's personality somehow. Or just sounds like cool background music. I'm not looking for anything in particular.
Also if you have a great ~5-10 second long intro jingle, that'd be cool too. The one I composed is actually part of another song.
Please put your best "background music" work! :)
Say something you think would fit
I'm looking for artists, maybe one to two, to hopefully draw what they imagine the scenes to look like? So that there are images and visuals. I'll give you a basic idea of what I'm thinking of.
It doesn't have to be best drawing ever or anything close to it. Also, pay is not that great, but depending on your work, I will be able to earn more money and pay you because I will want to.
Say something you think would fit
Librarians for the library! An extra role, since the library's only shown up once in one hundred chapters.
However, I might give them a bigger role, because the library is cool. :)
Open to male and female VAs!
Say something a librarian might say when they catch you screaming in the library.
SHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (you know when people say SHH but suddenly they're the loud ones? that's it)