Being Normal: Audio Version of a Fan Fiction (Read Aloud)
MiamiJacket for Ron Weasley (Understudy)
Looking for an understudy for Ron Weasley in case the voice actor is unable to continue. :)
Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.
(just woke up and really wanting that food) I did? Can we get lunch now? (chapter 46)
(woke up from nightmare, then confused) AAAAAAH! SPIDERS! THEY ARE DANCING AND... oh. What was that for? (chapter 1)
Can you do a slightly higher pitched voice? :) I really liked your audition.
I can try, no promises.
Okay, look forward to hearing your audition.
Anyway, I decided to cast you, because it's already really good. :) If you can, try it, but otherwise don't worry about it.
Why thank you! I have to be honest, when I was trying to sound higher pitched, with the accent of course, it sounded off and couldn't recover it(the accent) from the scared part.
Ah, accents are hard in different pitches :) Do you want to receive lines via Discord, email, or Casting Call Club?
Discord would be the most convenient for me.
Alright, the Discord server is linked in the description :)
Ok, I'm in the Discord Server now as MiamiJacket.
Ok, so now what do I do?
Well, the scripts are in the Discord, so you basically find your lines to record there. If you want me to send it on CCC instead, that's fine. I don't really see you checking Discord that often :)