Being Normal: Audio Version of a Fan Fiction (Read Aloud)
LerminAura for Gilan
Voice: Medium to medium-low voice.
Gilan from the John Flanagan's book series, Ranger's Apprentice! He's a guy age 20-30, and I imagine he sounds constantly cheerful (unless it's a very serious situation) based on what I've read from the books. I also imagine his voice to be slightly higher pitched, maybe medium pitched, but not too high and definitely not too low. However, if you've read the books, please feel free to use your own interpretation!
Gilan was Halt's first apprentice for being a Ranger. He's cool. Read the books. He's amazing at the art of not being seen.
(agreeing with someone) Yeah, you are the worst. (chapter 21)
(muttering, like "this is dumb...") Nitwit. (chapter 30)
(playfully) Nope!. (chapter 34)
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