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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi! I'm Taiga this is my stage name, I am a YouTuber who just happens to love voice acting. I've voice acted for quite a few YouTubers, and I'm wanting to expand my horizon of voice acting. I really do enjoy voice acting and I am fully committed to it. If you'd like me to be a voice actor for you, send me a message and I'm surely to reply to you as soon as I can. I am 24, so I'm able to do a teenager voice and a young adult. I am however, also able to do a higher pitch voice for a little kid.
How long have I been voice acting?I've started acting since I was around the age of 12, I was doing it for awhile but sadly had to back out of acting due to personal things when I was 14. However, I started to do voice acting at the age of 15 and never stopped. I love voice acting and I pray one day I can do some real life films. 
Roleplays I've been in on YouTube: Heartbreaker, Griffin's D...
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hey! my name is Crystal I am an Australian YouTuber and I am working on a few roleplays for everyone to watch and also helping others with there ones as well.    Contact me!Discord: CrystalNoteInstagram: @Crystal_NoteYTTwitter: @CrystalNote_

Speaks: english
I'm Alec May and I'm a VA (woot woot!)
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
I am Alec May, a 24-year-old indie game developer, voice actor, music artist and writer. I mainly work on RPGs that focus on the story of characters and build onto the lore of the world that they are based in, whenever I'm not working on music.
Experience:3 years actively releasing music (mainly rap, but getting back into singing like I used to)6 years actually making music8 years writing lyrics9 years doing full-on creative writing5 years writing scriptsLinks:SoundCloudYouTube (Music)YouTube (Topic)TikTok
Speaks: english
Local idiot who loves to sing, act, write, play video games, and more.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Heyo! My name is Kay and I am 19 years old. I am an aspiring singer, actress, writer, and composer, however as of now, the first is what I am primarily after. I am a beginner here on CCC but am willing to lend my voice to original projects from animation series/shorts to video games and anything in-between.
I can do both lower and higher pitched female voices and my vocal range for music is G3-C6 and sometimes higher (though I cannot belt above B4).
English is my main language. I am not fully fluent in but can read and pronounce words in Spanish and sometimes Japanese.
Speaks: english
Elise W.
Elise Wagenknecht.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello! Im Abbigail, I am an amateur V/A and song artist. I am currently working on learning both JP & KO. But for now, I am fully fluent in English. I play a bit of guitar as well and write music rather easily.Time Zone: CDT.Open For Work
こんにちは!私は Abbigail、アマチュア V/A および歌のアーティストです. 私は現在、JP & KO の両方を学習することに取り組んでいます.しかし今のところ、私は英語を完全に流暢に話せま. 私はギターも少し弾きますし、曲も比較的簡単に書きます.タイムゾーン: CDT.仕事のために開いている.
안녕하세요! 저는 Abbigail이고 아마추어 V/A이자 노래 아티스트입니다. 저는 현재 JP & KO를 모두 배우는 중입니다. 하지만 지금은 영어를 완전히 유창하게 구사합니다. 나는 기타도 조금 연주하고 비교적 쉽게 음악을 씁니다.시간대: CDT.근무 가능.
Search all 2882 singer team management profiles