DreamCatcher: Reflections [Fantasy Visual Novel Series] (Volume 2)
Richard Gibson for Chris

Christof is the grandson of Ooji, the old man who is supposed to be "guiding" the Dreamers on their quest. Chris is shy, unathletic, and has low self-esteem, but is also extremely good-natured and makes a lot of self-deprecating jokes. He gets bullied into helping Maya find Riza and friends by his grandfather, but he only minds when they run into monsters.
Chris is also quite good at sewing, and designs most of his own clothes.
Voice: Shy and awkward, but friendly and polite. High range. Always sounds a bit nervous.
Character Art:
[Excited] “Ohhh! You must be Miss Riza! My grandfather told me all about you.”
[Slightly surprised] “Oh! Sorry, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Christof; I believe you’re acquainted with my grandfather?”
[Casual] “I may be able to answer that--my grandfather is quite proficient in certain types of magic. One, in particular, allows one to see and hear someone, even from miles away. [pause, trying to do magic] Ah...I was never much good at magic myself."