Voices Needed for Diablo Setting D&D Campaign Story (Fan Fiction)

Project Overview

As I'm currently DMing a campaign that is about to reconvene, I wanted to surprise my troupe with a little recap of all of the story elements that have happened so far. This work is strictly for creative purposes and does not include pay. The completed work will be an immersive style audiobook of sorts that includes narration and dialogue between characters. This is a story that I am proud to be a part of and want to further immerse my players in this world. 

If you are a fan of anything relating to the world of Diablo then I hope you'll have fun on this project as well. I'm hoping to find talented individuals to cast as these roles


Welcome to Sanctuary. The year is 1263. Nearly 3,000 years after the Sin War, The Age of Magic, and the Mage Clan Wars, you are now in the Age of Faith. A time when new religions arise, many have fallen, but the prominent religions always talk about “The Light”. There are stories. Stories about the creation of this world that many find to be magnanimous and eloquent, while other determine it is farfetched. To the North lies the cold climate of the Dreadlands, inhabited by many beasts and barbarians. Snowy mountain peaks appear to encircle a great mound in the waters, peaking tall above all the local forests. The Frozen Sea is a harsh home to Xiansai, where the most prominent religion has appeared to have spread known to many as Church of Light, or the Order of Zakarum. The Zakarum have spread across the eastern lands, down the Dry Steppes, an arid wasteland of sand and death, making its foothold in the jungles just south in Kehjistan. Many cities in the East have been marred by the Mage Clan Wars and the prominent Vizjerei mages still survive in these lands. The Twin Seas separate Kehjistan to the East, and Khanduras to the West. A relatively small group of islands in the south Sea of Light hosts the Skovos Isles, rumored to be home to only fierce female warriors. Our story, begins in the lands of the West, in the Western kingdoms, in the capital city of Westmarch. Westmarch has escaped many major influences from the Mages and Religions of the East, and would like to keep it that way. Plenty of individuals make their way West to escape the prosecution of the Zakarum only to find that this faith follows them, as they begin their impedance into the Western Territories. King Cornelius currently reigns over the Capital City of Westmarch and holds a nearly abandoned stronghold to the North and has made its fair share of enemies. One such troubling event, is a member of the Zakarum High Council has sent members to Khanduras to repurpose an old monastery and declare themselves king of the land. For all of this though, you live relatively undisturbed in Westmarch. Buildings of gothic architecture are strewn about town. Its people, friendly, with the occasional roving band of mercenaries always stirring up trouble. But everyone seems to be in search of one thing… power. It is here, in this bastion of the West that we find our adventurers. We come upon two travelers from the East, making their way to the Wolf gate of Westmarch.

Find you some Diablo Lore Here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline 

And if you want to just watch an awesome cinematic (of which I hope to capture some of the awesome storytelling of) check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DESKsNOuq0A 

A copy of the completed work will be sent to every actor involved in the project.

The characters are listed in an order in which they appear. When all the roles are cast I'll get a script out to all the actors so you can record your lines separately. I can work with you on what  your character's motivations are as well as how it sounds. (IF WE CAN SWING IT - I'd love to do a table read with everyone so they can get a sense of how the story will flow, so we may schedule a date that works for everyone and hop on a discord call or something to that affect.). I know this isn't paid work, but it's something of a fun project that I want to bring to life and all of your talented voices can help bring that into a reality. I'm hoping before the end of 2020 we'll have something completely put together to showcase, quickest deadline I would set for myself is to try and get this completed before the Fall. Once I pick up the campaign I am DMing, there will be whole new story elements and more to add to complete the work. I love the story my players are telling with me and want to turn it into a bit of fan-fic.

******UPDATE AND NOTES*********

It may have occurred to me that the script may contain some odd words, so I'm including some pronunciations here in case you have any questions. Feel free to leave comments in the audition as well and I'll answer any/all questions:

Character Names
Lia (Lee-Ah)
Izual (Is-You-All)
Talindra (Tah-Lin-Dra)
Tyrael (Tear-Ray-El) tear as in crying tears,
Loreleia (Lore-Lee-Ah)
Belorym (Bell-Oh-Rim)
Torion (Tore-Ree-On)
Sevatar (Sev-Ah-Tar)
Kolomon (Co-Low-Mawn)
Zoltun (Zole-Tune)
Rathma (Wrath-Ma)
Scyther (Sci-Thur) Sci as in Science, Thur as in Thursday
Samryn (Sam-Rin)
Kilak (Kee-lack)
Haile (Hay-Lee)
Daros (Dar-Os) Dar as in Dark, Os as in CheeriOs
Aidan (Aid-in)
Cornelius (Core-kneel-Ee-Us)
Leoric (Lay-Or-Ick)
Albrecht (All-breck)
Lachdanan (Lack-Dannon) Dannon as in Cannon
Aribar Raithen (Air-ib-Are / Ray-thin)
Buyard Cholik (Boo-yard / Chaw-Lick)
Grimnir (Grim-Near)
Forsek (Four-Sec)

Other Pronunciations
Ammuit (Am-moo-it)
Vizjerei (Vish-Air-Eye) Vish as in Fish
Ennead (En-Knee-Ed)
Horadrim (Whore-Rod-Drem) Drem as in Dremel

That's All I can think of to clarify on pronunciations. If you want to know more just write and I'll respond!

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Latest Updates

  • Lead Roles (Belorym and Sevatar) are now Open!

    I had cast 2 members from another site for the leads Belorym and Sevatar, they have failed to contact me after casting had been completed. I have given them ample time to contact me regarding their script and work to be completed, now that time has elapsed. I want to continue to move forward with this work as I am sure everyone cast here is anxious to begin Part 2. I'm piecing together what Audio I have already for Part 1, but a lot of scenes are lacking 2 main characters audio. Here is a scene from Nightfire and Robert Eccles to give you an idea of what this project can become: https://youtu.be/v5cO0KAjNX8

    Thank you to all of you who auditioned for roles in this project. To many I've messaged about other potential roles, I eagerly await your responses to help fill the role list. I've taken note of many of you and will keep you in mind for any future work/projects/roles that I may need. Script work will be heading out soon once I have made contact with all cast members. I will be posting some audio soon to help with pronunciation of all the weird words that come across in the script. Otherwise if you have question from the scripts I send, please don't hesitate to ask!
  • Casting This Week

    I will have roles all solidified by the end of this week. I've taken my time in listening to each and every audition I received. The talent here is amazing and it makes it difficult to narrow individuals down! Be on the lookout for your role being cast and I'll want to receive information on how to best contact you to send you a script. There are also a lot of strange words that I'd want everyone to pronounce the same way so I'll also include an audio clip of a lot of those strange words (and you can certainly message me if there is something odd you found in the script and want to know the pronunciation).
  • Quick Update on Casting

    Casting will be finalized mid-April. There were a LOT of impressive VO talent that auditioned for roles! Thanks to everyone who auditioned. Once cast, you'll be sent the script (which I am also finalizing) and hopefully we can have a read through at some point! So be on the lookout for cast roles!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ekcoes

Sevatar, an orphan raised by the Order of Zoltun (dedicated to Zoltun and his aspect as a deity of Knowledge). As a novice and a fledgling bloodhunter, he was part of a raid on a heretical Cult known as the Church of Zoltun (also of Zoltun, but focused on the aspect of Trickery). Stuck watching the perimeter as the rest of the Orders Bloodhunters went to purge the heretics, a lone figure tried to escape the slaughter and was cut down by Sevatar. The lone figure was carrying nothing but an infant, and wore a holy symbol of Zoltun. The infant was brought back to the Order's Fortress/Monastery for induction. Its heritage was questionable, but as the child grew, it became certain it had some sort of fiendish parentage and a penchant for arcane magic. Sevatar vouched for the growing Tiefling and took on the role of guardian and tutor. After both orphans had grown into their abilities, they soon found out the Order was not the bastion of knowledge and piety it claimed, and they harbored a dark secret. Both left under the pretext of investigating the wider world for threats to the Order, but in fact they work to root out further heresy and fiendish plots through out Sanctuary.

Voice Notes: Sevatar is older than Belorym, his voice is a bit more gravely and he certainly takes protecting his friend Bel seriously. He always seems to be covering for him. He doesn't know much about Belorym's lineage, but he was there when Bel was discovered. I get a real Geralt of Rivia vibe for his voice.

  • We’re looking for a sorcerer, goes by the name Koloman.

  • Ignore him… he’s from the East. You know how strange they can get out there.

  • (totally lying) Uh… Yeah.. sure… Why don’t I go get him right now and bring him to the laboratory. I’ll meet you down there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Belorym ("Bel")
Role assigned to: Zeiven

A heretical cult of Zoltun was formed, focused solely on their gods aspect of trickery.  And what beings were trickier than demons?  The cult entered into study of the fiends, which lured them into darker rituals.  The Order of the Blinding Light, a militant arm of the Church of Zoltun, discovered the cult and attacked one night.  Most cultists fought back, though some were assigned to destroying any evidence of their plans, and at least one attempted to escape with a bundle.  She was killed by Sevatar, a Lythari Inquisitor, who discovered the bundle was actually an infant.  He brought it back to the temple and convinced the priests that it was their duty to raise the child.  Unfortunately, it was clear that the child was born from one of those darker rituals, as unswaddling him revealed two small horns on his head and a tail opposite.  They had already made their vow to raise it, but they didn’t have to like it.  As such, they named it Belorym, meaning “wretched one” in an ancient tongue.

  The priests continually reminded Belorym that his existence was an anathema and that the world would be better off without him.  In response, he continually sought to prove them wrong, as did everything he could to show he could be the opposite of his demonic heritage.  The other youngsters in the church saw how hard he tried to fit in and invented nonsensical colloquialisms, telling him that people loved when he used them.  They also told him that a really gaudy outfit that a travelling minstrel was wearing was extremely fashionable, so he started adding sequins to all of his outfits.  He became an acolyte for the church, striving continually to show how good he could be.  His chaotic nature, however, could not be tamed, especially once he found that he seemed to be able to draw power from the chaos and release it in the form of magic (though often the results were wild and unpredictable).  Despite his efforts to fit in, he would not have survived his childhood without the protection of Sevatar, who watched over the boy and kept him from serious harm.  While he idolized Sevatar, Belorym knew that he couldn’t always be around, but as he wasn’t the most athletic child, his main defense became his personality.  He found that if he could charm some strangers quickly enough that their innate prejudices against him were lessened.  And if that failed, he lied and came up with reasons for looking as he did other than being half-demon (when he had to – he learned how to disguise himself somewhat with a kit and even taught himself a spell of disguise, though he could never cover this pointed beard, or even cut it, as it grew back to its full length within a day).

  When he was older and being more intelligent than most, his duties as an acolyte gave him access to sensitive documents.  That led him to search for documents that he didn’t have access to.  Those he found hinted that heresy was much more widespread than had been revealed and that there was even corruption in the order itself.  He also found, and quickly stole, an ornate brooch of dwarven design which was annotated as having been found on him the night he was recovered from the cult.  No other information on the origin of the brooch or the meaning of the symbols engraved upon it were found.  Shortly thereafter, he and Sevatar left the temple ostensibly to seek out those who would harm the church.  In reality, they had decided that if even the church of Zoltun could be corrupted by evil forces in the world, then the world as a whole needed to be saved.

Voice Notes: Belorym is young (19) and incredibly ignorant of the world around him. He has no social filter and has a propensity towards the "fabulous". He and Sevatar have a close relationship, much like brothers do. But it's more like Lenny from "Of Mice and Men" kind of relationship. Belorym certainly doesn't appear to be the brains, but he is a powerful sorcerer that has a connection to the demonic. He continually tries to hide the fact that he has demon blood by using illusions/disguises quite often, and fears what will happen if people find out what his family heritage is.

  • Excuse me, General Torion… It appears you wish to fornicate with that woman. Would you like some help?

  • (these are a bunch of Belorym's Nonsensical Colloquialisms)

    The moon is very bright during the day. That just bones my flute. That tickles my tail... If I had one... which I don't! Beholder my bell and spank me raw.

  • Wow! You are most attractive! I would wish to fornicate with you. That is… unless you are my mother… in which case, I would not want to fornicate with you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Torion
cast offsite

General Torion has a bit of an Irish/Gaelic accent (you can take inspiration here: https://youtu.be/g6L8W_oeY7E?t=15

General Torion, Sword of the Realm, is a soldier of Westmarch; commander of both its army, and its knights.

A tall man, he possesses flowing brown hair brushed over his shoulders, trim beard with hints of gray. He has blue eyes, one of which is damaged by a scar. He has a low opinion of the Priests of Rathma. He has a penchant for dramatic entrances. He considers himself to be a man of action. He is interested in military history, but not of any other kind.

Torion received his knighthood c. 1245 by the grace of King Cornelius. He fell in love with Lady Salene Nesado and asked for her hand in marriage at least fourteen times. And was refused in each of the cases.

He is nearly 6’ tall, broad shoulders, commanding presence. His bond is to his city, and protecting its inhabitants. He dislikes necromancers (Priests of Rathma) but tolerates them. He believe actions speak louder than words, and is hard to convince unless beneficial acts to the city have been dutifully performed first. He is very loyal to the crown and does not tolerate talks of treason.

  • Demons? In Westmarch? HA! Don’t make me laugh. A demon hasn’t been seen in Westmarch for hundreds of years. Although we have received reports of Undead causing problems for our farmers outside the city.

  • I bet it’s those filthy Priests of Rathma. Necromancers. Bunch of disgusting creeps if you ask me. I’d start there. Go to the Hall of the Dark Arts and speak with Deathspeaker Daros. But be careful… Necromancers are NOT to be trusted.

  • There are many a great thing you could do for the City of Westmarch. Come. Let us speak with King Cornelius.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ekcoes

Koloman is who brought the party together (originally). He has escaped the thumb of the Order of Zoltun and is working in tandem with the Horadrim to seal away the greater and lesser evils in something called "Soulstones"

Voice Notes: Koloman is an eccentric sorcerer. He comes across as paranoid and frantic much of the time. There is a moment where he is replaced by a demon (so it's not paranoia when they really ARE all out to get you) and his mannerisms change slightly, which gives away the demon's disguise. He works with the party on a regular basis, up until the point where he is killed. He certainly sounds crazy. 

  • Ah HA! You’re here! Were you followed? Quickly, Quickly. Come upstairs, there are eyes and ears everywhere.

  • The knock! The KNOCK! … You’ve forgotten the secret knock!

  • Sevetar… Remember… (brings it in for a whisper) These are for the lessers. The Horadrim had already sealed the greaters.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Samryn (Prince Samryn Anvilborn)
cast offsite

Zeitmen Knurl (Translated as "Honor Stone") is the seat of power to Dwarves in the Thunder Peak Mountains and home to Clan Blood Hammer. Know for its peerless work with runes, Zeitmen Knurl's magically imbued items are legendary, even by Dwarf standards. This well deserved status has brought the Blood Hammers incredible wealth, vast trading routes, a mighty military force, and political weight with the other major Dwarvan Clans. Being tireless smiths, the Dwarves of Zeitmen Knurl abhor "wild magic". As they believe any magic which is not sturdily bound to runes is dangerous and chaotically unpredictable. (In particular all Arcane magic, as divine magic is seen as a leading of power from a Deity and therefore not wild)  The Blood Hammers are and old Dwarven Clan, rooted deeply in honor and tradition. Fierce as fire and stubborn as a mountain it is rumored their blood has flows with magma and their bones made of mithril. The Blood Hammer's have always been ruled by the wise Anvilborn House, and much of the success of the Blood Hammers is directly linked to their leadership. High King Ebren Anvilborn currently sits on the throne. King Ebren's pride of his Kinsmen and strength of his oath is only shadowed by his devotion to tradition. Bordering on a zealot, King Ebren believes many Dwarves have lost their way, forsaking their deity Grimnir their old way of life. However King Ebren understands the importance of diplomacy, and does not force the issues with other Clans, a trait his second born son High Prince Melmyr Anvilborn does not currently share. Prince Melmyr believes the other Clans must fulfill the old Oaths to Grimnir and dreams to bring all Dwarves to kneel before their deity by force if necessary. King Ebren's first born son is Prince Samryn Anvilborn. Prince Samryn was destined for the throne. While young Samryn displays many of his father's traits, Samryn holds fury like a storm. To insight Samryn's ire is a dire and costly mistake. However, fate would not show Prince Samryn the crown, upon the day Melmyr was born Samryn was stripped of his birth right. Grimnir demands payment of the blood oath. The upon the birth of a second son Samryn was honor bound by the old ways to sacrifice his birth right to become a Fire Hammer.

The Fire Hammers are the soldiers of Grimnir, a warrior cast which work to bring honor through victory over the evil that lurks in the dark corners of the world. Fire Hammers pound golden sigils into their skins, which become imbued with power through deeds of service to Grimnir. Fire Hammers wear these marks with pride, often not wearing much clothing to display their faith, resolve and to strike dreaded fear into their prey. However do not let their lack of traditional armor fool you to think they are easy targets. As Fire Hammers slay their foes, honoring Grimnir their sigils grow with power. These sigils protect Fire Hammers from harm as any suit of mail would. Fire Hammers are sworn to this life. I life of violence and battle, until they finally are able to fulfil their oath by falling in battle and greeting Grimnir in the great forge.

Samryn has recently left his home. In search of adventure and glory. Samryn knows the crown is lost to him, as only the death of his brother would allow him to rule again. Legend tells of a Fire Hammer King, ages ago in a time lost even to the Blood Hammers. A saga Samryn has no desire repeating.

Due to Samryn being noble of nature, his heart is filled with hatred for all things evil to include Demons. Samryn dreams to wear the horns of greater demon he has slain, a honor which only the oldest and wisest of Blood Hammers remember being told about.

Voice Notes: Doesn't have much of an accent, but speaks with a sternness and purpose. Because he is of Nobel descent, he has this high sense of "honor" and certainly looks down on anyone who doesn't share this view of Honor.

  • I am Prince Samryn Anvilborn of the Clan Blood Hammer. And you are?

  • You lack honor. I will take care of these demons myself.

  • Step aside. It’s time for battle!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dark and Ominous Voice
Role assigned to: Ekcoes

Just one dark mo-fo who is searching for Lia. (spoiler alert, this is really Malthael - Archangel of Wisdom - later known as the Reaper of Souls) Lore dump: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Malthael 

Voice from Diablo 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUWoj9evVWM 

Here's what's happening: Malthael found out about Lia's existance, due to Izual's Trial in the High Heavens and later banishment to the Burning Hells. Mephisto may have spilled the beans to him that he had a family, and that the daughter of the betrayer still lives. So Malthael is hunting her. 

What Lia is thinking, this is somebody who knows her secret, she accidentally killed a human she thought was a demon, and then covered it up. It was during her cover up, that many of her troops from the Watch were ambushed and killed due to her not being with her unit. She holds onto the guilt from that day and thinks this darkness is what is coming for her.

Voice Notes: It's a minor role, so have fun with it. Sound evil and threatening for sure. Malthael will play a much larger role later in the story, so you may be recalled to reprise the role when the story comes to an end.

  • (threateningly) Does the Council know of your transgression?

  • Pale and weak, you mortals fasten to your folly and give way to corruption. Your existence is an abomination, one that never should have come to be amid the eternal conflict. The sins of the father passed on to his progeny. Do you share his betrayal? 

  • (menacingly) Wherever you go, Justice shall chase you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Haile
Role assigned to: melissakeller

During much of the first part of the Campaign, Captain Haile is in charge of the Westmarch Watch (which includes Lia) She is basically her boss, but the two are good friends. She has an affinity for General Torion (although he does not share the same feelings for her) She is funny, Direct, and always gets the job done.

Voice Notes: Think Irish/Gaelic for an accent, but it's not a requirement. Show me how you think she would sound.

  • Oh my dear, it looks as though you haven’t slept in days. Are you alright?

  • Lia, why don’t you escort these gentlemen to go see General Torion? I’m sure he’d know something about this demon problem they are talking about.

  • (flustered by obvious attraction) G… General Torion? Well, what can I .. er the Watch do for you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lia (Half-elf / Half-Aasimar Ranger)
Role assigned to: Nightfire

She does not know who her parents were, but she had a heavy influence of the divine in her life. She feels as though she were touched by angels. She was Born in Westmarch, and have lived there all of her life.

She has seen what happens when the monsters come out from the dark. She took it upon herself to become the first line of defense against the evils that lie beyond civilization’s borders.

She has an ornate scabbard that fits no blade she has found so far.

She does not know her parents, but one was imprisoned, enslaved, or otherwise taken away. (Izual the betrayer). Her mother had died by being torn apart by a fiend, she did not witness this, and was barely alive long enough to remember this happening.

Voice Notes: She is stern and direct, doesn't have much of an accent. While her time serving as part of the Westmarch Watch has certainly hardened her as a person, on the inside, she is very soft and kind.

  • Haile, I was hoping… I could be assigned outside of Westmarch somewhere. Surly the Knights have use of my talents? Why don’t you take them yourself? You’re the captain of the Watch… Oh that’s right… It’s because you have the hots for Torion isn’t it? {teasing}

  • {Screams of pain as the feeling of wings sprout from her back} …. What...? … what is happening to me?

  • {speaking to a panther that recently lost her entire liter and partner} Hey… hey… it’s okay… I’m here now. Was he the father? {referring to the dead panther} … and these are your… {not wanting to say ‘dead kittens'} … I’ve lost my family too… Here… I’ll take care of you. Come with me

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Deathspeaker Daros
cast offsite

This is the leader of the Necromantic order in Westmarch. He trained Kilak (Winston's Father) and Kilak in turn entrusted his 4 year old boy to him while he set out to destroy evil. Think of him as a distant, but creepy grandfather figure to Winston. He certainly sounds cold and crass, but he does have a care and affinity for the boy.

Voice Notes: He sounds creepy enough to make people feel uneasy, but through his actions and his words, shows compassion and kindness. These emotions can sound stoic and cold at times, but that's because the Priests of Rathma value Balance above all else, so Death doesn't really phase them much. It's all part of the process. (Very Goth like)

  • (creepily) Hello? …. Please… Come In…

  • Torion? That blowhard. Anytime there are walking corpses he immediately believes the Priests of Rathma have something to do with it. Imbecile.

  • Allow me to introduce you to our errand boy here, Winston. He is an aspiring Necromancer to be sure… Winston! What have I told you about wearing the proper attire? You will never become a full fledge Necromancer if you do not accept the ways of Rathma.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winston Graves
Role assigned to: OtakuBrony

Winston Graves (Last name given due to occupation)

Personality: Caretaker of the Rathma Graveyard. Utterly serene in the face of disaster.

Bond: Caretaking of any graves or dead.

Ideal: Knowing one's self and the purpose of self.

Flaws: An unhealthy and open fixation of the dead.

Dependent on his investigation or perception of the recent or long dead ... Winston will prop the dead into positions of the activities that the dead regularly did and use Thaumaturgy to have them act out 6 seconds of their activity.

Left at the church as a baby/toddler.  No knowledge of his family.

Southern sounding / passive disposition.

 Dusk fell. “Winston, stay here for a moment.”, said the blur of a memory of a face to the over 4 year old boy. “Okay.”, Winston said with a uncertain trusting smile. “It’s getting cold and I am shivering”, Winston thought. He sat in the mist of a passing night rain on the steps to the door of the church of Rathma. “Where are they?”, said in a weary state. He stayed there until another man he knows to this day with a colder touch came out after opening the door. “Come in boy, we have food for you. You will have to earn anything else. Winston enters and the doors shut behind.

   Winston was an unwanted addition to the order. They used him. They scorned him. Winston was sent as an errand boy until he was about 9 years of age. He was given duties burying the dead that came for their forever rest at the graveyard.  Day after day, hole after hole. The work was exhausting, but he had a home. Winston knew nothing of his family and survived.

   It was when he was 12 to his knowledge, he started his path to who he is today. A long day of nameless bodies and markers for forgotten people. He made his way to the simple empty unused tomb the church gave him for shelter.  The tomb was in disrepair, not worth fixing.  “Let the wretch stay there”, Winston remembers hearing on more than one occasion. His eyes heavy Winston drifted off. “You’re an interesting little one…”, a voice came to Winston’s ear. Winston bucks up and looks around. Scared, he does not sleep. “Did I actually hear that?”, Winston thinks to himself and checks to see if it windy for any explanation.

   It was an occasional lost of sleep for the next 5 years and when he was 17 that things become frequent.  The voice is regular.  He hears in the grave holes when he is deep in them. “Keep going little one…”, the voice says in a haunting fashion, “give the dead their home until they are needed again.”.  While Winston was strong willed, the voice challenged his mental well being.  No one to talk to. No one he would truly call a friend. Winston was alone, rarely leaving the graveyard. Again, in a grave.  “This ground is harder than most.”, said the sweating digger. *CLINK*. “What the hell is this?”, he digs with his hands and uncovers half of a face? Or is a mask? Half a mask. Cupping the nose and eye openings. Nothing else. “Take it little one, you deserve it more than they do.” An alabaster half mask. Wiping the dirt from it he puts in among his satchel. Another grave and another night. “They aren’t truly done yet little one. You know this one.”, the voice again. “You know they farmed, let them farm again.”. Winston positions the body kneeling as if it was tending to the ground.  Climbing out of the grave he hears it… “Go on little one, I want you to do this one.”. Winston feels the tingle in his finger tips.  The body moves slowly for a few moments.  Skin and bone cracking as the body motions as if it was planting. Winston quietly becomes enthralled and fixated with his puppet. As it moves so slowly, he buries it. “That was very good little one.”, the voice in a praising fashion. 

   Before his 18th year, he spots some of the acolytes leaving late at night.  “Follow them.”, the voice wills.  Winston follows them in the pitch night.  Tripping, but not being seen. The figures unearth bodies from some of the other grave yards and bring them back to the graveyard of Rathma. “These are not of my flock little one. Those bodies belong to other gods, they are useless to me.  This is not my will. Let them continue, but do not partake.  They are useless to me.”, sternly the voice imposes in Winston’s head. “I will reprimand them in my own way.”, the voice says with a skewed tone, “Use the gifts I have given you and more will come.”.

  Shortly after turning 19 and nothing has changed. The haunting fatherly voice time to time churning in his head. “Come into the temple”, an acolyte beckons Winston with. “What now, I have my work to do.”, Winston says while clenching his shovel. “Go little one, see what they have for you.”.  Winston drops what he is doing and climbs out of the grave. He enters the main hall. A group of people he doesn’t recognize. “What?”, Winston barks.

Voice Notes: Winston has a southern accent (much like his mother) and is always very stoic. Very rarely do you hear any emotion behind his voice. He becomes particularly giddy when speaking to his deity, and only shows stronger emotions when confronted with the history of his family. He is very much a loner, and was reluctant to join the party in the first place.

  • What now? I have my work to do.

  • *seeing all the dead bodies* … welp… I’m gonna have a busy night tonight.

  • Wait… You knew my parents? Where are they?... Where do they live?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: gameusurper

Rathma, one of the first Nephalem of Sanctuary (Lore here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Rathma

Apparently he also shows up in the Diablo 4 trailer: https://youtu.be/0SSYzl9fXOQ?t=227 (the creepy pale dude)

The Necromancers follow him as a Deity, although his intentions are not well known.

  • That was very good little one. You know they farm… let them farm again.

  • Keep going little one… give the dead their home until they are needed again.

  • Take it little one, you deserve it more than they do. These are not of my flock little one. Those bodies belong to other gods, they are useless to me. This is not my will. Let them continue, but do not partake. Use the gifts I have given you and more will come.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lilly Wildor
Role assigned to: MLMeg

"Lily Wildor" is better known as Lilith, the Queen of the Succubi. She is one of the demons, along with the angel Inarius, who fell in love and created Sanctuary. A place separated from the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. 

Lore dump on Lilith here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Lilith

She is the recent mother of two children, Belorym (one of our party members) and Sephiran (who we will not meet during this leg of the campaign). This means that Belorym's Grandfather is the Prime Evil of Hatred Himself, Mephisto. This is unknown to Belorym, however, but after the birth of Belorym and Sephiran, the Church of Zoltun was raided by the Order of Zoltun (See Sevatar/Belorym's backstory elements) and the two children were separated. Lilith desperately wanted to find Belorym as his Demonic appearance made him her favorite, while Sephiran's human form disgusted her. It took Belorym dying for her to find him, and she regularly meddles in his affairs to try and steer him into the direction she wants. She is a master manipulator.

Voice Notes: She sound sultry, almost having a deep sensual tone (She's the queen of the succubi, everything she says has some kind of flirtatious/romantic/seductive nature to it). 

  • My you have learned much from the priests of Rathma haven’t you?... hope you don’t turn out to become a psychopathic killer like your father. *she laughs*

  • Well, if it isn’t the daughter of the betrayer, how grand. (whispering aside to another party member) What interesting friends you have my dear, it’s no wonder death so readily seeks you out.

  • I’ll see you around… don’t go blowing yourself up now.

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Voice Actor
Tyrael (Teary-el)
cast offsite

Tyrael, Archangel of Justice - Lore here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Tyrael

Basically the adoptive father and protector of Lia. Izual was one of Tyrael's closes allies, so when he was dragged away to hell and Lia's mother was killed, he took it upon himself to make sure this child got the best from this world.

Voice Notes: Take consideration from Diablo 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQyta80a5wc  or even Diablo 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fhsEcmx3yQ 

Tyrael is a supporting actor in much of the campaign, as he is connected with Lia.

  • You ought to know better than to point your blade at me Izual. Save Azurewrath for the hellspawn that are sure to come pouring from the pits of hell.

  • Does the council know of this? … *sighs* When you go… travel to the land of Khanduras… there to the West you will find the crowning jewel of Westmarch. They will be safe there. But you must hurry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Cornelius
Role assigned to: WJR Edits

King Cornelius guides most of the party for the first part of the adventure. He is involved in the Geopolitical story as well as the direct adventure. There will be quite a few scenes with him.

King Cornelius is a kind and understanding king, but he is old. His reign will not last for much longer, so he is trying to do the most good that he can in that short time.

  • What is it? I suspect your Father Leoric wants something?

  • Preposterous! You’ve come to tell me that your people wish to bring a war to our doorstep? They will find nothing but death here if they even try to raise a sword to our walls.

  • *large sigh* … son… My heart bleeds for your town and your father, but Westmarch is prepared to defend itself against any onslaught that may come to it. If you can convince this army marching towards Westmarch to turn back…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Prince Aidan
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A minor encounter with the Son of King Leoric: (Lore dump here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Aidan )

He goes ahead of his father to the city of Westmarch to try and convince the King that Tristram soldiers should be shown mercy as his father is going mad (Mad king Leoric anyone?) 

These scenes are all a precursor to the setting of Diablo 1, before Aidan and his party delve below the cathedral in Tristram to slay Diablo. 

Voice Notes: This dude is like Prince Charming basically, all righteous and stuff. But he is concerned for his people and doesn't wish to see harm come to the innocent.

  • King Cornelius, we thank you for your time in this, our hour of need. (pause as the king speaks) To the contrary sire… it is I… we… who come to seek your aid..

  • My father is not well sir. Much has happened in the town of Tristram since you’ve seen it last. He has grown to a level of paranoia I have never seen before. He has begun executing our townspeople fearing they wish to overthrow him. All of this is speculation, yet he seems to honestly believe the people of Tristram aim to kill him.

  • Sire, I beg of you, show mercy on these people. They are not bad people and the king is sending them all to their deaths! We have no quarrel with Westmarch and do not wish to see more innocent people hurt!

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Moreina is Prince Aidan's personal guard. She is a fierce Rogue and is later on known as "Blood Raven" in Diablo 2. She is one of the members who kills Diablo before the darkening of Tristram. 

The party has only minor interactions with her, but she will appear later on in the campaign.

  • Aidan, it’s time to go.

  • It’s been awful. Ever since Aidan’s brother, Albrecht, went missing, much of the leadership in Tristram started to behave strangely.

  • *ready to fight* Let’s Move! We haven’t a moment to lose!

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Jazereth is a powerful sorcerer who was also involved with Aidan and Moreina in killing Diablo. He is a Vizjerei mage and another body guard for Prince Aidan. He only shows up briefly to whisk away Aidan and Moreina back to Tristram upon the news of King Leoric's death. (Thus starting the Darkening of Tristram) 

Voice Notes: Nigerian accent isn't necessary, but he has that rugged commanding tone behind him. So whenever you hear his voice, you know this isn't a dude to mess with. (Not all spell casters are squishy) 

  • Prince Aidan, you are needed back in Tristram at once.

  • Lachdanan sir, He has confronted and killed Leoric.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Buyard Cholik
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One of the Big Bads on the second half of this leg of the journey. Buyard Cholik (Boo-yard Ch-aw-lick) is Bramwell's Spiritual leader and De-factor mayor/governor. There is a king of Bramwell but he doesn't play an active role in society and leaves that to his Spiritual leader. Older human, grey hair, long red and black robes, speaks softly but with purpose. He is old and does look sickly for his age. He stands close, peers people up and down who he first meets. He always seems mostly friendly, but because he stands so close, gives off creepy vibes. Always touches a shoulder before he ends a conversation and says, "May Dien-Ap-Sten guide your path"

Note: Dien-Ap-Sten is a false prophet, and is really the demon Kabraxis, who Buyard is attempting to bring through the Black Road to enter the mortal realm. 

  • *A slow clap from the background as Buyard Cholik claps proclaiming* Bravo! Bravo! What a glorious celebration of the Light we have here today. The Way of Dreams welcomes all of you to Bramwell. May Dien-Ap-Sten guide your path, and watch over you, and protect you. We hope everyone here enjoys the rest of the festivities here in town.

  • I may have need for a few more hands in an excavation of sorts. 50 gold per hand you bring me and I may have more work for you yet.

  • My my my… it would seem as though you’ve destroyed my only source of workers… well no matter… We’ll take you all in so you can answer for you… debauchery.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Forsek Ironheart
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Forsek Ironheart – Resides in Bramwell, knows of Winston’s parents and growing up he used to watch the little guy. He knows his mother and his father, but also knows of the accident that occurred so many years ago (although rumor is his father may have been the one to kill his mother). Forsek is a former Fire Hammer of the house Ironheart. He actually bears a runeword on his skin “Dol Um Ber Ist” or “Chains of Honor” (Bound in Grace, Honor) and can activate this property during combat. Forsek will inform Samryn about the honor it was to receive his rune via the Sunforger hammer of Grimnir. He received his blessing hundreds of years ago in the mountains of the north, in the Thunderpeak mountains. When his duty of Guarding the Worldstone came to an end, he sought out adventure much like Samryn, but after the Horadrim had sealed away the Prime Evils there were no more monsters to fight, so he retired as the smith for Bramwell and has lived there ever since. Forsek will discuss the materials and words he needed to discover to obtain his runeword on his skin, and knows of the same method Koloman used, but it is blasphemous to Grimnir as there is no honor in using demonic or celestial blood to expedite the transfer of magics to the runes. Instead, Forsek teaches the use of melted gold, gems, and specific words that will help in enhancing his sigils. The Fire Hammer runes may only be applied by the Sunforger itself.

Appearance: a 200+ year old dwarf, short, stocky, strong, reddish/gray hair, single braided beard (simple) with a bit of a Scottish accent.

Knows history: Knows about the works of the Horadrim. Knows of the Cain family: Jered Cain (sr) & Anderes Cain, Deckard Cain, Jered Cain (jr), (an odd sort of book smart people, but they don’t dabble in the wild magics). Knows about what happened during the Dark Exile.

Knows Arcana: Knows the language of the Horadrim and how to work town portal scrolls, identify scrolls, and waypoint markers.

Winston’s Father – Kilak Shadowend – a powerful Necromancer, set to seek out the prime evils with the Horadrim. After the Dark Exile, he settled down with a woman who was later torn apart by Lilith. He had left Winston with the Necromancers in Westmarch to go seek out Lilith and destroy her. Currently held captive in the city of Kurast by the Zakarum. Winston’s Mother – Delilah Serdu – a beautiful woman residing in Bramwell, made her home with Winston’s father, Kilak and had a child they named “Winston” at her mother’s request, because (“All them necromancers have funny names, and she wants her baby to be somewhat normal”)

  • Winnie? … Winnie is that you?! By Grimnir’s beard! Boy I haven’t seen you since you were but a wee lad.

  • After your mother died, Kilak took you to Westmarch… after that he told me he’d be heading towards the city of Kurast to track down the demon that killed your mother. … I know people here in town are sayin’ that Kilak killed your mother… but he would never do that… He is a loving husband and father and wouldn’t do anything to hurt Delilah.

  • Well now, what’s a dwarf like you doin’ in these parts? Name’s Forsek, Forsek Ironheart Firehammer from the Northern isles.

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She works as an interceptor in the Order of Zoltun, She knows Sevatar as she served with him in the Order, but not necessarily why Belorym is important, or why they are being hunted.

Sevatar and Elhana have a brief encounter.

Voice Notes: She is an elf, like Sevatar. Her voice is soft and smooth, and never sounds nefarious. 

She'll play a more supportive role later in the campaign.

  • Sevatar, the Order has been hunting you. Victor has even sent Scyther to bring you and this… Belorym in.

  • There is much of the Order that I do not trust. I think Victor is plotting something most nefarious. Please Sevatar, I want to help you. Just point me in the right direction of this Belorym and I can make sure he stay hidden.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Darrick Lang
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In the second half of the campaign, Darrick Lang and his friend Mat Hu-ring play important roles in progressing the story for the party. 

This character also comes form "The Black Road"  - Lore here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/The_Black_Road 

His appearance and candor is much like that of Talion from Middle Earth: Shadow of War/Mordor. https://youtu.be/XUVhT1L_XN4?t=18

Or he is at least that broken of a man, just trying to get by.

  • I’ve been tracking this pirate ship outside of town called the Barracuda. It would seem the captain of that ship, Aribar Raithen, has been trading people with this town’s Wayfinder, Buyard Cholik.

  • Oh you’re looking for Lhex as well? Well it would appear we are after the same prize then. Come, let’s find a way to relieve Raithen of his prisoners.

  • *After watching his best friend get burned in fire in front of him, while he is chained to a wall*  NOOOO! … Mat… What am I going to do without you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mat Hu-Ring
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Darrick Lang's best friend and companion on his quests. Think Hogun from Thor. : https://youtu.be/Um9HbawteCc?t=61

That's at least the inspiration for his appearance, but don't feel like you need to mimic his voice. Show me what you think he sounds like.

  • I would be careful if I were you. Buyard seems to be taking slaves for his work. I doubt he means to pay you anything.

  • Adventures on the high seas? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  • *spits at his captors* You will hang for your treachery. *after getting hit across the face* … I’m sorry Darrick. *Is ignited in flame* AAAAaaaaaaHHHhhhh!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kilak Shadowend
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Did Kilak kill his wife and WInston's mother? Yes. Was it on Purpose? NO. He was tricked by Lilith, Queen of the Succubi and made his wife appear as a succubus when he killed her. While Lilith was in the area searching for her lost child (more on that later) she ran across this Necromancer and certainly ruined his life. He'll never feel like his can repair the damage he's done to his family, but he has sworn to seek out and destroy the evil that did this to him, to his family.

Voice Notes: Kilak is intimidating. He is a powerful Necromancer and should be feared, luckily he's working for the "good guys" ?

  • (just attacked by a succubus) AAAAAH! You bitch!... Where are you?!

  • You think you can break into my home and threaten my family hell spawn? You will face only the wrath of Rathma. … Keep my love’s name off of your tongue you foul creature! (verbal component of the spell "Inflict Wounds") VAL-SAROOTH!

  • W… Winston? … Is that you? *struggling sounds to break the binds that hold him* (At this point, Kilak is in a Dungeon, and realizes his son is scrying.... the first contact he's had after 15 years)

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Delilah is the mother of Winston, and is the kindest, sweetest human being you could imagine. Southern, so keep that in mind for the voice. WInston is her whole world. 

She gets taken from him at a young age, so her role is minor in the campaign. But her voice may play a part later on as these humans truly are never "gone".

  • Oh Winston… What in Rathma’s name are you doin’ out of bed little one? Now that’s quite enough excitement for one night. Back to bed with you.

  • Kilak? What in tarnation is goin’ on down there? Is everythang alright?

  • Kilak what are you doin?! Kilak Stop! *choking, as Kilak holds her off the ground with his hands by her neck* Ki---Kilak… ugh… What has… happened to you…. my love? … P.. ple… please my love… it’s me… it’s Delilah!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winston (4 years old)
Role assigned to: AngelStar291

Minor role.

Voice Notes: Southern accent is key, as it is Winston, just at a younger age. Flashbacks of Winston do occur, but the role is minor.

  • But I just can’t sleep mama.

  • *scared breathing, hiding under a bed*

  • Okay… …*shivering, left alone in the cold darkness* … Where are they?

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Izual the Betrayer: (Lore found here - https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Izual )

Voice Notes: No real notes with this one. You're an angelic being. Make it sound powerful but soft. He is experienced in a Vision that Lia has, although the party will surely encounter him later on (spoiler alert)

  • Talindra my love, we make our way to Santuary.

  • What would you have me do Tyrael? I have a family. I beg of you, let us leave this place, I will atone for my sins and accept any punishment placed on me from the council, but please… grant my family safe passage from the high heavens.

  • The demons will come for me soon… take this. It will guide you to Azurewrath, and it to me…{suddenly demons appear} … GO! NOW! *show off your battle noises, attacking and getting attacked*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: EmilyRoseVoices

Talindra is the Elven mother of Lia (who's real name is Loreleia Orikalyn). She share's Lia's sternness and directness, but is also kind, soft, and loving. She is experienced in a vision Lia has.

  • Izual, what is going on?

  • Go down that path over there, you see the one with the overgrowth? … they won’t be able to track us both. I will lose them, don’t worry about me… I will meet you in Westmarch my dear. I need you to be brave now Loreleia (pronounced Lore-Lee-Ah)… you’re growing up so fast… now go on… quickly.

  • *make sounds of being hit and attacked while attempting to fight off demons. Show off your fighting noises*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Loreleia (Lore-Lee-Ah) aka Young Lia
Role assigned to: dedrewsbus

Minor role, when exploring Lia's backstory there are moments where we will flash back to when she was a child.

  • (you are just seeing your mother being torn away from you by demon hellspawn) Mommy!!!

  • I… I don’t know where my family is… Please… I need a place to stay.

  • Good night Tyrael. Thanks for looking out for me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Victor Cross
Role assigned to: Zeiven

Leader of the Order of Zoltun. Zoltun Lore here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Zoltun_Kulle 

To be honest, this is one of Zoltun Kule's reincarnations of himself, but as he builds his following to glorify humanity (Nephalem) as the most powerful beings (as opposed to Angels and Demons) he continues his work on the Black Soulstone. 

Menacing and evil, but we only catch a glimpse of him in memories of Sevatar's time in the order. He will play a larger part later on in the campaign. 

  • Please come in and take a seat, would you?

  • Your work at the heretical church of Zoltun was most impressive. Out of all of our bloodhunters you were the only one to come back with a prize.

  • Do you remember your lessons on the mage clan wars? Between the Vizjerei, the Ennead, and the Ammuit? I don’t consider the druids nor the “Priests of Rathma” as partisicpants in that event… but do you know who had it right? The Vizjerei. The powerful forces of Hell can become harnessed and manifest within ourselves to gain great power.

Voice Actor
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Kabraxis (Lore comes from the book "The Black Road" https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/The_Black_Road )

He is the big bad of this leg of the campaign.

Voice Notes: His head is made of snakes, so feel free to stressssss the s's in words while sounding menacing. Or try it without and I can add snake sounds around his speeches. 

  • You are not like the others that have come to my realm… they seek to destroy me, we cannot have that now can we? You have the blood of hatred within you… I can sense it. You wish to make your grandfather proud? How about your mother? She seems to see you as her favorite child as of late… I wonder what her game is… she and I always saw eye to eye against the prime evils.

  • You see? You have no worth to them… even your friend, Sevatar would sell you out to the Order.

  • Your friends betray you, now it is time to return the favor… destroy the blade Stormfury, and join me in defeating the Prime Evils!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: gameusurper

A minor role at first as the party encounters him after leaving the town of Bramwell. He will appear later on in the campaign, serving as one of the hurdles Belorym and Sevatar need to overcome to stop being hunted by the Order of Zoltun.

Voice Notes: This guy is dark and brooding. Have fun with it.

  • You’ve betrayed Victor, brought shame to the Order of Zoltun… I will take great pleasure in bringing you in… whether your heart still beats… or is still.

  • You protect that abomination? Why? You are as disgusting as that … that THING!

  • As we speak my archers are making short work of your friends, you haven’t much time. Come now Sevetar, before this gets messy.


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