Upcoming Five Nights at Freddy's Project

Upcoming Five Nights at Freddy's Project

Project Overview

Flatcap Podcast Productions, in collaboration with The Into The Night team, is developing an exciting new audio drama/audiobook adaptation of a popular story from the Tales From the Pizzaplex book series, set in the Five Nights at Freddy's universe. This project aims to bring the thrilling and immersive world of FNaF to life through engaging narration and high-quality audio production.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Lost and Distraught Man
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

This Character is a young adult grappling with fear and confusion after the shocking discovery that their life has been a lie. When they went to bed last night, they were just a seven-year-old child, but now they find themselves at seventeen, with ten years of their life seemingly erased. This Character's emotions are a volatile mix of panic, vulnerability, and bewilderment. They struggle to understand the world around them, having missed crucial years of education and social development, which has left them with a noticeable lack of maturity and gaps in vocabulary.

This Character's tone should be fragile and uncertain. They’re scared and overwhelmed. Their voice should convey vulnerability, with moments of unprompted trembling, especially when trying to make sense of what’s happening. Since This Character has missed a decade of education and socializing, their speech is somewhat stilted and unrefined. They may stumble over words or phrases, searching for the right thing to say, and sentences may sometimes feel incomplete or awkward, so avoid polished or clean dialogue delivery.

This Character is also emotionally unstable at times, and there will be moments where desperation and crying need to come through in the performance, even between words. Capturing the rawness and instability of these emotions is key to portraying their inner turmoil.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • “Sounds like I have a lot to catch up on. And not just on memories. I haven’t been to school in all these years. I must be dumb as a bagel.”

  • “I just… I can’t wait to see you again. And Mom and Dad and Fido. And my room and my yard. And I can’t wait to meet my sister.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Long Lost Friend

This Character is a young adult who has just reconnected with a childhood friend they thought was long gone. Hearing their friend's voice on the other side of the walkie-talkie they used to play with as kids stirs a flood of emotions—This Character is giddy, emotional, and overwhelmed with disbelief. However, as the conversation unfolds, This Character senses that the years have been difficult for their friend. They quickly shift from excitement to a more careful and supportive tone, wanting to ensure their friend feels safe enough to stay in contact.

When This Character first hears their friend, their voice should be filled with excitement and disbelief, almost childlike in its giddiness. Let the emotions spill out naturally as if they’re trying to process the shock of hearing from someone they thought was lost forever. As This Character realizes their friend has been through a lot, the energy in their voice should soften. Their tone becomes more gentle and empathetic as if they’re carefully treading around something fragile. They’re still emotional, but now it’s more restrained, showing that they’re prioritizing their friend’s comfort over their own excitement.

Throughout the interaction, This Character's voice should carry a mix of happiness, relief, and underlying concern. Their emotional range needs to shift from excitement to empathy, reflecting how much they want to help their friend feel safe enough to stay in contact. There should be moments of subtle hesitation, where This Character is unsure of how much to press or if they should hold back to avoid making their friend uncomfortable.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • (First Making Contact) "Buddy? Buddy! It's me, dude! Holy crap—where are you!?”

  • (Reassuring His Friend) “*chuckle*. Yeah, bud, I’m real, it’s me. Are you alright? It’s been ten years. Where’ve you been?

  • (Hesitant and Careful) “It’s… it’s been over a decade, dude. Your parents couldn’t let the memory of you haunt them forever. But they never stopped missing you.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Haunted Child

This Character is a child trapped in a world that feels like a nightmare. Their nights are filled with fear and dread, as they constantly worry that one wrong move could lead to their demise. During the day, their confusion deepens—their surroundings don’t make sense, and they struggle to understand why everything feels so disconnected and wrong. However, there are moments when a strange, almost hypnotic calm washes over them, and they convince themselves that everything is fine.

When it’s night, This Character's tone should be filled with fear and anxiety. Their voice should sound small, fragile, and on edge, as though they’re constantly waiting for something terrible to happen. When awake, This Character's voice should reflect confusion and detachment. Their tone may be softer, almost distant, as they try to make sense of things that don’t quite add up.

When the hypnotic calm takes over, This Character's voice should shift dramatically. The fear and confusion are replaced by an unsettling calmness. Their tone should be soft, almost soothing, as if they’re trying to convince themselves—and others—that everything is alright. There should be a slight, almost eerie detachment in their voice during these moments, as though they’re under a spell or have momentarily escaped their fears.

The child's voice should range from 5-10 years old.

Voice description:
  • male child
  • (Afraid at Night) “Oh no. They know I’m awake.”

  • (Confused in the Day) “Wait… where’s the front door?”

  • (Caught In A Trance) "It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is going to bed.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - William Afton
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

William Afton is the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy’s. In this story, he plays a small but pivotal role, demonstrating his mastery of manipulation through charm and subtle coercion. Afton possesses an unsettling charisma that allows him to sway those around him, making them believe that every action they take was their own choice—even though it was his will guiding them all along. His words carry the weight of absolute truth, drawing others into his twisted plans without ever raising suspicion.

William Afton's voice should exude confidence and control, with an undercurrent of sinister charm. He speaks in a way that makes his words sound convincing and trustworthy, as if his intentions are always pure. Yet, there should be a hint of something darker, lurking just beneath the surface. That said, Afton should avoid overt displays of emotion—he’s always calm and composed, rarely raising his voice, as he doesn't need to force his will—he allows others to come to conclusions on their own, all while he's in full control.

The Voice should be identical to William Afton’s performance in this cutscene from the game Sister Location: https://youtu.be/G5GTXaEfA7M?si=-kgT_EtrI2gmuh5T

Voice description:
  • british
  • male adult
  • “You know you want to be here."

  • “The generator makes it possible for you to stay here. It’s hooked up to a steady supply of gas. It’s reliable. It’s always there for you.”

  • “You have been taken care of here. Here you are never and outcast. You’re never wrong. You’ve been watched over and cared for. That was something your parents never did for you. Remember?”


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