Voices Needed for Diablo Setting D&D Campaign Story (Fan Fiction)
Zeiven for Victor Cross
Leader of the Order of Zoltun. Zoltun Lore here: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Zoltun_Kulle
To be honest, this is one of Zoltun Kule's reincarnations of himself, but as he builds his following to glorify humanity (Nephalem) as the most powerful beings (as opposed to Angels and Demons) he continues his work on the Black Soulstone.
Menacing and evil, but we only catch a glimpse of him in memories of Sevatar's time in the order. He will play a larger part later on in the campaign.
Please come in and take a seat, would you?
Your work at the heretical church of Zoltun was most impressive. Out of all of our bloodhunters you were the only one to come back with a prize.
Do you remember your lessons on the mage clan wars? Between the Vizjerei, the Ennead, and the Ammuit? I don’t consider the druids nor the “Priests of Rathma” as partisicpants in that event… but do you know who had it right? The Vizjerei. The powerful forces of Hell can become harnessed and manifest within ourselves to gain great power.
Great flow. Good intonations. Nicely done!