VOICE ACTORS NEEDED! Bio-Resurrection: The Minecraft Movie

Project Overview


After the tragedy at Gierham Street with the loss of deaths during the Katon’s house, Jenny Katon and Christion Evans managed to escape in time and kill Michael, but until they been captured by SCP Foundation and never seen again. 3 years had passed since the tragic, the Katon's house has burned to the ground and Michael’s body for what’s left of him was been found by a Bio-Tech Foundation with workers and scientists testing something on twisted weapons inside of Welsonate Mansion. Times go by with missing hikers at the Heavy Oak forest, at the Police Station with Chief Samuel Russel sent a Police officer name, Alexander Scott with his assistant, Isabella Taylor, John Wesker, and Michael Adams to a mission that is towards to the forest close to Welsonate Mansion to find the missing hikers, but soon they’ll found out on what horrors have been hiding inside the mansion.

Story of the Bio-Tech Virus:

It all started a thousand years ago with a meteor crashes down the earth, years later. Ancient people discover the meteor but it has a virus, a bio virus that can reborn the humans with a new soul, and it’s reborn of the shattered creatures. They possess a body if a human is near the virus. Then once it was wounded too much, the body begins to form out of control and form the human body into a monster, like what happen to Michael back in The House of Fred when parts of the damaged body begin to reform as a monster. Michael’s corpse been a decade and destroyed, for what’s left of it. The Bio-Tech company called, Nasalis found the corpse of Michael and bring the body to their secret laboratory facility inside the Welsonate Mansion to test the corpse’s blood that has strange effects of a virus inside that could mutate any creatures. They put the body inside a tube to keep the body so they could think on try to resurrect Michael, but they’re focused on the virus they’re working on and so many animals they are testing as subjects are turning into twisted monsters and then even humans. But then an outbreak begins with the betrayed of Mason Williams who thought out the reason of Franklin Jenkins plans for using the virus as a perfect superweapon and even infect it around the world, he managed to take all the research and try to leave the laboratory and then he was caught by the SCP Foundation Guards and Franklin Johnson inject a bio-virus into Mason and turn into a monster and attacked a thew scientist, the virus managed to spread underground but it was locked shut and containing, every bio monsters are inside their vault room while the blood of Michael still spread the virus even more.

This is an upcoming Minecraft Movie based in Soulless Night Saga, a 6th chapter after The House of Fred: The Minecraft Movie (2018). There was used to being a 6th chapter movie called, The Soul of Michael: The Minecraft Movie (2020) in Part 1 - Part 3, and the saga is close to being as a cinematic, action. But it was canceled and goes back to horror with a REBOOTED 6th chapter, so I decided on making a new Minecraft Movie called, Bio-Resurrection which is much better than The House of Fred on taking place at an old mansion with an underground facility with scary monsters are been made, and more locations on what the characters are going. The scriptwriter is AzUrArInG. He's still working on the script to this very day, I always look back and it looks great. But the movie is planning on releasing in 2021 since this is gonna be a full Minecraft animation in Mine-Imator software, so it will take enough chances to get this movie ready for this year and released in 2021. If you want to be in this movie then go ahead. You can voice as the main character and others but even you can voice as the monsters in this movie for extras.


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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alexander Scott (Police Officer/Main character)
Role assigned to: Xemptful

  • Man, this is a mess, all filth and other stuff all over the place, it looks like a dump.

    Phew, that was a close one, I wonder if Isabella and the others are okay.

    That fucking son of a bitch! I’ll find you and make sure there’s an exit out of here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Isabella Taylor (Police Officer)
Role assigned to: Sorekitkat123

  • We should find those hikers. Let’s get going.

    Alex Lookout!

    Ah, god that’s gotta hurt, huh, where the hell am I?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
John Wesker (Police Detective/Crime Scene Investigator)
cast offsite

  • Quit it, let’s go in. But no drink for you.

    It doesn’t confirm yet, we’re still looking around on where this leads to. That the blood tracks to your bar for some reason, but it just stops on where the back door is.

    Killers don’t eat people. If they were a cannibal. But it seems the blood leads to that.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Michael Adams (Police Officer)
Role assigned to: IanPhillips

  • Alright, let’s get back up and tell the manager that it was a zombie that ate a person.

    Good idea, I’ll just make sure everything’s all clear but I’ll still use the weapons.

    (Holding a flamethrower at a Bio-Planet Grabber) Prepare to get burned to death you ugly venus flytrap!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Addison Williams (Mason and Zoe's daughter)
Role assigned to: AC

  • Are you one of those things? Please don't hurt me.

    My dad is now gone. He's those monsters.

    Run Alex! Run!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Samuel Russel (Police Chief)
Role assigned to: Brendan99

  • Ah. Alexander, welcome back for more.

    I know, but she didn’t get a chance to have a partner on everyone else in the department.

    There were 6 missing hikers at the Heavy Oak forest. It’s been a week since they weren’t found, we need someone like you to find them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oliver Stewart (Bartender)
Role assigned to: Cole

  • Now, what can I get you?

    Here’s your drink.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Carter Baker (Bar Manager)
Role assigned to: AzUrArInG

  • So, let me get this straight. Do you think I was the cause of that attack?

    How could a zombie be in my bar?

    You can get a drink officer.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Helicopter pilot
Role assigned to: IanPhillips

After Alexander and Addison escaped out of the facility to the roof of the Welsonate mansion. A helicopter appears to rescue them since the pilot notices the mansion is on fire. He saves the two before the mutated Franklin destroys the mansion.

  • Hey! Your alright down there?

    Don't worry, I'm here to pick you, folks, up.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

After the Welsonate mansion is destroyed, all the bio creatures inside are gone. This soldier appears in the ending of the movie, he walks into a restaurant where he meets Alexander Scott, the man who stop the bio creatures from spreading. He tells Alexander to join him in the military to another mission on hunting more bio monsters that had escaped the mansion and fled to the outside world. Alexander will accept it and joins the military.

  • You must be the guy who stopped the horrors in the Welsonate Mansion huh? Glad to hear it.

    We need someone like you to help us.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dr. Miller
Role assigned to: Dadude

  • Mr. Jenkins, there’s something you need to see.

    Is that what I think it is sir?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bio-Man Spider
Role assigned to: AzUrArInG

A Mutated human being who can crawl through walls and ceilings like a normal spider, and can poison anyone is death and can attack a person by clawing them to death by using its legs/arms.

Make every sound effect of the Bio-Man Spider.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AzUrArInG

A Mutated Ape can jump at a person’s back and smashes them to death. It hides inside every vent to sneak attacked.

Make every sound effect of the Bio-Ape. All of these animals are mutated with different sound effects.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bio-Venus Fly Trap/Plant Grabber
cast offsite

It’s a Mutated living plant creature that can attack a person by stretching its long neck to reach and bites/crushes a person’s head. And it can infect a person and becoming its hive for more energy to survive. Much like on surviving with gather nutrients from gases in the air and nutrients in the soil. It can get killed by fire.

Make every sound effect of the Bio-Planet Grabber/Venus Fly Trap. All of these animals are mutated with different sound effects.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bio-Head Crawler
Role assigned to: Brendan99

A Mutated human head with long spider legs popping out, it happens with it killing a person and stretches its neck to rip it off and use it as a body. It pops out so many spiders out of the head to attack many people who are threatening the creature. It would get killed by getting burned to death or rather with guns.

Make any sounds of these creatures.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A living human who gets infected by the virus to become a mutated beast which can give it more strength for more power to crush anyone, with the scientist torture a prisoner to become a test subject as a weapon. It would get killed by getting burned and shot to death.

Make any sounds of these creatures.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bio-Dissolving Melter
cast offsite

A mutated human gets infected and melts its body for what’s left of the body parts, and it can melt anyone with its body like acid that can melt anyone to death. It would get killed by getting shot to lose body parts and becomes an acid melts a floor to be disappeared.

Make any sounds of these creatures.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bio-Vexhound/Monster Franklin
cast offsite

After Franklin’s death, the blood virus of 'Reborn' Michael mutated the body and transform into a monster which will appear as a final boss after the death of Reborn Michael. He can get defeated by a rocket launcher.

Make any sounds of this creature.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AzUrArInG

Netherspawn is a mutated human being, which started with an experiment with the same virus and inside a tube with a human being who use to be a military soldier and then getting the experiment to create a stronger weapon to be useful for a bigger battle. His body became much bulky and unfamiliar look and look like a beast, with large claws and veins around him and grows sharp teeth. But then an outbreak came in the facility and he escapes and lurks around the facility while hunting every being. But after encountering with Isabella Taylor, John Wesker, and Michael Adams. They damage him with a missing arm and missing jaw but mutates even more with the virus getting stronger with newer forms and managed to get in the train station in time on stopping the train for Isabella and the others to escape but then Isabella uses a rocket launcher and kills Netherspawn in time before an explosion came.

Make any sounds of the creature.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mutated Zoe
Role assigned to: Sorekitkat123

She is the wife of Mason Williams and had a daughter named, Addison Williams. But after Mason betrays his own company on stealing the research to stop the horrors, he was injected by a virus and turns into a monster and start an outbreak inside the facility. But none never escaped and she was attacked by mutated Mason and turn into a monster as well.

Make any sounds of the creature.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mutated Mason William (Form 2, 3, 4 and 5)
cast offsite

After Mason gets mutated and start an outbreak, after encountering with Alexander and Netherspawn on damaging him, the virus in him gets even stronger and mutates his form even larger into a monstrous form.

Make any sounds of the creature.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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