Solarballs Fan Comic Dub

Project Overview

Welcome to Solarballorama!

Welcome to the world of Solarballorama, a fan-made comic based on the YouTube series "SolarBalls" by Alvaro. Our comic takes a leap into an alternate universe, exploring a new perspective on the looming threat of Planet X and delving into the dynamic relationships between the planets and moons in exciting and imaginative ways. We're on a mission to bring this vibrant universe to life through the power of voice acting, and we're seeking talented individuals to join our team!


  • Must be 16+.

  • Ability to deliver clear, expressive dialogue with emotion and nuance.

  • Access to mid to high-quality recording equipment.

  • Reliable communication and availability. Main communication method will be via discord.

  • Have basic knowledge of both the character and the show.

Important Notes:

  • This is a non-profit, fan-made project inspired by the "SolarBalls" YouTube series by Alvaro. I don't own any parts of SolarBalls nor am I affiliated with their team. This project is just made for fun!

  • More characters will be added here as they are introduced. Because of this, this project will be updated and extended as needed.

  • Selected voice actors will receive full credit for their work.

  • Payment will be given for each video you voice in.

  • By submitting your audition, you acknowledge that you are willing to volunteer your time and talent for this project. It is on-going, so there will be multiple sessions needed when more pages are made.

  • This project will be uploaded to the Solarballorama YouTube channel (and most likely other platforms, currently ironing those details out).

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • Roles casted and future roles update

    Hello everyone,

    First and foremost, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who submitted auditions and took an interest in our project. Your time, talent, and enthusiasm mean the world to us. We’re excited to announce that all the roles listed have been cast.

    However, this is just the beginning! We have approximately 16 more roles that will need voices in the near future. If you're interested in these upcoming opportunities, be sure to follow our project for notifications when these roles become available.

    Thank you once again for your incredible support and participation. We look forward to hearing more of your amazing work soon!

  • Casted roles and small announcement

    Hello everyone,

    We are incredibly grateful to all who submitted their voices for this project. The volume and quality of submissions have truly meant the world to us. You are all exceptionally talented, and we appreciate you sharing your skills with us.

    Some roles have already been cast, but please feel free to follow and stay connected. We will have additional roles for characters in the future, so keep an eye out for those opportunities.

    Thank you once again, and have a wonderful day!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sun (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Jimmy May

"The Sun is shown to be very aggressive, and tends to have extreme mood swings. He can also be a bit abusive towards his planets, demanding them to obey his orders right away and aiming his solar flares at them. He also acts clingy and isn’t afraid to defy others opinions." - S.B.W.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "*laughing* Hey hey Mercury, guess what? Why can you never make me stop? Because I'm sun-stoppable!"

  • (upset; groaning) "I told them to stay in their orbits!"

  • (angry) "Really? Are you really trying to test me right now?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mercury (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Waits William

"Mercury is a relatively shy planet and is easily intimidated...Because of his small size he is often the target of bullying by Venus, and occasionally, Earth. He is good-natured and careful with his words...Little by little, he is becoming more tolerant and assertive, standing up to both Venus and the Sun." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (matter-of-factly) "I know if we keep going this way we should run into where Jupiter should be in his orbit."

  • (caught of guard) "H-Hey don't drag me into this! I think it sounds pretty serious!"

  • (defiant determination) "You can think it's a waste of time all you want, but I'm going to go look."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Venus (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Y33TM80

"Venus is a short-tempered rocky planet who might also get aggressive when provoked too much...He is usually seen being dominant towards Mercury, not really allowing him to interact with the other planets sometimes, even bullying him verbally by calling him 'pipsqueak' because of his small size. However, there are times when Venus does show that he cares about others, though he usually shows that in the form of harsh commands or a scolding when his fellow planets do something stupid..." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (genuine confusion) "Really? So you're just as much of a knuckle-head as you are small."

  • (annoyed deflection) "Hey I'm not the one who was running to come over here! Pipsqueak, you go on and start looking!"

  • (annoyed) "Not our problem. We only came here to make sure he wasn't actually gone."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Earth (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Urchids

"The Earth generally has a bright personality. He can be a very welcoming planet...And yet, he is shown to be very insecure, short-tempered and over-dramatic...The Earth is also a self-centered, obnoxious, and curious planet at times, and doesn’t treat others with respect...he appears to have some PTSD from the extinction of the dinosaurs...Keeping himself habitable has also put enormous stress on Earth, and the humans do not always return the favor. " - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (slightly embarrassed) "Yikes, my bad buddy. What did you need?"

  • (determined) "You know what? Mercury's right! Checking wouldn't hurt. At best, he's actually ok. At worst, he's not but at least we'll be able to try and fix things."

  • (playful challenging) "Oh yeah? I bet you wouldn't be talking like this if we were playing asteroid dodge ball!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luna (Earth's Moon) (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Waits William

"The Moon is kind and stays quiet most of the time while Earth talks to other planets...He recognizes and speaks out against injustice, but...tries to stop (disagreements) through peaceful methods to reach a better level of understanding. He has an optimistic personality. The Moon believes that everyone is unique in their own way, as he said to himself when he met Titan. He is respectful of other celestial bodies, but is still honest about how he feels about them." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (sarcastically) "Yeah. This definitely is the perfect time to interrupt their game."

  • (confused and concerned) "Hey, so why'd you drag me all the way out here again? Is something wrong, Titan?"

  • (slightly sheepish) "W-Well. I did. But now I'm starting to question that train of thought."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mars (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Waits William

"Mars is generally outgoing and friendly and is shown to encourage and inform other celestial bodies. Despite his friendly demeanor, he can be quite ignorant and jumps to conclusions at times. Mars is also more perceptive than his fellow rocky planets. Although Mars acts amicable most of the time, he sometimes mocks others, such as laughing along with Venus and Earth when they mocked Mercury's size...He feels a secret superiority to everyone else, feeling that he always knows better than everyone due to his placement being next to Jupiter. He thinks that he's the more moral, and righteous person out of the others." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (playful bragging) "Ha! Read 'em and weep, Earth! Another win for me!"

  • (sighingly) "Look, Venus, I know you got it laid out in your mind that everyone's trying to trick you, but could you at least be less...loud about it?"

  • (pained annoyance) "If it's so easy then why don't you lead the way?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jupiter (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD

"Jupiter is a very wise role model to the terrestrial planets. He always shares his knowledge with those who need it...Like Saturn, Jupiter also cares for his moons, but tends to forget and mispronounce the names of his minor moons. While Jupiter is normally calm and easygoing, he can sometimes get annoyed and irritated. Jupiter is also shown to be aware of his surroundings and quite observant of what others are doing. Lately Jupiter has shown symptoms of paranoia.... as a result for ejecting Planet X from the Solar System." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american (southern)
  • (tired; uneasy) "Oh. No. I...I don't think so. Just give me some time, I need a moment to guess."

  • (uneased) "Saturn, I think we need to tell the others. It doesn't feel right just keeping this to ourselves."

  • (pleasant) "Hey there little guy, what can I help you with?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Callisto (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Kebunny

"Callisto is...unamused and melancholic...She is also annoyed easily, particularly with Io due to his tendency to eject sulfur dioxide randomly...and how he jumps to conclusions. However, her annoyance of him seems to have died down (as of recent). Callisto is also quite knowledgeable, being able to figure out how to beat Ceres and how he is a dwarf planet." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • "*sighs* Are you alright, Ganymede?"

  • "I can't help but wonder what he meant by 'something from his past'."

  • (hint of annoyance but still with a flat voice) "Look, Europa, it's over now. You can keep complaining about it all you want but it's not going to change anything."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Europa (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Alice Cashman

"Europa is confident and often agrees or goes alongside with Ganymede, however she is easily annoyed especially with Planets undermining moons. When she is annoyed, she can speak in a sarcastic or mocking tone. She is also brave, shown when expressing her thoughts to Ganymede and sticking up to bigger planets like Jupiter and Saturn..She's not afraid to stick up for herself too, shown when she threatened Ganymede to not call anyone “babe” again. She wants equality for all moons, regardless of their size. It can be inferred that because of her smaller size, compared to the other Galilean moons, that she understands the struggles of the smaller moons. From this we can understand why she feels so strongly about her revolution, and is willing to use violence to succeed with it." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (sassy tone) "Literally who in their right mind would try and do something to him?"

  • (pointing fingers) "You know, maybe this is all just the universe's way of teaching some of the planets a lesson on humility...since a 'certain revolution' wasn't able to."

  • (annoyed) "I’m getting really sick of being treated like a criminal, Ganymede. They’re acting like they didn’t have a part in all of this too. It’s not just our faults."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ganymede (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Pyro

"Ganymede is bold, smug, and adventurous, which seemingly is the reason for him being the leader of the Galilean moons. He also likes teasing other characters, particularly by their names. He has a dislike for planets, especially the Earth...he shares a lot of the traits the moons resent the planets for. In addition, he is full of charisma, which alongside his size he can be manipulative as well. Ganymede can be a powerful speaker, but often lets his own ego get in the way, as he attempts to rally the moons of Saturn...but gets sidetracked gloating about his size." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (hint of worry but trying to play it cool) "Heeyy big man, is there uh, anything you think you need right now?"

  • (trying to pretend he wasn't feeling upset; still maintaning a cool aura) "What? Me? Of course I'm great. I was just making sure he was fine."

  • (cooly comforting) "Babe, I really need you to relax. You have to trust that I still have a plan here."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Io (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Raymond Comeros

"...he is more joyful, enthusiastic, and gets excited easily...He is strong because of his density, and obedient as well, which was shown when he reminded the other Galilean moons not to cross the Asteroid Belt as Jupiter said, but he may take others' messages too seriously, which was shown when he sprayed his sulfur dioxide onto Luna's face and threw him at other asteroids thinking that he was an "evil planet" as an allusion to Jupiter's message about staying away from "weird planets". He also has a tendency to twitch his eyes and eject sulfur dioxide at random times because of geologic activity, much to the annoyance of others." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (worrying; stuttering on the first word) "A-Aw man! I hate seeing Jupiter like this!"

  • "M-M-Me too! You don't think someone has it out for Jupiter do you?!"

  • (slightly pleading) "O-oooooOOOh can't we just focus on something else other than that?! Fighting isn't going to help Jupiter feel any better!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Saturn (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Steven Jobson

"Saturn is a kind-hearted gas giant, but also sometimes condescending and often embarrassing, often because of his tendency to cuten people. He is sometimes shown to be proud of the fact that he has the largest rings in the Solar System, though not at an arrogant level and is very polite towards his fellow planets. He is also rather sensitive, as shown...when he starts to tear up to Venus calling him an idiot for accidentally poking the latter's eye while he was "lending" him one of his rings. Saturn also loves his moons dearly but can be seen constantly mispronouncing their names. Titan, who is his largest moon, is also his favourite (a fact that he tries hard not to show through his emotions in order to avoid hurting the feelings of his other moons) and the only one whose name Saturn can correctly pronounce which results with his other moons getting jealous of Titan." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (worried) "Titan? Titan?! Oh where did he run off to again?"

  • (soft spoken) "Jupiter? Do you think we can talk for a few minutes? You're really starting to worry me my giant gaseous friend."

  • (cheerful) "Why don't we go on another one of our little adventures? I do quite miss spending time with you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Titan (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Shawn AW

"Titan is a kindhearted moon with good intentions...He seems to be accepting of Saturn even when he told him the theory about his rings. Although good-natured for the most part, he can be also easily overwhelmed. When the Earth revealed his true personality, Titan easily lost his awe towards him. He was indifferent, but overwhelmed when he was deemed Saturn's "favorite moon", as well as the other moons also disliking him for being the "favorite moon". Despite this, he holds a charitable demeanor and has honest intentions. After the events involving him and the Earth, his personality shifted. He grew more demanding, stubborn, sensitive and private...Eventually however he has yet another change in heart and becomes much more kind and good natured once more." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american (southern)
  • (confusion) "Whoa whoa there Luna, you think this is all about some search and rescue mission?"

  • "I noticed somethin' was different while I was talkin' with Titania near the outskirts of the asteroid belt...Jupiter's missin'."

  • (softer tone of voice; empathetic) "I don't think she was ready to go back just yet. Don't think most of 'em are, even now...But um, that's besides the point."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Uranus (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Jimmy May

"Uranus is shown to be quite self-conscious as he does not like to be made fun of by the other planets and gets annoyed easily whenever they tease him about his name or his smell. He also does not like being ignored... In addition, he likes to read and write more than watching videos...His rings are often overshadowed by that of Saturn’s, which annoys him. He often snaps when he feels wronged or annoyed, and can sometimes be quite insensitive to both his moons and to other planets. He is sometimes lonely but still appreciates Neptune for the company since Saturn rarely spends time with him." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • australian
  • male young adult
  • (slightly confused) "Look mate, I'm not sure what you're trying to get at right now but you're not making any sense."

  • (shocked) "Who is that?! Neptune why are you talking to this - this strange planet?!"

  • "I am /not/ getting into any of that drama. I'm just trying to write a few notes in my pad here before I start working on my paintings again."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Neptune (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Liuke

"Neptune is considered to be weird, random, and doesn’t have great memory. Neptune is also shown to be (slightly) untrustworthy, where right after promising not to tell the rest of the planets that Uranus stinks, everyone was told about his secret shortly after Venus asks "Tell us what?"...his personality was revealed to be caused by the insanity from loneliness for 165 years because of his orbit, leading him to make imaginary friends out of asteroids in the Kuiper Belt...however, Neptune’s memory and sanity seem to be steadily improving...Neptune memorized all of the names of his moons - the only gas giant to do so." - S.B.W

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (excited) "OooOoOOOo who are yooouuuu stranger? I don't think I've seen you around here before!"

  • (cheerful) "Oh please! I'm a million times sure you have more fun, interesting and totally cool things going on compared to me!"

  • "Guillermo cover your ears!...Wait...Guilllerrmmo you don't /have/ ears! I almost forgot! Never mind!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Planet X "Spes" (closed)
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
Role assigned to: Raymond Comeros

"It is believed that Planet X is seeking revenge for being ejected from the Solar System by Jupiter and Saturn, 4.4 billion years ago. In real life, Planet X is also referred to as the lost fifth gas giant from the Five-planet Nice Model hypothesis, which proposes that during the early formation of our Solar System, a fifth giant planet was ejected by Jupiter due to it crossing Jupiter’s orbit. This theory gains more possibility...whe(n) Jupiter reveals that he and Saturn did something bad in the past which they never admitted to anyone after the incident. Now, Jupiter is afraid that Planet X has come back for revenge. This is probably true, as in the end of the episode “Jupiter is Missing!", a dark blue planet beyond the Kuiper Belt is revealed." - S.B.W

In the comic, Planet X "Spes" will exude a personality of cool indifference and annoyance. He won't be one to spring into action unless all of his plans are meticulously arranged. While he does harbor a desire for revenge, he understands the importance of patience and refrains from acting impulsively. With years of planning under his belt, he knows how to wait for the right moment. You have freedom in what he sounds like, so go wild!

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • "Long time no see, Saturn...Jupiter. I assume the two of you are doing well, yes?"

  • "What? Do you already see me as a threat? That's hilarious coming from you."

  • (slight chuckle) "I'm not starting anything that wasn't already in motion. This is simply your comeuppance."


Public Submissions

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