Fragments of Tomorrow

Fragments of Tomorrow

Project Overview

Fragments of Tomorrow is a starcrossed lovers romance/sci fi audio drama in which there will be 7 episodes, below is a quick synopsis of the show.

When Lila, a 17-year-old artist in 2025, begins receiving strange monthly calls from a voice in the past, her world turns upside down. The voice belongs to Ethan, a teenage inventor from 1915, who unknowingly connected their lives through a failed experiment. As their brief conversations unfold, Lila’s paintings are haunted by visions of a dark future. Together, they must piece together the meaning of their connection before time itself runs out.

I would like writers to apply for the role then email their portfolio

All voice actors please send in auditions of prompts given in role discription

Send all submissions to Chris29090ellis @gmail .com

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Lead Creative Writer
Paid: Flat Rate 150 USD
Role assigned to: Bryan Dusseau

Lead creative writer for an audio drama. i will need someone work closley with me in developing a polshed script for episode one, i dont have much experience as a writer so new ideas and suggestions are a must have (please read project discript before applying)

Other info:
  • creative writing
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: Mana T Johnson

this role is a Co-lead, Lila is one of the main charecters and will have hundreds of lines im looking for someone who will be in this for the long haul and complete all 7 episodes, (this paid post is for episode 1 only) Must have a good quality mic!

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • "Okay, this is either some really elaborate joke or… I don’t know. Who are you? You can’t seriously expect me to believe you’re from… what, a hundred years ago? Come on, that’s ridiculous."

  • "It’s like… I’m not even in my own body. I see fire, and people screaming, but it’s not here. Not now. I can feel it, though—like I’m there. Every brushstroke is leading me closer to something… but I don’t know what. Why am I seeing this?"

  • "Although, I’m not sure how I feel about developing a crush on someone who doesn’t even know what a microwave is."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

This role is a Co-lead, Ethan is one of the main charecters and will have hundreds of lines im looking for someone who will be in this for the long haul and complete all 7 episodes, (this paid post is for episode 1 only) Must have a good quality mic!

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • "I thought I could reach them… out there in the stars. Send a signal and get something—anything—back. But I got nothing. Just silence. I thought I was brilliant, but maybe I’m just… foolish."

  • "And now, I’ve no idea what I’m supposed to do. I was hoping for extraterrestrials, not a... well, you. Not that there’s anything wrong with you! I’m sure you’re very... pleasant?"

  • "Do people in your time have anything left to do? Or are you all just sitting about, being entertained by your… pocket contraptions while your robots make dinner?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
Role assigned to: 3KayEm

This is a smaller role in this project cassie will be recurring character in this project serving as Lila's (Co-stars) Best friend she is sceptical, sarcastic but fiercely loyal (This post is for ep 1 only with opportunity depending on performance to be a recurring character) 

  • "Lila, I’m saying this because I care about you. This... this obsession of yours—it’s not healthy. You’ve shut everyone out, even me. What if it’s all in your head? You’re waising your time on something that isnt real. You need to get a fucking grip... I say this as your friend.

  • "You know what hurts the most? It’s not even that I feel im losing my best friend. It’s that I don’t know how to bring you back. We used to talk about everything, Lila. Now... I don’t even know if you see me anymore."

  • "So, let me get this straight—you’re chatting with some guy from 1915? Cool, cool. I mean, who needs dating apps when you can date someone from, oh, I dont know a bazillion years ago right? Just one problem: he must have some shitty wifi back there.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD

This is a smaller role in this project Sophie will be recurring character in this project serving as Ethans (Co-stars) 12-year-old sister she is loving, supportive and sweet although she is young and soft spoken she embodies a protective momma bear role over ethan as neither of them have a mother anymore (This post is for ep 1 only with opportunity depending on performance to be a recurring character)

  • "You know, if you’re going to talk to the future, could you at least ask them if they have flying cars? I mean, I can handle a little time travel, but if I can’t even hitch a ride to the market, what’s the point?"

  • "Hey Ethan I left your dinner in your workshop, dads going to be home late... again... dont work too hard but dont... dont give up either, goodnight

  • "Does it Fly?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD

This is a smaller role in this project David will be recurring character in this project serving as Ethan (Co-stars) And sophie's dad Hes a heartbroken shell of a man who is trying his best to keep this family afloat and he also has a relationship with drink

(This post is for ep 1 only with opportunity depending on performance to be a recurring character) 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • "Hey, at least the laundry’s never going to run away from us, right? god I wish it werent so loyal."

  • "I let you down son, and im sorry look at me ethan... I'm I..I'm sorry"

  • (drunk) "why dont you get a job, y..yknow what you spent all evening down there pissin around doing god only knows what... so i had a look i found your little "inventions" and i smashed em"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD

This is a smaller role in this project Jen will be recurring character in this project serving as Lila's (Co-stars)  Mom Shes a kind person who regrets pushing lila too hard when she was younger to be an artist now she worries for lilas mental health, and hates seeing her have one of her "episodes"

(This post is for ep 1 only with opportunity depending on performance to be a recurring character) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • I pushed you hard when you were younger because I saw so much potential in you. I thought I was helping, but I realize now how it may have felt to you. I regret not being more gentle. I just want you to find joy in your art. either that or put down the brush all together"

  • "Get any sleep last night hen? yknow your grandmother spoke of her mom knowing somone who aparently had visions... apparently she went on to save lives."

  • "Homework first, paint later and no backchat... I swear that cassie rubs off on you far too much"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Professor Mallory
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD

This is a smaller role in this project Professor Mallory will be recurring character in this project serving as Ethan (Co-stars) Mentor who later becomes an antagonist he is goofy and silly but maybe thats to hide an ulterior  motive

(This post is for ep 1 only with opportunity depending on performance to be a recurring character) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • "I always thought being a scientist would involve less paperwork and more breakthroughs. Turns out, I’m just a glorified babysitter for wayward geniuses—haha who knew?"

  • "Ah, another failed experiment! If I had a dollar for every time something went wrong in here, I could probably fund my own research—oh wait, I am funding it!"

  • "You stupid boy you don’t understand the stakes, Ethan! That invention could tip the scales in a war that’s about to consume us all. I won’t let you stand in the way of this nations future—hand it over, or I’ll take it by force!"


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