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Christopher for Voice Actor - Lost and Distraught Man

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Lost and Distraught Man
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

This Character is a young adult grappling with fear and confusion after the shocking discovery that their life has been a lie. When they went to bed last night, they were just a seven-year-old child, but now they find themselves at seventeen, with ten years of their life seemingly erased. This Character's emotions are a volatile mix of panic, vulnerability, and bewilderment. They struggle to understand the world around them, having missed crucial years of education and social development, which has left them with a noticeable lack of maturity and gaps in vocabulary.

This Character's tone should be fragile and uncertain. They’re scared and overwhelmed. Their voice should convey vulnerability, with moments of unprompted trembling, especially when trying to make sense of what’s happening. Since This Character has missed a decade of education and socializing, their speech is somewhat stilted and unrefined. They may stumble over words or phrases, searching for the right thing to say, and sentences may sometimes feel incomplete or awkward, so avoid polished or clean dialogue delivery.

This Character is also emotionally unstable at times, and there will be moments where desperation and crying need to come through in the performance, even between words. Capturing the rawness and instability of these emotions is key to portraying their inner turmoil.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american
  • “Sounds like I have a lot to catch up on. And not just on memories. I haven’t been to school in all these years. I must be dumb as a bagel.”

  • “I just… I can’t wait to see you again. And Mom and Dad and Fido. And my room and my yard. And I can’t wait to meet my sister.”

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