Transformers IDW - Motion Comic Dub

Project Overview

Hello everyone! Back at it again with more auditions for StarForce Media’s motion comic dub of Transformers! At the moment, we are looking to cast a few more characters in the series.

We all know Transformers, and have grown up with it in some way, shape or form. With many more stories coming out to this day. And the IDW comic books are something special, with so much lore, history and detail integrated into the story with characters you can relate to, this version of Transformers is truly one of a kind, and we at StarForce Media are giving it the love it deserves by adapting it into a high quality, motion comic production. A few episodes have already been released on the channel, and many more are in the works. Here’s a link to the StarForce Media YouTube channel for those who wish to look more at the work we’ve done:


The Autobot and Decepticon Civil War has waged on for over six million years as it expanded across the entire galaxy, with thousands of planets being dragged into the crossfire. Cybertron became a dead husk, worlds fell, civilizations were destroyed by the never-ending conflict. Yet after so many years of war, it finally ended. The war was over and both factions now struggle to cope with the new post-war environment. With many such as Rodimus and his crew taking off on a quest to search for the Knights of Cybertron, while Bumblebee remained to take charge of his new government on a Cybertron brought back to life. 

This production will not only cover the post-war storyline, but various stories that chronologically take place during the Cybertronian Civil War. Whether it’s the origins of former miner turned tyrant, Megatron, or the Wreckers’ suicide mission on Garrus-9, or taking a look inside the mind of one of the main antagonists, Shockwave, every tale crucial to the events of Phase 2 will be told as well.

Notes to consider: 

This is a long-running production so do keep that in mind if you are cast. Should a problem arise, please let us know ASAP. You must stay in contact with us in some way, shape, or form, whether that's through Discord or email. If you cannot commit to a project of this length, then please don't audition. Nothing personal, but there have been many delays involving cast members dropping out and it's imperative that we keep production ahead.

Project Requirements:

-Have a good, quality microphone and recording space. (XLR or USB, no echo/reverb)

-Must be comfortable with mild swearing. There isn't an excessive amount, nor is it strong, but it's something to point out in case you’re uncomfortable with that.

-Ability to meet deadlines.

-Do NOT submit recordings with robotic effects. Any and all effects will be handled in post.

-Must be willing to scream if a scene calls for it.

-Must be willing to commit to a long-term project.

Deadline: April 25th, 11:59 P.M. PST

If you have any questions, please let us know. Happy recording!

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Latest Updates

  • Transformers - Roles Cast!

    Hello! My co-director and I have made our decisions. For those who have been cast: Congratulations! We look forward to working with you! And for everyone else, thank you very much for auditioning! We greatly appreciate it. There will be new rounds in the very near future so you will certainly have another chance to try out. This page will be updated with new roles so keep an eye out for them. Once again, thank you for auditioning and showing your interest in this production. Until next time!
  • Auditions Closed!

    Hello everyone! First off, let me say thank you to everyone who auditioned for this production! It's amazing to see this much enthusiasm and we thank each and every one of you for taking the time to send in your submissions. The directors for Transformers will be going over all of the entries and a decision will be made within the coming days. Thank you for your interest!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kieran Regan

Captain of the Lost Light. A young Autobot who's known for bending the rules, performing reckless acts, and surfing on meteorites. He isn’t one to follow authority and tends to do things his own way, even if it endangers others around him. He can also be very narcissistic, creating ships or objects based off of the shape of his own head. A maverick daredevil, as Prowl would describe him. Despite this, he does have a good heart and cares deeply about his friends and allies, seeing his crew as family. A true adventurer with a heart of gold who tends to get in over his head. Note: Rodimus/Hot Rod is one of the major characters in the series and he will have a lot of lines, so be prepared.

Voice Type: Medium, medium-high, young, headstrong, reckless, cocky, confident; ideally we’d like something similar to our previous Rodimus:  However, we are open to other interpretations as well. Other vocal references would be similar to Yuri Lowenthal or Max Mittelman as examples. Please do not try to focus on impressions though, these are just general guidelines for what we are looking for.

  • (Reassuring, laid-back) “My advice? Ease up a bit. You can be too rigid in your outlook--a little flex is good sometimes. Better to bend than snap.”

  • (Cocky, full of himself) “Yeah, well, none of my friends have flames on their chest. It’s a lot to live up to.”

  • (Giving an order, refusing to let his friend die) “What--? No! That’s--that’s completely unacceptable! I order you to survive!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SuhmGuyVoices

One of the first Insecticons created on Cybertron who did not lose control of his own thoughts. Bombshell is a twisted individual, fulfilling the Decepticons’ goals through drastic and crude methods. Mind-controlling victims and forcing them to perform destructive acts, much to his gleeful excitement. He takes great pleasure in conducting experiments. Does not speak in complete sentences.

Voice Type: Medium-low, low, rough, up to interpretation. Accent: Any

  • (Calm and collected, Speaking to a mind-controlled Decepticon and how he killed someone for betraying their cause) “Comes together, friend. Skydive divisive. Got what deserved.”

  • (Being held at knife-point) “Never take alive. Have no authority over me.”

  • (Confident, he’s secretly deactivated a remote-control chip inside of him) “Chip does not work.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SuhmGuyVoices

An elitist spy among the Autobot ranks. Very cynical, hard to read, his position makes him untrustworthy at times to the other Autobots. He also suffers from hallucinations, dreaming about lives and outcomes he’s never experienced. Despite not being the easiest to get along with and having very high standards, he’s got a good heart. Loyal to his friends and will stick with them through thick and thin, even if he’s alone.

Voice Type: Medium, medium-low

  • (Somber, reflective) “The dream is always the same. Time shifts back and forth. And yet it all seems to happen in the same instant. But what disturbs me the most… is that in the dream, I’m a Decepticon.”

  • (Sinister, in a dark future) “I’d put that down if I were you. Last chance, Prime. Surrender, and I’ll allow you and your friends to live.”

  • (Confident, thinks highly of himself and his establishment) “What can I say? This is my patch and these are my people. Can I get you a drink?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: El Guapo

One of the oldest Titans from Cybertron who has been around since ancient times. Witnessing large scale events that would go down in history, and revered as a legend for being one of the few remaining Titans around. He rose up out of the ground when summoned to aid in Optimus Prime’s cause to free their home planet from Megatron’s regime, and temporarily acted as a city for Cybertronians, though has mostly been on his own fulfilling his own missions. Wise, stoic, brave, loyal to the Autobots, he will act when needed. However, due to his age, he is very vulnerable and requires much energon in order to keep his strength up. 

Voice Type: Medium-low, low, deep, wise, formal, ancient

  • (Reflective, speaking to a new Prime) “I have known you. Under a different name, perhaps… in a different time…”

  • (Wise, calm) “The people of this place… my people… have suffered greatly. For now, I will aid the precious few that survived. But know that when you call, I shall come.”

  • (Aggressive, serious, in a battle) “You cannot harm me, little tyrant. Your paltry weapons cease to amuse me.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TerranceW

An incredibly skilled assassin among the Decepticon ranks. A Phase Sixer who was enhanced to become a super-soldier, he obliterates anything that stands in his way. Stoic, cunning, ruthless, Autobots fear him. And so do most Decepticons. He isn’t a very sociable person, preferring to focus on the task at hand, relishing in the thrill of the hunt and annihilating anything in his path. 

Voice Type: Medium-low, low, mysterious, stoic, cold

  • (Reflecting, staring out in space) “I feel… nothing. Not rage. Not duty. Not even a sense of self. It’s not me staring into the abyss… I am the abyss.”

  • (Confronting his targets, direct) “Surrender. Hand over the lab’s information. Die without pain. You don’t want the alternative.”

  • (Aggressive, applauding his opponents) “Come on out, Throttlebots! I’m impressed. Pretending to be scared only to surprise attack me with a decent plan. But the game’s over.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Hotshot007

Leader of the Throttlebots: a group of scouts and saboteurs who are known for their great speed and agility. Goldbug is tasked with keeping crucial information out of Decepticon hands, and he and his teammates nearly pay the price for it. Being on the hunt from Sixshot, he’s forced to abandon their base of operations and eventually gets lost in space. A brave and honest ‘bot who’s dedicated to fulfilling his mission, but has a hard time holding on to hope due the danger he’s in. Optimistic, yet pragmatic.

Voice Type: Medium, medium-high, young

  • (Trying to stay calm under pressure, but still slightly nervous) “Why did it have to be Sixshot after us? I try to keep my optimism on max, but this is Sixshot.”

  • (To an enemy, standing his ground) “Let’s not kid ourselves. We’re scared, but we’re not gutless. We’re Autobots. Not built for war, but warriors just the same. We’ll go down fighting.”

  • (Injured, in disbelief) “You’re leaving us… to die? What kind of *cough* Autobot are you?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BenGranger

One of the toughest ‘bots you’ll ever meet. A soldier to the core and with a stubborn streak, he tends to work solo or with very few friends. Stoic, reflective, and ready for action when the job calls for it. There isn’t much that can harm Hardhead, he can even take a bullet to the head and still come out standing. Not much fazes him, and he doesn’t seek out anything but fighting. He was born a soldier and when the war ends, he’ll be a walking relic of what he once was. And he knows this. Yet despite it all, his bravado and his strength, he’s loyal to the few friends he has made and usually travels with them throughout the galaxy to keep himself occupied.

Voice Type: Medium, medium-low, gruff. Accent: Any.

  • (In disbelief) “I don’t care if he says he’s not… only Optimus Prime would ever be that stupidely heroic.”

  • (Serious, focused, yet uneased) “I keep Nightbeat in my sights, target locked. If it comes to the crunch, I’ll do what’s necessary. Won’t be the first time.”

  • (Aggressive, ready to fight) “Hey yappy! On behalf of taciturn types everywhere, allow me to punch your mouth off!”


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