

Joined Apr 2015 42 Following27 Followers
About crimsoncharlie

Greetings! I am Charlie Smith-McMahon!

A hopeful voice actor throwing my throat words into fun/profit

a little bit of editing, creation and directing under my belt as well. 

Currently a Ring announcer for the Virtual Wrestling Show CWL

Demos & Samples
A handful of Pop culture speeches
I found these while going over pages on TV Tropes. So please do enjoy my own spins on some iconic speeches from all over the popculture world
Here is a few different voices

Yep, Just a colllection of things i can do with my throat 

Commercial Showreel
Just a set of more commerical sounding demo reel
Commercial Showreel
Just a set of more commerical sounding demo reel

I have allot of fun performing speechs from assorted bits of fiction, So i just did a few with a vocie i think fitted.

These range from Comic books, to StarWars, to whati think a male GLADOS would sound like (Well the best i can do when i have no idea how to use the audaction effects) to a small bit of Mitchell and Webb, Not really impressions just doing my own thing

I hope these ramblings are enjoyable 

DC Lantern Oaths

Here are my take's on the Oath's of some of DC's most powerful cosmic eneimes and heros. The Green, Blue, Black, Orange, Red, Yellow, Pink and Purple Lantern corps and there Oaths.

They where a ton of fun to say

Voice acting Demo 2: Electric boogaloo MORE SPEECHES!

Hey, how are you? Thanks for taking alook

I just recorded another voice acting demo thing coz i was bored and finding fun quotes to say on TV tropes is just a whole butt ton of fun.

See if anyone who cares can guess where they came from ^_^

  • @kyp-goldenflier

    Great voice actor!

  • @zvw1995

    This man was from beginning to end an amazing guy to work with. Not only did he nail the perfect Arkham Games Penguin voice, but he was very approachable when it came to talking about the project. I would highly recommend him for any future projects and look forward to working with him on future projects of my own!